On the basis of article 181 from the Law on Real Estate Cadastre

On the basis of article 181 from the Law on Real Estate Cadastre (Official Gazette of R.
Macedonia no.40/08), the Steering Board of the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre has
Article 1
1) This Regulation stipulates the method of production of topographic maps.
2) The topographic maps stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article shall be produced in
digital and paper form, on the basis of the data from the performed topographic
3) The data stipulated in paragraph 1 of this Regulation are organized in a
topographic data base.
Article 2
Separate terms used in this Regulation shall have the following meaning:
1) Map is a graphically shaped display of the Earth’s surface in a plane, reduced in a
certain ratio, mathematically engineered and generalized.
2) Topographic map is a general geographic map with large number of information
for the presented area, which refer to the traffic roads, the waters, the vegetation,
the relief shape and the borderlines of the administrative areas, supplemented by
the description of the map on which all objects have been presented with equal
3) Topographic survey is a procedure for acquisition and processing of data for the
horizontal and the vertical layout of the land, by use of geodetic methods.
4) Topographic data base is a sum of objects, where each object is a physical entity,
term or an idea from the reality.
5) Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard graphical language for data
6) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a general term for digital three dimensional
elevation model.
7) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a sum of properly arranged points per coordinate
axes, whose spatial coordinates are used to form a mathematical terrain model,
bearing also in consideration the coordinates of the vegetation, the built objects,
the roads, the break lines and the feature points.
8) Digital Surface Model (DSM) is a sum of properly arranged points per coordinate
axes, whose spatial coordinates are used to form a mathematical model for the
Earth’s surface.
9) Aero-photogrammetric images are images taken from the air by measurement
10) Satellite images are images made from satellite.
11) Measurement camera is an analogue or digital photogrammetric camera with
already defined elements of the internal orientation which are determined by
12) Aero triangulation is a method for defining the elements of the images’ external
orientation by the coordinates of the geodetic and the orientation points of the
performed photogrammetric survey.
13) Ortophoto image is the mid point of the aero-photogrammetric camera translated
from central or other known projection in an orthogonal projection, by means of
14) Ortophoto map is a sheet equivalent to the sheet of the topographic map,
comprised of one or a mosaic of several ortophoto images with unique scale, in a
coordinate system.
15) Scale is a ratio between the determined length of the map and its adequate natural
16) Global navigation satellite system is a satellite geo-positioning and navigation
system, on a global level.
17) Cartographic projection is a projection that defines the mathematical laws for
projection of points from the Earth’s ellipsoid or the Earth, in a plane.
18) Coordinate network is a network of the ellipsoid coordinate lines (meridians and
19) Cartographic network is a projection of the coordinate network in a plane i.e.
graphical layout of the meridians and the parallels projected from the Earth’s
ellipsoid in the map plane.
20) Nomenclature of map sheets is a division of the Earth’s surface on sheets by
certain rules and their numeration for an adequate scale.
21) Accuracy of the position is a numeric method for description of the quality by
which the geo-positioning i.e. the mapping of the spatial data is made.
22) Attributes are description of locations, events or objects on the surface of the
23) Logical consistency is a compliance i.e. logical connectivity of the topographic
data with the remaining data from the topographic data base.
Scale of the topographic maps
Article 3
The scale of the topographic maps is expressed in fraction, whose numerator is
one (1), while the denominator is a number that signifies how many times the natural
length has been reduced during its display in the horizontal map projection.
Types of topographic maps according the scale
Article 4
According the scale in which they are produced, the topographic maps are divided to:
- large scale maps, in scale 1:25 000 to 1:50 000
- mid scale maps, in scale 1:100 000 to 1:200 000, and
- small scale maps, in scale from 1:500 000 to 1:1 000 000
Basic topographic maps
Article 5
The basic topographic maps are produced in scale 1:25 000 and differ from the
remaining topographic maps by its source content, the data accuracy and the optimal ratio
of the data quantity per area unit.
Mathematical basis
Article 6
The mathematical basis in which the topographic maps are produced is defined by the
geodetic datum (the coordinate system) and the cartographic projection.
Geodetic datum
Article 7
The data for the geodetic datum in which the topographic maps are produced are:
the reference system: state coordinate system
reference ellipsoid: Bessel 1841
major semi-axis (a): 6377397.155m;
inverse flattening: 299.1528128156;
cartographic projection: Gauss Kruger;
zone of translation: 7;
Prime Meridian: Greenwich
meridian of origin: 21°00’00”;
Latitude of origin: Equator
Scale factor at origin: 0.9999
False Easting: 500,000.00m
False Northing: 0m
Unit of measurement: meter
Horizontal datum: Hermans Koegell; and
Vertical datum: mid sea level, mare graph in Trieste
Cartographic projection
Article 8
The topographic maps are produced in the state projection of Republic of Macedonia
i.e. the Gauss Krieger projection.
