Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT TEMPLATE Work Instructions Topic specialists should use this template to record their assessment of the Structural Integrity aspects of a safety case. Assessment should be against the requirements of SCR2015. Exemplar Approach - This template should be used in accordance with the scope of the Assessment Instructions when the topic is included for assessment. An exemplar approach may be sufficient if some material has been previously accepted and has not materially changed. For example a CMAPP or SEMS from an existing, accepted safety case. The template is one of a series covering all assessment topics, which together form a complete record of the safety case assessment and create evidence of how the decision to accept the case, or not, was reached. The templates identify the specific regulatory requirements of SCR2015 for the topic and indicate what the competent authority expects to find within a safety case to demonstrate that those requirements are met. The template complements the published guidance that supports the regulations and topic sector guidance. The templates are available to promote transparency and assist duty holders in drafting submissions. Green text indicates regulatory requirements that are new in SCR2015. Black text represents regulatory requirements that are contained in both SCR2005 and SCR2015. Non Acceptance Issue - A Non Acceptance Issue (NAI) is a deficiency in the demonstration made within a safety case, which, if not resolved, will prevent the case from being accepted under the relevant statutory provisions. Non Acceptance Issues must be sent by a formal letters to the duty holder requiring them to be dealt with in the appropriate manner, giving the duty holder a clear understanding of how to address the deficiency. Clarification - A Clarification is an explanation provided by a duty holder on request during assessment to enable the assessing Inspectors to be confident of their interpretation of the information in a safety case. Clarifications are a routine part of assessment work and should be raised with a duty holder promptly. Clarifications do not require formal letters. Communicating by telephone and email is sufficient. A meeting between the duty holder and relevant topic specialists may also be appropriate in some circumstances for clarifications. Clarification is not a first stage before raising non-acceptance issues. Any aspect that could credibly lead to a Non-Acceptance Issue should be raised as such in the first instance. Design or Relocation Notification - Where the template is used to aid the inspection of a Design or Relocation Notification, Inspectors should consider if the information provided meets the requirements of Schedule 5 of the regulations. The inspection must identify any Potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to the duty holder’s attention. Reference to these requirements outlined in Sections 4 of this template may be useful when forming an opinion. A record of the inspection should be made in Section [X]. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 1 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Relevant Pre-Existing Guidance APOSC Principles: Factual information Principle 1 The factual information should meet the SCR15 requirements and provide sufficient detail to support the arguments made in the case Management of health and safety Principle 2 The safety case should demonstrate that the management system is adequate to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions Principle 3 The management system should show an appropriate level of control during each phase of the installation life cycle, including design, construction, commissioning, operation, decommissioning and dismantlement Major accident hazard identification Principle 4 A systematic process should be used to identify all reasonably foreseeable major accident hazards that apply to the installation, together with potential initiating events or sequences of events Major accident risk evaluation Principle 5 The methodology and evaluation criteria adopted for major accident risk assessment should be clear Principle 10 The identification of risk reduction measures should be systematic and take into account new knowledge Principle 11 The reasoning behind the choice of risk reduction measures to be implemented should be described. Decisions on implementation should take reasonable practicability into account Principle 12 Risk reduction measures identified, as part of the risk assessment, should be implemented if they are reasonably practicable TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 2 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Principle 13 In deciding what is reasonably practicable, the case should show how relevant good practice and judgement based on sound engineering, management and human factors principles have been taken into account Principle 14 Where remedial measures are proposed to reduce risk, the timescale for implementing them should take account of the extent of such risks and any practical issues involved Major accident risk management Principle 15 Measures taken to manage major accident hazards should be described Principle 16 The safety case should explain how inherently safer design concepts have been applied in the design decisions taken Principle 17 The measures for preventing major accident hazards should take account of the various activities undertaken during the installation's current phase of operation Principle 18 Appropriate detection measures should be provided for any reasonably foreseeable event requiring an emergency response Principle 19 Appropriate control and mitigation measures should be provided to protect personnel from the consequences of a major accident Emergency response Principle 22 The Temporary Refuge (TR) should provide sufficient protection to enable people to muster safely, to permit the emergency to be assessed, and to allow the emergency response plan to be executed Principle 23 TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 3 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Criteria should exist that describe the Temporary Refuge integrity (TRI) and the time over which TRI needs to be maintained against all hazards identified in the risk assessment. The safety case should demonstrate that these criteria are met i.e. that TRI would be maintained for the necessary time Life cycle requirements Principle 26 A Design Notification should describe how the principles of risk evaluation and risk management are being applied to the design to ensure that major accident risks will be controlled so as to ensure compliance with the relevant statutory provisions Combined operations Principle 28 The management system should address the additional risks associated with combined operations Principle 29 A systematic approach should be taken to assessing the impact of combined operations on the conclusions of the operational safety case for each installation Principle 30 A systematic approach should be taken to identifying and assessing any additional major accident hazards arising from combined operations. These can be new hazards or changes to existing hazards Principle 32 Elements that become safety critical elements (SCEs) as a result of combined operations should be identified and made subject to verification. They