Ethical Dilemma

Robert Nelsen
Ethics Essay
Ethical Dilemma
In our country today there are many questionable practices that call into question
the ethics of the matter. The largest of these issues is abortion, which will be looked at in
one hundred years as an inhumane action, is very wrong in both my opinion and in the
facts, and is very easy to become involved in, yet we all can do something to help with
the situation. Abortion is not the innocent procedure that it is mentioned as by its
advocates, as just the simple removal of bodily tissue. Abortion is an enormous human
rights violation, and an effort needs to be made to stop the killing.
In one hundred years, abortion will be looked at as the systematic killing of
humans, and the general perception people hold will be amazement that with all we
know, society let the practice continue unhindered. A simple example to this point is that
less than one hundred years ago, the employment of children younger than ten years old
in extremely dangerous factory situations was acceptable. Today, society looks at that as
an institution that defied ethical standards, yet in 2008 nearly 1.3 million abortions took
place in the United States alone. In one hundred years, this will be viewed as the murder
of over a million babies. The facts point to one hundred years into the future, abortion
will be viewed as a gross violation of ethical rights.
The situation of right versus wrong in abortion is not a complicated one, and I
view it as a complete and utter wrong. When one sees a woman walking around who
appears obviously pregnant, it is thought that she is bearing a child. The fetus growing in
Robert Nelsen
Ethics Essay
the woman is no more a mass of tissue that any person walking around, or even the
mother is. No matter what the age of the fetus, it is undeniably a human being. The
argument that points to human life beginning at a later point than conception because it is
“not a human yet” is invalid because in society, no matter how old a person is they are
still a human. Human life begins at conception, and ends in death. No other concrete
beginning and end exist for life, so therefore any abortion, no matter how early is the
murder of an innocent human being. As is easy to tell, I view it as wrong in every way,
because the alternatives such as adoption provide an easy alternative, with in exchange
for the woman carrying the baby a few extra months, a life is saved. Abortion is clearly
wrong, and my personal reaction to it is loathing the practice.
The ethical violation involved in abortion is disrespecting the sanctity of human
life. Abortion is just like any other murder, yet the killing is protected by law, and is
justified by reasoning a woman can do what she wants with her own body. We can
become involved in this by complacency, and letting this continue around them without
taking any action to halt it. Complacency is the only thing the people who are involved in
abortion need to continue their deeds, but the best way to put a stop to this is through the
education of people, and peaceful demonstrations of dissent against abortion. By
educating the average person on the actual facts of abortion, especially the facts which
the advocates of abortion do not want them to hear, the true ethical violations being
practiced. An example of peaceful demonstrations would be attending a demonstration,
Robert Nelsen
Ethics Essay
or making a donation of time or money to an organization dedicated to the ending of
Abortion may be the largest ethical violation occurring in the United States today,
and is completely legal. Abortion will be looked at in one hundred years as an obvious
wrong, abortion is morally wrong, and abortion does not respect the sanctity of human
life, yet we all can do something about this. In a perfect world, abortion would come to a
quick end, yet the amount of people trying to rid us of it are met by tens of thousands of
women each day clamoring for abortions, and knowingly or unknowingly committing