1Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre Emergency Action Plan For the purposes of this document a ‘Duty Supervisor’ is the person responsible for the building ie: Assistant Operations Manager, Facility Supervisor or Acting Facility Supervisor. EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN MINOR EMERGENCY A minor Emergency is an incident, which, if handled properly, does not result in a lifethreatening situation. It will normally be dealt with by the Lifeguard or First Aid Person. Pool attendant is made/becomes aware of an incident Pool attendant notifies others in the team that they have to respond to an incident Other team members move to cover vacated patrol/vigilance area Pool attendants involved administer immediate aid or provide appropriate assistance Pool attendant refers casualty to appropriate location Pool attendant completes accident/incident report, takes report to be signed by AOM. The pool attendant returns to duty. The above applies to swimming lessons also. MAJOR EMERGENCY A major emergency is one where an incident occurs resulting in a serious injury or lifethreatening situation. In most cases it will involve more than one member of the team and may, in extreme situations, involve all team members. Pool attendant identifying the problem raises the alarm-by using the pool alarm, whistle or hand signals Pool alarm sounds in the control pod and reception to alert support staff by radio or public address system. Pool attendant initiates rescue/first aid procedures and removes casualty from the danger area. Support team members cover vacated patrol/vigilance area, clearing the pool if required Duty Manager summons ambulance/provides specialist equipment/assists in crowd control etc. Duty Manager completes incident and accident report forms and any other reports required The importance of knowing and understanding these "Emergency Procedures" cannot be overstated. All staff must know not only their own role should an emergency arise, but also that of the rest of the team. 8th August 2006 1 2Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre HEAD INJURIES All head injuries are to be treated as serious injuries Casualties with face/head injury should not be allowed to return to the pool Where the injury is serious an ambulance should be called. If injury appears to be less serious the casualty should be made to dress and should be supervised by a responsible person whist doing so If there is any doubt as to severity of the injury an ambulance should be called. There is always a possibility of delayed concussion/loss of consciousness occurring As much assistance as possible should be given to the casualty and persons accompanying them. This may include use of telephone and assistance with looking after children A cold compress may only be used if there is clear indication that there are no complicating injuries or damage. Use of the cold compress must have a layer in between the skin to protect from the intense cold. AMBULANCE CREW RESPONSIBILITIES Staff have the responsibility to treat casualties prior to the arrival of an ambulance crew. Their responsibility ends when the ambulance crew starts to treat casualty The ambulance crews have full responsibility to transport unaccompanied children to hospital. It should not be necessary for a member of staff to accompany the casualty in the ambulance The crèche team may take babies to hospital from the crèche as part of their own emergency action procedure. At this point additional staff may be required to help out from other departments. OVERCROWDING The maximum number allowed in water not to be exceeded Maximum bather load for agreed session not to be exceeded Bather change over allowed providing the maximum centre numbers are not exceeded Bather head count sheets should be used to ensure the max capacity is monitored, recorded. This also will be used if needed in an investigation. 8th August 2006 2 3Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre DISORDERLY BEHAVIOUR Rules and regulations as to conduct with in the NOP Any bather, which is likely to cause a nuisance or is dangerous to other bathers should be stopped immediately Speak to the customer in a firm but non-aggressive manner indicating your reasons If the behavior persists, give further warnings but do not become involved in an argument If the warning has no effect (after three attempts) or behavior becomes serious, call the Supervisor of the activity for assistance who will assess the situation and ask the offender to leave if deemed necessary If bather has been asked to leave the pool their behavior is to be monitored until they have left the building Continuation of the offence could lead to a call for the Police Lifeguard not to be distracted from his/her main role LACK OF WATER CLARITY Water to be tested to agreed national standards before use of pool If water begins to become cloudy inform duty supervisor A water test and assessment will be made with appropriate remedial action If remedial action not possible a decision whether it is safe for the pool to remain open or necessary to close the pool If the clarity becomes that the lifeguard is unable to see the bottom of the pool then immediate closure of the pool When the situation improves customers may be readmitted 8th August 2006 3 4Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre OUTBREAK OF FIRE Assembly point is the middle of the main car park On discovery of a fire, sound the fire alarm by breaking the glass in the nearest alarm point. Return to the nearest safe point to the fire and direct persons away from the fire towards the nearest emergency exit (assembly point is in the main car park). Remain calm at all times. Lifeguard blow their whistle loudly and clear the pool as quickly and efficiently as possible Customers should be directed to the nearest available exit doors away from any obvious sources of fire or other obstruction they should be lined in an orderly manner. If a full evacuation is deemed necessary a signal will be given to evacuate. The receptionists will take the black and yellow box and the emergency grab bag first aid kit. On hearing this instruction customers should be marshaled through the exit door and proceed to the fire assembly point. Thermal blankets will be issued. On Hearing the Fire Alarms The Assistant Operations Manager goes immediately to Reception area to check the fire alarm panel and investigate the activated zone area. All staff to go to their designated areas of responsibility. See staffing levels. The receptionist will use the P.A. System to make the following announcement. “ We have