MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. 1 Prof. Rosenbaum's research and teaching is mainly in the area of positive psychology. More specifically he studied self-control skills and how these skills are applied to coping with various life stresses as well as promoting subjective well being. Another area of interest is aggressive behavior in children and adults. He studies the cognitive-affective process dispositions that lead to aggressive behavior among school children and adult car drives on the road. Date and place of birth: December 3, 1940, Haifa, Israel. Military service: ZAHAL, Oct. 1958 to May 1961. Marital status: Married. Number of children: 3 EDUCATION 1965 BA in psychology (with distinction). University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, 5-1967 MA in psychology. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 1967 Ph.D. in clinical psychology. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1969-1974 Geha Psychiatric Hospital.Head psychologist, 19741976Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital Head psychologist, 19741976 , Tel Aviv University Medical School.Clinical lecturer. 19761981 Department of Psychology, Lecturer University of Haifa. (promotion to Senior Lecturer with tenure on Jan.,1981). 1980-1981 Department of Psychology, Visiting professor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA 1971-1982 Institute for Psychotherapy Member of the teaching at the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education, Tel Aviv University 1981-1985 Department of Psychology, Senior Lecturer Tel Aviv University 1984-1990 Department of Psychology Director of the Tel Aviv University clinical psychologyraining Program 1984-June University of Ulm, W. Germany 1985-1986 Department of Psychology University of Oregon Visiting Professor Visiting Professor 1985-1998 Department of Psychology Tel Aviv University Associate Professor MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. 1996(Aug)- 1996(Dec) Center For International and Intercultural Visiting Scholar, Kent State University, Kent, OH. 1998–present Department of Psychology Full Professor Tel Aviv University 2001-summer Department of Psychology Visiting Scholar University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada OTHER ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Past president and member of the board of directors of The Israeli Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy. Various functions in the European Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies. Honorary member of the Danish Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapies. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Family and Child Behavior Therapy, The Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Constructivism in the Human Sciences. Ad-hoc reviewer of manuscripts for various journals such as: Health Psychology, Psychology & Health, Journal of Child & Clinical Psychology, Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, Behavior Therapy, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies, Cognitive Therapy & Research, Stress, Anxiety & Coping. International Conferences Presented in numerous conference in various parts of the world. Grants and awards 1973Annual research grants donated by the Schwartz Memorial Fund in Los present Angeles, California, USA. 1983 Listing in the Who's Who in the Biobehavioral Sciences (Published in USA) 1999 - A four year grant of 600,000$ from Ashalim and the Pratt Foundation for establishing a research project for applying self-control skills to aggressive children (together with Prof. Tammie Ronen). . 2000 An honorary member of the Danish Association for Behavior and Cognitive Psychotherapies 2 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. 2003 A three year grant of $ 350,000 from Ashalim (The Joint), the Pratt Foundation, The Oran Foundation for a treatment research project to reduce aggressive behavior via the application of self-control skills in a Youth Village (Ramat Hadasa). (together with Prof. Tammie Ronen). MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES Israeli Psychological Association, Clinical Section and Rehabilitation Section. In the Clinical Section: Supervisor in Psychotherapy (Madrich). American Psychological Association, Foreign Affiliate. The Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy (USA). The Society for Constructivism in the Human Sciences (USA). International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy. European Association for Behavior Therapy. Israeli