VI SKILLS NEEDED BY GRADE LEVEL EARLY CHILDHOOD/KINDERGARTEN o Communicate needs to others o Play with other students o Understand organization of classroom o Understand organization work space o Initiate a searching technique for objects dropped or misplace o Follow c1ass routines o Take care of personal items (coat, supplies, lunch) o Fasten and unfasten snaps, buttons, Velcro, zippers… o Put on and take off backpack o Hang clothes on hangers o Use a napkin to wipe mouth and hands o Feed self an entire meal using (spoon) o Unwrap food items and straws o Explore properties of low vision devices o Observe demonstrations with a monocular o Look at pictures with a monocular as teacher reads in group o Recognize pictures with a monocular and a magnifier o Scan visual material o Braille: Identify objects, textures, 3-dimensional geometric figures, raised line drawings of simple geometric shapes tactually Use a systematic searching/scanning technique Recognize name in Braille Distinguish the Braille letters of the alphabet Load/unload paper for Braille writer Manipulate a Braille book Distinguish numbers 1-10 Identify whole word signs Identify simple vocabulary o Count to 20 on the abacus o Turn on computer, insert disk, play simple computer games. o Operate tape player. VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 1 of 12 FIRST GRADE o Play simple card/board/table games o Communicate needs to others o Communicate eye condition to peers o Discriminate between males and females o Keep desk organized o Use organization system for school materials o Practice class routines o Independently complete assigned work when appropriate o Low Vision Devices Make decision about which low vision device to use for particular assignments Read and copy from board, overhead, or charts using monocular Observe demonstrations Use low vision devices w/o prompting Recognize picture detail with magnifier Scan visual material o Braille skills Perform Braille readiness activities Use Braille textbooks/workbooks Use Braille glossary/dictionary Locate page numbers Identify Braille symbols commensurate with grade level Track with two hands from left to right Proofread and correct own work Identify Nemeth code commensurate with grade level Identify map symbols commensurate with grade level Identify symbols used in math workbook Identify multi-column formats Interpret simple charts and graphs found in math workbook Identify Braille clock fact Read Braille in single space format by end of l grade o Abacus skills Set numbers in one’s, ten’s, and hundred’s columns VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 2 of 12 Compute addition subtraction/problems according to grade level o Technology Use a Braille to print translator Staple print pages to Braille pages Orient self to keyboard using adaptive software Use tape player independently VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 3 of 12 SECOND/THIRD GRADE o use appropriate body language (facial expression, social distances, demonstrate interest with gaze) o communicate visual needs to others o communicate eye condition to others o accept/decline assistance appropriately o perform chores at home o keep desk organized o use folders, spirals, 3-ring binders in conjunction with classroom teacher’s organizational system o follow class routines o complete assigned work without teacher supervision o plug and unplug electric appliances safely o notify reading consultant (State Library) of reading needs over the phone o tell time with a watch o count combinations of money up to $5.00 o eat neatly with utensils o Low Vision Aids read from the board, overhead projector, or charts using monocular observe demonstrations use low vision devices without prompting read fine print with a magnifier if needed (maps, charts, graphs, in textbooks) increase reading speed and accuracy with low vision devices o Braille Skills store frequently used textbooks where they can be retrieved quickly check out Braille books from the school library mark answers in Braille books and on Braille worksheets Braille an answer sheet that corresponds to workbooks and worksheets read and produce Braille code on a level commensurate with the second/third grade reading abilities VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 4 of 12 read Braille books at home with parents assist in ordering Braille books from Texas State Library Braille a multi-column format uses Nemeth code for math assignments commensurate with grade level correct Braille errors on own paper use abacus in grade appropriate math computations measure lines and volume tell time interpret graphs and charts set up math problems on paper (low vision) perform math computations using an abacus (blind) Technology Use Braille to print translator and tape recorder; introduction to portable print, Braille or speech output laptop computer; portable Braille note taking device; desktop computer use software commensurate with classroom needs understand map concepts use a raised-relief globe use a dictionary scan texts for information use the library (school and State Library) use index and table of contents write down assignments use some type of organization system for homework and daily work o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 5 of 12 FOURTH/FIFTH GRADES o use appropriate body language (facial expression, social distance, demonstrate interest with gaze) o communicate needs to others o perform chores at home o communicate eye condition to peers o accept/decline assistance appropriately o keep desk organized o use folders, spirals, 3-ring binders in conjunction with classroom teachers organizational system o complete assigned work without teacher supervision o understand classroom layout o open a wide variety of food containers o prepare a simple meal o operate electrical appliances (toaster, microwave, stove, washer, dryer) o perform routine hygiene activities o use knife and fork for cutting food o use an effective method for storing telephone numbers o use a watch o organize money o Low Vision Devices read from board, overhead projector, or charts using monocular if necessary observe demonstrations use low vision devices without prompting increase speed and accuracy in reading and copying expand usage of aids o Braille Skills organize information into an