Module 1: Introduction to the History and Science of Psychology

Module 1: Introduction to the History and Science of Psychology
The Definition of Psychology
 The ________________study of behavior and __________ processes and the factors
that influence them
 Science…
 Backed up by research!
 Behavior
 Anything an organism does
 Can be observed and ________________
 Mental Processes
 Internal subjective experiences
 Sensations, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, etc.
 The “____________”
 W hat the brain does
Psychology as a Science
 A social science
 Along with ______________and ___________________
Not just opinions
 Evaluates ideas with observation and analysis
 Research Methods (Module 2)
Takes hunches and predictions and puts them to the test
The Roots of Psychology
 Historically a cross between two disciplines:
 Not a science
 A biological science…study of the body’s functioning
The Birth of a Science
University of Leipzig, Germany
Establishment of the first ___________________devoted to studying PSYCHOLOGY
Early Roots
 Structuralism
 Elemental structure of the human mind
 Functionalism
 How mental and behavioral processes function
 Beginning of Modern Psychology
 _____________________Theory (early 1900’s)
Psychological Theories
 Theory
 Framework for understanding
 Theoretical diversity in psychology…
 Complementary
 Also called perspectives, schools of thought, or approaches
 In order of how they emerged…
Psychodynamic Perspective
 Freud’s theory
 The “_______________________________________________”
 The basis for psychology today
 Outdated, but very influential
 Focus on two major factors:
 Unconscious forces
Iceberg Analogy
Behavioral Perspective
 In response to Freud’s focus inward
 Wanted to study something overt and _____________________
 Stimulus, Response, Consequences, etc.
 3 Major Learning Theories
 _________________Classical Conditioning
 _________________ Operant Conditioning
 Bandura’s Observational Learning
Humanistic Perspective
 In response to the pessimism of Freud and the mechanistic view of behaviorists
 Focus on growth and potential
 Therapeutic applications
 Hierarchy of Needs & Self-Actualization
Cognitive Perspective
 Focus on _____________________
 Includes memory, problem solving, decision-making, etc.
 Often combined with the behavioral perspective
 Thoughts influence behaviors
 Focus on the body-brain connection
 Brain ______________
 Brain ______________
 Glands & Hormones
 _________________system
 Genetics
 Behavior Genetics is sometimes a separate theory
 Popular in recent years…
Evolutionary Perspective
 Newer area of study
 Based on Darwin’s Theory
 How evolution influences behavioral tendencies
 Can explain some gender differences
-Explaining Depression Psychodynamic
 Behavioral
 Humanistic
 Cognitive
 Neuroscience
 Behavioral Genetics
 Evolutionary
Purpose of Psychological Study
 Pure science
 Increase scientific knowledge base
 Psychology as a science
 Intended to solve some specific problem and/or improve quality of life
 Psychology as a profession
Subfields in Psychology
 Biological Psychology/Health Psychology
 Developmental Psychology
 Cognitive Psychology
 Personality Psychology
 Educational Psychology
 Social Psychology
 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
 Consumer Psychology
 Clinical/Counseling Psychology
An Issue in Contemporary Psychology
 Are we born with our human traits, or do we develop them through experience?
 Genetics; Inborn; Hereditary
 All that is not Nature
 Learned…
 Examples
Nature _________ Nurture
 The interaction of genetics and environment shapes every aspect of who we are!
 Collaborative, not Competing forces
 Examples…
Where do psychological professionals work?
Colleges and Universities
Business & Industry
 Advertising!
Many other locations
Professions in Psychology (Treatment)
 Specialties
Social Workers
Psychiatric Nurses
 Counseling
 Assess, diagnose, and treat using therapy
 Education
 Population
 Location
 Clinical
 Assess, diagnose, and treat using therapy
 Education
 Population
 Location
The Psychiatrist
 Education
 Function
 Prescribe Medications
 No therapy!
 Population
 Location
 Cost
 Availability…