Higher Education Research Institute Graduate School of Education & Information Studies University of California, Los Angeles 3005 Moore Hall / Mailbox 951528 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1528 FILE DOCUMENTATION 2002 YFCY SURVEY File Name: YFCY2002.DAT Record Length: 545 # of Cases: 13,130 This file is the final research version of the 2002 YFCY Survey, with matching 2001 CIRP data and Institutional Charcateristics appended. Please note that CIRP matches were found for 13,130 cases. The variable CIRPFLAG (column #210) identifies the cases that have matched CIRP data. Please also note that the 664 cases that were not valid responses (i.e. unsubmitted web surveys) are not included in this file. The data are organized by survey, as follows: Columns 001-209 210-524 525-545 Contents 2002 YFCY Survey 2001 CIRP Survey Institutional Characteristics Unless otherwise noted, the values “blank” and “0” represent missing data. 2002 YFCY SURVEY – YFCY DATA 1-4 5-10 11-19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ACE: College I.D. YFCYSUBJ: Subject I.D. (HERI) SSN: Social Security Number What year did you first enter: 1=2001 or 2002 2=2000 3=1999 4=1998 5=1997 or earlier ENTER1ST: Your first college ENTERCUR: This college ENRLSTAT: Your current enrollment status 1=Not enrolled 2=Part-time 3=Full-time SEX02: Your sex 1=Male 2=Female Since entering this college, how often have you interacted with the following people (e.g., by phone, e-mail, Instant Messenger, or in person): 1=Never 2=1 or 2 times per term 3=1 or 2 times per month 4=Once a week 5=2 or 3 times per week 6=Daily INTACT01: Faculty during office hours INTACT02: Faculty outside of class or office hours INTACT03: Teaching assistants during office hours INTACT04: Academic advisors/counselors INTACT05: Other college personnel INTACT06: Close friends at this institution INTACT07: Close friends not at this institution INTACT08: Your family Rate your satisfaction with each of the following at this institution. 1=No experience/Not available 2=Dissatisfied 3=Neutral 4=Satisfied 5=Very satisfied SATIS01: Classroom facilities SATIS02: Computer facilities SATIS03: Library facilities and services SATIS04: Tutoring or other academic assistance SATIS05: Academic advising SATIS06: Student housing facilities SATIS07: Financial aid services SATIS08: Student health center/services SATIS09: Psychological counseling services SATIS10: Recreational facilities SATIS11: Orientation for new students Are you: 1=Not marked 2=Marked RACE021: White/Caucasian RACE022: African American/Black RACE023: American Indian/Alaska Native RACE024: Asian American/Asian RACE025: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander RACE026: Mexican American/Chicano RACE027: Puerto Rican RACE028: Other Latino RACE029: Other ENGSPK02: Is English your native language? 1=No 2=Yes 2002 YFCY SURVEY – YFCY DATA 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Since entering college, how successful have you felt at: 1=Unsuccessful 2=Somewhat successful 3=Fairly successful 4=Completely successful SUCCESS1: Understanding what your professors expect of you academically SUCCESS2: Developing effective study skills SUCCESS3: Adjusting to the academic demands of college SUCCESS4: Managing your time effectively SUCCESS5: Getting to know faculty SUCCESS6: Developing close friendships with other students Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age. We want the most accurate assessment of how you see yourself. 1=Lowest 10% 2=Below average 3=Average 4=Above average 5=Highest 10% RATE0201: Academic ability RATE0202: Artistic ability RATE0203: Computer skills RATE0204: Emotional health RATE0205: Leadership ability RATE0206: Mathematical ability RATE0207: Physical health RATE0208: Public speaking ability RATE0209: Self-confidence (intellectual) RATE0210: Self-confidence (social) RATE0211: Self-understanding RATE0212: Writing ability Since entering this college, how often have you: 1=Not at all 2=Occasionally 3=Frequently ACTS0201: Attended a religious service ACTS0202: Participated in organized demonstrations ACTS0203: Smoked cigarettes ACTS0204: Drank beer ACTS0205: Drank wine or liquor ACTS0206: Felt overwhelmed by all you had to do ACTS0207: Felt depressed ACTS0208: Participated in volunteer or community service work ACTS0209: Discussed politics ACTS0210: Socialized with someone of another racial/ethnic group ACTS0211: Discussed religion Indicate the importance to you personally of each of the following: 1=Not important 2=Somewhat important 3=Very important 4=Essential GOAL021: Becoming an authority in my