電儀表學 (Electronic Instrumentation) Textbook: 1. Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement (Joseph J. Carr) 新月 References: 1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurements, 2nd ed., David A Bell (絕版,有中譯本) 2. Electrical Measurement, Signal Processing, and Displays - John G. Webster, 2004 (CRC Press) 3. Measurement Instrumentation Sensors - John G. Webster, (CRC Press, 1999) 4. Principles of Measurement and Instrumentation, 2nd ed. - AS Morris 5. Electronic Instruments and Measurements, 2nd ed. - L. D. Jones and A.F. Chin 6. Electronic Test Instruments, 2nd ed. - Robert A. Witte (Ch. 5, 8, 9) 7. Electronic Instruments and Measurements, 2nd ed. - L.D. Jones and A.F. Chin (Ch. 15) 8. Fundamentals of Spectrum Analysis - C. Rauscher (2001) 9. PC Based Instrumentation and Control 3rd ed - M. Tooley (Elsevier, 2005) 10. Electronic Instrument Handbook, 3rd ed – Clyde F. Coombs, Jr. (2000, Agilent 工程師為主) 11. Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (Chap. 30) – J. Webster, 2007 JohnWiley & Sons. Class Meeting Time: Wednesday 09:10~10:00am, Friday 10:10~12:00am Instructor: Cheng-Chi Tai (戴政祺,電機所儀器系統與晶片組) Office: 92605 EE Building Office Phone: 06-2757575 ext. 62388 E-mail: ctai@mail.ncku.edu.tw (先印網頁中講義 Ch. 1 ~ 8) Handouts: All handouts can be downloaded via internet at Office Hours: Friday 3:00 – 5:00 pm Preparing Time: 9 hours Grading: Attendance: 10%; Homeworks:20%; Mid-term Exam:35%; Final Exam:35% (I) Course Syllabus: Chapter 1: Introduction to Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Chapter 2: Basic Measurement Theory (Measurement Errors) Chapter 3: Electromechanical Instruments Chapter 4: Analog Electronic VOM Chapter 5: Digital Instrument Basics Chapter 6: Digital Voltmeters and Frequency Meters Chapter 7: Low, High, and Precise Resistance Measurements Chapter 8: Inductance and Capacitance Measurements Chapter 9: Instrumentation and System (Taught in each classroom by 3 teachers) <<<<<< Mid-term Exam-Chapters 1~9, Nov. 20 or 27 >>>>>> Chapter 10: Digital Oscilloscope (Prof. Wei or Lin) (B1 迅慧講堂 or 1F 繁城講堂) Chapter 11: High-Speed I/O and Logic Analyzer (Prof. Wei or Lin) Chapter 12: Spectrum Analyzer (Prof. Wei or Lin) Chapter 13: Network Analyzers (Prof. Wei or Lin) Chapter 14: LCR meter and Impedance Analyzer (Prof. Tai) Chapter 15: Time-Domain Reflector (Prof. Tai) <<<<<< Final Exam-Chap. 10~15, Jan. 15 (在原分班上課教室考) >>>>>>