Vol . 1 N o . 2__________________________________December 1989
Annual Meeting Roundup - October_26, 1989, S t. Louis, Missouri
Council Approval of Roundtable Application
The Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable was f o r m a l ly approved
by SAA Council at its February 1989 meeting. Steven Wh eel er,
the Roundtable's coordinator, welcomed the group to the
Roundtable's first official meeting; 26 members attended the
The Roundtable's specific purposes, as outlined in its
application to Council are:
o Bring together people who are concerned about the
collection, preservation, description and research use
of archival materials documenting lesbian and gay people
and institutions.
o Keep lesbian and gay issues in archives and history
more visible within SAA.
o Educate archivists about the importance of identifying
and preserving historical records documenting the lives,
accomplishments and culture of lesbians and gay m e n .
o Act as a liaison between SAA and community-based
lesbian and gay archives. Encourage and facilitate
the participation of lesbian/gay archivists in SAA
activities and the professional archival community.
o Exchange information with other gay and lesbian
professional groups.
SAA Council Liaison
Bob Sink is SAA C o u n c i l ' s liaison to the Lesbian and Gay
Archives Roundtable. Bob congratulated the group on its
first meeting and welcomed any questions or assistance he can
lend to the Roundtable's members.
Program Sessions
Steven Wheeler announced that a program session entitled " O u t
of the Closet and Into the S t a c k s . " submitted on behalf of
the Lesbian and Gay Archives Roundtable, was on the program
for Sun day , October 29 at 9 : O O a m in the Hickock Room. The
session w i l l examine the different characteristics and
possibilities of lesbian and gay collections at independent
and institutional archives. The session is being chaired by
Anne Kenney of Cornell University. Speakers w i l l be Judith
Schwartz of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, Brenda Marston of
Cor nel l's Human Sexuality Col lec tio n, and B i l l Walker of
the San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society.
It was noted that the Roundtable should formulate program
suggestions for the 199O Seattle meeting as soon as p o s s i b l e ,
as the deadline for submissions is November 10. Brenda
Banks, co—chair of the Program Committee, announced that the
committee had no specific theme to explore but was looking
for ideas that w i l l examine an issue from a variety of
perspectives and appeal to a broad audience. Brenda stressed
that complete proposals, with speakers who have already
agreed to p a r t i c i p a t e , would receive high priority.
A number of people suggested topics and speakers for program
suggestions. Brenda Marston volunteered to head an informal
committee to develop program proposals for next year's
Preliminary Guide to Lesbian and Gay Historical Collections
At last year's informal meeting of the Roundtable, the group
agreed that a p r e l im i n a ry survey of Lesbian and Gay archival
collections would be a valuable project to pursue. Stephen
Nonack agreed to lead the p r o j e c t , and the Getty Center is
generously a l lo w i n g Steve one half day per week to devote to
this effort. Steve submitted a draft survey questionnaire
and cover letter for members' comment.
Steven Wheeler announced that the Roundtable's request for
$150 support for this project had been denied by SAA C o u n c i l .
C ouncil thought our request should have been submitted to the
Editorial Board for evaluation and suggested that we first
determine whether our interests can be served by the 1990
Census of Archival Institutions.
After a good deal of discussion, the Roundtable members
agreed that a p r e l i m i n a r y survey of this sort was worth
pursuing on our o w n . John Aubry suggested that we approach
other Roundtables and Sections and ask if our questionnaire
m ig h t be included in their newsletter m a i l i n g , thereby
avoiding additional postage costs.
The first issue of the R o u n d t a b l e ' s newsletter had been sent
out in May 1 9 8 9 . Council w i l l reimburse the Roundtable for
three newsletter m a i l i n g s each year. Steven Wheeler agreed to
continue editing the newsletter. Judith Schwartz volunteered
assistance with photocopying and m a i l i n g s . We had hoped to
have another m ai l i ng out before the meeting with lists of
restaurants, b a r s , and bookstores in the S t . Louis a r e a , but
was held u p . A list compiled from the local paper, The
Lesbian and Gay News-Telegraph, was distributed.