field GOAL022: Influencing social values GOAL023: Helping others who are in difficulty GOAL024: Making a theoretical contribution to science GOAL025: Creating artistic work (painting, sculpture, decorating, etc.) GOAL026: Developing a meaningful philosophy of life GOAL027: Helping to promote racial understanding GOAL028: Becoming a community leader GOAL029: Integrating spirituality into my life Since entering college, how often have you felt: 1=Not at all 2=Rarely 3=Occasionally 4=Frequently AFFACT01: Lonely or homesick AFFACT02: Worried about meeting new people AFFACT03: Isolated from campus life AFFACT04: A need to break away from your family in order to succeed in college AFFACT05: Unsafe on this campus AFFACT06: Worried about your health AFFACT07: Intimidated by your professors (continued) 2002 YFCY SURVEY – YFCY DATA 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Since entering college, how often have you felt: (continued) 1=Not at all 2=Rarely 3=Occasionally 4=Frequently AFFACT08: Bored in class AFFACT09: That your courses inspired you to think in new ways AFFACT10: That your job responsibilities interfered with your schoolwork AFFACT11: That your family responsibilities interfered with your schoolwork AFFACT12: That your social life interfered with your schoolwork LIVED: Where did you primarily live while attending college this past year? 1=College residence hall, suite, or other campus housing 2=Private home or apartment 3=Other Please indicate how often each of the following has been included in your courses at this institution 1=Not at all 2=Rarely 3=Occasionally 4=Frequently OFTEN01: Group discussions OFTEN02: Student presentations or performances OFTEN03: Formal lectures OFTEN04: Research projects OFTEN05: Multiple drafts of written work OFTEN06: Group projects OFTEN07: Weekly essay assignments OFTEN08: Student evaluations of each other's work OFTEN09: Field experience or internship OFTEN10: Community service linked to coursework (service learning) OFTEN11: Student-selected topics OFTEN12: Laboratory component OFTEN13: Required on-line interaction with professors and/or classmates Since entering college have you: 1=not marked 2=marked COLACT01: Changed your career plans COLACT02: Decided to pursue a different major COLACT03: Declared your major COLACT04: Joined a social fraternity or sorority COLACT05: Enrolled in an honors course COLACT06: Participated in varsity/intercollegiate athletics COLACT07: Enrolled in a remedial/developmental course COLACT08: Transferred from another institution COLACT09: Taken a college course or seminar specifically designed to help first-year students adjust to college (e.g., freshman seminar, student success seminar, University 101) COLACT10: Enrolled in a formal program where a group of students takes two or more courses together (e.g., FIG, learning cluster, learning community, linked courses) Since entering college, how often have you: 1=Not at all 2=Rarely 3=Occasionally 4=Frequently CLSACT01: Turned in course assignment(s) late CLSACT02: Spoke up in class CLSACT03: Discussed course content with students outside of class CLSACT04: Studied with other students CLSACT05: Came late to class CLSACT06: Skipped class CLSACT07: Received tutoring CLSACT08: Worked with professor on a research project CLSACT09: Used the Internet for research or homework CLSACT10: Turned in course assignments that did not reflect your best work CLSACT11: Participated in intramural sports CLSACT12: Had difficulty getting along with your roommate(s)/housemate(s) CLSACT13: Sought personal counseling 2002 YFCY SURVEY – YFCY DATA 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Compared with when you entered this college, how would you now describe your: 1=Much weaker 2=Weaker 3=No change 4=Stronger 5=Much stronger SLFCHG01: General knowledge SLFCHG02: Analytical and problem-solving skills SLFCHG03: Knowledge of a particular field or discipline SLFCHG04: Critical thinking skills SLFCHG05: Knowledge of people from different races/cultures SLFCHG06: Religious beliefs and convictions SLFCHG07: Ability to get along with others SLFCHG08: Library/research skills SLFCHG09: Ability to work as part of a team SLFCHG10: Understanding of the problems facing your community SLFCHG11: Understanding of national issues SLFCHG12: Understanding of global issues FINCON02: Do you have any concern about your ability to finance your college education? 1=None (I am confident that I will have sufficient funds) 2=Some (but I probably will have enough funds) 3=Major (not sure I will have enough funds to complete college) Since entering this college, how much time have you spent during a typical week doing the following activities? 