may be parts of the individual installations, or additional plant or equipment provided for the combined operations Decommissioning and dismantlement Principle 33 When the safety case is revised to deal with decommissioning or dismantlement, the sequence of events should be described, from cessation of production to dismantling of the structure Principle 34 The case should describe the extent and availability of safety systems during decommissioning or dismantlement TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 4 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Principle 35 Any additional major accident hazards arising from decommissioning or dismantlement should be identified Principle 36 The management system should demonstrate that effective control will be maintained throughout decommissioning or dismantlement GASCET Chapters: 2.2.1 – Structural Integrity 3.1 - Decommissioning TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 5 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] 1. Structural Integrity Assurance Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) a & b – Management and control of major accident hazards SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure— (i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and (ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory; (b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit; Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI (a) Clarification 16.—(1) A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should adequately set out the: 1. key structural personnel and their role within the organisation; 2. selection criteria and supervision arrangements for structural contractors. 3. arrangements for identification of structural major accident hazard identification control and recovery 4. arrangements for structural survey and inspection 5. arrangements for site specific inspection 6. arrangements for changing or modifying the structure or structural integrity management system. 7. arrangements for auditing and monitoring the structural integrity management system TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 6 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] b) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) c,d & e – Management and control of major accident hazards SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement (e) all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified; all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental, meteorological and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of associated safety and environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions will be complied with; and in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of performing. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI (c) (d) Clarification 16.—(1) A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— The safety case should demonstrate the following issues relating to the structural integrity issues have been reduced to ALARP: 1. Severe Weather and corresponding environmental loading. Consideration of the 10-4 event and environmental loading limits 2. Air gap assessment 3. Fatigue status in relation to the specified design life 4. Seismic events 5. Vessel / marine Impact 6. Dropped objects 7. Helicopter impact 8. Structural response to fire including fire protection rating to structure 9. Structural response to explosion including explosion overpressure 10. Corrosion 11. Structural fatigue 12. Marine growth TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 7 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] 13. Foundation integrity including scour, punch through, previous footprints etc 14. Weight control / structural overloading 15. Structural Integrity arrangements for the Temporary Refuge, escape and evacuation facilities c) SCR2015 Schedules 6 & 7 – Particulars to be included in a safety case for the operation of a production / non-production installation SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI A description of the main requirements in the specification for the design of the installation and its plant, which must include— a) any limits for safe operation or use specified therein; b) a description of how the operator has ensured, or will ensure, compliance with regulation 4 of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996; c) a description of how the duty holder has ensured, or will ensure, the suitability of the safety and environmental-critical elements; d) ……………. e) any relevant codes, standards and guidance used in the construction and commissioning of the installation. (Note – Requirement “d” in Schedule 7) Clarification Schedule 6 Regulation 8 / Schedule 7 Regulation 7 Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should set out : 1. the operational limits of the structure placed on it through the design. (Refer also to the structural expectations listed against SCR15 Regulation 16 and DCR Regulation 5) 2. the codes standards and guidance used to design, construct and commission the installation In relation to the DCR Reg 4 criteria, the safety case should demonstrate the following criteria: a. The installation is designed to withstand reasonably foreseeable loads due to operational or environmental criteria. b. The design gives consideration to safe dismantlement and decommissioning of the structure. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 8 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] c. Sufficient redundancy is built into the design to accommodate any reasonably foreseeable damage d. Adequate controls exist to ensure any work carried out through either construction, repair, modification or positioning secure the installation’s integrity. e. Adequate arrangements are in place to maintain the integrity of the installation throughout its life cycle. f. Appropriate criteria will be used to define structural events and matters to be reported under DCR Reg 9. SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI Particulars of— a) the limits of the environmental and meteorological conditions beyond which the installation cannot safely be stationed or operated; b) the properties of the seabed and subsoil which are necessary for the safe stationing and operation of the installation; and c) the locations in which the installation may be stationed and operated safely. (Note – Contained in Schedule 7 only) Clarification Schedule 6 Regulation 10 / Schedule 7 Regulation 8 The safety case should set out: 1. The safe operating environmental and meteorological conditions for the installation. This should be based on the original design and current guidance. 2. The seabed and soil properties used to determine the ongoing suitability of the foundation structure. 3. Suitable operating locations or the process to determine what a suitable operating location is. (This relates more specifically to mobile installations) TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 9 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments NAI SC Ref NAI Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information Clarification A description of the arrangements for— a) identifying the risks from seabed and marine hazards, including the routes and locations of pipelines, moorings of adjacent installations, wells and other subsea equipment; and b) assessing the risks that they pose to the installation. Clarification Schedule 7 Regulation 9 (Not required in Schedule 6) The safety case should define the process used by the duty holder to: 1. establish the seabed and other subsea hazards at an intended location. 