NZQA Expiring unit standard 17603 version 6 Page 1 of 4 Title Demonstrate knowledge of properties of raw water and its uses in energy and chemical plant Level 2 Credits 6 Purpose People credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of: raw water chemistry; physical actions on raw water; and raw water types and uses, water standards, and potable water, in energy and chemical plant. Classification Energy and Chemical Plant > Operation of Energy and Chemical Plant Available grade Achieved Explanatory notes 1 Definition Plant refers to the plant or unit at which the person is employed. 2 Performance of the elements of this unit standard must comply with the following enactments and standards: Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992; Resource Management Act 1991; Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996; AS/NZS 4020:2005 Testing of products for use in contact with drinking water; Health (Drinking Water) Amendment Bill 2006; and Drinking-Water Standards for New Zealand, 2005, Ministry of Health. 3 The Environmental Risk Management Authority (ERMA) is responsible for assessing and approving hazardous substances and, where appropriate, setting controls on the way the substance is used. Any questions relating to the provisions for hazardous substances should be directed to ERMA New Zealand, telephone 04 916 2426; or EXITO, telephone 03 964 4710. This unit standard is expiring Outcomes and evidence requirements Outcome 1 Demonstrate knowledge of raw water chemistry in energy and chemical plant. Evidence requirements 1.1 Terminology used in chemistry is explained in relation to raw water chemistry. Range atoms, elements, molecules, compounds, mixtures, valence, ions. New Zealand Industry Training Organisation SSB Code 101541 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA Expiring unit standard 17603 version 6 Page 2 of 4 1.2 Symbols and formulae used in relation to raw water chemistry are identified. 1.3 The phases of water are explained in terms of their physical properties. Range 1.4 solid, liquid, vapour. pH is explained in terms of the ions present in the raw water. Outcome 2 Demonstrate knowledge of physical actions on raw water in energy and chemical plant. Evidence requirements 2.1 The water cycle is explained in terms of the physical process. Range evaporation, precipitation, surface flowing, underground flowing. 2.2 The results of evaporation of water are explained in terms of its effect on the quality of the evaporated water. 2.3 Effects of precipitation are explained in terms of identifying the potential contaminants that may be entrained by the water. Range 2.4 Effects of surface flow are explained in terms of identifying the potential contaminants that may be entrained by the water. Range 2.5 dissolved gases, dissolved solids. dissolved solids, suspended solids, dissolved gases, chemical pollutants. This unit standard is Range dissolved solids, suspended solids, dissolved gases, chemical expiring pollutants. Effects of underground flow are explained in terms of identifying the potential contaminants that may be entrained by the water. Outcome 3 Demonstrate knowledge of raw water types and uses, water standards, and potable water in energy and chemical plant. Evidence requirements 3.1 Types of treated water are explained in terms of their uses. Range 3.2 potable, fire, industrial processes, horticultural. Sources of raw water are identified and their potential contaminants are identified. New Zealand Industry Training Organisation SSB Code 101541 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA Expiring unit standard Range 3.3 AS/NZS 4020:2005, Drinking-Water Standards for New Zealand 2005, legislation. Contaminants in potable water are identified. Range 3.5 sources include but are not limited to – surface water, ground water, sea water; contaminants include but are not limited to – dissolved solids, suspended solids, dissolved gases, chemical pollutants. Standards for potable water in New Zealand are explained in terms of health requirements. Range 3.4 17603 version 6 Page 3 of 4 contaminants include but are not limited to – dissolved solids, metals, bacteria, viruses. The effects of contaminants on the quality of potable water and its uses are explained in basic terms. Range effects include but are not limited to – hardness, taste, odour, discolouration; uses include but are not limited to – cooking, washing. 3.6 Sources of organic matter in potable water are identified and its effects on the quality of water are explained in basic terms. 3.7 Causes of high and low pH in potable water are identified and their effects on water quality are explained in basic terms. 3.8 Causes of turbidity in potable water are identified and its effect on water quality is explained in basic terms. 3.9 Sources of metals in potable water are identified and their effects on water quality are explained in basic terms. This unit standard is Range metals include but are not limited to – calcium, magnesium, iron, expiring aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, fluoride, lead, mercury. This unit standard is expiring. Assessment against the standard must take place by the last date for assessment set out below. New Zealand Industry Training Organisation SSB Code 101541 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 NZQA Expiring unit standard 17603 version 6 Page 4 of 4 Status information and last date for assessment for superseded versions Process Version Date Last Date for Assessment Registration 1 25 November 2000 31 December 2014 Revision 2 24 July 2002 31 December 2014 Review 3 27 June 2005 31 December 2014 Rollover and Revision 4 25 July 2006 Review 5 22 May 2009 31 December 2016 Review 6 24 October 2014 31 December 2016 31 December 2014 Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR) reference 0079 This CMR can be accessed at Please note Providers must be granted consent to assess against standards (accredited) by NZQA, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment. Industry Training Organisations must be granted consent to assess against standards by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards. Providers and Industry Training Organisations, which have been granted consent and which are assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards. Requirements for consent to assess and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR). The CMR also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements. This unit standard is expiring New Zealand Industry Training Organisation SSB Code 101541 New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016