outline format use Braille code commensurate with grade level use Nemeth code commensurate with grade level fill in information on charts interpret charts, maps, grids, graphs distinguish between materials which should be Brailled vs. those which can be prepared in print (ex: Braille: study VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 6 of 12 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o materials, study guides, class notes for future tests; Print: daily assignments, notes to teachers) Use abacus in grade appropriate math computations measure lines, volume, and angles tells time interpret graphs and charts set up math problems on paper (low vision) solve problems using fractions Technology Skills operate equipment independently (Braille to print translator; portable print, Braille, or speech output laptop computer; portable Braille note- taking device; desktop computer; tape recorder) use software commensurate with classroom needs transfer information from one piece of equipment to external printer or to another piece of equipment travel with a portable note taking device from class to class (5th) determine which note taking device is appropriate for variety of situations (5th) label maps use a dictionary scan texts for information use the library (school and Texas State Library) use index and table of contents studies for tests effectively use readers (i.e., solicits help with reading assignments) complete research projects with a reader take notes from lectures take notes from a tape recorder organize notes in outline format use appropriate equipment to take notes, write reports, proofread, type final draft meet at least one visually impaired adult to discuss their chosen vocation VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 7 of 12 o differentiate between vocations which may or may not be appropriate for them, depending on severity of visual impairment and own strengths/weaknesses VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 8 of 12 SIXTH TO EIGHTH GRADES o discuss implications of visual impairment with teachers when appropriate o use appropriate body language o communicate needs to others o communicate eye condition to others o demonstrate appropriate manners for various situations o demonstrate age appropriate level of independence o practice self advocacy o accept/decline assistance appropriately o use appropriate materials (folders, binders, etc.) as specified by teacher o begin work in a timely manner o follow lesson using correct book, handout, etc. o store personal items appropriately (e.g., a locker, desk, purse, notebooks, backpack) o come to class prepared and with necessary equipment o transport equipment independently o operate electrical appliances (toaster, vacuum, washer/dryer, stove, microwave) o perform household chores o manage own clothing (wash, dry, fold, hang, match) o make purchases at stores o manage money o demonstrate an awareness of basic grocery store layouts o demonstrate an awareness of local mall layout o Low Vision Devices read from the board, overhead projector, or charts with monocular if necessary observe demonstrations, performances, field sports use low vision device of choice without prompting expand usage of devices develop acceptable alternative methods for information gathering if low vision devices are not the method of choice o Braille Skills VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 9 of 12 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o use Braille materials and texts use Brailler use Braille to label and take simple notes (Ex: telephone messages, names, addresses, grocery list) use the abacus on grade appropriate math computations measure lines, volume and angles tell time use a calendar system to organize time/dates/obligations interprets graphs and charts set up math problems on paper (low vision) use an abacus (blind) Technology know keyboard operate equipment independently (Braille to print translator; portable print, Braille, or speech output laptop computer; desktop computer; portable Braille note-taking device; tape recorder) use software travel with a portable note taking device from class to class determine which note taking method is appropriate for variety of situations use a dictionary scan texts for information use the library (school and Texas State Library) use index and table of contents use readers appropriately complete research projects with a reader (other than vision teacher) take notes from lectures take notes from a tape recorder organize notes use appropriate equipment to take notes write reports, proofread, type final draft study with a peer organize study materials for long-term usage VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 10 of 12 o use correct procedures for taping lectures practicing active listening techniques o transfer the lecture information to Braille or print format for studying at a later time o scan taped materials to find pages/specific information quickly o complete assigned work without teacher supervision VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 11 of 12 NINTH to TWELFTH GRADES o accept or decline assistance tactfully o describe situations in which the services of a community agency or professional service would be appropriate, and demonstrate how to obtain those services o Participate in planning own I.E.P. o explore realistic options for future educational/vocational programming o assume responsibility for obtaining own supplies, readers, books, and other services and materials (llth-2th grades) o discuss implications of visual impairment with teachers o identify community resources for recreational activities o obtain leisure reading material o store personal items appropriately (e.g., use a locker, desk, purse, notebooks, backpack) o establish a method and quiet place for studying in home/school environments o transport equipment from class to class independently o transport materials from class to home independently o come to class prepared o organize notes for studying/report writing o operate electrical appliances o perform household chores o manage own clothing o make purchases at stores o manage money (e.g., checking/saving/credit accounts) o compile a grocery list o demonstrate an awareness of local mall layout VI Skills Needed by Grade Level Page 12 of 12