Course outline for IB Asian & European Languages I) LANGUAGE A: LITERATURE Indonesian A: Literature (HL/SL) Self-taught Languages (SL)- such as Spanish A, Vietnamese A, Japanese A, Thai A and Burmese A The HL and the SL syllabi are divided into four compulsory parts. (Total number of works: 13 for HL and 10 for SL) Part I Works in translation HL 3 / SL 2 All works must be chosen from the prescribed literature in translation list. Part 2 Detailed Study HL 3 / SL 2 All works must be chosen from the prescribed list of authors. Each work must be from a different literary genre and by a different author. At HL one of the genres must be poetry. Part 3 Literary genres HL 4 / SL 3 All works must be chosen from the same literary genre from the prescribed list of authors. Part 4 Options (in which works are freely chosen) HL 3 / SL 3 Works are freely chosen by the teacher. There is no requirement for works to be chosen from either of the prescribed lists. The External Assessment accounts for 70% of the total, comprising 2 Written Paper Components (45%) and a Written Assignment (25%). The Internal Assessment which is based on oral work, accounts for 30% of the final grade. 1 II) LANGUAGE A: LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Chinese A: Language and Literature (HL/SL) Part 1 Language in cultural context Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media. Students will be expected to develop skills of stylistic analysis in order to establish how language works in a cultural context. This will also involve the study of language at a social level, learning about people who speak and write different varieties of the target language. To do this, students will study its impact as a global language and how it is used in a variety of cultural contexts. Part 2 Language and mass communication Texts are chosen from a variety of sources, genres and media. Students will develop core skills of analysis in order to contextualize meaning. Students will study a range of media texts through which they will learn to identify the techniques of Journalism, including bias, the use of euphemisms, ‘loaded’ language, censorship and sensationalism. The internet and social networks, the language of advertising and the language of rhetoric will all be studied. Part 3 Literature - texts and contexts SL: Two texts (one of which is a text in translation from the prescribed literature in translation list and one, written in the language A studied, from the prescribed list of authors for the language A studied, or chosen freely). HL: Three texts (one of which is a text in translation taken from the prescribed literature in translation list; one from the prescribed list of authors; one chosen freely). Part 4 Literature- critical study SL: Two texts (both of which are chosen from the prescribed list of authors for the language A studied). HL: Three texts (all of which are chosen from the prescribed list of authors for the language A studied). The External Assessment accounts for 70% of the total, comprising 2 Written Paper Components (50%) and Written Task(s) (20%). The Internal Assessment is based on oral activities and accounts for 30% of the final grade. 2 III) LANGUAGE B Chinese- Mandarin B (HL/SL) Malay B (SL) Hindi B (SL) Spanish B (SL) The core – with topics common to both levels – is divided into three areas and is a required area of study. Communication and Media Global Issues Social Relationships In addition, at both SL and HL, teachers select two from the following five options: Cultural Diversity Customs and Traditions Health Leisure Science and Technology Also, at HL, students read two works of literature. Assessment throughout the course will be based on class activities, class work, homework and tests. The Internal Assessment, which is based on both individual and interactive oral work, accounts for 30% of the final grade. They are internally assessed and externally moderated by IB moderators. The External Assessment accounts for 70% of the total, comprising 2 Written Paper Components (50%) and one Written Assignment (20%). 3 IV) LANGUAGE AB INITIO Spanish Ab Initio/ French Ab Initio/ Indonesian Ab Initio/ Mandarin Ab Initio (Depending on the demand) The language ab initio course is organized into three themes: Individual and Society Leisure and Work Urban and Rural Environment Each theme has a list of topics that provide the students with opportunities to practice and explore the language as well as to develop intercultural understanding. Through the development of receptive, productive and interactive skills, students should be able to respond and interact appropriately in a defined range of everyday situations. Assessment throughout the course will be based on class activities, class work, homework and tests. Towards the end of the course, the subject teacher will conduct an Individual Oral which makes up 25% of the total mark. They are internally assessed and externally moderated by IB moderators. The External Assessment accounts for 75% of the total, comprising 2 Written Paper Components (55%) and one Written Assignment (20%). 4