Method, scope and basis
Article 9
1. The topographic survey shall be performed by photogrammetric survey method
on the field.
2. The topographic survey entails: preparation of the survey field, determining of
geodetic point coordinates and survey of the field.
3. The data from the topographic survey stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article are
the basis for production of topographic maps and for establishment of the
topographic data base.
Data source
Article 10
1. The basic method for conducting a topographic survey is the photogrammetric
method, in which as a data source can be used: aero-photogrammetric images,
satellite images, laser measurements, etc.
Project for aero-photogrammetric survey
Article 11
The project for aero-photogrammetric survey is comprised of:
- Survey plan produced on a topographic map in an adequate scale with
presented survey directions, survey scale, type and focus of the camera for
survey and elevation of the flight.
- plan with arrangement of orientation points, type and dimensions of the
signals; and
- Date, name, surname and signature of the survey project designer.
Scale of survey
Article 12
1. The scale of survey can not be smaller than 1:4 in reference to the scale in which
the topographic map is produced.
2. During the determining of the survey scale, the focus of the survey camera is also
taken in consideration.
Survey camera
Article 13
1. The aero-photogrammetric survey is made with analogue or digital aerophotogrammetric camera.
2. During the survey with analogue camera, the survey scale is a basic factor by
which the survey accuracy will be defined.
3. During the survey with digital camera, the accuracy is expressed with the spatial
size of the groud sampling distance.
4. The camera stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article should have a certificate from
the performed calibration not older than 2 years.
Longitudinal and transversal overlap
Article 14
1. The longitudinal overlap should provide stereoscopic view of two
neighboring photo images and this should not be smaller than 60%.
2. The transversal overlap should provide connection between the photo
images from the neighboring rows and should not be smaller than 20%.
Photo materials
Article 15
1. The photo materials which are applied in the aero-photogrammetric survey
with analogue camera should have:
i. High general sensitivity
ii. Good sensito-metric features (pan-chromatic, super-chromatic,
infra-red, color and infra color)
iii. The resolution of the photo material should be bigger than 40
2. Digital aero-photogrammetric images shall be obtained by scanning the
photo materials stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article. The resolution of
the digital aero-photogrammetric images (the size of the pixel) should not
be larger than 20 microns.
Time of the survey
Article 16
The field survey shall be conducted in a time period of the year with low
vegetation and in day time with small shadows and stable time conditions.
Photo signalization of the orientation points
Article 17
The photo signalization of the orientation points shall be performed with photo
signals in white color, in one of the following forms and dimensions (rs – survey scale):
Preparatory works for the aero-photogrammetric survey
Article 18
Prior the beginning of the aero-photogrammetric survey shall be performed preparation
of the survey field, which consists of:
photo signalization of the current geodetic points and the additional
orientation points, in compliance to the survey project; and
Preparing description of the location for each orientation point.
Technical Report from the performed survey
Article 19
1. After the performed aero-photogrammetric survey of the field, the contractor shall
produce Technical Report from the survey, which shall comprise:
i. Date of the survey
ii. Scale of the survey
iii. Survey camera
iv. Camera focus
v. Certificate for calibration of the camera; and
vi. Data for the projection centers for the GNSS supported survey, with remarks
on the accuracy level.
2. All additional and reiterated surveys shall be recorded on the topographic map, on
which the survey plan has been produced, in red color.
III.2 Field works
Field identification of orientation points
Article 20
1. After the conducted survey, on the location shall be identified the photo signalized
orientation points. On the contact copy shall be written the number of the point and
shall be marked with a red circle.
2. When the number of the photo signalized orientation points is not sufficient, for
orientation points can be used visible details, as additional points.
3. Geodetic Report shall be produced for the performed filed works that refer to the
definition of the orientation point coordinates, which will comprise:
i. Title page
ii. Verification page
iii. Content
iv. Technical report
v. Overview sketch of orientation points
vi. List of verified coordinates for the points from the current geodetic map
vii. Original data form the field measurements
viii. Data from the calculations with remarks on the accuracy level
ix. List of orientation point coordinates
x. Descriptions of the location of the orientation points.
4. The Geodetic Report stipulated in paragraph 3 of this article shall be produced in
paper and electronic form.
