STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE AT THE INVESTIGATIVE SITE A PUBLICATION OF THE CENTER FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH PRACTICE, INC. ISBN: 1-931107-55-6 Copyright © 1998, 2001, 2003 by the Center for Clinical Research Practice, Inc. All rights reserved. This document and accompanying software may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced in any form or manner including by any electronic, digital, or mechanical means to any medium, electronic or otherwise, or machine readable form including any information storage, scanning, or retrieval system without the prior, express written consent from the Center for Clinical Research Practice, Inc. Date of version: 12/29/2010 Replaces previous version: 07/01/2009 Approved by: ________________________________ GA - 102 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RESEARCH TEAM 1. INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE The principal investigator (PI) is the individual of record who assumes the authority and responsibility for the conduct of a clinical study. By signing Form FDA 1572, the PI agrees to comply with the conditions required by FDA for use of investigational articles. The PI has the authority to delegate responsibility to individual members of the research team; however, the PI is ultimately responsible for the overall conduct of the study. 2. SCOPE This standard operating procedure (SOP) defines the responsibilities of the research team for conducting clinical studies at this investigative site. It identifies administrative accountability as well as general responsibilities of the research team and of individual team members for fulfilling regulatory and clinical requirements. 3. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS AND GUIDELINES 21 CFR 312.53 21 CFR 312.60 21 CFR 312.61 21 CFR 312.62 21 CFR 312.64 21 CFR 312.66 21 CFR 312.68 21 CFR 312.69 21 CFR 54 January 1988 FDA Information Sheets October 1998 May 1997 Selecting investigators and monitors General responsibilities of investigators Control of the investigational drug Investigator recordkeeping and record retention Investigator reports Assurance of IRB review Inspection of investigator's records and reports Handling of controlled substances Financial Disclosure by Clinical Investigators Guidelines for the Monitoring of Clinical Investigations Frequently Asked Questions, Continuing Review After Study Approval, Recruiting Study Subjects, Payment to Research Subjects, Screening Tests Prior to Study Enrollment, A Guide to Informed Consent, Sponsor-Investigator-IRB Interrelationship International Conference on Harmonisation; Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guideline 1 GA-102, Responsibilities of Research Team Date of version: 12/29/2010 Replaces previous version: 07/01/2009 4. REFERENCES TO OTHER APPLICABLE SOPs All SOPs are applicable to this SOP. 5. ATTACHMENTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Form FDA 1572 Saint Mary’s Health Care Financial Disclosure Form Form FDA 3455 Delegation of Responsibility Form Principal Investigator Roles & Responsibilities Clinical Research Coordinator Job Description Data / Finance Analyst Job Description Clinical Research Assistant Job Description 6. RESPONSIBILITY This SOP applies to those members of the clinical research team involved in supervising, managing, or conducting study-related activities. This includes the following: Principal investigator Sub-investigator Clinical Research Coordinator Director, Research & Innovation Data / Finance Analyst 7. DEFINITIONS The following definitions from the International Conference on Harmonisation, Good Clinical Practice: Consolidated Guideline apply to this SOP. Clinical trial/study: Any investigation in human subjects intended to discover or verify the clinical, pharmacological and/or other pharmacodynamic effects of an investigational product(s), and/or to identify any adverse reactions to an investigational product(s), and/or to study absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of an investigational product(s) with the object of ascertaining its safety and/or efficacy. Investigator: A person responsible for the conduct of the clinical trial at a trial site. If a trial is conducted by a team of individuals at a trial site, the investigator is the responsible leader of the team and may be called the principal investigator. Sub-investigator: Any individual member of the clinical trial team designated and supervised by the investigator at a trial site to perform critical trial-related procedures and/or to make important trial-related decisions (e.g., associates, residents, research fellows). 2 GA-102, Responsibilities of Research Team Date of version: 12/29/2010 Replaces previous version: 07/01/2009 8. PROCESS OVERVIEW A. Administrative responsibilities B. General responsibilities of the research team C. Individual responsibilities within the research team 9. PROCEDURES A. Administrative responsibilities PI Director, Research & Innovation Clinical Research Coordinator Data / Finance Analyst Participate as appropriate in the hiring and training of individuals recruited as members of the research team. The PI assigns in conjunction with the Director, Research & Innovation trained Clinical Research Coordinators / Study Coordinators to manage each clinical study planned or ongoing at this site. Manages the business aspects of studies, including developing and negotiating study budgets and contracts, done in conjunction with the PI. B. General responsibilities of the research team PI Sub-investigator Clinical Research Coordinator Conduct clinical studies according to FDA regulations and guidelines, the requirements of applicable law and Saint Mary’s Health Care policies and procedures and the SOPs of this clinical site. Ensure that the PI is informed in a timely manner of all study-related activities. Ensure the safety and welfare of study subjects by being knowledgeable about ongoing study protocols and investigational articles. All investigators and covered research personnel must comply with federal regulations governing disclosure of personal, professional or financial interests in a research study that may impact upon its conduct, evaluation or outcome. 