Three year Plan
Steven Wheeler announced that a three-year plan must be
submitted by year end to SAA C o u n c i l . The plan summarizes
the past year's activities and projects plans into the next
three years. The plan w i l l include any budget requests for
specific projects. He invited suggestions for new projects
the Roundtable members might want to pursue. Several ideas
were offered:
o Methods of outreach to community groups was offered as an
important path to pursue: sponsorship of a communitybased archivist to the SAA annual meeting or an SAA workshop: development of an educational packet of materials
or formal workshop on preservation of lesbian and gay
historical materials that could be presented to local
community groups.
o Social gathering at Seattle meeting held in conjunction
with the local Lesbian and Gay Heritage A l l i a n c e ,
perhaps passing the hat to benefit a local archives.
o Serve as a clearing house of information relating to
funding sources for lesbian and, g a y archives, both
traditional granting agencies and those with specialized
funding interests.
Election of Chair
Brenda Marston suggested that the leadership of the
Roundtable be vested in two co-chairs, one male and one
female, each serving a term of two non-concurrent years.
Steven Wheeler agreed to serve as co—chair for a second year
and asked for nominations for a female co-chair. Deborah
Shelby was nominated and seconded. There being no further
nominations, Deb was elected co-chair by acclamation.
Two days after our meeting in S t . Louis one of our newest
members, B i l l Levelsmier, d i e d . The following paragraphs
were written by his lifelong friend Deborah Shelby. Any
Roundtable members who would l i k e to make a donation to an
AIDS organization in B i l l ' s n a m e , please contact Deb at the
following address.
A I D S . We hear about i t . We read about i t . Some of us
even t a l k about i t , but it never hits home as hard as
when someone we love is affected by i t . AIDS not only
attacks the b o d y , but it can drain the l i f e out of our
emotional, spiritual s e l f . That is what happened to a
dear friend of mine October 2 9 , 1 9 8 9 . Though his body
was in the best condition I had ever seen, what keeps one
a l i v e , call it soul or spirit or whatever, his was gone.
We drove to S t . Louis for the SAA conventio n, at least
t h a t ' s what I thought at the t i m e .
I now know he was
saying his good-byes. That d a y , his eyes had lacked a
certain g l o w , l i k e the eyes of an old blind d o g , just
waiting to be put to s l e e p, out of the misery of l i v i n g
when l i f e was just so physically p a i n f u l . However, the
rest of h i m beamed as usual. His charming and sarcastic
humor h i d the haunting fear of living with AIDS.
The expense alone of this disease could cause one to
b r e a k , not to mention the obtuse attitudes s t i l l
dominating the c o u n t r y . My friend lived in a small town
in the mid-west.
The gay community in this town has not really felt the
effects of A I D S , though it is t h e re . The one place to get
support, the gay c o m m u n i t y , offered their ignorance as
consolation for h i m .
I feel such a loss when I t h i n k of B i l l , I can only
imagine how much better l i f e for me would be if he were
still aliv e.
I shudder to th i nk of the loss the gay
community alone has felt from AIDS. Imagine how
different things might be if this tragedy had not claimed
so many l i v e s . Bi l l no longer has to deal with this
l i f e , but I d o , and i t ' s not easy sometimes.
So many things I wish I would have said or d o n e , but for
h i m it is too late n o w . However, i t ' s not too late to
do something about AIDS. We have information, we have
resources, l e t ' s take advantage of what we do know and
spread the n ew s. Are there p ol i cie s at your workplace
regarding AIDS? Has there been a workshop d e a l i n g with
AIDS in the work en v i r o n m e n t ? If n o t , have one and be
sure to invite a PWA (person with A I D S ) to speak about
their experiences. Have you had an exhibit illustrating
different sources of information regarding AIDS? Are we
documenting this recent history as thoroughly as we
should b e ? Are you involved in your community as a
b u d d y , or volunteer on a hotline or other community
service dealing with AIDS? How about your local schools,
are they educating or ignoring or promoting prejudice?
AIDS is a frightening disease, but misinformation and
ignorance is worse. We can be information goddesses and
gods to our c o m m u n i t y . Start l o c a l , think g l o b a l , and
maybe you w o n ' t lose your best friend, like I d i d .
Deborah Shelby
Heritage Hills #33
Carbondale, IL
Seattle Socializing
The Seattle Lesbian and Gay Heritage A l l i a n c e ( L G H A ) is
already p l a n n i n g events for the 1990 SAA annual m e e t i n g .
