School Attendance Officer - Fairfax County Public Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools
Employee’s Name
Employee ID No
Evaluation Year
Office of Intervention and Prevention Services
Position Title
School Attendance Officer
**Job Specification attached
The employee demonstrates knowledge of department and office processes.
The employee recognizes the importance of regular attendance to insure student success. As part of the Department of Special
Services, the attendance officer understands and implements referral processes and reporting requirements. The attendance
officer works collaboratively with other offices and departments to insure that compulsory attendance laws are implemented and
that students and parents understand the importance of regular school attendance.
The employee displays knowledge of job responsibilities.
The employee demonstrates the ability to interview students, school staff members, and parents in attendance investigations. The
attendance officer participates regularly on school support or administrative teams to address students with chronic absences.
The attendance officer knows proper procedures to file juvenile court petitions; hold effective administrative; parent; and student
conferences; develop attendance contracts; compile documentation for court referrals; and represent the school division in court
proceedings. The attendance officer understands his/her role as liaison between FCPS and the juvenile court system. The
attendance officer conducts residency verification investigations thoroughly, and prepares supporting documentation for school
administrators. The attendance officer cooperates with other departments or community agencies to develop effective
interventions for students.
The employee plans, organizes, and executes assignments.
Attendance officers plan for regular school team meetings; court intake proceedings; school conferences; home visits; and
investigations to ensure that referrals receive prompt attention. They document their individual cases and provide summary data
for state and locally mandated reports. They educate school staff members, including counselors, social workers, psychologists,
and administrators about referral procedures and reporting requirements.
The employee works with minimum supervision.
Attendance officers work autonomously, with supervision by a special services program manager. Attendance officers utilize the
manager’s expertise, or that of other relevant professionals, for complex cases.
The employee demonstrates time management skills.
Attendance officers use appropriate time management skills to respond to attendance/truancy referrals or residency
investigations. They ensure that referrals have timely, effective responses.
The employee uses problem-solving techniques.
Attendance officers participate on school teams, and suggest possible interventions or remedies for particular cases. They
collaborate with allied professionals (social workers, psychologists, counselors; school resource officers) to identify potentially
effective student interventions. They utilize foreign language interpreters to communicate with non-English speaking parents.
They help develop intervention plans for court-involved students as part of the Interdisciplinary Team (IDT) process.
The employee effectively performs job-related tasks.
Attendance officers assist schools and administrators with truancy and residency issues. They compile student reports; develop
court intake referral documents, and communicate with agencies; professionals; and parents to ensure that student needs are
The employee uses available resources appropriately
Attendance officers utilize human and technical resources in order to complete their work. For example, they take advantage of
Internet-based student information applications (SASI) in order to compile address, academic, and attendance data for
attendance referrals. They protect the information to which they have access, and ensure the confidentiality of student records.
The employee promotes and maintains a positive working relationship with diverse groups.
Attendance officers exhibit excellent human relations skills. They work effectively with parents; administrators; teachers;
student services professionals; students; court; and community agency professionals. They are integral members of problemsolving teams.
The employee provides accurate and timely information to coworkers, clients, and the public.
Attendance officers brief administrators, counselors, social workers, and psychologists regarding student interventions, including
court proceedings outcomes. They provide current, timely interpretations regarding compulsory attendance laws and student and
parent responsibilities. They inform other offices and the public about such requirements.
The employee demonstrates teamwork.
Attendance officers understand and appreciate the value of the team working with specific students. Where possible, they
participate on school support or intervention teams at secondary schools. They work with other professionals to refine
procedures; complete specific projects; and develop program recommendations.
The employee demonstrates effective communication skills.
Attendance officers utilize effective oral and written communication skills. They take advantage of technology (computers,
communication devices) to enhance their ability to communicate to school personnel, court personnel, and parents. They
develop clear, concise reports and letters for parents. When needed for non-English speaking parents, they request translation of
their communications through the Office of Translation Services. They contact the same office for language interpretation for
conferences, and essential parent communications.
The employee is responsive to the needs of coworkers, clients, and the public.
Attendance officers portray a professional, cooperative and courteous manner with everyone; respond to customer concerns in a
timely manner; establish and maintain effective working relationships; and use good judgment and diplomacy in conducting
their work.
The employee practices and maintains effective safety procedures.
Attendance officer use proper identification when conducting official business.
Attendance officers demonstrate knowledge of school wide safety procedures.
They participate in procedures associated with building evacuation; shelter in place; tornado drills; and other safety procedures.
The employee follows FCPS security procedures.
Attendance officers maintain strict confidentiality in all matters related to students, families, administrators, and staff members.
Attendance officers follow security procedures established by the schools. They comply with applicable federal, state, and local
law enforcement reporting requirements.
The employee maintains a safe work environment.
Attendance officers assist in ensuring that their work environment is safe from safety and fire hazards.
The employee demonstrates a positive attitude toward accomplishing program goals.
Attendance officers deal with confidential information professionally, and seek administrative guidance as needed. They meet
contractual obligations; fulfill professional obligations; adhere to FCPS rules and regulations; and willingly perform assigned
tasks. They maintain positive, professional, and collegial relationships with school staff members. They communicate regularly
with school administrators and support personnel to ensure that concerns and conflicts are resolved effectively.
The employee participates in a meaningful and continuous process of professional development.
Attendance officers commit to professional development through the following:
Participation in regular staff and training meetings;
Attending departmental staff training;
Attending regional or statewide training on relevant issues.
The employee adapts to changing situations.
Attendance officers exhibit flexibility in performing work assignments.
They willingly assist with emergency or critical cases.
They perform other tasks related their role, not specifically identified as their primary role, on occasion.
The employee makes informed decisions to achieve program goals.
The employee manages the daily operations in compliance with regulations and legal mandates.
The employee selects, supports, and evaluates personnel.
The employee fulfills job specific leadership roles.
The employee provides staff development programs for employees.
Signature of Supervisor or Evaluator:
Signature of Employee:
Original–Local Site Personnel File
Copy–Human Resources Personnel File