3 GA-102, Responsibilities of Research Team Date of version: 12/29/2010 Replaces previous version: 07/01/2009 C. Individual responsibilities within the research team PI Sign Form FDA 1572 to acknowledge responsibilities as defined by the regulations (Attachment A, Form FDA 1572). Provide sponsor with required information that either: Attests to the absence of financial interests or arrangements as described in the regulations (CFR 54.4) and reported on Saint Mary’s Health Care Financial Disclosure Form and/or sponsor-provided financial disclosure form. or Provides the sponsor a complete and accurate disclosing of financial interests and arrangements as described in the regulations (CFR 54.4) and reported on Form FDA 3455 that is completed by the sponsor). While retaining knowledge of and overall authority for the conduct of all studies, supervise members of the research team qualified by their education and training and state and local laws to accept these responsibilities for study-related activities not directly performed by the PI. Document the delegation of responsibilities (Attachment D, Delegation of Responsibility Form). Ensure the safety and welfare of study subjects by being knowledgeable about ongoing study protocols and investigational articles. Participate as appropriate in the hiring and training of individuals recruited as members of the research team. Assign in conjunction with the Director of Research & Innovation trained Clinical Research Coordinators / Study Coordinators to manage each clinical study planned or ongoing at this site. Ensure that specific sponsor requirements of the PI are fulfilled as requested. Meet with sponsors’ representatives as appropriate to discuss planned and ongoing studies. Meet with auditors (internal, sponsor and FDA) at the conclusion of their audits to review findings. 4 GA-102, Responsibilities of Research Team Date of version: 12/29/2010 Replaces previous version: 07/01/2009 Clinical Research Coordinator Data / Finance Analyst Develop organizational aids and checklists to facilitate patient recruitment and enrollment as well as the collection of complete and accurate study data. Design appropriate recruitment strategies and track study enrollment. Enroll subjects in studies and manage their participation according to ethical, regulatory, and protocol-specific requirements. Maintain the regulatory and study files for each research project. Participate in quality assurance activities (monitoring visits, internal audits, sponsor audits, FDA audits). Communicate with the IRB as appropriate. Research team Fulfill those job responsibilities specific to that job title according to federal regulations and guidelines as well as the appropriate SOPs (Attachments E, F, G and H for job descriptions and qualifications). 5 Attachment A FORM FDA 1572 To retrieve (PDF) format of the above form go to website: This form may be completed electronically. Attachment B Financial Disclosure Form for Research Studies (Applies to all studies greater than minimal risk) Full Study Title: Principal Investigator: Sponsor Name: “Investigator” means any listed or identified investigator or sub-investigator who is directly involved in the treatment or evaluation of research subjects. The term also includes the spouse and each dependent child of the investigator. Indicate, by answering the following questions, any financial interests or arrangements with the sponsor of the study you are seeking approval for. Yes No Will there be or has there been compensation made to the investigator of which the value could potentially influence and/or affect the study outcome? If yes, please explain: Does the investigator have a proprietary interest in the tested product, including but not limited to, a patent, trademark, copyright or licensing agreement? If yes, please explain: Does the investigator have an equity interest in the study sponsor (i.e. any ownership interest, stock options or other financial interest whose value cannot be readily determined through reference to public prices? If yes, please explain: Does the investigator have an equity interest in the sponsor, or any of its affiliates, of a publicly held company that exceeds $50,000 in value? The requirement applies to interests held during the time the clinical investigator is carrying out the study and for one (1) year following completion of the study. If yes, please explain: Has the investigator or the investigator’s institution received significant payments from the sponsor, with a cumulative monetary value of $25,000 or more? This includes compensation in the form of equipment or retainers for ongoing consultation or honorariums. This excludes the costs of conducting the clinical study or other clinical studies. This requirement applies during the study and for one (1) year following completion of the study. If yes, please describe (i.e. speaking engagements, consulting, Board work, product development, etc.): I certify that the information provided above is accurate. I acknowledge I must promptly update this statement and notify Saint Mary’s Health Care Research & Innovation Department at 616-685-5213 if any relevant changes occur in the course of this investigation. I agree to update this form annually until study closure. _________________________ Printed Name of Investigator ____________________________ Signature ______________________ Date Attachment C Form FDA 3455 To retrieve (PDF) format of the above form go to website: This form may be completed electronically. Attachment D DELEGATION of RESPONSIBILITY FORM (SAMPLE) I, _ MD, located at am Principal Investigator for Protocol # ____ ____ ____ ____ entitled I have ensured that the individuals listed below are properly qualified and have received appropriate training. Based upon this, I have delegated the following responsibilities to the individuals named below, and assert that these duties will be performed under my direct supervision: RESPONSIBILITY Administration PERSONNEL DATE Contract negotiations Fiscal management Strategic planning Patient database Performance tracking Quality assurance Project Management IRB submissions & communications Patient recruitment activities Sponsor, CRO contact Regulatory files creation and maintenance Data management/CRF completion Adverse event reports Organizational tools Office staff training Storing, dispensing, accounting for study drug Overall study drug accountability Storing study documents Subject Management Screening subjects for eligibility Obtaining informed consent Subject education Monitoring patient compliance Subject enrollment and follow-up Clinical assessments Adverse event determination Source documentation Appointment scheduling ___ Signature / _/__ Date Attachment E PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (Sample) PURPOSE: PROMOTES GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICES IN THE CONDUCT OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATIONS by assuring adherence to protocol requirements, protecting the rights and welfare of subjects, assuring the integrity of data generated at the site and directing the conduct of the clinical investigation according to federal and state regulations and guidance documents. ESSENTIAL JOB RESULT: 1. PROVIDES INVESTIGATOR QUALIFICATIONS AND AGREEMENTS by maintaining a current, up-to-date curriculum vitae maintaining current licensure to practice providing the sponsor and IRB with documentation of credentials as requested demonstrating the proper education, training and experience to conduct the clinical investigation assuming responsibility for the conduct of the clinical investigation signing the Form FDA 1572 as appropriate signing the protocol as required signing sponsor contract(s) as appropriate documenting the financial aspects of the trial disclosing conflicts of interest as described in the regulations 2. ASSURES PROTOCOL COMPLIANCE by possessing a thorough understanding of the requirements of each protocol determining that inclusion/exclusion criteria are applicable to the study population assuring recruitment goals are reasonable and attainable assessing overall protocol feasibility following the trial’s randomization procedures not implementing any protocol deviation or changes without agreement by the sponsor and prior review and approval by the IRB (except to eliminate immediate hazards to the subject) reviewing the inclusion/exclusion criteria, schedule of visits, end point criteria and investigational article use with the research team PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (SAMPLE) ESSENTIAL JOB RESULTS: 3. ASSURES INITIAL AND ONGOING REVIEW BY A DULY CONSTITUTED IRB by providing the IRB with adequate information to initially review the study (i.e., protocol, investigator’s brochure, informed consent form, recruitment advertisements and any written information to be given to subject(s) providing the IRB with documents for ongoing review (i.e., amendments to the protocol, adverse events, deviations or new information) securing written IRB approval prior to initiating the study or instituting any changes to the protocol as approved providing written summaries of the trial status to the IRB annually, or as requested providing written information of premature termination or suspension of a trial providing the IRB with all documents subject to their review 4. DETERMINES ADEQUATE RESOURCES ARE AVAILABLE TO CONDUCT THE STUDY by having adequate number of qualified staff to conduct the study having adequate facilities to conduct the study assuring he/she has adequate time to conduct and supervise the study 5. MANAGES THE MEDICAL CARE OF SUBJECTS by assuring that a qualified physician (PI or sub-investigator) is responsible for all trial-related medical decisions assessing subject compliance with the test article and follow-up visits assessing subject’s response to therapy evaluating for adverse experiences ensuring that medical care is provided to a subject for any adverse event(s) informing a subject when medical care is needed to treat an intercurrent illness(es) informing the subject’s primary physician about their participation in the trial 6. PROTECTS THE RIGHTS AND WELFARE OF SUBJECTS by reporting all serious adverse events immediately to the sponsor and IRB assuring that the informed consent form contains all the elements required by CFR 56 and 45 obtaining a signed and dated informed consent from the subject or subject’s legal representative prior to initiating any study-related procedures informing the subject or legal representative about all aspects of the clinical trial providing new information about the study or test article(s) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (SAMPLE) ESSENTIAL JOB RESULTS: ensuring subject confidentiality providing the subject or subject’s legal representative with a copy of the signed and dated informed consent form assuring that the informed consent form is in language that is understandable to the subject securing a witness to the informed consent process when the subject or legal representative is unable to read allowing ample time and opportunity for the consent process and answering questions about the trial to the satisfaction of the subject or legal representative securing consent/assent from minors and mentally impaired subjects as appropriate following emergency use guidelines for waiver of consent in emergency situations as directed by the federal regulations and IRB policy and procedures 7. ASSURES VALIDITY OF THE DATA REPORTED TO THE SPONSOR by ensuring the accuracy, completeness, legibility and timeliness of case report forms ensuring that case report forms accurately reflect source documents explaining any discrepancies between source documents and case report forms endorsing changes or corrections to a case report form 8. ASSURES DOCUMENTATION OF STUDY-RELATED PROCEDURES, PROCESSES AND EVENTS by documenting deviations from the approved protocol documenting and explaining premature unblinding of the investigational product(s) documenting that informed consent has been obtained from the subject or legal representative ascertaining the reason for a patient’s premature study withdrawal documenting adverse experiences complying with written procedures to document changes to data and/or case report forms maintaining trial documents as required by the regulations and sponsor for the appropriate timeframe and under secure conditions providing study reports as requested by the sponsor, IRB and regulatory authority(ies) PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES (SAMPLE) ESSENTIAL JOB RESULTS: 9. ASSURES THE PROPER USE AND STORAGE OF INVESTIGATIONAL AGENTS by being thoroughly familiar with the use of the investigational product(s) reading the current investigator’s brochure, product insert, or other source information assuming responsibility for the investigational product at the trial site ensuring the proper use and storage of the investigational product(s) at the trial site reviewing the proper use of the study article(s) by the subject(s) 10. DIRECTS SITE OPERATIONS by communicating effectively with subjects, research team, IRB and sponsor meeting regularly with the research team to discuss subject participation and protocol progress assuring that all