Subject: Design Technology Grade Level: Pre-MYP Teacher: Šarlota Dzurjaková Unit and time period Unit title Area of Interaction Context Significant concept Possible assessment tasks Unit 1 – September – November A house from history Environment The change can be refrechness How will you change na ancientbuilding? Make a new from an old can give it a new atmosphere A kite How to make a kite fly? HI research sketches plan final work – verbal presentation evaluation of team work and proces DW research sketches plan final work – verbal presentation evaluation of team work and proces DW Unit 2 November –December The principle of flying The principle of flying MYP 1Modified Objectives addressed (Students should be able to ......) Ancient architecture, Work with cardboard, measuring, cutting, gluing Process of flying, Designing a kite, Wood and paper work. Subject: Design technology Grade level: MYP 2 Teacher: Barbora Okasová Unit and time period Unit title Area of interaction context Significant concept Possible assesment task MYP 2 moddified objectives adressed (students should be able to...) Unit 1 September October Geometric shapes How to make 3D geometric shapes? /Trapezium, pyramid, hexagon, cube/ Lamp- shade How can I create my own lamp-shade? Are there more options to create different lampshade by folding different parts of paper? Community&service By creating lampshades we pay attention to aesthetic appreciation of our community. Each box of brick has its own way of folding. A- Basic options for folding 3D object- skills and discussion = knowledge and understanding of all basic options for folding 3D object Wooden horse How to make a 3D wooden horse by using different materials? Human ingenuity The main idea is to create a wooden horse by using different kinds of materials. Unit 2 NovemberJanuary B- Final work using technical principles- application = using all kinds of paper materials, glue, ruler and scissors. C- Written evaluation- essay = present final technical work = evaluate their work in notebook Each material has its own distinctive features and it´s important to understand their entity. A-To build a construction -wooden horse and using different materialsskills and discussion =knowledge and understanding of building the construction wooden horse B-Final work- application =using different kinds of materials C- Written evaluation- essy = evaluate their work in notebook Subject: Design technology Grade level: MYP 3 Teacher: Barbora Okasová Unit and time period Unit title Area of interaction context Significant concept Possible assesment task MYP 2 moddified objectives adressed (students should be able to...) Unit 1 September October Separation is easy How to make new things from old things by sewing things together. Environments Why is it important to use old materials for creating new create that can be environment- friendly? Using old things for making new things in order to think about environment; and it leads to being thoughtful and creativity. A- Basic sewing and using old for making new things- skills and discussion = knowledge about basic sewing and understanding environment Using wooden prism for the 3D objectgeometric shapes and then create an abacus. A-to learn how to work with wood and a saw; how to see a 3D objectdiscussion and skills Unit 2 NovemberJanuary The abacus How to make a wooden abacus. Abacus can have different shapes and various numbers of little balls in it. Community&service Why is it important to inovate the primary design? How can it help our community? B- Final work /creating a new toy from old materials/- application = using all kinds of fabrics, needle, sewings and scissors = present the final work-new toy C- Written evaluation- essay = evaluate their work in notebook =knowledge and understanding of work with wood and a saw =using a saw for work B-Final work /abacus/- application = evaluate their work in notebook C- Written evaluation- essay Subject: Design Technology Unit and time period Unit 1 – September – November Unit 2 November –Januar Grade Level: MYP 4 Unit title Area of Interaction Context A cup from a clay What had stronger immpact on your creativity material, technique or purpose? HI understand material, folloving technique, be awared of purpose Candleholder - work with sheet metal CaS How can you implement some information about comunity to candelholder? Candleholder was strong symbol of a comunity Teacher: Magda Rosová Significant concept Possible assessment tasks Different approache will get different goal research sketches plan final work – verbal presentation evaluation of team work and proces DW research sketches plan final work – verbal presentation evaluation of team work and proces DW candleholder as a symbol MYP 1Modified Objectives addressed (Students should be able to ......) History of a clay, technique of modeling a clay, History of candle, designing, cutting, soldering, rivet, belabour Subject: Design technology Grade level: MYP 5 Teacher: Barbora Okasová Unit and time period Unit title Area of interaction context Significant concept Possible assessment task MYP 2 modified objectives addressed (students should be able to...) Unit 1 September October Historical doll How to make parts of the body, head, identity face and clothes of the historical doll. Human ingenuity By creating historical doll we learn about history, specific historical clothes and face identity. We learn about sewing and to model with clay. The development of acquired technical skills by means of creation of a historical doll. The task is connected with historical context. A- Basic sewing and modelling with clay- skills = knowledge and understanding of basic sewing and modelling The development of acquired technical skills by means of post-production of historical dolls. The task is connected with historical context and our present time. A-to learn how to work with cameras =knowledge and understanding of and computer- skills work with cameras and computer Unit 2 NovemberJanuary Post-production How to make a postproduction video with using historical dolls, cameras and computer. Community&service Historical person found in different context would behave differently. B- Final work /creating body and head, clothes and face identity of the historical doll/- application = using all kinds of fabrics materials, needle, sewings and scissors and clay drying on the air C- Written evaluation- essay = present the final historical doll = evaluate their work in notebook B-Final work /post-production, video/- application =using computer program = evaluate their work in notebook C- Written evaluation- essay