1=None 2=Less than 1 hour 3=1 to 2 4=3 to 5 5=6 to 10 6=11 to 15 7=16 to 20 8=21 to 30 9=Over 30 HPW0201: Attending classes/labs HPW0202: Studying/homework HPW0203: Socializing with friends HPW0204: Exercising or sports HPW0205: Partying HPW0206: Working (for pay) on campus HPW0207: Working (for pay) off campus HPW0208: Participating in student clubs/groups HPW0209: Watching TV HPW0210: Household/childcare duties HPW0211: Reading for pleasure HPW0212: Commuting HPW0213: Playing video/computer games HPW0214: Praying/meditating HPW0215: Surfing the Internet HPW0216: Communicating via e-mail, Instant Messenger, etc. CURRGPA: What is your current grade average (as of your most recently completed academic term)? 1=I do not receive grades in my courses 2=C- or less (below 1.75) 3=C (1.75-2.24) 4=B-,C+ (2.25-2.74) 5=B (2.75-3.24) 6=A-,B+ (3.25-3,74) 7=A (3.75-4.0) Rate your satisfaction with this institution on each of the aspects of campus life listed below. 1=Dissatisfied 2=Neutral 3=Satisfied 4=Very satisfied CMPSAT1: Amount of contact with faculty CMPSAT2: Opportunities for community service CMPSAT3: Relevance of coursework to everyday life CMPSAT4: Relevance of coursework to future career plans CMPSAT5: Overall quality of instruction CMPSAT6: Overall sense of community among students CMPSAT7: Overall college experience 2002 YFCY SURVEY – YFCY DATA 177 PLAN02: What do you think you will be doing in Fall 2002? 1=Attending your current (or most recent) institution 2=Attending another institution 3=Not attending any institution 178 PERMIT02: Do you give the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA permission to include your ID number should your college request the data for additional research analyses? 1=No 2=Yes Optional Questions 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=E 179 OPT0201: Question #24 180 OPT0202: Question #25 181 OPT0203: Question #26 182 OPT0204: Question #27 183 OPT0205: Question #28 184 OPT0206: Question #29 185 OPT0207: Question #30 186 OPT0208: Question #31 187 OPT0209: Question #32 188 OPT0210: Question #33 189 OPT0211: Question #34 190 OPT0212: Question #35 191 OPT0213: Question #36 192 OPT0214: Question #37 193 OPT0215: Question #38 194 OPT0216: Question #39 195 OPT0217: Question #40 196 OPT0218: Question #41 197 OPT0219: Question #42 198 OPT0220: Question #43 199 OPT0221: Question #44 200 SURVTYPE: Type of survey returned 1=Paper 2=Web 201 RESPMED: Response medium 1=Pencil 2=Ink 3=Damaged 202 RESPSTAT: Response Status 1=Never accessed 2=Accessed, no changes 3=Save & Edit 4=Submitted Responded to 1=No 2=Yes 203 RSPRCE02: Race question Date of Birth 204-205 BYEAR: Year 206-207 BMONTH: Month 208-209 BDAY:Day 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 210 211-212 213-214 215-216 217-222 223 224-225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 CRPFLAG: CIRP Data Present? 1=No 2=Yes SHRED: Shred (Breakout) Code GRPA:Group Code A GRPB:Group Code B CIRPSUBJ: Subject (SIF) I.D. SEX01: Your sex 1=Male 2=Female AGE: How old will you be on December 31 of this year? 1=16 or younger 2=17 3=18 4=19 5=20 6=21 to 24 7=25 to 29 8=30 to 39 9=40 to 54 10=55 or older ENGSPK01: Is English your native language? 1=No 2=Yes YRGRADHS: In what year did you graduate from high school? 1=2001 2=2000 3=1999 4=1998 or earlier 5=Did not graduate but passed G.E.D. test 6=Never completed high school FULLSTAT: Are your enrolled (or enrolling) as a: 1=Part-time student 2=Full-time student DISTHOME: How many miles is this college from your permanent home? 1=5 or less 2=6 to 10 3=11 to 50 4=51 to 100 5=101 to 500 6=Over 500 HSGPA: What was your average grade in high school? 1=D 2=C 3=C+ 4=B5=B 6=B+ 7=A8=A or A+ CITIZEN: Citizenship status 1=Neither 2=Permanent resident (green card) 3=U.S. citizen Had you had any special tutoring or remedial work in: 1=Not marked 2=Marked HADREM1: English HADREM2: Reading HADREM3: Mathematics HADREM4: Social Studies HADREM5: Science HADREM6: Foreign Language HADREM7: Writing 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 Do you feel you will need special tutoring or remedial work in: 1=Not marked 2=Marked NEEDREM1: English NEEDREM2: Reading NEEDREM3: Mathematics NEEDREM4: Social Studies NEEDREM5: Science NEEDREM6: Foreign Language NEEDREM7: Writing PREVCRED: Prior to this term, have you ever taken courses for credit at this institution? 1=No 2=Yes Since leaving high school, have you ever taken courses for credit at any other institution? 