research staff are informed about the protocol and investigational agents being knowledgeable about regulatory requirements and GCP standards preparing for and attending investigator and start-up meetings participating in monitoring visits and audits as appropriate permitting monitoring and auditing by the sponsor and appropriate regulatory authorities making available to monitors, auditors, IRB and regulatory authority(ies) all requested trial-related records delegating authority at the site appropriately assuring that all research staff are informed about their trial-related duties and functions maintaining a list of qualified persons and their corresponding trial-related delegated duties 11. MAINTAINS PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE by attending educational workshops reviewing professional publications participating in professional societies Attachment F JOB DESCRIPTION CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR Job Code: 608 FLSA: Exempt Revision Date: July 2007 SUMMARY Department: Research & Innovation Reports to: Director, Research & Innovation Approved by: VP, Patient Care Services Coordinates and participates in clinical research studies conducted by principal investigator(s) at Saint Mary’s Health Care, including a variety of complex activities involved in the collection, compilation and analysis of clinical research data, and oversees the screening for recruitment of research participants. Maintains 24-hour responsibility for the implementation and maintenance of clinical research studies including communication regarding protocol changes, completion of records, and IRB applications. QUALIFICATIONS Education Minimum: Preferred: Graduation from an accredited degree program in a clinical field such as Registered Nurse (RN) BSN program plus two years of clinical trial research experience Master’s degree in Nursing Credentials/Licensure Minimum: Current valid Michigan licensure or certification in specialty field (Registered Nurse) as applicable. CPR certification or acquisition within 90 days of employment. Preferred: Clinical research certification Related Experience Minimum: Successful completion of department based research orientation program upon hire. Two (2) years prior clinical trial experience. Prior experience in clinical monitoring or as a study coordinator required. Other Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Minimum: Ability to read and interpret documents, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Ability to write research reports and correspondence. Excellent written and verbal communication, interpersonal, and presentation skills. Time management and organizational skills. Self-directed. Ability to make quality, independent decisions. Analytical and strong problem solving skills. Ability to work effectively and efficiently under tight deadlines, high volumes and multiple interruptions. Computer Competency Ability to use word processing and patient record keeping software. Shows how to use (through a competency assessment) a standard desktop and windows based computer system, including a basic understanding of email, e-learning, intranet and computer navigation. Ability to use other software as required to perform the essential functions of the job. Physical/Mental Minimum: Independently mobile (constantly); computer work / keyboarding (frequently); able to lift charts/files/equipment weighing up to 40 pounds (occasionally), ability to handle multiple conflicting demands, ability to work long hours. Valid Michigan Driver’s License. While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to sit and talk or hear. WORKING CONDITIONS Exposed to a variety of attitudes, personalities and reactions from employees and other members of the health care team, medical staff, patients and family members, etc. Possible exposure to a variety of contagious diseases and/or radioactive or other hazardous materials found in a health care environment. Flexible hours based on patient/study need. The noise level is usually moderate. Current unrestricted Michigan driver’s license, automobile insurance, and available automobile (based on SMHC entity). Must have transportation available to meet with patients, transport documents, and other items to specified locations outside the hospital AGES OF PATIENTS SERVED Newborns Pediatrics Adolescents Adults Geriatrics NA ORGANIZATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Flexibility – Demonstrates exceptional ability and willingness to take on new and additional responsibilities. Embraces new ideas and cultural differences while managing competing priorities. Accountability – Willingly accepts personal responsibility for decisions, actions, attitudes and behaviors, which contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. Communicates effectively, follows through on assignments, uses resources efficiently, participates in learning opportunities and treats others with respect and dignity. Excellence – Serves as a role model and performs job responsibilities to the highest standards in every situation. Delivers “Something More” that ensures a more complete and personally satisfying experience for every customer. Focus – Understands and demonstrates behaviors consistent with the mission and values of the organization while contributing to the overall success of the strategic plan. All actions are rooted in providing excellent customer service. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Coordinates and participates in clinical research studies conducted by principal investigators at Saint Mary’s Health Care, including study start up, participating in a variety of complex activities involved in the collection, compilation, documentation and analysis of clinical research data. Assists in the determination of guidelines for the collection of clinical data and/or administration of clinical studies. Ensures compliance with study protocols, regulatory agency guidelines, and identification of inconsistencies and monitoring of patient progress including completion of documentation and reporting of adverse events. Prepares IRB applications, amendments to protocols, annual reports and serves as point person to IRB in absence of PI. Coordinates and implements procedures to support the collection of data from processes and procedures to collect data from source documents including (but not limited to) patient records, interviews, questionnaires and surveys, tests and other sources. Skilled in document coding, evaluation