policy on the council vehicles

The Municipality must designate the Municipal Manager as the Transport Controller.
The Transport Controller is responsible for the fulfilment and application of all relevant transport
instructions and the maintenance and correct utilization of Council vehicles under his control.
Only officials and councillors who comply with the necessary requirements and possess an
applicable drivers license of the relative class vehicle may be allowed to drive Council vehicle
after being authorized by the Municipal Manager or his delegate for execution of Council related
A register with the following information of authorized drivers must be maintained by the transport
controller at all times and must be verified whether the official or councillor is authorized before a
Council vehicle is handed over.
Personnel number
Post level (where applicable)
Name of official or councillor
Date of authorization
Number of accidents involved in
Signature – Checker
The transport controller must coordinate trips in the same direction and/or the same destination.
Each trip with a Council vehicle must be authorized at least 3 days before hand by means of a
properly completed and approved trip sheet.
The Municipal Manager or his delegate must authorize the trip sheet.
The Council vehicle shall be used solely for Council official purposes, but first preference be
given to the Councillors.
Objectives of the Policy
a. To regulate the use of Council vehicles.
b. To provide for administration of the Council’s vehicles.
2.2.3 Definitions
In this policy a word or phrase to which a meaning has been assigned in Section 1.0 on
definitions has that meaning, unless the context otherwise indicates.
2.2.4 Internal Drivers Test
All drivers making use of municipal vehicle must undergo competency drivers test conducted by
the Municipal traffic division.
2.2.5 Servicing of vehicles
All Council vehicles must be serviced according to the specifications laid down by the
The official who used the vehicle must arrange with the workshop to ensure that it is washed and
The Councillor who used the vehicle must arrange with the Municipal Manager to ensure that the
vehicles taken to workshop for washing and cleaning.
Completion and handling of a logbook and transport.
2.2.6 Records
A logbook must be kept in the vehicle at all times. Before a trip is commenced, the logbook must
be completed.
A copy of the invitation letter must be attached to the trip sheet (where applicable).
2.2.7 Fuel Purchases
Each vehicle in the pool and the ceremonial vehicle will have own personalized garage fuel/petrol
When fuelling at a trading garage a purchase slip must be completed and attached to the trip
sheet before is submitted to the Transport Controller.
2.2.8 Control over Fuel cards
Fuel cards must be used only for fuel, toll fees and/or repairs during authorized trips.
Any irregular/misuse of fuel cards will be regarded as fraud and will be dealt with as such.
2.2.9 Safekeeping of Council vehicle
The Council vehicle must be parked at Council premises.
When Councillors or officials are attending workshops/meetings, the vehicle shall be parked at
the workshop/meeting venue.
No Council vehicle must be parked at councillors and officials private homes, with the
exception of traffic officers and standby personnel.
2.2.10 Accidents
All accidents must be reported in terms of the laws and regulations of South Africa, within 24
hours to the SAPS by the official who was in control of the vehicle when damaged.
A written accident report issued by the Traffic Law Enforcement must be forwarded to the
Municipal Manager/or his delegate.
Accidents caused due to negligence on the part of the driver will be the liability of the driver to pay
the full access or to pay the total cost of the damage cost if the claim is repudiated.
The driver of the vehicle will pay speed fines and other fines due to non-adherence of road rules.
2.2.11 Appointment of driver for the Mayor
The delegation to appoint the driver for the Mayor lies with the Municipal Manager or his
2.2.12 Use of vehicles
The Mayoral Ceremonial vehicle may be used for ceremonial functions only vehicles are available
to Councillors and official per booking at least 5 days in advance.
2.2.13 Transportation of passengers
No passengers may be transported in the ceremonial vehicle or the pool vehicle with the
exception of the Mayor’s spouse (or mayoral delegates spouse) councillors and officials.
2.2.14 Replacement of Municipal vehicles
The vehicle shall be replaced in the following order:
Sedans will be replaced within five (5) years or 500 000km whichever comes first.
Bakkies / Kombis will be replaced within seven (7) years or 500 000km whichever comes first.
Tractor/trucks will be replaced within eight (8) years or 100 000km whichever comes first.
The above stipulations does not cover vehicle involved in prior accidents, machinery and/or