Dallas Center – Grimes Community Schools B.L.A.S.T. and T.A.G. Teacher Referral Traits of Gifted Students Cognitive Traits: Learns rapidly and easily Advanced vocabulary Verbally fluent Original and resourceful Intolerant of routine tasks Strong degree of task commitment Comprehends complicated relationship Highly curious and keenly observant Broad scope of interests or an intense, specific interest Affective Traits: Emotional intensity Acute sensitivity Keen sense of justice Needs consistency between abstract values and personal actions Relates well to older children and adults High expectations for self and others, could lead to perfectionism Organizes things and people Keen sense of humor Feels different from others Student Information: Student Name: Current Grade: Gender: Building: Staff Information: Referring Teacher: Principal: Date: Talented and Gifted Teacher: Directions for Referring Teacher: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review the Traits of Gifted Students above Complete the Student Information Section and the Staff Information Section Complete Sections 1-6 on the following pages Attach copies of student work samples that reflect the traits of Giftedness above. Present completed form to the building level TAG teacher 1 Version 3: January 2007 Section 1: Ability: Completed by Referring Teacher Section One Ability: Based on the observations of this student in your class, please respond to the following: A. Uses unusually advanced vocabulary for age or grade level B. Has quick mastery and recall of factual information and concepts C. Exhibits a large storehouse of information about a variety of topics. Understands and makes abstractions and generalizations quickly, D. enjoys analogies, puzzles, etc. Perceives interrelationships; is able to analyze similarities, E. differences and cause and effect relationships readily or in-depth Exhibits the ability to make decisions and judgments based on F. criteria and standards set by self and others G. Demonstrates and accepts leadership Almost Always Sometimes Seldom Examples: Give an indication of how this student displays above ability in your classroom: Section 2: Creativity: Completed by Referring Teacher Section Two Creativity: Based on the observations of this student in your class, please respond to the following: Displays questioning attitude, intellectual curiosity about many A. things; tries to discover the how and why of things Has lots of ideas; sees many solutions to problems and questions; B. sees things from different perspectives; generates varied ideas or solutions Often offers unusual, unique, clever responses: elaborates, giving C. detailed steps or modifications to make ideas more complex, complete and interesting Is able to see implication; show judgment in evaluating things; D. makes decisions easily Is a risk-taker: makes educated guesses, is speculative or skeptical, E. feels free to offer differing opinions; observes and reacts to paradoxes, inconsistencies, and discrepancies Displays a keen sense of humor and sees humor in situations that F. may not appear funny to others G. Has a strong sense of social justice; likes to debate issues Almost Always Sometimes Examples: Give an indication of how this student displays creativity in your classroom: 2 Version 3: January 2007 Seldom 3 Version 3: January 2007 Section 3: Task Commitment Completed by Referring Teacher Section Three: Task Commitment Based on the observations of this student in your class, please respond to the following: A. Becomes intensely involved in certain topics or problems B. Sets own goals in interest areas C Shows initiative D. Follows plans to completion E. Develops quality products F. Does not give up easily G. Needs little teacher directions Almost Always Sometimes Seldom Examples: Give an indication of how this student displays task commitment in your classroom: Section 4: Learning Styles: Completed by Referring Teacher What is this student’s preferred learning style(s) Section 5: Classroom Enrichment: Completed by Referring Teacher What classroom enrichments is the student receiving? Examples: Horizontal Enrichment, Curriculum Compacting, In-depth Studies, Special Activities Related to the Regular Course Work. Section 6: Concerns: Completed by Referring Teacher What concerns do you have about this student? 4 Version 3: January 2007 5 Version 3: January 2007 This section is to be completed by the T.A.G. Teacher. DO NOT GIVE THIS SECTION TO REFERRING TEACHER Complete and attach the following section to teacher referral AFTER the teacher has completed sections 1-5. Directions for Building Level TAG Teacher: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Review the information from the referring teacher on this form Score Sections 1-3 on the teacher referral by give 5 points for every “Almost Always,” 3 points for “Sometimes,” and 1 point for “Seldom.” Complete Section 7 on Student Data Bring subtotals for sections 1-3 and 7 forward to the table below Recommend if student should participate in enrichment (Grade K-12) or if student should be identified as a TAG student (Grades 4-12) Review recommendation with Building Level TAG Committee Record final recommendation at the bottom of this form Sections Subtotals: Completed by TAG Teacher Subtotal from Section 1: Ability _______ of a possible 35 Subtotal from Section 2: Creativity _______ of a possible 35 Subtotal from Section 3: Task Commitment _______ of a possible 35 Subtotal from Section 7: Enrichment or TAG Points _______ of a possible 35 Grand Total of Sections 1-3 _______ of a possible 140 TAG Identification/Enrichment Guidelines for Recommendations 120 to 140 points 105 to 119 points 91 to 104 points 90 or fewer points Excellent candidate for TAG or Enrichment Good candidate for TAG or Enrichment Marginal candidate for TAG or Enrichment. Review closely and carefully consider alternatives. TAG or Enrichment is not recommended. Consider other classroom alternatives. BLAST/TAG Committee Final Recommendation: 6 Version 3: January 2007 Section 7: Test Data: Completed by TAG Teacher Part A: Ability Tests Indicate which (if any) standardized ability tests the student has taken and the student’s grade level at the time of testing. Ability test are designed to measure intelligence {IQ} and include, but are not limited to: Wechsler Intelligence Scale Otis-Lennon School Ability Test Cognitive Ability Test Slossen Intelligence Test SAGES Tests BESTS Test Explore Test If possible please attach results of any ability tests. Part B: Achievement Tests Attach copy of the most recent report card Attach copies of past assessments from the HEART Data Base Directions: Record the National Percentile Rank and circle the criteria/points for each score below. TAG ID Points: Most Recent ITBS Composite Total for TAG ID: _______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent ITBS Reading Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent ITBS Math Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent ITBS Language Arts Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 95th - 97th %ile 14 points 21points 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent ITBS Science Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent ITBS Social Studies Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 95th - 97th %ile 14 points 21points 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Most Recent SAGES Reading Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 98th %ile or higher 35 points Enrichment ID Points: Most Recent SAGES Math Total for Enrichment:_______ 91th-92th %ile 93th – 94th %ile 14 points 21points Most Recent SAGES Writing Total for Enrichment:_______ 7 Version 3: January 2007 91th-92th %ile 14 points 93th – 94th %ile 21points 95th - 97th %ile 28 points 8 Version 3: January 2007 98th %ile or higher 35 points