and interpretation of data. Preparation of study related regulatory documents as well as acquisition and preparation of study samples, cultures, tissues and other lab specimens for transport to study sponsors. Evaluates and interprets clinical data and preparation of presentations, papers, reports and analyses in conjunction with principal investigator(s). Collaborates on preparation of manuscripts for publication and opportunities for the development of investigator-initiated studies. Develops forms, questionnaires, assists in writing procedure manuals for data collection and coding. Keeps abreast of industry standards through the review of journals, abstracts, and scientific literature. Guides interdepartmental coordination for study protocol; integration of supportive staff in research roles including orientation of new staff. Responsible for research participant education related to research protocols and critical decision making associated with study participation including interpretation of clinical indicators and communication with PI and appropriate physicians. Performs other duties as assigned. SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION To ensure appropriate utilization of Protected Health Information (PHI) associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Saint Mary’s Confidentiality of Information Standards, as well as other regulatory entities, individuals employed in this position will be granted systems and information access as appropriate for this position. DISCLAIMER The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the people assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of personnel so classified. The listed duties may be changed at the discretion of the incumbent’s supervisor. Attachment G JOB DESCRIPTION CLINICAL RESEARCH DATA ANALYST Job Code: 609 FLSA: Exempt Revision Date: July 2007 SUMMARY Department: Research & Innovation Reports to: Director, Research & Innovation Approved by: Director, Research & Innovation Under supervision of the Director and according to established policies and processes serves as internal consultant and expert related to operational and clinical research initiatives, explores and recommends measurement strategies, and integrates data from multiple sources. Provides education and training to providers and other health care staff related to use of data and statistics for data based decision-making. QUALIFICATIONS Education Minimum: Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, Information Systems, Business Administration or related field that utilizes strong technical computer/math knowledge and statistical analysis. Preferred: Master’s degree in relevant field. Credentials/Licensure Minimum: Valid Michigan driver’s license. Preferred: Valid Registered Nurse license in the state of Michigan Related Experience Minimum: Three (3) or more years of clinical experience in clinical trials and/or clinical trial analysis involving experience with clinical protocols, clinical data analysis, database querying tools and knowledge of relational database structures and methodologies. Familiarity with requirements of Good Clinical Practice and coding dictionaries. Knowledge of ICD 9 coding structure and medication classifications. Knowledge of medical/clinical terminology. 1 year previous project management experience. Preferred: Five years clinical trial experience. Experience with SAS, SPSS, ACCESS database systems. A strong theoretical and practical background in epidemiology and computer base design for research. Skill in data analysis techniques. Other Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Minimum: Analytical ability in order to participate in the strategic planning of the data resources: collect, analyze and report data; analyze and interpret discrepancies, issues or problems to ensure data accuracy and integrity; to identify appropriate sampling techniques; obtain advice when precedents are unclear or unavailable and to determine methods for ensuring compliance with functional/organizational/service line policies and procedures. Demonstrated communication and/or interpersonal skills to communicate with internal and external customer/stakeholders related to data abstraction, manipulation, and analysis, and to effectively inform, instruct and facilitate the understanding and use of generated data. Technical knowledge of and ability to understand and ability to utilize spreadsheets, databases, and statistical analysis software programs. Familiarity with the extraction and manipulation of data from disparate sources to support the study of clinical, functional, service and cost outcomes. Technical knowledge of health-related data involved in clinical improvement, including medical record, administrative and financial data. Working knowledge of public health and other external data sources. Ability to work with a team in identifying sources of data and methodology for collection. Demonstrated familiarity with the application of computers in data analysis, use of data based decision-making methodologies. Proven ability to build positive relationships with key stakeholders. Demonstrated ability to present unfamiliar detailed information to others in a readily comprehensible way. Demonstrated ability to work with little direction while being sensitive to issues requiring physician and/or committee involvement, read, analyze, and interpret professional journals, technical procedures, or governmental regulations, and write reports, business correspondence, procedures and policies Computer Competency Shows how to use (through a competency assessment) a standard desktop and windows based computer system, including a basic understanding of email, e-learning, intranet and computer navigation. Ability to use other software as required to perform the essential functions of the job. Physical/Mental Minimum: Independently mobile (constantly); computer work / keyboarding (frequently); able to lift charts/files/equipment weighing up to 20 pounds (occasionally), ability to handle multiple conflicting demands, ability to work long hours. WORKING CONDITIONS Exposed to a variety of attitudes, personalities and reactions from employees and other members of the health care team, medical staff, patients and family members, etc. Possible exposure to a variety of contagious diseases and/or radioactive or other hazardous materials found in a health care environment. AGES OF PATIENTS SERVED Newborns NA Pediatrics Adolescents Adults Geriatrics ORGANIZATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Flexibility – Demonstrates exceptional ability and willingness to take on new and additional responsibilities. Embraces new ideas and cultural differences while managing competing priorities. Accountability – Willingly accepts personal responsibility for decisions, actions, attitudes and behaviors, which contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. Communicates effectively, follows through on assignments, uses resources efficiently, participates in learning opportunities and treats others with respect and dignity. Excellence – Serves as a role model and performs job responsibilities to the highest standards in every situation. Delivers “Something More” that ensures a more complete and personally satisfying experience for every customer. Focus – Understands and demonstrates behaviors consistent with the mission and values of the organization while contributing to the overall success of the strategic plan. All actions are rooted in providing excellent customer service. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Maintains, updates and improves the quality of research data information systems. Participates in the design of research protocols and feasibility assessments of study protocols. Designs and constructs database programs for retrieval, storage and analysis of research data sets. Acts as liaison between the Department of Research & Innovation and health care providers or researchers with data extraction and analysis needs. Uses medical knowledge to access accuracy and quality of data imported into electronic medical records from multiple data systems. Develops and documents data quality assurance procedures to access sources of data inaccuracies. Provides statistical, methodological and research support to the Director. Serves as source of expertise and internal consultant on measurement techniques, including statistical process and improvement statistics Links data from disparate sources into data sets and designs, develops and maintains independent databases Functions as an expert with regard to internal/external data sources. Seeks out and identifies new sources of data as needed to support research activities. Develops methods of securing data from identified sources. Identifies issues and problems or concerns related to data collection and reporting and assists in the standardization of data collection and reporting processes and procedures, and implementation and evaluation of new policies and procedures as appropriate. Serves as a liaison between assigned clinical and operational services and departments and other internal and external customers/stakeholders with regard to gathering and providing data, resolving data collection/analysis/measurement issues, analyzing data and identifying trends, recommending improvements, explaining policies and procedures and assisting clinicians in understanding the use of data for the improvement of practice Remains current regarding latest developments/trends in data management, statistical analysis and measurement, methodology/technology by attending and participating in related seminars, in-services, and meetings; maintaining professional affiliations in related organizations and reading current literature and journals related to field of work Participates in special projects and development of analyses as directed Performs other duties as assigned SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION To ensure appropriate utilization of Protected Health Information (PHI) associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Saint Mary’s Confidentiality of Information Standards, as well as other regulatory entities, individuals employed in this position will be granted systems and information access as appropriate for this position. DISCLAIMER The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the people assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of personnel so classified. The listed duties may be changed at the discretion of the incumbent’s supervisor. JOB DESCRIPTION SR FINANCIAL ANALYST CLINICAL RESEARCH Job Code: 606 FLSA: Exempt Revision Date: June 2007 Department: Research & Innovation Reports to: Director, Research & Innovation Approved by: Director, Research & Innovation SUMMARY Part of the Research & Innovation team at Saint Mary’s Health Care interfacing with the Director of Research & Innovation, internal and external customers. Serves as a business consultant/financial advisor to the department regarding financial and business decisions related to the operations of the department. Responsible for the development, implementation, management and overall coordination of systems and information for the support of financial and operational performance and CQI within the department. Serves as a consultant/systems analyst to address information management improvements and recommends more integrated approaches to collecting, reporting and using financial and operational performance data to support the goals of the Department of Research & Innovation. Takes initiative and continually strives to improve processes. QUALIFICATIONS Education Minimum: Preferred: Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance, or Engineering Master degree in Business (MBA), Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA), Accounting (MSA), Engineering or Certified Public Accounting (CPA) Credentials/Licensure Minimum: Preferred: Related Experience Minimum: Preferred: Three to five years of healthcare experience in financial modeling (NPV & IRR), business pro formas, operating and capital budgeting, cost accounting / product line analysis, benchmarking, productivity and strategic financial modeling. Demonstrated experience in conducting training / educational sessions for management. Previous clinical research experience. Understanding of hospital / clinic operations, project management skills, and process improvement techniques. Knowledge of healthcare industry, reimbursement, payors, DRG / APC, diagnosis codes, and charge master. Other Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Minimum: Interpersonal skills necessary in order to facilitate meetings, communicate with various constituencies and demonstrate success in fostering relationships with management, staff and external customers / groups. Excellent customer service skills in providing services to management and external customers. Preferred: Leadership skills to motivate and influence others to achieve results without direct