3. See comments (line 100 -112) in m.file 4. The observations were made more during winter (53 %) than during summer (47 %). This is why the mean temperature value based on observation time series is lower than the mean climatological temperature and interpolated temperatures, both of which have temperature at regular time intervals. See comment (line 131 – 149) for explanation of TVC, TV, tv, tva, and rest. TVC TV tv tva rest 18.18 20.03 19.83 7.95 18.17 16 % (tva^2/tv^2) of total variance of interpolated time series is explained by observation, and 84 % (rest^2/tv^2) of total variance is explained by climatology 5. Time range for Figure 2 is from 1998/3/17 to 1998/4/1. There are gaps around 3/22 and 3/2425. The predictions during the gap period were made by adding climatology (model) to the model error determined at the last time step when both observation and climatology values are available. For other periods, basically, if current model error (difference between climatology and observation) is small, next error is similar to previous, and similar amount of error value is added to climatology to come up with predicted temperature. If current error is big, larger amount of error is produced by kalman filter and added, resulting in larger departure of predicted value (vector v) from observation. For this code, used observed temperature during the time when observation is available. 6. This harmonic analysis used two harmonics (diurnal and annual), and equation is T (t ) T A1 cos( 2πk1t 2πk1t 2πk 2 t 2πk 2 t ) B1 sin( ) A2 cos( ) B2 sin( ) T T T T T is 9*365 day, k1 = 9*365 wave number, k2 = 9 wave number, and t is in unit of day (increment for each step is hour given by fraction of a day). After the regression coefficients are determined, diurnal cycle terms (2nd and 3rd terms) and annual cycle terms are combined separately. The amplitudes for diurnal and annual cycle are Ck Ak2 Bk2 , and phases are φk T2 B tan1 k 2π Ak (k = 1 or 2 for diurnal, annual, respectively). See comments in m.file for explanation for fy and fd 7. It seems like amplitude of diurnal cycle is underestimated, though amplitude of annual cycle comparable to climatology, but overall magnitude is lower. 8. See in m.file 9. If interpolated time series is used for harmonic analysis, noise variance is slightly reduced (by 1 %), meaning annual and diurnal cycle more explain the variance of temperatures time series (tables below). During fall season (around October and November), harmonic fits agree with climatology best, but for the other seasons, there is discrepancy between harmonic fit and climatology in terms of amplitude of diurnal cycle. Also mean value over the annual cycle from harmonic fit is lower than climatology. From observed time series Annual Diurnal “Noise” Amplitude(F) 24.03 7.11 Std dev (F) 17.00 5.02 9.34 % total variance 72 6.3 21.7 Phase Day 200 (Jul 19) 22 UTC % total variance 72.9 7.3 20.0 Phase Day 200 (Jul 19) 22 UTC From interpolated time series Annual Diurnal “Noise” Amplitude(F) 23.94 7.60 Std dev (F) 16.93 5.37 8.82 Fig 2 Fig 3