1=Not marked 2=marked CRED1: Yes, at a community/junior college CRED2: Yes, at a 4-yr college or university CRED3: Yes, at some other postsecondary school (For example, technical, vocational, business) Since leaving high school, have you ever taken courses not for credit at any other institution? 1=Not marked 2=Marked NOCRED1: Yes, at a community/junior college NOCRED2: Yes, at a 4-yr college or university NOCRED3: Yes, at some other postsecondary school (For example, technical, vocational, business) LIVEPLAN: Where do you plan to live during the fall term? 1=With my family or other relatives 2=Other private home, apartment or room 3=College dormitory 4=Fraternity or sorority house 5=Other campus student housing 6=Other CHOICE: Is this college your 1=Less than third choice 2=Third choice 3=Second choice 4=First choice NUMAPPLY: To how many colleges other than this one did you apply for admission this year? 1=None 2=One 3=Two 4=Three 5=Four 6=Five 7=Six 8=Seven to ten 9=Eleven or more During high school (grades 9-12) how many years did you study each of the following: 1=None 2=One-half 3=One 4=Two 5=Three 6=Four 7=Five or more YRSTUDY1: English YRSTUDY2: Mathematics YRSTUDY3: Foreign Language YRSTUDY4: Physical Sciences YRSTUDY5: Biological Science YRSTUDY6: History/Am. Govt. YRSTUDY7: Computer Science YRSTUDY8: Arts and/or Music 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 264-265 266-267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274-275 276-277 278-279 280-281 What is the highest academic degree that you intend to obtain? 1=None 2=Vocational certificate 3=Associate (A.A. or equivalent) 4=Bachelor's (B.A., B.S., etc.) 5=Master's (M.A., M.S., etc.) 6=Ph.D. or Ed.D. 7=M.D., D.O., D.D.S., D.V.M. 8=LL.B. or J.D. (Law) 9=B.D. or M.Div. (Divinity) 10=other DEGASP01: Highest planned HIDEGHRE: Highest planned at this college PARSTAT: Are your parents 1=One or both deceased 2=Both alive, divorced or living apart 3=Both alive and living with each other How much of your first year's educational expenses (room, board, tuition, and fees) do you expect to cover from: 1=None 2=Less than $1,000 3=$1,000 - 2,999 4=$3,000 - 5,999 5=$6,000 - 9,999 6=$10,000 + AID01: Family resources (parents, relatives, spouse, etc.) AID02: My own resources (savings from work, work-study, other income) AID03: Aid which need not be repaid (grants, scholarships, military funding, etc.) AID04: Aid which must be repaid (loans, etc.) AID05: Other than above INCOME: What is your best estimate of your parent's total income last year? Consider income from all sources before taxes 1=Less than $6,000 2=$6,000 to $9,999 3=$10,000 to $14,999 4=$15,000 to $19,999 5=$20,000 to $24,999 6=$25,000 to $29,999 7=$30,000 to $39,999 8=$40,000 to $49,999 9=$50,000 to $59,999 10=$60,000 to $74,999 11=$75,000 to $99,999 12=$100,000 to $149,999 13=$150,000 to $199,999 14=$200,000 or more Current religious preference 1=Baptist 2=Buddhist 3=Eastern Orthodox 4=Episcopal 5=Islamic 6=Jewish 7=LDS (Mormon) 8=Lutheran 9=Methodist 10=Presbyterian 11=Quaker 12=Roman Catholic 13=Seventh Day Adventist 14=United Church of Christ 15=Other Christian 16=Other Religion 17=None RELIG01D: Yours FRELIG: Father's MRELIG: Mother's 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 Your ethnic background 1=Not marked 2=Marked RACE011: White/Caucasian RACE012: African American/Black RACE013: American Indian/Alaska Native RACE014: Asian American/Asian RACE014: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander RACE016: Mexican American/Chicano RACE017: Puerto Rican RACE018: Other Latino RACE019: Other Your father's ethnic background 1=Not marked 2=Marked FRACE1: White/Caucasian FRACE2: African American/Black FRACE3: American Indian/Alaska Native FRACE4: Asian American/Asian FRACE4: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander FRACE6: Mexican American/Chicano FRACE7: Puerto Rican FRACE8: Other Latino FRACE9: Other Your mother's ethnic background 1=Not marked 2=Marked MRACE1: White/Caucasian MRACE2: African American/Black MRACE3: American Indian/Alaska Native MRACE4: Asian American/Asian MRACE4: Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander MRACE6: Mexican American/Chicano MRACE7: Puerto Rican MRACE8: Other Latino MRACE9: Other BORNAGIN: Do you consider yourself a born-again Christian? 