Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Student ID#: 123456 Student Name: BIOLO GEE Team Name: GOOD GENES Lab Assignment #: 8 Lab Title: Personal Genetic Profile Date: 080507.2 Purpose / Objective(s): Profile common genetic traits in myself and relatives. Determine patterns of inheritance in my family tree. Hypothesis (ese): The following genetic traits should demonstrate independent genetic inheritance patterns within my class and family. State what you believe may be true or untrue. State why you hold that belief Cite observations, reports, readings etc. See attached Materials / Subjects / Specimens; List all the specimens / subjects that you will profile. Make a table if necessary. Methods / Tools / Instrumentation / Procedures; List and describe all tools, measuring devices, lab equipment, stains, you use to perform the lab procedures Make tables if necessary to describe what and how you did what you did. Be summarizing in this write up and put the details in an attachment. Make diagrams / use photos if necessary to show how and what you did Results List summary statements of important measurements, findings, etc,. Refer to tables and graphs and drawings of your data. Be specific and direct the reader to the data of specific interest. Import abbreviated tables and graphs / charts into this section – detailed tables and charts can be included in the Attachments section. Be sure to number and name your tables, graphs and illustrations. (you may have to use a number of trees for groups of traits) Be sure to make at least one statement regarding every table and graph and drawing / illustration in this section. Table #1 summarizes ……………….(your profile) Comment specifically on the results in Table 1 in this section of the write up Table #2 summarizes the ………… (Class statistics). Comment on results in Table 2. in this section of the write up Compare your self to the class in this section of the write up Table #3 summarizes the ………… (Family member’s profiles). Comment on results in Table 3 in this section of the write up Compare yourself to your family members in this section of the write up Page 1 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Figure 1 shows the class statistics in graphical form for all traits) Comment on results in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the family tree for the following trait(s) ………….(traits identifiable for the head and face?) Comment on results in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows the family tree for the following trait(s) ………….(traits for hair or skin or blood type?) Comment on results in Figure 3. Etc., etc., etc., Analysis / Discussion: Comment on the Analyses Make a statement for what your results demonstrate. Answer the question, “what is the key learning we receive from this data?” Is your hypothesis validated or not? Summarize your key understanding My traits relative to the class are………… My traits relative to my family tree are……… In my family tree, there are………….. The differences between me, the class and my family are…………. Conclusions / Further Considerations: Answer the question, “so what?” What other information / research / experiment / profile does this data suggest you would like to do? If this type of data was available for disorders and disease within your family tree, who should have access to the data? When, where, how, why should others have access? Page 2 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL ATTACHMENTS Summary / Formal / Conclusive Results / Tables, Charts, Illustrations Table #1. Self GENETIC Profile (example) Self Category Characteristic Independent Gene Allele Symbol Expression Phenotype Genotype AB AND O ( IA, IB, I or iO) A and B are Dominant to O A AO + is dominant + is dominant Pos + blood Blood Type blood Blood Rh digit Bent Little Finger B B for bent is dominant Bent B_ digit Hitch Hikers Thumb h h for hitch hiker is recessive Curved Thumb hh digit Interlacing Fingers L Thumb L L for left thumb on top is dominant Right Thumb on Top ll eye / vision Pigmented iris P P for pigmented is dominant Blue eyes bb eye / vision Astigmatism S S for astigmatic is dominant to normal vision Astigmatic Ss eye / vision Far-sighted E E for eagle is domant to normal vision Nearsighted ee hair Widow's Peak W W peak is dominant Peak W_ hair Mid-digital Hair M M for hair on mid digit is dominant None mm head Free vs Attached Ear Lobe a a for attached is recessive Free / Hanging A_ head Tongue Rolling R R for roller is dominant Roller R_ skin Dimpled Chin D D for dimpled is dominant no dimples dd skin Freckles F F is dominant no freckles ff Page 3 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Table 2. Summary of the presence of traits in BIOL 105 class members…replace with actual class data Trait Blood Type Blood Rh Bent Little Finger Hitch Hikers Thumb Interlacing Fingers L Thumb Pigmented iris Astigmatism Far-sighted Widow's Peak Mid-digital Hair Free vs Attached Ear Lobe Tongue Rolling Dimpled Chin Freckles Females Males Class 92% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 67% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 83% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Page 4 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Table #3. Parents or Siblings or Children GENETIC Profile (example – fill in data on spreadsheet and transfer here) Mom Category Characteristic Independent Gene Allele Symbol Expression AB AND O ( IA, IB, I or iO) A and B are Dominant to O + is dominant + is dominant blood Blood Type blood Blood Rh digit Bent Little Finger B B for bent is dominant digit Hitch Hikers Thumb h h for hitch hiker is recessive digit Interlacing Fingers L Thumb L L for left thumb on top is dominant eye / vision Pigmented iris P P for pigmented is dominant eye / vision Astigmatism S S for astigmatic is dominant to normal vision eye / vision Far-sighted E E for eagle is domant to normal vision hair Widow's Peak W W peak is dominant hair Mid-digital Hair M M for hair on mid digit is dominant head Free vs Attached Ear Lobe a a for attached is recessive head Tongue Rolling R R for roller is dominant skin Dimpled Chin D D for dimpled is dominant skin Freckles F F is dominant Other other X XXX Other other Y YYY Other other Z ZZZ Phenotype Dad Genotype Phenotype Genotype Table 4. etc., etc., etc., Page 5 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Figure 1 Percent presence of traits in BIOL 105 sample population Class Characteristics 90% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% le s hin ck Fre Dim ple dC ing e ue ng To ed ch sA tta Ro ll ob ir rL Ha Ea tal ig i d-d Mi Wi do w's Pe a k ted m igh tis ma r-s Fa ris As tig di mb ge Fin ev ing Pig m hu LT rs rs ike hH ac Fre erl Int nt Lit Hit c Be en te b r Fin Th um ge Rh tle Blo od Ty pe 0% Blo od Percent of Trait in Class Poulation 80% Trait Page 6 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Figure 2. Family Tree for Eye and Vision Traits. DAD Blue Eyes pp Astigmatic Ss BRO Blue Eyes pp Normal Vision ss ME Blue Eyes Astigmatic Ss MOM Blue Eyes pp Normal Vision ss SIS Blue Eyes pp Astigmatic Ss SIS HUSBAND Brown Eyes Pp NEICE Brown Eyes Pp NEPH Blue Eyes pp Figure 2. Family Tree for __________Traits. Page 7 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL Family Tree Page 8 of 9 116107077 Biology 105 – Human Biology Session: Section: Class Location: Days / Time: Instructor: Spring 2008 55244 4 Units UVC1 St. Helena F 9:00 AM – 3:50 PM RIDDELL References Observations: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Raw Data / Original Measurements: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Drawings / Diagrams / Illustrations: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Detailed Results / Analyses: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. A B C D Page 9 of 9 116107077