Chemistry Ambassadors Sample Script:

Chemistry Ambassadors Sample Script:
What You can Say about Your Job at a Neighborhood Barbeque
It’s easy to incorporate a positive message about chemistry whenever you’re meeting someone new. Tell your
friends and neighbors that you’re a chemist. Explain to them that chemistry is present in their daily lives and that
chemists are solving problems that impact the world. You can improve the public appreciation for chemistry,
starting on your street.
Barbeque Guest: So, our host tells me you’re a scientist. What kind of science do you do exactly?
Chemistry Ambassador: Well, I’m a chemist and I work in an area called Green Chemistry. My clients are
chemical companies and what I do is help design ways for them to make their products with minimal impact on
human health and the environment. Green chemistry is really all about sustainability, in a way that’s a win-win
for industry and for society.
Barbeque Guest: I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of it. Is it being used for everyday products?
Chemistry Ambassador: It’s being adopted more and more widely, and there’s even a Presidential Award for
green chemistry advances. The next time you’re in the grocery story you may see some products with the label
GreenList™ on them – things like plastic food wrap and window cleaner. There are many household items that
are now made with greener technologies. The same is true for cosmetics and personal care products. Chemists
have found ways to eliminate some of the harsh chemicals that used to be used in making them, so that from
start to finish, the process is more environmentally friendly and safer to the people who work in these industries.
Barbeque Guest: Come to think of it, I think I have seen some “green” items in grocery store.
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