5. The form and the content of the Geodetic Report stipulated in paragraph 3 of this
article are provided in Annex 1, which is an integral part of this Regulation.
Field Interpretation
Article 21
1. The field interpretation shall be performed on photomaps (photo sketches).
2. During the field interpretation stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article shall be
collected data for: residential areas, public facilities, roads, railways, waters,
electricity lines, method of land use and other data according the digital topographic
3. For the performed field works which refer to the field interpretation shall be produced
a Geodetic Report on the performed interpretation which contains:
a. Title page
b.Verification page
c. Content
d.Technical Report
e. Overview sketch for the area subject to interpretation with
reference to the photo sketches;
f. Photo sketches from the filed interpretation with original data
from the performed interpretation, data for the period when the
interpretation has been performed and the officers which have
performed the field interpretation.
4. The Geodetic Report stipulated in paragraph 3 of this article shall be produced in
paper and electronic form.
5. The form and the content of the Geodetic Report stipulated in paragraph 3 of this
article are provided in annex 2, which is an integral part of this Regulation.
Connective points
Article 22
1. The number of orientation points (the geodetic points and the additional points) shall
be increased with connective points between the neighboring stereo pairs and rows,
according the required arrangement of points in each stereo pair.
2. The connective points of the contact copies shall be marked with green circle, besides
which the number of the connective point shall be inserted.
Orientation of stereo pairs
Article 23
1. During the performance of the internal orientation, on the photo sketch shall be
measured at least four edge markers. The deviation after the adjustment should not be
bigger than 15 microns.
2. For relative orientation, on the photo sketch shall be measured at least 6 points and
the parallax after the performed measurement should not bigger than 15 microns.
Aero-triangulation procedure
Article 24
(1) The aero-triangulation is a working process performed with the assistance of a
photogrammetric hardware and software in order to obtain adjusted coordinates of
orientation and connective points.
(2) The connective points in the model or on the photo-sketch may be measured
manually or automatically, by length of the row and in between the rows.
(3) The aero-triangulation produces the elements of the external orientation for each
sporadic photo-sketch. On the basis of these elements stereo pairs are formed or a
digital ortho-photo is produced.
Geodetic report for aero-triangulation
Article 25
(1) A geodetic report is produced for the performed aero-triangulation, containing the
Title page;
Verification page
Technical report
Overview sketch of orientation points and stereo pairs/photo images
List of orientation point coordinates
Results from the measuring of the image/module coordinates
Results from the adjustment with corrections of the coordinates
Output coordinates from the aero-triangulation for the orientation points
including evaluation of the accuracy, and
List of eliminated points
(2) The geodetic report stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article is produced in paper
and electronic form.
(3) The form and the content of the geodetic report stipulated in paragraph 1 of this
article are provided in annex 3 which is an integral part of this regulation.
Topographic data model
Article 26
The topographic data model defines the packages, the classes and the
elements of the data, their spatial layout, the attributes, the rules, the relation and
the cartographic image, thus providing an efficient access to the data, as well as
performing adequate operations over the data.
Topographic database in scale of 1:25.000
Article 27
(1) The architecture of the topographic database in scale of 1:25.000 is
standardized and results from the topographic data model in which all data are
presented by using the object concept.
(2) The topographic database in scale of 1:25.000 is comprised of 10 data
packages, such as: administrative areas, land classification, roads, railroads,
waters, small objects, topographic characteristics, text (textual records),
reference raster and spatial scheme with coordinate network and frame.
(3) Each of the packages stipulated in paragraph 2 of this article represents a unit
comprised of classes, described by specific information i.e. data, connected by
their land marks and specifics, so called attributes.
(4) The structure of the topographic database along with the data packages are
shown in the following scheme:
25000 TDB
Levels of the digital topographic map
Article 28
The digital topographic map is comprised of eight vector levels, such as: administrative
areas, land classification, roads, railways, waters, small objects, topographic
characteristics, text (textual records) and one raster level of data – ortho-photo map,
shown on the following picture:
Administrative areas
Article 29
The level of data for administrative areas is comprised of data files for: state
borderline, borderlines of local self-government units and the borderlines of the
national parks.
State borderline
Article 30
(1) The data file comprising the content of the state borderline is formed only for
the sheets of the topographic map through which the borderline spreads.
(2) The data from the data files stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article are
obtained by copying and connecting the points provided by Y and X coordinates
from the archive reports and the Minutes for the state borderline.
Borderlines of the local self-government units
Article 31
(1) The data files comprising the data for the borderlines of the local selfgovernment units are formed for each sheet from the topographic map.