Suggestions that have been tossed out include a w a l k i n g tour
of sites important in Seattle's lesbian/gay history and "A
Night on the T o w n , " led by an LGHA g u i d e , to a restaurant and
then on to night spots of interest. A l s o , LGHA can assist
Roundtable members with specialized visitors information and
may be able to provide some housing. If you have suggestions
or would l i k e to help o u t , contact Richard Engeman, 1010
15th Avenue E. #3, S e a tt l e, WA 9 81 1 2 , ( 2 0 6 ) 325-3121. We
w i l l keep you posted as plans develop.
Seattle Program
Four program proposals submitted on behalf of the Roundtable
have been accepted by the Program Committee. Their titles
o Documenting the Underdocumented: Sexual Minorities in Our
o History in M o t i o n : Real to Reel
o Hobby Horse Collections
o " W h o ' s Zooming W h o " : Rethinking Issues of
A full description and details of speakers w i l l be reported
as they arrive.
Attached is a current Directory of Lesbian and Gay Archives
Roundtable members.
If you know someone who would l i k e to
be on our mailing l i s t , please let me know.
F i n a l l y , the Newsletter needs news! Send along hot news
items about yourself, your archives or your community t o :
Steven Wheeler
195 Tenth Avenue #5F
New York, NY 1OO11
LAGAR Directory of Members______________________page 1.
John Aubry
39 Claremont Avenue #93
New York, NY 10027
!(212) 865-0221
Harold Averill
!(Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives)
University of Toronto
120 George Street
Toronto, Ontario M5F 1A5
Kathryn Hammond Baker
Massachusetts State Archives
Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA
Brenda Banks
792 Iris Terrace
Decatur, GA 30033
! W : (404) 656-2374
! H : (404) 636-4062
Scott Bartley
31 Park Avenue, Apt. B
Boston, MA 02215
! H : (617) 536-2014
! W : (6 17) 536-5740
Libby Bouvier
Archives and Records Preservation
1300 New Court House
Boston, MA 02108
! W : ( 6 1 7 ) 725-8045
! H : (617) 491-8285
Mimi Bowling
New York Public Library
Fifth Avenue at 42nd
New York, NY
Jim Carson
1465 W. Winona #3
Chicago, IL 60640
! ( 3 1 2 ) 769-3139
Kathleen Casey
Divinity Library
St. Louis University
3650 Lindell
St. Louis, MO 63108
LAGAR Directory of Members______________________page 2
Robin Chandler
Special Collections and University Archives
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
Elizabeth Cousins
8 Melton Road
Brighton, MA
Richard H. Engeman
!(Lesbian and Gay Heritage Alliance of the Pacific Northwest)
Special Collections and Preservation, FM-25
University of Washington Libraries
Seattle, WA 98195
Shonnie Finnegan
228 Darwin Drive
Buffalo, NY 14226
Patt Fleener
Group Health Cooperative
521 Wall Street
Seattle, WA 98121
Lisa L. Fox
SOLINET Preservation Program
400 Conony Square, Plaza Level
Atlanta, GA 30361-6301
!(404) 892-0943
Mary Frank
Milwaukee Lesbian Archives
P . O . Box 93243
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Elsie Freeman
Chief, Education Branch
Washington, DC 20405
Betty Furdon
Women's Movement Archives
46 Pleasant Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
John Furlong
7497 Ahern Court
St. Louis, MO 63130
!(314) 727-7962
LAGAR Directory of Members
Marilyn Gissor
American Institute of Physics
335 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017
Susan Goldstein
! ( U . S. Senate)
2122 Decatur Place, NW #39
Washington, DC 20008
Harlan M. Greene
Assistant Director
South Carolina Historical Society
The Fireproof Building
Meeting and Chambers Streets
Charleston, SC 29401-2299
! ( 8 0 3 ) 723-3225
Donald Haggerty
!(Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania)
4123 Winterburn
Pittsburgh, PA 15207
Douglas M. Haller
9 0 9 S. 49th Street, 3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19143
! ( 2 1 5 ) 724-4171
Lori Hefner
1604 San Luis Road
Walnut Creek, CA 9 4 5 9 6
! H : (415) 938-3542
! W : (415) 486-5525
Harry G. Heiss
P. O . Box 8737
St. Louis, MO 63102
!(312) 425-4468
Andrea Hinding
9 0 9 E. Magnolia St.
