Online Guide for Coaches

AYSO-Online – Coach and
Team Administrator User’s Guide
Michael Karlin, AYSO Region 76 Webmaster
This is a summary guide to the use of the new AYSO-Online. AYSO-Online
has been our system for team administration for the past three seasons.
This year, we have been completely re-writing the system to make it more
reliable and much faster. We are adding new functions which we hope you
will like.
Referees have been using the referee module since the beginning of the
season to sign up for games and assign volunteer points. We are now
releasing the module for coaches and team administrators. Fall 2005 regular
season teams will mostly use the system to do player ratings. Post-season
(tournament) teams will use the system for the full array of capabilities
described below.
For regular season coaches and team administrators who may wonder why
we are releasing this in mid-season, it’s because planning and development
began in May and we could not release the system before October 31 when
player registration for the Fall 2005 season was completely finalized.
1. Accessing the New AYSO-Online as a Coach
For you to be able to use AYSO-Online, you need:
 Access to the system, with a user name and password
 Authorization to access the features that apply to you as a coach or team
administrator of one or more teams
a. Where is AYSO-Online/
You can access the new AYSO-Online at We will also be adding links to the new system on our
public pages and removing the links to the old system.
Some board
members will need continued access to the old system using their old user
name and password. For them, a link is contained on the log-in page.
b. Access
(1) User Name
Unlike the old system, there will be no team log-in. You will have to have
your own separate user name and password. All user names are in the
form of an email address.
So how do you get a user name and password in the system?
If you received this guide by email, your user name is the email address
to which this guide was sent. Please note that if you change your email
address, your user name will not change.
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Tip: To change your user name to match a changed or different
email address, you will have to contact You
can continue to use the old email address as you user name until the
Tip: If you share an email address with a family member and both
of you are AYSO-Online users, each of you will still need separate
email addresses. You should be able to set up a second email
address with your Internet Services Provider, but we can also provide
you with a special email address at that will serve as your
user name. Contact if you think this feature
would be helpful.
If you are a referee and have been using the system to schedule yourself
for games and assign referee credits, you should use the same user
name and password,
If you do not have a user name in the system, you will need to set one
up. See the appendix “Becoming A New AYSO-Online User”.
(2) Password
If you do not know your password, you can retrieve it at the log-in
screen by clicking on “Forgot your password?” or by going directly to The system will automatically
send you an email with your password.
All users of AYSO-Online must be authorized to use the system. What you
can see and do on the system depends on the permissions we set for you.
If you are a coach or a team administrator of a regular season team, you
should already be in the system if we had an email address for you and
we have already authorized you to administer any team with which you
are associated.
Division directors are currently authorizing users in the system in relation
to post-season teams.
If you are in the system but need to be authorized for a particular team,
you should contact your division director. The email address for a
Abbreviation] For example, the division directors of Boys
Under 10 is
2. Features
When you log into AYSO-Online, you will see that you have the ability to
manage any team for which you are authorized. You will be given the
following menu choices:
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You may see additional menu choices if you are a referee or a board
a. Team Rosters
(1) Teams. When you click on Team Rosters, you will see each team
for which you are authorized, as follows:
Regular season teams:
Lower Division Regular Season Teams (all divisions except U16 and U19)
Upper Division Teams (regular season; U16 and U19 only)
Post-season teams
Sportsmanship Cup Teams (U10-U12-U14)
Area 1-P League Champion Teams (U10-U12-U14)
Area 1-P All Star Teams (U10-U12-U14)
Tournament Teams (U10-U12-U14-U16-U19)
The new system treats teams as different for each competition which we are
responsible for scheduling. The reason for this change is that our teams
system is integrated with our system for managing Region 76 and Area 1-P
competitions. Under our integrated game and referee scheduling and team
administration systems, we have to treat a team as a different team if it is
entered in, say, the regular season lower division competition and, as the
winner of our playoffs, in the Area League Champions tournament.
Example: If a team is entered in the Sportsmanship Cup, coaches
and players have to be assigned to the Sportsmanship Cup team and
if the team is also entered in the Area All Stars, the coaches and
players have to be assigned to the Area All Stars team, even though
the coaches an players are all the same or there is substantial
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The Tournament Teams category is used to assign players to teams that will
participate in tournaments we do not administer, such as at Thanksgiving or
the Riverside Locomotion.
While this does involve some duplication, you will find that the system is very
fast and responsive.
(2) Roster Types. Under the roster module, you will be able to
display and print out the following types of roster:
Full rosters
Picture Day-style rosters
Line-up cards – this is a new feature this year
Action Item: Special line-up card blanks needed to print line-up
cards are being made available to your division director for
distribution to post-season teams, as well as any regular season
team who wants to use them for the last couple of games. Contact
your division director to get these cards. You will be able to print the
cards two to a page on any printer that can handle letter-size (8½” x
11”) paper.
Uniform Numbers. This is also where you will be able to input your
players’ uniform numbers. If you are a coach or administrator of a
regular season team and have already done this using the old system,
the numbers are already in the system. Post-season teams will need to
enter the numbers.
b. Medical Release Forms
When you click on Medical Release Forms, everything works as it did on the
old . You see all players and you check the boxes for the players whose
releases you want to display and print. You will see a very notable speed
increase from the old system.
Remember that you can click on most of the column headings to sort the
names. We are making improvements to the team sorting function which will
be released later.
Player Ratings
Click on the player ratings menu item and choose the regular season team
for which you need to enter player ratings.
We have a separate Player Rating Guide that is not reproduced here. The
guide is available by clicking on the link at the top of the Player Rating page.
Coaches must display and read this guide before rating players.
3. User Management
The system gives you three other menu choices.
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a. My Information
This is where you update your personal information.
Please give us
additional email addresses if you would like to receive email from us,
including automated game or referee schedule notifications and forgot
password notifications as well as other communications, at more than one
email address.
Remember: As noted in the Tip on page 1, you cannot change your primary
email address because this is your user name. Contact our registrar.
b. Change Password
You can change your password any time. Please use a secure password, one
that contains at least one letter and one number. Remember, the AYSO
webmaster and the registrar can see your password, so don’t use a password
that you use for your own personal affairs (we do not want to know your PIN
Log Out
You no longer need to log out to switch from one team to another or, if you
are a referee or board member, to access applications in relation to the other
team or other functions.
But when you are done, please log out. (Do not just close your browser
window.) This is an important security measure when you are at home and
it is mandatory when you are at work or other place where others could have
access to your computer.
4. Acceptable Use and Privacy Statement
AYSO and Region 76 require that, as a condition of using AYSO-Online, you
accept and comply with our Privacy Policy. Click on the link to the privacy
policy link at the bottom of almost all pages on the public site or you can go
directly to Please especially note the
section entitled Authorized Users.
This Coach and Team Administrator User Guide will be updated regularly as
new applications are created and existing applications are improved.
Comments or constructive criticism of the system or this document is
welcome. Please send them to me at
Thanks for your patience as we make this important transition.
you will find it to be worth it.
Michael Karlin
Webmaster, AYSO Region 76
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