Charlotte Wiles MChem PhD MRSC PERSONAL STATEMENT As a highly motivated individual, I strive to build on the scientific experience gained by conducting postgraduate and post-doctoral research in the field of micro reaction technology and micro fluidics. By applying this experience to the area of supported reagents and catalysts, I aim to broaden my current research activities to enable the development of micro fluidic devices suitable for the continuous synthesis of analytically pure compounds. This technology will subsequently be used to realise the overall goal of developing novel synthetic methodology applicable to the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals; an area in which I have a personal interest in directing my career. PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Charlotte Wiles Date of Birth: 04/08/78 (Aged 33) Home Address: 50 Cleeve Road Hedon Kingston upon Hull HU12 8PH United Kingdom Tel: 01482 897261 E-mail: Marital Status: Single EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Sept 2000 to Sept 2003: PhD: ‘Organic Synthesis within Micro Reactors’ (Prof. S. J. Haswell) Department of Chemistry, The University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Kingston upon Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom. Sept 1996 to July 2000: 1st Degree Classification: First Class MChem Chemistry with Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology (1 Year Industrial Placement) Department of Chemistry, The University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Kingston upon Hull, HU6 7RX, United Kingdom. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY April 2008 to Present: Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chemtrix BV : Burgemeester Lemmensstraat 358, Geleen, The Netherlands Sept 2003 to April 2008: Post Doctoral Research Assisant (PDRA): Department of Chemistry, The University of Hull. June 1998 to June 1999: Acordis Acrylic Fibres (Industrial Placement): Pyewipe, Great Coates, Grimsby, DN31 2SS. PUBLICATION LIST (Peer-reviewed): ‘The synthesis of peptides using micro reactors’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell, E. Pombo-Villar and P. Styring, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2001, 990. ‘The aldol reaction of silyl enol ethers within a micro reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. PomboVillar, Lab Chip, 2001, 1, 100. ‘Investigation of racemisation in peptide synthesis within a micro reactor’, P. Watts, C. Wiles, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Lab Chip, 2002, 2, 141. ‘Solution phase synthesis of -peptides using micro reactors’, P. Watts, C. Wiles, S. J. Haswell and E. PomboVillar, Tetrahedron, 2002, 58, 5427. Charlotte Wiles Page 1 04/01/06 ‘1,4-Addition of enolates to -unsaturated ketones within a micro reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Lab Chip, 2002, 2, 62. ‘The regioselective preparation of 1,3-diketones within a micro reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2002, 1034. ‘The regioselective preparation of 1,3-diketones’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Tetrahedron Lett., 2002, 43, 2945. ‘Solution phase synthesis of esters within a micro reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. PomboVillar, Tetrahedron, 2003, 59, 10173. ‘Stereoselective alkylation of an Evans auxiliary derivative within a pressure-driven micro reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Lab Chip, 2004, 4, 171. ‘The application of micro reactor technology for the synthesis of 1,2-azoles’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Org. Process Rev. Dev., 2004, 8, 28. ‘An investigation into the use of silica-supported bases within EOF-based flow reactors’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Tetrahedron, 2004, 60, 8421. ‘Acid-catalysed synthesis of dimethyl acetals in an EOF-based flow reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Tetrahedron, 2005, 61, 5209. ‘The preparation and reaction of enolates within micro reactors’, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. J. Haswell and E. Pombo-Villar, Tetrahedron, 2005, 61, 10757. ‘The use of solid-supported reagents in continuous flow reactors’, C. Wiles*, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, J. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2005, in press. ‘Synthesis and characterisation of immobilised Ruthenium complexes’, G. M. Greenway, A. Greenwood, P. Watts and C. Wiles*, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 2006, (1), 85. ‘Microreactors as tools for chemical research’ X. Zhang, C. Wiles, S. L. Painter, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Chimica Oggi, 2006, 24, 43. ‘Flow reactors for organic synthesis’, G. P. Wild, C. Wiles and P. Watts, Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2006, in press. ‘Clean and selective oxidation of aromatic alcohols using silica-supported Jones’ reagent in a pressure-driven flow reactor’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Tetrahedron Lett., 2006, 47, 5261. ‘The use of solid-supported reagents in continuous flow reactors’, C. Wiles*, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, J. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2006, 49, 4, 377-420. (Conference Special Edition (Hinxton)). (pg 419) ‘Isotopic labelling in micro reactors’, J. Hooper, P. Watts and C. Wiles, J. Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2006, 49, 4, 377-420. (Conference Special Edition (Hinxton)). (pg 417*) ‘A Chemiluminescence nanosensor to monitor lipid peroxidation’ N. Baker, G. M. Greenway, R. A. Wheatley and C. Wiles, Analyst, 2007, 132, 104-106. ‘Micro reactors: A new tool for the synthetic chemist’, P. Watts and C. Wiles, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2007, 5, 727-732. (Invited REVIEW) ‘Recent advances in micro reaction technology’, Chem. Commun., 2007 (5), 443-467. (Invited REVIEW) ‘The use of electroosmotic flow as a pumping mechanism for semi-preparative scale continuous flow synthesis’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Chem. Commun., 2007, 966-968. ‘The use of solid-supported reagents for the multi-step synthesis of a combinatorial array of analytically pure -unsaturated compounds in miniaturised flow reactors’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Lab Chip, 2007, 7, 322-330. ‘Synthesis of analytically pure compounds in flow reactors’, P. Watts and C. Wiles, Chem. Eng. Technol., 2007, 329-333. DOI:10.1002/ceat.200600323 (Invited REVIEW) Charlotte Wiles Page 2 25/04/12 ‘An expedient, scalable synthesis of the natural product L-anserine’, Synthesis, 2007, 17, 2608-2610. DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-983826 ‘An efficient, chemoselective technique for the continuous flow synthesis of thioacetals’, C. Wiles, P. Watts and S. J. Haswell, Tetrahedron Lett., 2007, 48, 7362-7365. DOI: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2007.08.027. ‘Improving chemical synthesis using flow reactors’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2007, 2(11), 1487-1503. (Invited REVIEW) ‘Parallel synthesis of THP ethers in an EOF-based micro reactor’, C. Wiles* and P. Watts, Chem. Commun., 2007, 4928-4930. DOI: 10.1039/b712546a. ‘Deuterated isotope labelling of phenol derivatives within micro reactors’, J. Hooper, P. Watts and C. Wiles, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2008, 5, 595-602. DOI 10.1007/s10404-008-0274-8. ‘Encapsulation of functionalised silica nanoparticles into silicate sol-gel nanoprobes as a means of reducing fluorophore leaching’ Analyst, V. J. Hammond, J. Aylott, G. M. Greenway, P. Watts, A. Webster and C. Wiles, 2008, 133, 71-75. DOI: 10.1039/b711995j. ‘Continuous flow reactors, a tool for the modern synthetic chemist’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, EurJOC, 2008, 10, 1655-1671. (Invited REVIEW) DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200701041. ‘An integrated microreactor for the multicomponent synthesis of -aminonitriles’, Org. Proc. Res. Dev., C. Wiles* and P. Watts, 2008, 12, 1001-1006. DOI: 10.1021/op800025p. ‘N-Nitrosoarylamines as reagents for the controlled release of nitric oxide molecules via dissociative electron transfer’, L. A. Evans, M. Petrovic, M. Antonijevic, C. Wiles, P. Watts and J. Wadhawan, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 112, 12928-12935. ‘Evaluation of the heterogeneously catalyzed Strecker reaction conducted under continuous flow’, C. Wiles* and P. Watts, EurJOC, 2008, 5597-5613. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.200800751. ‘Enzymatic synthesis of a series of alkyl esters using Novozyme 435 in a packed-bed, miniaturized, continuous flow reactor’ L. L. Woodcock, C, Wiles, G. M. Greenway, P. Watts, A. Wells and S. Eyley, Biocatalysis and Biotransformations, 2008, 26(6), 466-472. DOI: 10.1080\10242420802456571 ‘The use of immobilised crown ethers as in-situ N-protecting groups in organic synthesis and their application under continuous flow’ G. P. Wild, C. Wiles, P. Watts* and S. J. Haswell, Tetrahedron, 2009, 65, 1618-1629. DOI:10.1016./j.tet.2008.12.052 ‘Evaluation of Lipase-mediated oxidations under continuous flow’, C. Wiles,* M. J. Hammond and P. Watts, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009, 5, 27 (Invited Article: Special Edition on Flow Chemistry). DOI: 10.3762/bjoc.5.27 ‘Enhanced chemical synthesis using flow reactors’ C. Wiles and P. Watts, Chimica Oggi, 2009, 27, 3, 34-36. (Invited ARTICLE). ‘A microreactor for the study of biotransformations by a cross-linked -lactamase enzyme’, A. M. Hickey, B. Ngamsom, C. Wiles, G. M. Greenway, P. Watts and J. A. Littlechild, Biotechnology J., 2009, 4(4), 510-516. ‘The use of micro reactors as tools for the high-throughput synthesis of small organic molecule libraries’ C. Wiles, Speciality Chemicals Magazine, 2009, 29(7), 40-41. (Invited Article: Special Edition on High-throughput Chemistry) ‘Continuous flow synthesis, a tool for the modern medicinal chemist’, C. Wiles* and P. Watts, Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2009, 1(9), 1593-1612. (Invited REVIEW) ‘The development of a high-throughput screening tool for biotransformations utilising a thermophilic Laminoacylase enzyme’ B. Ngamsom, A. M. Hickey, G. M. Greenway, J. A. Littlechild, P. Watts and C. Wiles, J. Mol. Catal. B: Enzymatic, 2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.molcatb.2009.12.013 ‘The development of a conducting matrix for the continuous flow electrochemical regeneration of the immobilised co-factor NADH’, B. Ngamsom, A. M. Hickey, G. M. Greenway, J. A. Littlechild, T. McCreedy, P. Watts and C. Wiles, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 2419-2424. Charlotte Wiles Page 3 25/04/12 ‘The scale-up of organic synthesis using micro reactors’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, Chimica Oggi, 2010, 28, 3-5. ‘Improved method for kinetic studies in microreactors using flow manipulation and non-invasive Raman spectrometry’, S. Mozharov, A. Nordon, D. Littlejohn, C. Wiles, P. Watts, P. Dallin and J. M. Girkin, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2011, 133(10), 3601-3608. ‘Recent advances in micro reaction technology’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 65126535. (Invited REVIEW) ’Translation of microwave methodology to continuous flow for the efficient synthesis of diaryl ethers via a base-mediated SNAr reaction’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, B. J. Org. Chem., 2011, 7, 13.60-1371. ‘Chemtrix’ KiloFlow: A turnkey kilo-lab in your fume hood’, Chemistry Today, 2011, 29(5), 32-33. (Advertorial) Continuous Flow Reactors: A Perspective‘, C. Wiles and P. Watts, Green Chem., 2011. ‘Solid-supported gallium triflate: An efficient catalyst for the three-component ketonic Strecker reaction’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, ChemSusChem. 2011. ‘Flexible Durchflussreaktoren für das schnelle Scale-Up von Produktionsprozessen‘, C. Wiles and M. Seipel, Process, 2011, 11, 68-70. ‘Chemtrix Company Profile’, Green Processing and Synthesis, 2012, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 131–132. ‘The use of Continuous Flow Synthesis in the Fine Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry’, PharmaChem., 2011, Nov/Dec, 15-17. BOOKS (& Chapter) ‘Micro process engineering: A comprehensive handbook Volume 2: Devices, reactions and applications’ Wiley-VCH, V. Hessel, A. Renken, J. C. Schouten and J. Yoshida (eds.), 2009, 47-56. ‘Advances in Chemical Engineering’, 2010, 38, (ISBN 978-0-12-3744586). ‘Micro reaction technology in organic chemistry’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, CRC-Press, 2011. PATENTS: APPLICATIONS ‘Synthesis of analytically pure 1,3-dithianes in a continuous flow reactor’, C. Wiles and P. Watts. ‘Co-factor regeneration monolith’ G. M. Greenway, P. Watts, B. Ngamsom, C. Wiles, J. Littlechild and A. M. Hickey (GB0903169.1) signed 01/04/09. GRANTED ‘Devices with a passageway for electroosmotic flow and method of making the same (Short Title: Wide Passageways)’, C. Wiles and P. Watts, European patent application No. 06255358.1. ‘Devices with a passageway for electroosmotic flow and method of making the same (Short Title: Wide Passageways)’ C. Wiles and P. Watts, New UK Patent Application No. 0522063.7. MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (1998-present) Awarded full member status (MRSC) Oct 2006 American Chemical Society (ACS) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AiChE) (2004-2007) Charlotte Wiles (2002-present) Page 4 25/04/12