Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE A. B. DESIGNERS Name School Email BASIC INFORMATION Unit Title: Unit Theme: (if applicable) Subject Areas Addressed: Grade Level(s): Time Frame: Unit Summary: (Include broad overarching goals and specific topic goals.) 1 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE C. STAGE 1- IDENTIFY DESIRED RESULTS Content Standards Addressed: (Virginia SOL’s, APS, other applicable) Overarching Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that… Conceptual Essential Questions: (Questions to guide the unit and focus the teaching and learning.) Declarative and Procedural Knowledge (Knowledge & Skills) (What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? (Be specific, indicate S.O.L. Objectives ) Students will know… Students will be able to… Prior Knowledge and Skills Needed to Achieve Desired Outcomes (What prior knowledge and skills do students come to the unit with?) 2 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE D. STAGE 2 - Evidence of Expected Outcomes What evidence will exist that students understand the understanding, know what they should know and are able to demonstrate the skills identified? What strategies and tools will you use to gather that evidence? Culminating Performance Task What evidence will show that students understand? Performance Task should include the following components. Goal Role Audience Situation Product/Performance and Purpose Standards & Criteria for Success (See Performance Task G.R.A.S.P. Worksheet for assistance in development process.) Summarize the Performance Task(s) (include the task time frame) Performance Task Rubric Attach the performance task rubric or the criteria by which the students’ performances or products will be evaluated. Other Assessment Evidence (Quizzes, Tests, Prompts, and/or Work Samples) Summarize what will be used, what it will assess and attach a copy. If a copy is not available, cite the reference. 3 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE E. STAGE 3- Learning Experiences / Lesson Plans What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to develop and demonstrate the desired understandings? Unit Hook/Preview Activity: Sequence of Learning Activities List the learning activities in the sequence that they will be addressed. Attach the individual lesson plans and/or copies of activities you will use. If you cannot provide a copy cite the reference. (See the attached APS/UbD Lesson Template for assistance with developing your lesson plans.) Unit Resources/References Needed: (related websites, reference materials, worksheets, etc.) Textbook References: Materials Needed: 4 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE APS UbD LESSON TEMPLATE LESSON # ____ Prior knowledge needed for lesson: SOL objectives to be addressed in this lesson: (include all applicable) 1. LESSON DESIRED RESULTS (Key concepts that support students in coming to understand the unit enduring understanding.) Guiding Questions for Lesson Lesson Knowledge and Skills (Identify vocabulary and skills addressed in this lesson that support understanding of the concept) The students/participants will know… The students/ participants will be able to… 2. ASSESSMENT/EVIDENCE of lesson desired results (formative and/or summative) Evidence/Criteria for Success Assessment tools and methods 3. PROCESS Lesson Introduction (hook): Activity Procedures: (e.g. Identify the ways you will provide students with information, the opportunity for practice and application.) Lesson Closure/Summary: Materials: Resources: 5 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE 4. INDIVIDUAL ACCOMMODATIONS Extra support Enrichment or early finishers Various learning styles Limited English proficiency 5. TEACHER REFLECTION Were my students talking about the subject, or was I doing all of the talking and students were just listening to me? Were my students engaged at the beginning of the lesson? How much time did I spend reviewing homework, and how much time did I spend on new material? Did the students respond to “How” and “Why” questions? Did my students have an opportunity to discuss and/or write about the topic? What changes would I make next time the lesson is taught? What steps do I need to take next in this topic? 6 Rev./SJL/4/9/04 Arlington Public Schools Department of Instruction Backward Design UNIT TEMPLATE Unit Plan Design Considerations -WHERETO The acronym WHERETO summarizes the key elements that should be found in a learning plan, given the desired results and assessments drafted in Stages 1 and 2. The elements need not appear in the same order as the letters of the acronym; WHERETO serves as a checklist for building an evaluating the final unit design plan. W How will the students know where they’re going, why, what they already know, where they might go astray, and what is required of them? H E R How will the students be hooked – engaged in digging into the big ideas? How will the students have adequate opportunities to explore/experience key ideas and receive instruction to equip them for the desired performance? How will the students have sufficient opportunities to rethink naïve or prior ideas; and rehearse, revise and/or refine their work based on E T O timely feedback? How will the students have an opportunity to evaluate their work and set future goals? To what extent is the learning plan tailored and flexible to ensure optimal performance and interest for all students? To what extent is the learning plan organized and sequenced to maximize engagement and effectiveness? 7 Rev./SJL/4/9/04