Internal Diseases

The topics of the classes and seminars cover the commonest cardiologic diseases occurring in the
general population. Students are taught and explained how to take patients’ medical history and to
perform physical examination. Special care is given to teach the students how to comprehend
isolated clinical symptoms and connect them together to form a clinical plot leading to establishing
final diagnosis. Prior conversance with physiology and pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system
is necessary for understanding of the discussed issues. To successfully work with patients students
also need a basic knowledge of general diagnostics provided during the third year of the studies.
dr med. Wojciech Krupa
dr med. Eliano Pio Navarese
dr Tomasz Fabiszak
mgr Konrad Kopacz
Name of the unit offering the course: Department of Cardiology and Internal Diseases
Head of the unit: prof. dr hab. Jacek Kubica
4th year, number of hours: 62
Form of classes: lectures: 2 ,tutorials: 30, seminars 30
Form of crediting: credit with grade
Number of ECTS points: 3
Topic of classes:
the newest edition of “Internal Diseases” by Harrisson and al. Individual textbook
Didactic regulations for the 4th year students of the Medical Faculty
1. The cardiology classes will be provided for 3 weeks (15 working days). They consist of
practical classes and seminars. The practical classes (bedside teaching) are held from
08:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in The Department of Cardiology.
The seminars are delivered in The Main Library building from 11:15 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. in
two time-blocks split by a 15-minute break (from noon to 12:15 p.m.). Schedule and
topics of the seminars as well as room numbers where they will take place are showed
2. For the practical classes the students come with their own white coats, protective shoes
and stethoscopes.
3. The main focus of the practical classes is teaching how to take medical history and
perform physical examination of patients. All topics and skills to be covered, which
students are expected to be familiar with by the end of their training in the Department
of Cardiology and Internal Disease are outlined and summarized in “Student`s practical
skills syllabus”.
4. When coming to seminars, students are expected to be initially conversant with the
discussed topics. The recommended reference text-book is the newest edition of
“Internal Diseases” by Harrisson and al. Individual textbook – and other resourses-based
learning is strongly encouraged as the seminars do not cover the entire spectrum of
knowledge required to be mastered by the students.
5. Daily attendance at classes and seminars is mandatory. Each case of absence requires
presenting a legitimate excuse. For absence periods exceeding one day students have to
make up by doing extra hours (specific timeframe to be accepted by the academic
6. At the end of the cardiology course, knowledge of theory and practical skills will be
tested with a written test exam consisting of 30 questions (10 short clinical case reports
and 3 questions to each of them).
7. Non-passers are allowed to take a resit examination – timeframes and details to be
discussed with The Head of department.