2. assess the effect of the identified hazards on the integrity of the installation and the suitability of that location. SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 6 Regulation 11 / Schedule 7 Regulation 10 A description, with suitable diagrams, of the installation, including a description of— a) the main and secondary structure of the installation and its materials; b) ………………………. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should contain the following information: 1. Sufficient structural drawings of the installation to identified main structural system and design principles; 2. Details of the structural materials used along with justification of why they are suitable for use on the UKCS TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 10 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] 2. Structural Verification Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 17(3) & 18(2) – Safety case for production installation (and non-production) installation Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI Clarification SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement The operator of a production installation must include with the safety case sent to the competent authority a statement, made after considering any reports or reservations of the verifier under regulation 9(2)(d), (3)(b) and (4)(c), that the record of safety and environmental-critical elements and their scheme of maintenance are or will be suitable. Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should give sufficient detail to demonstrate the following in relation to the verification of the structural integrity of the installation a) A verification scheme identifying the structure as a safety and environmental critical element exists or will exist; b) An independent verifier has or will comment on the adequacy of the verification scheme; c) The performance standards used to ensure structural integrity. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 11 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] 3. Dismantlement Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) a & b – Management and control of major accident hazards SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement the duty holder’s management system is adequate to ensure— (i) that the relevant statutory provisions will, in respect of matters within the duty holder’s control, be complied with; and (ii) that the management of arrangements with contractors and sub-contractors is satisfactory; (b) the duty holder has established adequate arrangements for audit and for the making of reports of the audit; Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI (a) Clarification 16.—(1) A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should adequately set out: 1. Key structural personnel and their role within the dismantlement process; 2. Selection criteria and supervisory arrangements for dismantlement contractors; 3. Arrangements for structural major accident hazard identification and control during the dismantlement process; 4. Arrangements for installation integrity confirmation; 5. Arrangements for managing the changing structural principles through the dismantlement process; 6. Arrangements for auditing and monitoring structural activities throughout the dismantlement process. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 12 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] b) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) c,d & e – Management and control of major accident hazards SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement all hazards with the potential to cause a major accident have been identified; all major accident risks have been evaluated, their likelihood and consequences assessed, including any environmental, meteorological and seabed limitations on safe operations, and that suitable measures, including the selection and deployment of associated safety and environmental-critical elements have been, or will be, taken to control those risks to ensure that the relevant statutory provisions will be complied with; and (e) in the case of a non-production installation, all the major hazards have been identified for all operations the installation is capable of performing. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI (c) (d) Clarification 16.—(1) A duty holder who prepares a safety case pursuant to these Regulations must, subject to paragraph (2), include in the safety case sufficient particulars to demonstrate that— Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should address the structural integrity issues relating to : 1. Reliability of existing structural information about the installation; 2. Capability of existing structure to deal with dismantlement proposals; 3. Suitability of proposed dismantlement method; 4. Operational limitations of heavy lift vessels; 5. Structural alterations necessary to prepare the structure for heavy lifting; TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 13 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] c) SCR2015 Schedule 8 – Particulars to be included in a current safety case in respect of the dismantling of a fixed installation Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref NAI A description of how the proposed arrangements, methods and procedures for dismantling the installation and connected pipelines take adequate account of the design and method of construction of the installation and its plant. Clarification SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 8 Regulation 5 Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should demonstrate how the following have been considered when identifying the proposed dismantlement method: 1. Original design; 2. Construction method; (b) a description of the risks of a major accident associated with the decommissioning of the installation to workers and the environment, the total exposed population, and the risk control measures; Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Assessment Comments The safety case should contain sufficient information to demonstrate the following have been completed 1. Assessment of major accident hazards resulting in either major damage to or uncontrolled dismantlement of the structure 2. Sufficient measures have been implemented to control risks identified from the assessment above. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity NAI In the case of the dismantling of a fixed production installation— Clarification SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 8 Regulation 6 (b) Page 14 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] 4. Design / Relocation Notification Requirements a) SCR2015 Schedule 5 – Design / Relocation Notification Requirements Where this template is used to aid the inspection of the structural aspects of a Design or Relocation Notification the inspector needs to consider the relevant information supplied the meet the requirements of Schedule 5 of the regulations. The inspector is not required to assess or accept the submission but in completing their inspection they must identify any potential Non Acceptance Issues to draw to the attention of the duty holder. The information supplied does not need to be assessed against the full requirements for structural integrity in a safety case, however, reference to the full requirements outlined in Sections 1 & 2 above may be useful when forming an opinion and recording it below. (2) A general description of the means by which the management system of the operator will ensure that the structure and plant of the installation will be designed, selected, constructed and commissioned in a way which will control major accident risks to comply with the relevant statutory provisions. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out the following: a) A competent structural design and construction team has been appointed b) An effective management system is in place to address all structural design and construction aspects. (3) A description of the design process from an initial concept to the submitted design or selection of an existing installation, the relevant standards used and the design philosophy used to guide the process. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out: a) What different structural options were considered; b) Why the preferred solution was selected; c) What design standards have been used; TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 15 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification (a) the chosen design concept in relation to the major hazard scenarios for the particular installation and its intended location, and the primary risk control features, including suitable diagrams, and a summary of the other design options which were considered; (b) (c) how the chosen design concept is intended to ensure— (i) compliance with the requirements set out in regulations 5 (requirements as to operational integrity and composition) and 10 (integrity in dismantlement) of the Offshore Installations and Wells (Design and Construction, etc.) Regulations 1996( ); and (ii) that risks with the potential to cause a major accident are reduced to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable; and Potential NAI (4) A description of— the criteria used to select the chosen design concept and the process by which the selection was made. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out: a) The major accident scenarios which could have an effect on the structure; b) How the structure has been designed to address such major accident hazards; c) How the designers allowed for the structure to be dismantled; d) Details of the criteria used to establish the selected design concept. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 16 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Potential NAI Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification (5) A suitable plan of the intended location of the installation and of anything which may be connected to it, and particulars of— (a) (b) the meteorological and oceanographic conditions to which the installation may foreseeably be subject; and the properties of the seabed and subsoil at its intended location.. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out: a) The intended installation location; b) The meteorological and oceanographic conditions the installation must withstand; c) The seabed and subsoil conditions. (6) A description of any environmental, meteorological and seabed limitations on safe operations, and the arrangements for identifying risks from seabed and marine hazards such as pipelines and the moorings of adjacent installations. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should the maximum conditions the structure of the installation is designed to operate in. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 17 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification (7) Particulars of the types of operation, and activities in connection with an operation, which the installation is capable of performing. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification (9) A description of the verification scheme which complies with regulation Error! Reference source not found. and an initial list of the safety and environmental-critical elements and their required performance. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI The design notification should set out what operations the structural design has assumed can be carried out. This will have implications for the loads the structure is capable of carrying. Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out how structural design and construction activities are addressed within the verification scheme. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 18 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] (11) Where a non-production installation is to be converted for use as a production installation, a justification demonstrating that the installation is suitable for such conversion. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out why the existing structure is suitable for such a conversion or what structural remedial works are require and why they are appropriate. (12) Where a production installation is to be moved to a new location to serve a different production operation, a demonstration that the installation is suitable for the proposed production operation.. Assessment Criteria / Minimum Information SC Ref Potential NAI SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Schedule 5 - Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification Criteria Met / Not Met - Inspection Comments The design notification should set out why the existing structure is suitable for such a to be placed in the desired new location. Particular consideration must be given to seabed, sub soil, environmental and metrological conditions as well as changes to the loadings from operational conditions. TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 19 of 20 Document Title: Structural Integrity Assessment Template Logos: DECC / HSE / OSDR Logos Case Title - [Safety Case Title] Duty Holder – [Company Name] COIN Numbers - [Case] / [SVC Number] Topic Assessor – [Name] STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY REQUIREMENTS - ASSESSMENT SUMMARY NAI – Non Acceptance Issue SCR2015 Regulatory Requirement Clarification Required NAI Required Conclusion 1. Structural Integrity Assurance Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) a & b – Management and control of major accident hazards b) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) c, d & e – Management and control of major accident hazards c) Schedules 6 & 7 – Particulars to be included in a safety case for the operation of a production / nonproduction installation 2. Structural Verification Requirements a) Regulation 17(3) & 18(2) – Safety case for production installation (and non-production installation 3.Dismantlement Requirements a) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) a & b – Management and control of major accident hazards b) SCR2015 Regulation 16 (1) c, d & e – Management and control of major accident hazards c) Schedule 8 – Particulars to be included in a current safety case in respect of dismantling of a fixed installation. 4. Design / Relocation Notification Requirements a) Schedule 5 – Particulars to be included in a design notification or a relocation notification TRIM: 2015/______ Revised: June 2016 - DRAFT Owner: ED4.2 – Structural Integrity Page 20 of 20