WORKPLACE INSPECTION CHECKLIST Department/Area: Assessors: (Name and Signature) Date: ADMINISTRATION AREA Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) 1. GENERAL OSH 1.1 Is the OSH Representative known to all caregivers? Yes No 1.2 Is the OSH Representative involved in the investigation of hazards / incidents as required? Yes No N/A 1.3 Has there been any incidents of violence / abuse in the workplace since the last audit? Yes No N/A 1.4 If yes to 1.3, have they been documented, investigated and followed up? Yes No N/A 1.5 Is the first aid box available and stocked as per list? Yes No N/A 1.6 Are duties rotated to minimize postural stress (if required)? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Page 1 of 8 Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Next Review: April 2010 Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) 2. EMERGENCY RESPONSE / FIRE 2.1 Are all access and egress points clear of obstructions? Yes No N/A 2.2 Are appropriate fire extinguishers visible and clear of obstructions? Yes No N/A 2.3 Are all fire exit routes clearly signed and illuminated? Yes No N/A 2.4 Have extinguishers /equipment been serviced in the last 12 months? Yes No N/A 2.5 Is the Emergency Evacuation Procedure clearly displayed and highlighting the assembly point? Yes No N/A 2.6 Have all caregivers completed annual fire safety / emergency procedures training? Yes No N/A 2.7 Do caregivers know the alert and evacuation tones? Yes No N/A 2.8 Are caregivers aware evacuation procedures? the Yes No N/A 2.9 Are fire safety signs displayed, ie. Signs above fire extinguishers? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 of Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Page 2 of 8 Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Next Review: April 2010 Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) 3. GENERAL HOUSEKEEPING AND PHYSICAL HAZARDS 3.1 Are the floors in good condition – i.e. not slippery or unsafe, floor coverings in good condition Yes No N/A 3.2 Are work areas, storerooms, and corridors free from clutter and obstructions? Yes No N/A 3.3 Is the work area free from any protruding, sharp, exposed objects or low overhead structures? Yes No N/A 3.4 Are cupboards stable – e.g. attached to the wall or floor to prevent them from falling over? Yes No N/A 3.5 Is lighting adequate for the work performed ie is lighting working effectively? Yes No N/A 3.6 Is the work area free from any sources of excessive noise in the immediate work area? Yes No N/A 3.7 Does the temperature appear to be adequate? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Page 3 of 8 Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Next Review: April 2010 Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) 4. ELECTRICAL HAZARDS 4.1 Are cords/plugs safe and not frayed or broken? Yes No N/A 4.2 Are cords safe and not presenting a trip hazard? Yes No N/A 4.3 Are power points safe? – (double adaptors must not be used) Yes No N/A 4.4 Is electrical equipment tested within the scheduled timeframe? Yes No N/A 4.5 Are all hand operated electric tools / equipment used fitted with a Residual Current device /safety switch? Yes No N/A 4.6 Are all light fittings and switches clean and in good repair? Yes No N/A 5. AMENITIES 5.1 Are washrooms/toilets clean? Yes No N/A 5.2 Are rubbish bins available and covered? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Page 4 of 8 Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Next Review: April 2010 Checklist 6. EQUIPMENT 6.1 Is all equipment, tools, furniture in good repair? Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) and Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Yes No N/A 6.2 Are tags (out of service/danger) used on faulty equipment? Yes No N/A 6.3 Are all trolleys in good working order (ie wheels moving freely, no sharp edges)? 6.4 Is equipment stored safely? Yes No N/A Yes No N/A 6.5 Are all fridges closing / sealing effectively? Yes No N/A 7. BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS AND WASTE 7.1 Are hand washing agents at all hand basins/sinks and working appropriately? Yes 7.2 Are paper towels and waste bins at all Yes hand basins/sinks No N/A No N/A 7.3 Are hand lotions readily available? Yes No N/A 7.4 Is waste correctly segregated (as per policy)? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 Page 5 of 8 Next Review: April 2010 Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) 8. CHEMICAL SAFETY 8.1 Is there a Hazardous Substance manual for the department? Yes No N/A 8.2 Are current MSDS available in the department for all chemicals? (expire every 5 years) Yes No N/A clearly Yes No N/A 8.4 Have risk assessments been conducted for hazardous substances / dangerous goods used? Yes No N/A 8.5 Have caregivers received training regarding the use, disposal, and cleaning of spills for hazardous substances / dangerous goods? Yes No N/A 8.6 Is there written safe work procedures available for the safe use of chemicals? Yes No N/A 8.7 Are dangerous or hazardous substances stored appropriately? (i.e. only with other compatible chemicals)? Yes No N/A 8.8 Is the necessary protective equipment available and used? Yes No N/A 8.9 Yes 8.3 Are chemical labeled? containers Are spill cleanup kits available where needed and spill procedures displayed? Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete No N/A Revised April 2007 Page 6 of 8 Next Review: April 2010 Checklist Issue = No (Action Must be Taken) 9. MANUAL HANDLING / STORAGE 9.1 Have risk assessments been conducted on hazardous manual handling tasks? Yes No N/A 9.2 Have caregivers been provided with manual handling training? Yes No N/A 9.3 Are heavy items or frequently used items stored properly – between mid-thigh and shoulder height? Yes No N/A 9.4 Are benches at working height of task being performed? Yes No N/A 9.5 Are trolleys available and used to transport items / equipment? Yes No N/A 9.6 Are trolleys loaded appropriately (eg. Not stacked above head high?) Yes No N/A 9.7 Are step-ladders/shelf steps used to access items stored on high shelves? Yes No N/A 9.8 Are step-ladders/shelf steps used in good repair? Yes No N/A Revised April 2007 Hazard Identified & Risk Rating – Low/Medium/High/ Extreme A/Extreme B (Provide specific details Risk Matrix on last page) Recommended or possible corrective Action (hierarchy of controls – elimination, substitution, engineering, administration, PPE) Page 7 of 8 Person(s) responsible for ensuring corrective action is complete – Manager is responsible but may require assistance from caregivers Date Complete Next Review: April 2010 Other Comments Consequence Likelihood Critical Major Moderate Minor Negligible Almost Certain Extreme A Extreme A Extreme B High High Likely Extreme A Extreme A High High Medium Occasionally Extreme A Extreme B High Medium Low Unlikely Extreme B Extreme B Medium Low Low Rare Extreme B Extreme B Medium Low Low Manager/Supervisor Signature Date Received by OSH Practitioner Date Completed Workplace Inspection Records are to be sent to the OSH Practitioner Manager to ensure outstanding items are completed Revised April 2007 Page 8 of 8 Risk Pro Hazard Number: Date entered: Next Review: April 2010