Revised September 2010 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE COURSE ACTION FORM NOTE: Click once on shaded fields to type data. To check boxes, right click at box, click “Properties”, and click “Checked” under Default Values. DEPARTMENT/PROGRAM Statistics COURSE PREFIX/NUMBER ST555 TYPE OF PROPOSAL New Course Drop Course PREVIOUS PREFIX/NUMBER COURSE TITLE Statistical Computing I ABBREVIATED TITLE STAT COMPUTING I SCHEDULING Fall Every Year COURSE OFFERED CREDIT HOURS 3 Spring Alt. Year Odd Course Revision Dual-Level Course Summer Alt. Year Even PREREQUISITE(S) Other BY DISTANCE EDUCATION ONLY ON CAMPUS ONLY BOTH ON CAMPUS AND BY DISTANCE EDUCATION GRADING ABCDF Abbreviated Title Credit Hours S/U CONTACT HOURS: Lecture/Seminar 3 Laboratory/Studio REPEAT FOR CREDIT: YES No X INSTRUCTOR NAME: John F Monahan TITLE: Professor GRADUATE FACULTY STATUS: Associate Full ANTICIPATED ENROLLMENT REVISION Content Prefix/Number Title Contact Hours Grading Method Research/Independent Study Pre-Corequisites Restrictive Statement Description Scheduling On Campus: Per semester 28 Multiple sections Yes Distance Ed: Anticipated Enrollment 15 No Max. per Section 28 Maximum Enrollment 20 ST311 or ST305 or ST507 or ST511 or ST513 COREQUISITE(S) PRE/COREQUISITE FOR ST556 REQUIRED CURRICULA/MINOR PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE Certificate in Applied Statistics, Certificate in Statistical Computing 8/13 APPROVED EFFECTIVE DATE __________________________ CATALOG DESCRIPTION IN CONCISE FORM MEANINGFUL TO STUDENT (INCLUDE RESTRICTIVE STATEMENT AT END OF DESCRIPTION; LIMIT TO TOTAL OF 80 WORDS): Converting data from whatever form it may arrive and preparing it for processing by statistical software. The first goal of this course will be the mastery of Base SAS programming, especially the DATA step. The second goal of this course is an introduction to R programming. Student must have regular access to computer for homework and class exercises. Credit for both ST445 and ST555 is not allowed. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED Please number all document pages Course Justification Proposed Revision(s) with Justification Enrollment for Last 5 Years VERIFICATION/REQUEST BY: The course syllabus has been developed and is in conformance with the requirements of the Provost’s website. ____________________________________________________________________________ Instructor or Preparer Date _____________________________________________________________________________ Department Head/Director of Graduate Programs Date Consultation with other Departments ENDORSED BY: Student Learning Outcomes Evaluation Methods and Weighting _____________________________________________________________________________ Chair, College Graduate Studies Committee Date Explanation of Differences for Duallevel Courses _____________________________________________________________________________ College Dean(s) Date Resource Statement APPROVED: Topical Outline and Time Devoted ____________________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School Date INSTRUCTIONS Provide the following information. If additional table rows are needed place cursor at location, select Table, Insert, Rows Above or Rows Below. Please limit your submission to 4 pages using 10-point font. I. Course Justification (Explain the need for the course and its place in the curriculum in terms of the educational needs and interests of the students for whom the course is intended): Computing skills have become increasingly important in our graduate curriculum in Statistics. At the same time, most incoming students have meager computer skills. As we revise our Master’s degree curriculum, we see an increased need to train these students to handle the scale and scope of the data facing modern statisticians (aka ‘Big Data’). We see ST555 as the course to equip our students with basic data handling skills in SAS and R for our Master’s degree courses. Additionally, ST555 prepares the foundation for ST556 (Statistical Computing II) where students are trained to handle complicated data sources and automated statistical analysis. We also see these two courses as the core of our Statistical Computing Certificate program. ST555 differs from the undergraduate ST445 in the inclusion of instruction in the R language. II. Proposed Revisions with Justification (Briefly list the changes and the justification for each): Revision Justification III. Enrollment for Last Five Years (Enter data – look up at R&R website for either existing course number or special topics number as applicable. If not offered, indicate n/a. If previously offered as special topic, indicate designation after number enrolled [e.g. 17 - XX 592B]): Academic Year Fall Spring 2012-2013 Summer 6-ST590-001 IV. Consultation with Other Departments (Consultation is needed whenever there is a possibility of content duplication or when establishment or dropping would affect other programs . List all departments and individuals contacted, and a summary of any statements of objection, non-objection, or support. Consultation should include Program Director or Department Head. A copy of the entire document/communication should also be sent to the Graduate School as a separate document.) Department Computer Science Contact Name Douglas Reeves Statement “no objections or concerns” V. Student Learning Outcomes. By the end of the course, the students will be able to: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Write SAS code to read simple data files and spreadsheets Convert a single record to multiple SAS observations when needed Merge and set SAS datasets together properly Create a user-written format as appropriate Do common vector statistical calculations in R Write a function that creates a likelihood function which is then maximized in R 2 VI. Student Evaluation Methods (List types of evaluation [tests, exam, papers, homework, etc.] and % weighting normally anticipated) : Evaluation Method Quizzes – 3 Class Exercises Homework Weighting for Graduate Course (%) Weighting for Undergraduate Version – if Dual Level (%) 3x15% = 45% 15% 40% VII. Explanation of Differences for Dual-Level Course (Explain differences in content, expectations, and outcomes for graduate level version of dual-level course and indicate evaluation above): VIII. Resource Statement (New courses only. Indicate the resource requirements of this course and the source(s) of those resources.) This course will be taught by existing faculty. This course will normally be taught in the Statistics Instructional Computing Lab (SAS 1107) for hands-on training of students. No additional resources will be required. IX. Topical Outline of Course and Time Devoted to Each Topic (Definition should be adequate to allow understanding of the course content. Indicate time measure used, e.g. weeks, 50 min. lectures, 75 min. lectures, etc.) : Week Topics 1 Basics of SAS: data step and procs, SAS datasets 2 Reading data: list, column, format; reading from files 3 data step language elements & structure, PDV, basic procs 4 loops, SAS functions, Quiz 1 5 multiple records to one obs, one record to multiple obs, arrays 6 reading spreadsheet files 7 set, proc append, sorting, Quiz 2 8 formats, permanent SAS datasets 9 merging datasets 10 using datasets from proc's, Quiz 3 11 Basics of R, vectors, seq and rep functions 12 vector calculations, constructing matrices, recycling 13 creating R functions, loops, conditionals 14 lists, data frames, basic optimization 15 reading data from files, R functions and environments 3