Association for Behavior Therapy (Past President and currently member of the Board of Directors). The Israeli Association for Psychotherapy. PUBLICATIONS Books . M. Rosenbaum, C. M. Franks, Y. Jaffe (Eds.). Perspectives on behavior therapy in the Eighties New York: Springer, 1983 (463pp.) M. Rosenbaum (Ed.). Learned resourcefulness: On coping skills, self-control and adaptive behavior New York: Springer, 1990 (248 pp.) Articles . M. Rosenbaum, K. T. Hill. Effects of prior success-failure experience and evaluations by E on institutionalized retardates' persistence and performance rate under positive social 3 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. reinforcement. Journal of Experimental Research in Personality, 3, 1969 (pp. 253-263). . A. Harari, H. Muniz, H. Wijsenbeek, M. Steiner, M. Rosenbaum. Psychological aspects of chronic hemodialysis. Psychiatria, Neurologia, Neurochirugia, 1971 (pp. 219-223). M. Rosenbaum, A. Elizur, H. Wijsenbeek. Attitudes toward mental illness and role conceptions of psychiatric patients and staff. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32, 1976 (pp. 167-173). . M. Rosenbaum, T. Najenson. Changes in life patterns and low mood as reported by wives of severely brain in injured soldiers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 1976 (pp. 881-888). M. Rosenbaum. Effects of FI30 sec. and FR15 schedules of social reinforcement on children's response rate and persistence on a simple motor task. Psychological Reports, 39, 1976 (pp. 667-678). M. Rosenbaum, D. Raz. Denial, locus of control and depression among physically disabled and non-disabled men. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 1977 (pp. 672-677). . M. Rosenbaum, N. Lipsitz, J. Abraham, T. Najenson. A description of an intensive treatment project for the rehabilitation of severely brain-injured soldiers. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 10, 1978 (pp. 1-6). . M. Rosenbaum, S. Shichman. Learned helplessness and depression among Israeli women. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35, 1979 (pp. 395-400). . M. Rosenbaum, S. Argon. Locus of control and success in selfinitiated attempts to stop smoking. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35, 1979 (pp. 870-872). 4 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. . M. Rosenbaum. A schedule for assessing self-control behaviors: Preliminary findings. Behavior Therapy, 11, 1980 (pp. 109-121). . M. Rosenbaum. Individual differences in self-control behaviors and tolerance of painful stimulation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 89, 1980 (pp. 581-590). . M. Merbaum, M. Rosenbaum. Self-control theory and research: An appraisal of current research in the modification of smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse. Clinical Behavior Therapy Review, 2, 1980 (pp. 1-20). M. Rosenbaum, A. Rolnick. Self-control behaviors and coping with seasickness Cognitive Therapy and Research, 7, 1983 (pp. 93-98). M. Rosenbaum, Y. Jaffe. Learned helplessness: The role of individual differences in learned resourcefulness. British Journal of Social Psychology, 22, 1983 (pp. 215-225). M. Rosenbaum, N. Palmon. Helplessness and resourcefulness in coping with epilepsy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52, 1984 (pp. 244-253). . M. Rosenbaum, E. Baker. Self-control behaviors in hyperactive and nonhyperactive children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 12, 1984 (pp. 303-318). . M. Rosenbaum, K. Ben-Ari. Learned helplessness and learned resourcefulness: Effects of noncontingent successes and failure on individuals differing in self-control skills. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 1985 (pp. 198-215). M. Rosenbaum, D. Hadari. Personal-efficacy, locus of control and perceived contingencies of parental reinforcement among depressed, paranoid, and normal subjects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 1985 (pp. 539-547). 5 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. M. Rosenbaum, K. Ben-Ari Smira. Cognitive and personality factors in the delay of gratification of hemodialysis patients. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1986 (pp. 357-364). . P. Lewinsohn, M. Rosenbaum. Recall of parental behavior by acute depressives remitted depressives and nondepressives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52, 1987 (pp. 611-619). . N. Milgram, B. Sroloff, M. Rosenbaum. The procrastination of every day life. Journal of Research in Personality, 22, 1988 (pp. 197-212). P. M. Lewinsohn, H. M. Hoberman, M. Rosenbaum. A prospective study of risk factors for unipolar depression. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97, 1988 (pp. 251-264). M. Rosenbaum. Self-control under stress: The role of learned resourcefulness. Advances in Behavior Research and Therapy, 11, 1989 (pp. 249-258). . M. Rosenbaum. The three functions of self-control behavior: Redressive, reformative, and experiential. Work and Stress, 7, 1993 (pp. 33-46). M. Rosenbaum, S. Benyosef. The more I know about the war the more I fear?: Information seeking and resourcefulness during the Gulf war in Israel. Journal of Social & Clinical Psychology, 14, 1995 (pp. 205-224). M. Rosenbaum, T Ronen. Cognitive therapy in Israel: Thinking with one's heart. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 9, 1995 (pp. 117-122). 6 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. . M. Rosenbaum, P. M. Lewinsohn, I. H. Gotlib. Distinguishing between state-like and non-state-like correlates of dysphoria. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35, 1996 (pp. 341-358). . M. Rosenbaum, T. Ronen. Parents' and children's appraisals of each other's anxiety while facing a common threat. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 26, 1997 (pp. 43-52). . T. Ronen, M. Rosenbaum. Beyond direct verbal instructions in cognitive-behavior supervision. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice,5, 1998, 3-19. M. Rosenbaum, T. Ronen. Clinical supervision from the stand point of cognitive-behavior therapy. Psychotherapy, 35, 1998, 220-229. . M. Rosenbaum, R. Piamenta. Preference for local or general anesthesia, coping dispositions, learned resourcefulness and coping with surgery. Psychology and Health, 13, 1998, 823-845. . M. Rosenbaum, E. Cohen. Equalitarian marriages, spousal support, resourcefulness and psychological distress among Israeli working women. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54,1999, 102-113. . T. Ronen, M. Rosenbaum. Helping children to help themselves: A case study of enuresis and nail biting. Research in Social Work Practice., 11, 2001, 338-356. Chapters in books M. Rosenbaum. Learned resourcefulness as a behavioral repertoire for the self-regulation of internal events: Issues and speculations. In M. Rosenbaum, C. M. Franks, & Y.Jaffe (Eds.), Perspectives on behavior therapy in the eighties, 1983 (pp.5473). New York: Springer. 7 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. C. M. Franks, M. Rosenbaum. Behavior therapy: Overview and personal reflection. In M. Rosenbaum, C.M. Franks, & Y.Jaffe (Eds.), Perspectives on behavior therapy in the eighties. 1983 (pp.3-124). New York: Springer. . M. Merbaum, M. Rosenbaum. Self-control theory and research: An appraisal of current research in the modification of smoking, obesity and alcohol abuse. In C. M. Franks (Ed.), New developments in practical behavior therapy: From research to clinical application. 1984 (pp.57-103). New York: The Haworth Press. M. Rosenbaum, M. Merbaum. Self-control of anxiety and depression: An evaluative review of treatments. In C. M. Franks (Ed.), New developments in practical behavior therapy: From research to clinical application. 1984 (pp. 105-154). New York: Haworth Press. M. Rosenbaum. Learned resourcefulness, stress, and selfregulation. In S. Fisher & J. Reason (Eds.), Handbook of life stress, cognition and health. 1988 (pp.483-496). Chichester,U.K. : John Wiley. M. Rosenbaum. A model for research on self-regulation: Reducing the schism between behaviorism and general psychology. In G. H. Eifert & I. M. Evans (Eds.), Unifying behavior therapy: Contribution of paradigmatic behaviorism, 1990 (pp.126-149) New York: Springer. M. Rosenbaum. From helplessness to resourcefulness. In M. Rosenbaum (Ed.), Learned resourcefulness: On coping skills, self-control and adaptive behavior, 1990 (pp. xxv-xxxv). New York: Springer. 8 MICHAEL ROSENBAUM, Ph.D. M. Rosenbaum. The role of learned resourcefulness in selfcontrol of health behavior. In M. Rosenbaum (Ed.), Learned resourcefulness: On coping skills, self-control and adaptive behavior, 1990 (pp. 3-30). New York: Springer. M. Rosenbaum. Opening versus closing strategies in controlling one's responses to experience. In M. Kofta, G. Weary, & G. Sedek (Eds.), Personal control in action: Cognitive and motivational mechanisms, 1998 (pp. 61-84). New York: Plenum . M. Rosenbaum. The self-regulation of experience: Openness and construction. In P. Dewe, M., Leiter, & T. Cox (Eds.). Coping, health and organizations, 2000 (pp..51-67). London: Taylor & Francis. 9