Paul, MN 55106
Jeanette Hintz
Jean Hrichus
153 7th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11215
! ( 7 1 8 ) 398-3445
page 3
LAGAR Directory of Members
page 4.
Hilary A. Kaplan
Georgia Department of Archives & History
330 Capitol Ave SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
Anne R. Kenney
701 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
! ( 6 0 7 ) 255-6845
Leslie Hansen Kopp
752 West End Avenue #17K
New York, NY 10025
William K. Koss
135-20 Hoover Avenue #1K
Kew Gardens, NY 11435
Elizabeth Knowlton
Manuscripts Section
Georgia Department of Archives and History
330 Capitol Avenue, SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
Linda J. Long
Department of Special Collections and University Archives
Cecil H. Green Library
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305
! ( 4 1 5 ) 723-4054
Waverly Lowell
314 Vicksburg
San Francisco, CA
Lucinda Manning
!(Teachers College - Columbia University)
309 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Brenda Marston
History of Human Sexuality Collection
101 Olin Library
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-5301
! ( 6 0 7 ) 255-3530
Daniel Bruce May
532 Ninth Avenue #4C
New York, NY 10018
! ( 2 1 2 ) 563-4033
LAGAR Directory of Members
Janet Miller
259 W, Johnson Street #T4
Philadelphia, PA 19144-2545
Brian Mulhern
2648 Aldrich Avenue, S
Minneapolis, MN 55408
John Noble
312 Maiden
! W : (716)
! H : (716)
Stephen Z. Nonack
8021 Floral Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90046
! ( 2 1 3 ) 851-2431
Stephen E. Novak
362 13th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
Carole Nowicke
Kinsey Institute
Morrison Hall
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Patricia Palmer
311 Rosedale Avenue St.
Louis, MO 63112
!(314) 726-4287 W
Richard Pearce-Moses
Curator of Photographs
Department of Archives and Manuscripts
University Libraries
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1006
! ( 6 0 2 ) 965-3145
Nancy Richard
Massachusetts State Archives
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02130
Guy Louis Roche
Nevada State Library & Archives
Carson City, NV 89710
page 5.
LAGAR Directory of Members
page 6.
Jim Sauder
2500 N. Talman
Chicago, IL 60647
! ( 3 1 2 ) 489-7093
Judith Schwarz
Lesbian Herstory Archives
P . O . Box 1258
New York, NY 10116
! ( 2 1 2 ) 874-7232
Deborah Shelby
Heritage Hills #33
Carbondale, IL 62901
!( 6 1 8 ) 457-8915
Catherine Shepard
170 Glebeholme Blvd.
Toront, Ontario M4J 2S6
!(416) 466-981?
Steven Siegel
155 East 93 Street #3C
New York, NY 10128
!( 21 2) 427-5395
John W. Smith
Art Institute of Chicago
Michigan Avenue at Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60603
! H : (312) 338-6033
Terry Snyder
University of Pennsylvania Archives and Record Center
North Arcade, Franklin Field
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6320
! ( 2 1 5 ) 898-7024
Linda Stanley
339 W. Durham Street
Philadelphia, PA 19119
! ( 2 1 5 ) 247-9758
Jack Termine
320 Riverside Drive 13F
New York, NY 10025
!(212) 864-6498
LAGAR Directory of Members________________________page 7.
Rev. Paul K. Thomas
Archdiocese of Baltimore
320 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
! ( 3 0 1 ) 547-5443
Susan von Salis
!Schlesinger Library
338 Walden Street
Cambridge, Ma 02138
Bill Walker
!San Francisco Bay Area Gay & Lesbian Historical Society
279 30th Street
San Francisco, CA 94131
! ( 4 1 5 ) 648-6814
Steven Wheeler
195 Tenth Avenue #5F
New York, NY 10011
! W : (212) 656-2252
! H : (212) 691-9781
Nanci A. Young
323 Greens Loop Drive
Chesire, CT 06410
! H : (203) 271-3636
! W : (518) 474-4658