1=No 2=Yes Indicate which activities you did during the past year 1=Not at all 2=Occasionally 3=Frequently ACTS0101: Attended a religious service ACTS0102: Was bored in class ACTS0103: Participated in organized demonstrations ACTS0104: Tutored another student ACTS0105: Studied with other students ACTS0106: Was a guest in a teacher's home ACTS0107: Smoked cigarettes ACTS0108: Drank beer ACTS0109: Drank wine or liquor ACTS0110: Felt overwhelmed by all I had to do ACTS0111: Felt depressed ACTS0112: Performed volunteer work ACTS0113: Played a musical instrument ACTS0114: Asked a teacher for advice after class ACTS0115: Overslept and missed class or appointment ACTS0116: Discussed politics ACTS0117: Voted in student election ACTS0118: Socialized with someone of another racial/ethnic group ACTS0119: Came late to class ACTS0120: Attended a public recital or concert ACTS0121: Visited an art gallery or museum ACTS0122: Discussed religion ACTS0123: Communicated via e-mail ACTS0124: Used the Internet for research or homework ACTS0125: Participated in Internet chat rooms ACTS0126: Other Internet use ACTS0127: Performed community service as part of a class ACTS0128: Used a personal computer 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 How many Advanced Placement courses or exams did you take in high school? 1=None 2=One 3=2 to 3 4=4 to 6 5=7 to 10 6=11 + APCOURSE: AP Courses APEXAM: AP Exams What is the highest level of formal education obtained by your parents? 1=Grammar school or less 2=Some high school 3=High school graduate 4=Postsecondary school other than college 5=Some college 6=College degree 7=Some graduate school 8=Graduate degree FATHEDUC: Father MOTHEDUC: Mother HSTYPE: From what kind of secondary school did you graduate? 1=Public 2=Private (denominational) 3=Private (non-religious) 4=Other Reasons for Attending College 1=Not important 2=Somewhat important 3=Very important REASON01: My parents wanted me to go REASON02: I could not find a job REASON03: Wanted to get away from home REASON04: To be able to get a better job REASON05: To gain a general education and appreciation of ideas REASON06: To improve my reading and study skills REASON07: There was nothing better to do REASON08: To make me a more cultured person REASON09: To be able to make more money REASON10: To learn more about things that interest me REASON11: To prepare myself for graduate or professional school REASON12: A mentor/role model encouraged me to go REASON13: To get training for a specific career Rate yourself on each of the following traits as compared with the average person your age 1=Lowest 10% 2=Below average 3=Average 4=Above average 5=Highest 10% RATE0101: Academic ability RATE0102: Artistic ability RATE0103: Computer skills RATE0104: Competitiveness RATE0105: Cooperativeness RATE0106: Creativity RATE0107: Drive to achieve RATE0108: Emotional health RATE0109: Leadership ability RATE0110: Mathematical ability RATE0111: Physical health RATE0112: Persistence RATE0113: Popularity RATE0114: Public speaking ability RATE0115: Religiousness RATE0116: Self-confidence (intellectual) RATE0117: Self-confidence (social) RATE0118: Self-understanding RATE0119: Spirituality RATE0120: Understanding of others RATE0121: Writing ability 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA Career or Occupation of 1=Accountant or actuary 2=Actor or entertainer 3=Architect or urban planner 4=Artist 5=Business (clerical) 6=Business executive (management, administrator) 7=Business owner or proprietor 8=Business salesperson or buyer 9=Clergy (minister, priest) 10=Clergy (other religious) 11=Clinical psychologist 12=College administrator/staff 13=College teacher 14=Computer programmer or analyst 15=Conservationist or forester 16=Dentist (including orthodontist) 17=Dietitian or home economist 18=Engineer 19=Farmer or rancher 20=Foreign service worker (including diplomat) 21=Homemaker (full-time) 22=Interior decorator (including designer) 23=Lab technician or hygienist 24=Law enforcement officer 25=Lawyer (attorney) or judge 26=Military service (career) 27=Musician (performer, composer) 28=Nurse 29=Optometrist 30=Pharmacist 31=Physician 32=Policymaker/Government 33=School counselor 34=School principal or superintendent 35=Scientific researcher 36=Social, welfare or recreation worker 37=Therapist (physical, occupational, speech) 38=Teacher or administrator (elementary) 39=Teacher or administrator (secondary) 40=Veterinarian 41=Writer or journalist 42=Skilled trades 43=Laborer (unskilled) 44=Semi-skilled worker 45=Unemployed 46=Other career 47=Undecided [student only] 377-378 CAREER01: Student (probable) 379-380 FCAREERD: Father 381-382 MCAREERD: Mother Student Opinions 1=Disagree strongly 2=Disagree somewhat 3=Agree somewhat 4=Agree strongly 383 VIEW0101: There is too much concern in the courts for rights of criminals 384 VIEW0102: Abortion should be legal 385 VIEW0103: The death penalty should be abolished 386 VIEW0104: If two people