an emergency situation in the building, please move to the nearest emergency exit immediately” The fire alarm will be left operating in the event of a false alarm until all areas are checked and declared safe by the Assistant Operations Manager. The Assistant Operations Manager will investigate the zone affected and then inform the receptionist whether the alarm is false or real. 8th August 2006 4 5Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre False Alarm The receptionist shall announce “ the fire alarm is a false alarm, please resume your activities”. Real Alarm The receptionist shall announce, “ There is an emergency in the building, clear the building at once” All staff should then clear the building at once. Escort all the public to main car park assembly point. No person may be allowed to remain in, or return to the building until it is declared safe by the Senior Officer present from the Emergency Services. On completion of the building search and all areas being cleared of the public, the attendants will leave by the emergency exits and re-assemble at the reception area where they will report to the Assistant Operations Manager or when the fire or emergency affects this area, in the car park at the front of the building. Should the fire occur in the Reception area the Receptionists will immediately evacuate the area. Receptionists will use the public call box to telephone the Fire Brigade, or if that position is dangerous, the Facility Managers telephone. A mobile phone may also be used as long as the phone number is known. When the Assistant Operations Manager is satisfied that all areas of the building have been evacuated and all staff has re-assembled. The signing in book will then be checked to ensure all staff is accounted for. The Assistant Operations Managers will then instruct their staff to leave the building and take up security positions outside the fire doors to prevent re-entry to the building. The Assistant Operations Managers shall inform the Senior Management of the Fire as soon as practicably possible (phone numbers in the emergency file). Staff should only fight minor fires “WHEN THEY HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO DO SO “. Particular attention must be paid to the type of fire extinguisher used in relation to the nature of the fire i.e. Wood, paper, cloth etc Petrol, oil, fat, paint, solvents and inflammable liquids Gas, electrical, apparatus, wiring etc. Water type CO2 or dry powder CO2 or Dry Powder 8th August 2006 5 6Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre The alarm should only be silenced and reset if a false alarm is found. If this is the case the Assistant Operations Manager should fill in an incident report form and forward it to the Operations Manager. Fire Alarm Panel If the fire alarm sounds the Assistant Operations Manager should check the fire alarm panel located at the rear of reception, to check which zone has been activated. This is shown by a green light showing above the activated zone, at present the zones represent the following locations: Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 First Floor Ground Floor Basement Sauna Squash Courts Ladies / Gents Detectors Admin areas Spare While the emergency evacuation procedure is put into operation the Assistant Operations Manager checks the activated zone. If there is a fire the alarm should be left sounding. If it is a false alarm the panel should be reset, the procedure is as follows: Insert the command key and turn half turn clockwise Press silence button and then reset. In the event of a false alarm any broken glass alarm point must be refitted with a new glass. Spares ` break glass fittings ` are available from the Assistant Operations Manager. If there is a maintenance fault on the fire panel the fault is to be reported to contracted engineers as soon as possible. In the interim period of not having effective fire detective system, the following must be put in place: A record of the time the panel displayed a fault and when the fault was reported. More regular checks to be enforced of all areas of the building A communication procedure put in place (radios to be used by all) Emergency panic buttons to be used if necessary The insurance is not affected as long as alternative measures are enforced 8th August 2006 6 7Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre BOMB THREAT 11.1 If you personally answer a telephone or you are confronted with someone threatening the presence of a bomb in the building you should attempt to obtain as much information as possible. If the caller can be persuaded, you should attempt to draw the following information from him / her; The location of the bomb The expected time of detonation and method of detonation Note the callers sex / accent Any background noises Once this information is obtained you should immediately inform a duty supervisor Informing the Police by dialing 999 All staff will go immediately to their designated areas of duty. Customers on the wetside will be issued foil blankets in case of evacuation If evacuation is necessary and instructed an assembly point on the far side of the youth centre will be taken. Mobile phones are to be used as communication and contact telephone numbers for senior management are held in the file in the foil blanket box. These numbers also contain the press officers numbers as no statements are to be given to any press until senior management are present or have given consent. No-one is to return to the building until emergency services have given consent LIGHTING FAILURE In the event of a lighting failure, that particular area of the facility should be completely cleared of any patrons. A responsible person should investigate the cause of the problem, and then contact one of the following. The Councils Maintenance Department The Electricity Board Note: - The facilities emergency lighting will automatically come on when there is a failure of the lighting thus giving sufficient time for everyone to get dressed and leave the facility. Please note that once the fault has been rectified the pool lighting will take a while to reheat and the emergency lighting may turn off straight away 8th August 2006 7 8Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre STRUCTUAL FAILURE Should a structural failure occur, or if danger is suspected from the building structure, activate the fire alarm by breaking nearest ‘break glass’ panel. Alternately inform duty supervisor. Evacuate customers from the building using whichever exit doors are unobstructed by the result of the structural failure Duty supervisor is to rectify the