(2) The content of the data files stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article is formed
on the basis of Y and X coordinates for the points of the borderlines of the
local self government units, which borderlines are defined with the law on
territorial organization of the local self-government units in R. Macedonia.
(3) The coordinates stipulated in paragraph 2 of this article are obtained with
digitalization of the cadastre maps in scale of 1:1000, 1:2500 and 1:5000.
Borderlines of national parks
Article 32
(1) The data files comprising the data for the borderlines of the national parks are
formed for the sheets from the topographic map through which the
borderlines spread.
(2) In the data files stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article are inserted Y and X
coordinates for the points from the borderlines of the national parks, in digital
form, obtained by a relevant entity.
Article 33
(1) On the topographic map are mapped data for: land classification, roads,
railroads, waters, small objects, topographic characteristics and text (textual
(2) The mapping of the data stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article is performed
from orientation stereo pairs.
(3) The mapping of the data stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article as well as the
mapping of the data stipulated in articles 30, 31 and 32 is performed according the
topographic model of data from article 26 from this regulation, the digital
topographic key and the specification for the spatial data in scale of 1:25000.
(4) The form and the content of the digital topographic key are provided in annex
# 4 which is an integral part of this regulation.
(5) The form and the content of the specification for spatial data are provided in
annex # 5 which is an integral part of this regulation.
Ortho-photo map
Article 34
(1) The ortho-photo maps are produced according the division of the sheets on
the topographic maps in adequate scale.
(2) For production of ortho-photo maps, the following is needed:
Aero-trigonometric images surveyed with digital camera, scanned aerophotogrammetric images and satellite images.
Elements for internal and external orientation of the aero-photogrammetric
images, and
Digital terrain model.
Thematic maps
Article 35
(1) The topographic data base may be used as basis for production of thematic
(2) The thematic maps provide a cartographic layout of various themes from the
natural and social surrounding, which are directly connected to the space.
With the application of the cartographic elements, on the thematic maps are
presented different information for the position of the area in the space, its
widespread, quantities and attributes.
Geometric accuracy
Article 36
The geometric accuracy of the topographic map data, expressed through
mean error of reading the map coordinates, should be smaller than  0.0002M,
where M is the denominator of the map scale.
Stages of processing the data
Article 37
The cartographic data are processed in the following stages:
- Connecting the neighboring sheets on the topographic map;
- Building topology
- Connecting the graphic part with the topographic data base, and
- Preparation for printing
Connecting the neighboring sheets on the topographic map
Article 38
The connection between the neighboring sheets on the topographic map is made
by copying the coordinates, the type and the attributes of the borderline elements
from the previously produced sheet of the topographic map and transfer of the sheet
on the topographic map which is under production.
Building topology
Article 39
Building the topology entails checking the data per types of elements. During
building the topology, the following is performed:
- Identification and elimination of double lines and polygons;
Identification of unconnected lines and polygons and their connection
Identification and elimination of very small lines;
Identification of parts of lines which continue outside the intersection
Connecting the graphic with the attribute data in a topographic data base
Article 40
In a topographic data base, the graphic elements from each object are connected
with adequate attribute data in correlation 1:1, i.e. each element from the graphic
part needs to have adequate record in the attributive table from the topographic data
Field control of mapped data
Article 41
(1) The field control of the mapped data is performed on a printed working sheet
from the topographic map, during which rectification of the identified
omissions is performed.
(2) During field control are collected data for the objects which are not visible in
the stereo model, as well as data for the attributes of the objects which are
not collected in the interpretation procedure, with the objective to assign an
adequate topographic sign.
(3) On the printed working sheet from the topographic map on which the field
control is performed are inserted data for the period when the field control
has been performed as well as the names of the experts who conducted the
(4) The field control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article is performed by the
producer of the topographic map.
Preparations for printing
Article 42
The preparation for printing entails the following:
- Definition of symbols for the point, line and polygon objects;
Selection of fonts for the needed characteristics, in compliance to the digital
topographic key stipulated in article 33, paragraph 4 of this regulation;
Cartographic processing of the data files for each sheet from the topographic
Organization of the data files per layers, per principle of the cartographic
visualization of the content, and
Creation of the final out-of-frame design, which is produced in two versions
(Macedonian and English)
Article 43
(1) The sheets from the topographic map in scale of 1:25000 are printed in four
basic colors: blue, violet, yellow and black;
(2) If needed, the colors stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article may be
supplemented with brown, grey and light grey color.