really like each other, it's all right for them to have sex even if they've known each other for only a very short time 387 VIEW0105: Marijuana should be legalized 388 VIEW0106: It is important to have laws prohibiting homosexual relationships 389 VIEW0107: Employers should be allowed to require drug testing of employees or job applicants 390 VIEW0108: The federal government should do more to control the sale of handguns 391 VIEW0109: Racial discrimination no longer a major problem in America 392 VIEW0110: Realistically, an individual can do little to bring about changes in our society 393 VIEW0111: Wealthy people should pay a larger share of taxes than they do now 394 VIEW0112: Colleges should prohibit racist/sexist speech on campus (continued) 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 Student Opinions (continued) 1=Disagree strongly 2=Disagree somewhat 3=Agree somewhat 4=Agree strongly VIEW0113: Same-sex couples should have the right to legal marital status VIEW0114: Affirmative action in college admissions should be abolished VIEW0115: The activities of married women are best confined to the home and family During your last year in high school, how much time did you spend during 1=None 2=Less than one 3=1 to 2 4=3 to 5 5=6 to 10 6=11 to 15 7=16 to 20 8=Over 20 HPW0101: Studying/homework HPW0102: Socializing with friends HPW0103: Talking with teachers outside of class HPW0104: Exercise or sports HPW0105: Partying HPW0106: Working (for pay) HPW0107: Volunteer work HPW0108: Student clubs/groups HPW0109: Watching TV HPW0110: Household/childcare duties HPW0111: Reading for pleasure HPW0112: Playing video/computer games HPW0113: Prayer/meditation FINCON: Do you have any concern about your ability to finance your college education? 1=none (I am confident that I will have sufficient funds) 2=some (but I probably will have enough funds) 3=major (not sure I will have enough funds to complete college) POLIVW01: How would you characterize your political views? 1=Far right 2=Conservative 3=Middle-of-the-road 4=Liberal 5=Far left MARITAL: Are You Presently Married? 1=No 2=Yes CSVREQ: Did your high school require community service for graduation? 1=No 2=Yes Reasons for choosing to attend this particular college 1=Not important 2=Somewhat important 3=Very important CHOOSE01: My relatives wanted me to come here CHOOSE02: My teacher advised me CHOOSE03: This college has a very good academic reputation CHOOSE04: This college has a good reputation for its social activities CHOOSE05: I was offered financial assistance CHOOSE06: This college offers special educational programs CHOOSE07: This college has low tuition CHOOSE08: High school guidance counselor advised me CHOOSE09: Private college counselor advised me CHOOSE10: I wanted to live near home CHOOSE11: Not offered aid by first choice CHOOSE12: This college's graduates gain admission to top graduate/professional schools CHOOSE13: This college's graduates get good jobs CHOOSE14: I was attracted by the religious affiliation/orientation of the college CHOOSE15: I wanted to go to a school about the size of this college CHOOSE16: Not accepted anywhere else CHOOSE17: Rankings in national magazines CHOOSE18: Information from a website CHOOSE19: I was admitted through an Early Action or Early Decision program CHOOSE20: My friends are attending (continued) 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA Reasons for choosing to attend this particular college (continued) 1=Not important 2=Somewhat important 3=Very important 435 CHOOSE21: I was offered an athletic scholarship 436 CHOOSE22: I was offered a merit-based scholarship 437 CHOOSE23: I was offered a need-based scholarship 438-439 MAJOR01D: Student's Probable Major 1=Art, fine and applied 2=English (language & literature) 3=History 4=Journalism 5=Language and Literature (except English) 6=Music 7=Philosophy 8=Speech 9=Theater or Drama 10=Theology or Religion 11=Other Arts and Humanities 12=Biology (general) 13=Biochemistry or Biophysics 14=Botany 15=Environmental Science 16=Marine (Life) Science 17=Microbiology or Bacteriology 18=Zoology 19=Other Biological Science 20=Accounting 21=Business Administration (general) 22=Finance 23=International Business 24=Marketing 25=Management 26=Secretarial Studies 27=Other Business 28=Business Education 29=Elementary Education 30=Music or Art Education 31=Physical Education or Recreation 32=Secondary Education 33=Special Education 34=Other Education 35=Aeronautical or Astronautical Engineering 36=Civil Engineering 37=Chemical Engineering 38=Electrical or Electronic Engineering 39=Industrial Engineering 