problem as soon as possible Customers are not allowed to return to the building until it is deemed structurally safe. POWER FAILURE Building is to be cleared and customers able to obtain belongings due to emergency lighting illuminating the building. The cause of the power failure is to be found Electricity board to be informed and emergency services if required Re-admittance to the building is only possible when instructed is safe to do so. Staff are stay on site in a safe area EMISSION OF TOXIC GASES An emission of toxic gas would most likely come from the following source, the incorrect mixing of two chemicals. If evacuation of the building is deemed necessary exits must be used which lead customers away from danger area If there is an emission from chemical mixing the immediate area should be evacuated with haste closing doors if possible to prevent the gases escaping to other occupied areas Should it be necessary to evacuate the building the fire alarm should be activated and the emergency evacuation procedure to be used. Any person who has been gassed by chlorine should be taken to hospital The accident may be reportable to Health and Safety Executive. 8th August 2006 8 9Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre SERIOUS INJURY TO A BATHER Call for assistance Pool Alarm Carry out first aid Bleeding to be controlled All head injuries to be treated as serious Telephone for ambulance if required All accidents to be reported in the accident book Health and Safety Officer may have to be informed DISCOVERY OF A CASUALTY IN THE WATER Before entering water call for assistance Pool Alarm If breathing has stopped start and casualty is still in the water carry out rescue breaths till assistance arrives If there is no sign of normal breathing start CPR 999 call for ambulance Level of supervision of pool users must not drop therefore only one lifeguard the pool needs to be cleared of users Do not allow a crowd to gather around the casualty clear the immediate area One person to meet ambulance and direct ambulance personal to the casualty location Complete written statements by all staff involved ASAP This applies to a major water based emergency during swimming lessons. SPINAL INJURY If casualty face down in water turn face up If casualty not breathing start CPR asap Stabilize casualty head at all times Maintain casualty in a horizontal position 8th August 2006 9 10Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre DEALING WITH BLOOD VOMIT FAECES Diarrhea If a substantial amount is introduced to the water the pool should be immediately closed to bathers Check pool plant and raise the set point of the automatic dozing system to maximum level permitted The pool will remain closed for 24 hours Carry out a backwash of filters. Solid Stools Immediately retrieved by pool staff using appropriate net provided for the purpose. Carry out water test checking adequate levels of free chlorine is available Blood and Vomit If substantial amounts of blood and vomit are spilled into the pool it should be temporally cleared of people to allow the pollution to disperse and any infective particles with in it to be neutralized by the disinfectant in the water Spillage’s of blood or vomit on the poolside should be contained and wiped up with appropriate cleaning cloths. A solution containing disinfectant of 10ppm should be washed over the area The cloths used for this purpose should immediately be safely disposed 8th August 2006 10 11Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre Emergency Evacuation Procedure Small pool lifeguard = Clear pool and balcony, assembling customers at learner pool emergency exit point. Main pool lifeguard one = Clear pool and assemble customers at main pool emergency exit points. Stay with swimmers to prevent re-entry. Main pool lifeguard two = Once the pool is clear, the sauna/steam area is to be checked and the wet side changers cleared. Gym Staff = responsible for the gym and will clear the gym along main pool balcony exit route and also clearing the main pool balcony of all customers Floating lifeguard = is to clear the dryside facilities Receptionist = contact the emergency services, provide relevant information to the Duty Supervisor on request, communicate effectively with customers, take signing in book, yellow & black box and first aid grab bag to assembly point. Stay calm Creche team= the crèche have their own procedure adhering to health and safety and Ofsted guidance. The Duty Supervisor is to manage and co-ordinate situation. They are required to communicate with emergency services and senior management where necessary. During swimming lessons the teachers teaching are responsible for their own class. The teachers must take their registers with them to check attendance to evacuation point and it is seen that the parents/guardians will follow. For classes held in the multi purpose room, the instructors are to clear the room and head towards the fire assembly point with their class, as the floating lifeguard clears the rest of the dry side. If there are any contractors on site then they are to be treated as public and informed of any necessary action to be taken. 8th August 2006 11 12Emergency Action Plan Chester le Street Leisure Centre The Evacuation of Disabled Person who Require Assistance… 1. From the Main Pool Balcony and Gym Once the alarm has been activated the gym staff will take the first aid kit and direct non wheel chair users to their nearest fire exit Wheel chair users will then be held in their own chair in the safe hold area outside the gym doors. The evacuation chair will also be taken to this holding area. Once there has been notification to say that there is a need for evacuation then this will done using either the persons own chair, or they can be transferred onto an evacuation chair or alternatively use the battery operated stair lift. 2. From the Main / Learner Poolside The lifeguards on the poolside will assist all users to the emergency exits. On determining that this is not a false alarm they will provide foil blankets and escort all customers to assembly point in main car park. 3. From the Changing Rooms and Sauna Area (Minimum of One staff Change area One staff Sauna) The attendant clearing the changing rooms will offer assistance and escort users to the emergency exit point and then to the assembly point in main car park. All staff should be aware that other members of the public may offer assistance during an emergency situation and this assistance should be taken gladly but they are still responsible for the customers and the clearing and checking of the area. 8th August 2006 12