line authority. Strong creativity and problem solving skills. Computer Competency Minimum: Advance computer knowledge and skills related to database structures, query languages, software interfaces and software modeling skills to support organizational financial and decision support requirements. Ability to communicate and coordinate software / server upgrades in partnership with Trinity Information Services. Shows how to use (through a competency assessment) a standard desktop and windows based computer system, including a basic understanding of email, e-learning, intranet and computer navigation. Ability to use other software as required performing the essential functions of the job. Microsoft Office (Excel, Access, PowerPoint and Word). Preferred: Business Objects (RSW and Plan) Activity Based Costing, Strata Cast, Solucient Action IO, SQL, Visual Basic, Cognos, and PeopleSoft General Ledger experience. Physical/Mental Minimum: Must posses the ability to: hear, speak, and read (constantly); develop constructive alternatives and analyze situations and information (frequently); organize and present information, projects, and programs while demonstrating attention to details (frequently); operate computers, CRT, and keyboard; bend, stoop, lift (10-20 pounds), twist, turn, and reach to operate computer, audio-visual equipment (frequently). WORKING CONDITIONS Must work well in an environment that warrants varied and/or extended hours with changes in workload and priorities to keep pace with the industry and organizational priorities; thrive in a fast-paced, multi-customer environment, with conflicting needs which some may find stressful. AGES OF PATIENTS SERVED Newborns Pediatrics See department specific checklist. Adolescents Adults Geriatrics NA ORGANIZATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Flexibility – Demonstrates exceptional ability and willingness to take on new and additional responsibilities. Embraces new ideas and cultural differences while managing competing priorities. Accountability – Willingly accepts personal responsibility for decisions, actions, attitudes and behaviors, which contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. Communicates effectively, follows through on assignments, uses resources efficiently, participates in learning opportunities and treats others with respect and dignity. Excellence – Serves as a role model and performs job responsibilities to the highest standards in every situation. Delivers “Something More” that ensures a more complete and personally satisfying experience for every customer. Focus – Understands and demonstrates behaviors consistent with the mission and values of the organization while contributing to the overall success of the strategic plan. All actions are rooted in providing excellent customer service. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The Clinical Research Financial Analyst will assist with all matters of the financial management of the Department of Research & Innovation 1) Coordinates the development of clinical trial budgets and participates in the negotiation of clinical trial budgets with sponsors. 2) Interfaces with clinical service lines to assess the patient care costs, overhead, staff and other indirect and direct costs associated with sponsored clinical trials and investigator initiated studies. 3) Establishes payment, tracking and invoicing systems for all research studies. 4) Works with the Clinical Research staff to identify patients enrolled in studies to ensure compliance and proper billing. Coordinates the real-time tracking of patient progress on studies, patient care costs to be charged to studies, cross department reimbursement for study related tests and activities, and coordination of study billing, compliance and interface with all departments involved in research. 5) Responsible for financial tracking and accountability to include interpretation of budget variances, productivity benchmarks and cost accounting standards, input into operational and capital budgets, reimbursement and expenditures, financial reports and budget projections. 6) Reviews and participates in the development of research study contracts. 7) Ability to utilize and understand software query tools to gather, analyze and interpret information when advising/consulting management on financial and business decisions associated with research. 8) Assist management in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. 9) Other duties as assigned. SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION To ensure appropriate utilization of Protected Health Information (PHI) associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Saint Mary’s Confidentiality of Information Standards, as well as other regulatory entities, individuals employed in this position will be granted systems and information access as appropriate for this position. DISCLAIMER The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the people assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of personnel so classified. The listed duties may be changed at the discretion of the incumbent’s supervisor. B S Attachment H JOB DESCRIPTION CLINICAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT Job Code: 603 FLSA: Non-Exempt Revision Date: September 2007 Department: Research & Innovation Reports to: Director, Research and Innovation Approved by: VP Patient Care Services SUMMARY Provides support to the Director, the Department of Research & Innovation, and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) within Saint Mary’s. Responsible for the preparation of regulatory submission packages and essential documents for Institutional Review Board (IRB) for study. Communicates/collaborates with Principal Investigators, research staff and a variety of people at various levels within and outside the organization (i.e. directors, sponsors, state and accrediting agencies). Initiates/develops/ composes written communication; gathers/enters and prepares data. Decision making authority extends beyond prioritizing of own work to independent problem solving and managing of schedules/priorities for the organizational processes supporting clinical research. Because of the nature of this highly visible position, a high level of administrative skills, professionalism and tact is expected of individuals in the role. QUALIFICATIONS Education Minimum: Preferred: Associates degree in business or related field or equivalent level of education/experience (high school diploma and