40=Mechanical Engineering 41=Other Engineering 42=Astronomy 43=Atmospheric Science (incl. Meteorology) 44=Chemistry 45=Earth Science 46=Marine Science (incl. Oceanography) 47=Mathematics 48=Physics 49=Statistics 50=Other Physical Science 51=Architecture or Urban Planning 52=Home Economics 53=Health Technology (medical, dental, laboratory) 54=Library or Archival Science 55=Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinarian 56=Nursing 57=Pharmacy 58=Therapy (occupational, physical, speech) 59=Other Professional 60=Anthropology 61=Economics 62=Ethnic Studies 63=Geography 64=Political Science (gov't, int. relations) (continued) 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 438-439 MAJOR01D: Student's Probable Major (continued) 65=Psychology 66=Social Work 67=Sociology 68=Women's Studies 69=Other Social Science 70=Building Trades 71=Data Processing or Computer Programming 72=Drafting or Design 73=Electronics 74=Mechanics 75=Other Technical 76=Agriculture 77=Communications (radio, TV, etc) 78=Computer Science 79=Forestry 80=Kinesiology 81=Law Enforcement 82=Military Science 83=Other Field 84=Undecided Goals & Values 1=Not important 2=Somewhat important 3=Very important 4=Essential 440 GOAL0101: Becoming accomplished in one of the performing arts (acting, dancing, etc.) 441 GOAL0102: Becoming an authority in my field 442 GOAL0103: Obtaining recognition from colleagues for contributions to my special field 443 GOAL0104: Influencing the political structure 444 GOAL0105: Influencing social values 445 GOAL0106: Raising a family 446 GOAL0107: Having administrative responsibility for the work of others 447 GOAL0108: Being very well off financially 448 GOAL0109: Helping others who are in difficulty 449 GOAL0110: Making a theoretical contribution to science 450 GOAL0111: Writing original works (poems, novels, short stories, etc.) 451 GOAL0112: Creating artistic work (painting, sculpture, decorating, etc) 452 GOAL0113: Becoming successful in a business of my own 453 GOAL0114: Becoming involved in programs to clean up the environment 454 GOAL0115: Developing a meaningful philosophy of life 455 GOAL0116: Participating in a community action program 456 GOAL0117: Helping to promote racial understanding 457 GOAL0118: Keeping up to date with political affairs 458 GOAL0119: Becoming a community leader 459 GOAL0120: Integrating spirituality into my life What is your best guess as to the chances that you will 1=No chance 2=Very little chance 3=Some chance 4=Very good chance 460 FUTACT01: Change major field 461 FUTACT02: Change career choice 462 FUTACT03: Graduate with honors 463 FUTACT04: Participate in student government 464 FUTACT05: Get a job to help pay for college expenses 465 FUTACT06: Work full-time while attending college 466 FUTACT07: Join a social fraternity or sorority 467 FUTACT08: Play varsity/intercollegiate athletics 468 FUTACT09: Make at least "B" average 469 FUTACT10: Need extra time to complete your degree requirements 470 FUTACT11: Get a bachelor's degree (B.A., B.S., etc.) 471 FUTACT12: Participate in student protests or demonstrations 472 FUTACT13: Drop out of this college temporarily (exclude transferring) 473 FUTACT14: Drop out permanently (exclude transferring) 474 FUTACT15: Transfer to another college before graduating 475 FUTACT16: Be satisfied with your college 476 FUTACT17: Participate in volunteer or community service work 477 FUTACT18: Seek personal counseling 478 FUTACT19: Develop close friendships with other students 479 FUTACT20: Communicate regularly with your professors 480 FUTACT21: Socialize with someone of another racial/ethnic group 481 FUTACT22: Participate in student clubs/groups 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA 482 PERMIT01: Do you give the Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) permission to include your ID number should your college request the data for additional research analyses? 1=No 2=Yes Optional Questions 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D 5=E 483 OPT0101: Question #42 484 OPT0102: Question #43 485 OPT0103: Question #44 486 OPT0104: Question #45 487 OPT0105: Question #46 488 OPT0106: Question #47 489 OPT0107: Question #48 490 OPT0108: Question #49 491 OPT0109: Question #50 492 OPT0110: Question #51 493 OPT0111: Question #52 494 OPT0112: Question #53 495 OPT0113: Question #54 496 OPT0114: Question #55 497 OPT0115: Question #56 498 OPT0116: Question #57 499 OPT0117: Question #58 500 OPT0118: Question #59 501 OPT0119: Question #60 502 OPT0120: Question #61 503 OPT0121: Question #62 504-505 SCAREERD: Student's career (aggregated) 1=Artist 2=Business 