(3) On the backside of the topographic map is printed the division of the sheets
in adequate scale, for the entire territory of R. Macedonia.
Control of the technical report from the performed aero-photogrammetric survey
Article 44
(1) After the performed aero-photogrammetric survey, a control of the survey
data is performed during which is identified whether :
- The deviation of the flight height is smaller than 5% from the projected
- The vertical inclination of the images is smaller than 5 grades (g) while
the rotating of the images is smaller than 15 grades (g), and
- Aero-photogrammetric images are applicable (evenness of the negative,
lack of deep shadows, clouds, fog and snow);
- The edge marks are visible;
- The numeration of the images is correct;
- The contrast of the subsequent images is even;
- The area which is surveyed is with stereoscopic coverage.
(2) Following the performed control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article,
Minutes are being prepared in which are inserted comments from the
performed control, the date and the geodetic expert from the Agency for
REC which performed the control and the deadline for rectification of the
identified omissions.
Control of the geodetic report for identification of orientation points
Article 45
(1) By controlling the geodetic report for identification of orientation points, a
check up of the data from the performed surveys and calculation and of the
reach accuracy is performed.
(2) During the control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article, it is identified
whether the geodetic report is produced according the stipulated form and
content and whether the adequate method for identification of the orientation
points is applied.
(3) Following the performed control stipulated in paragraph 1and 2 of this
article, Minutes are being prepared in which are inserted comments from the
performed control, the date and the geodetic expert from the Agency for
REC which performed the control and the deadline for rectification of the
identified omissions.
Control of the geodetic report for the performed interpretation
Article 46
(1) By controlling the geodetic report for the performed interpretation, it is
identified whether the report is produced in the prescribed form and content.
(2) During the control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article, a check up of the
data contained in the photo-sketches from the interpretation is performed.
(3) Following the performed control stipulated in paragraph 1 and 2 of this
article, Minutes are being prepared in which are inserted comments from the
performed control, the date and the geodetic expert from the Agency for REC
which performed the control and the deadline for rectification of the identified
Control of the geodetic report for aero-triangulation
Article 47
(1) By controlling the geodetic report for aero-triangulation, the following is
Arrangement and number of connective points
Mean error of the internal and relative orientation
Deviation of the orientation points coordinates defined on the field with
coordinates obtained from the aero-triangulation;
Mean square error of adjustment
(2) Following the performed control stipulated in paragraph 1 and 2 of this
article, Minutes are being prepared in which are inserted comments from the
performed control, the date and the geodetic expert from the Agency for REC
which performed the control and the deadline for rectification of the identified
Control of the topographic database
Article 48
(1) The control of the topographic database is performed for each sheet from the
topographic map separately, per levels.
(2) The control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article entails control of the:
Logic consistency
Accuracy of the position
Semantic accuracy
Time accuracy
(3) The manner of performing the control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article
is prescribed by the specification for spatial data in scale of 1:25000 stipulated in
article 33, paragraph 5 in this Regulation.
Final Control
Article 49
The copy of the sheet from the topographic map which the producer has
delivered as final shall be subject to final control.
The final control is performed by a surveyor from the Agency for Real Estate
Following the performed control stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article,
Minutes are being prepared in which are inserted comments from the
performed control, the date and the geodetic expert from the Agency for REC
which performed the control and the deadline for rectification of the
identified omissions.
Article 50
1. Meta data in (*xml) form shall be produced for each level of the sheet from the
digital topographic map, using adequate software.
2. The meta data stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article shall enable identification,
overview and use of the data of the topographic maps via the global electronic
Updating of the topographic maps
Article 51
1. The updating of the topographic maps denotes synchronization of the data from
the topographic map with the factual field condition.
2. When the changes on the field are of smaller scale, then the topographic maps
shall be updated by traditional field survey, by applying the polar surveying
method or the global satellite positioning method.
3. When the changes on the field are of bigger scale, then the topographic maps shall
be updated by aero-photogrammetric survey or by using satellite images.
4. The updating of the topographic maps can also be performed also by using the
updated ortophoto maps.
5. The need for updating the data stipulated in paragraph 1 of this article shall be
determined by the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre.
Generalization of the topographic maps
Article 52
The topographic maps stipulated in article 4 of this Regulation in scale
smaller than 1:25000 shall be produced on the basis of the topographic data base
established for scale 1:25000 by applying the rules for the cartographic
Article 53
This Regulation shall enter into force the following day of its publication
in the “Official Gazette of Republic of Macedonia”.
Date: ___________ 2009
President of the Steering Board
Slavce Trpeski