two to three years of clinical research assistant/administrative or similar experience). Bachelors degree in business or related field or equivalent education and experience (associate degree and three to five years experience). Credentials/Licensure Minimum: Preferred: Human Subjects Protection certificate. CPS - Certified Professional Secretary from the IAAP -International Association of Administrative Professionals Related Experience Minimum: Preferred: Four years administrative/executive experience. One to two years’ research/IRB experience. Three to five years’ research/IRB experience. Other Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Minimum: Preferred: Time management, prioritization and organizational skills including demonstration of an ability and willingness to plan, organize and accomplish tasks accurately and in a timely manner, to exercise sound judgment under pressure and to manage multiple and competing activities simultaneously. Excellent communication skills including the ability to demonstrate diplomacy and tact, compose, spell, edit/proof, utilize appropriate grammar, and to relate in an appropriate interpersonal manner to all levels and types of individuals in a fashion that will earn credibility, respect, confidence and will generate mutual support. An understanding of organizational dynamics and administrative procedures and protocols. Accurate typing skills of 60-65 words per minute. Experience with and knowledge of general office equipment such as copier, printers, and fax machines in order to operate and maintain equipment and to troubleshoot minor problems. High degree of trust and demonstration of the ability to respect and appropriately handle confidential and sensitive information. Project Management skills Computer Competency Shows how to use (through a competency assessment) a standard desktop and windows based computer system, including a basic understanding of email, e-learning, intranet and computer navigation. Ability to use other software as required to perform the essential functions of the job. High proficiency with Office products, spreadsheets, graphics, database applications also required. Physical/Mental Preferred: Sitting for long periods of time (frequently); mobile; bending, stooping and reaching above head and lifting and lifting and carrying as part of daily responsibilities (occasionally). Keyboard, repetitive tasks of typing and phone use (frequently). Ability to speak is required. Visual acuity, including near and far vision, depth perception and color distinction is required. Manual dexterity is necessary in order to operate a keyboard. Hearing is required for extensive telephone and in person communications. WORKING CONDITIONS General office conditions. Ability to function in a dynamic, fast-paced team environment and to cope with ambiguity, time constraints, and other daily stressors in an effective and appropriate manner. AGES OF PATIENTS SERVED Newborns Pediatrics See department specific checklist. Adolescents Adults Geriatrics NA ORGANIZATIONAL EXPECTATIONS Flexibility – Demonstrates exceptional ability and willingness to take on new and additional responsibilities. Embraces new ideas and cultural differences while managing competing priorities. Accountability – Willingly accepts personal responsibility for decisions, actions, attitudes and behaviors which contribute to the overall effectiveness of the organization. Communicates effectively, follows through on assignments, uses resources efficiently, participates in learning opportunities and treats others with respect and dignity. Excellence – Serves as a role model and performs job responsibilities to the highest standards in every situation. Delivers “Something More” that ensures a more complete and personally satisfying experience for every customer. Focus – Understands and demonstrates behaviors consistent with the mission and values of the organization while contributing to the overall success of the strategic plan. All actions are rooted in providing excellent customer service. ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Ensures that submitted research is reviewed efficiently and consistent with regulations by having a thorough knowledge of and ability to apply HHS/FDA federal regulations, clear understanding and adherence to human subjects protection and HIPAA Maintains accurate records of IRB actions and oversees the accurate and timely processing, tracking, and filing of submissions to and actions by the IRB. Ensures that Investigators and Sponsors are informed of the actions and findings of the IRB Accountable for adhering to Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), regulatory guidelines, assisting with study start up, tracking timeliness, reports and procedures. Ensures that continuing review of research is conducted appropriately and in a timely manner Serves as IRB interface for subjects, Investigators, Sponsors and regulatory agencies Responsible for preparation and maintenance of study files and initiates/develops/composes written and standard correspondence. Takes, transcribes and distributes minutes. Prepares PowerPoint presentations. Communicates and collaborates with research staff, sponsors, principal investigators, state and accrediting agencies, etc. regarding various subject matters. Gathers, enters and prepares data for analysis and generates reports based on established processes. Tracks payroll/budget/expenses. Researches problems and able to see big picture. Manages the schedule and calendar of appointments and meetings for director. Coordinates travel/conference arrangements and itineraries and performs general office duties as assigned to ensure effective running of the area. Coordinates and manages projects. Directs and maintains accountability for complex, multi-faceted programs with minimal direction from supervisor. Performs other duties as assigned. SYSTEMS AND INFORMATION To ensure appropriate utilization of Protected Health Information (PHI) associated with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Saint Mary’s Confidentiality of Information Standards, as well as other regulatory entities, individuals employed in this position will be granted systems and information access as appropriate for this position. DISCLAIMER The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by the people assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of personnel so classified. The listed duties may be changed at the discretion of the incumbent’s supervisor.