3=Business (clerical) 4=Clergy 5=College teacher 6=Doctor (MD or DDS) 7=Education (secondary) 8=Education (elementary) 9=Engineer 10=Farmer or forester 11=Health professional 12=Homemaker (full-time) 13=Lawyer 14=Military (career) 15=Nurse 16=Research scientist 17=Social/welfare/rec worker 18=Skilled worker 19=Semi-skilled worker 20=Unskilled worker 21=Unemployed 22=Other 23=Undecided 2002 YFCY SURVEY – CIRP DATA Parents' Occupation (aggregated) 1=Artist 2=Business 3=Business (clerical) 4=Clergy 5=College teacher 6=Doctor (MD or DDS) 7=Education (secondary) 8=Education (elementary) 9=Engineer 10=Farmer or forester 11=Health professional 12=Homemaker (full-time) 13=Lawyer 14=Military (career) 15=Nurse 16=Research scientist 17=Social/welfare/rec worker 18=Skilled worker 19=Semi-skilled worker 20=Unskilled worker 21=Unemployed 22=Other 506-507 Father's 508-509 Mother's 510-511 Student's Major (aggregated) 1=Agriculture 2=Biological Science 3=Business 4=Education 5=Engineering 6=English 7=Health Professional 8=History or Political Science 9=Humanities 10=Fine Arts 11=Mathematics or Statistics 12=Physical Science 13=Social Science 14=Other Technical 15=Other Non-technical 16=Undecided Response to 1=No 2=Yes 512 RESPATT: Previous attendance 513 RSPSRACE: Student's Race 514 RSPFRACE: Father's Race 515 RSPMRACE: Mother's Race 516 CIRPSTAT: Student Status 1=First-time, full-time 2=First-time, part-time 3=Not a freshman Test Scores 517-519 SATV: 520-522 SATM: 523-524 ACTCOMP: SAT Verbal Score SAT Math Score ACT Composite Score 2002 YFCY SURVEY – INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 525-526 527-531 532-533 534-535 536-537 538 HOMEST: Student's Home State (See Appendix) HOMEZIP: Student's home ZIP cde ISTATE: Institution’s state (See Appendix) STRAT: Stratification cell 1=public university - low select 2=public university - medium select 3=public university - high select 4=private university - low select 5=private university - medium select 6=private university - high select 7=public 4-yr - low select 8=public 4-yr - medium select 9=public 4-yr - high select 10=public 4-yr - unknown select 11=nonsectarian 4-yr - low select 12=nonsectarian 4-yr - medium select 13=nonsectarian 4-yr - high select 14=nonsectarian 4-yr - very high select 15=nonsectarian 4-yr - unknown select 16=Catholic 4-yr - low select 17=Catholic 4-yr - medium select 18=Catholic 4-yr - high select 19=Catholic 4-yr - unknown select 20=Protestant 4-yr - very low select 21=Protestant 4-yr - low select 22=Protestant 4-yr - medium select 23=Protestant 4-yr - high select 24=Protestant 4-yr - unknown select 25=public 2-yr - very low enroll 26=public 2-yr - low enroll 27=public 2-yr - medium enroll 28=public 2-yr - high enroll 29=public 2-yr - very high enroll 30=private 2-yr - very low enroll 31=private 2-yr - low enroll 32=private 2-yr - medium enroll 33=private 2-yr - high enroll 34=public 4-yr - predom black 35=nonsectarian 4-yr - predom black 36=public 2-yr - predom black 37=private 2-yr - predom black 38=Protestant 4-yr - predom black 39=Catholic 4-yr - predom black 40=public university - predom black 41=private university - predom black CARNEGIE: Carnegie code 11=Research I 12=Research II 13=Doctoral I 14=Doctoral II 21=Master's I 22=Master's II 31=Baccalaureate I 32=Baccalaureate II 40=Associate of Arts 51=Theological 52=Medical 53=Other health 54=Engineering/Technology 55=Business/Management 56=Art, Music, Design 57=Law 58=Teacher's Colleges* 59=Other Specialized 60=Tribal INSTRACE: Institutional Race 1=white 2=predominantly black 2002 YFCY SURVEY – INSTITUTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS 539 INSTCONT: Institutional Control 1=public 2=private 540 INSTTYPE: Institutional Type 1=university 2=4-year college 3=2-year college 541 INSTSEX: Institutional Sex 1=male only 2=female only 3=co-educational 4=coordinate 542-545 SELECTIV: Institutional Selectivity (SATV+M) APPENDIX STATE CODES 10=Alabama 11=Alaska 12=Arizona 13=Arkansas 14=California 15=Colorado 16=Connecticut 17=Delaware 18=District of Columbia 19=Florida 20=Georgia 21=Hawaii 22=Idaho 23=Illinois 24=Indiana 25=Iowa 26=Kansas 27=Kentucky 28=Louisiana 29=Maine 30=Maryland 31=Massachusetts 32=Michigan 33=Minnesota 34=Mississippi 35=Missouri 36=Montana 37=Nebraska 38=Nevada 39=New Hampshire 40=New Jersey 41=New Mexico 42=New York 43=North Carolina 44=North Dakota 45=Ohio 46=Oklahoma 47=Oregon 48=Pennsylvania 49=Rhode Island 50=South Carolina 51=South Dakota 52=Tennessee 53=Texas 54=Utah 55=Vermont 56=Virginia 57=Washington 58=West Virginia 59=Wisconsin 60=Wyoming 61=U.S. Service Schools 62=Outlying Areas