DRAFT 13.13 TERMINAL REPORT FORMAT 1. 1. Background Information 1.1 Project Number 1.2 Project Title Pilot Project on Inventory of Hazardous Waste Generation in Selected Members Countries. 1.3 UNEP Division/Unit Secretariat of the Basel Convention (UNEP/SBC) 1.4 Implementing Organization Basel Convention Regional Center (BCRC) Jakarta – Indonesia 2. 2. Project Implementation Details 2.1 Project Needs and Results (Re-State the needs and results of the project) Need: Based on the evaluation of the result of the Regional Training Workshop on National Inventories of Hazardous Waste and National Reporting held last year in Jakarta most of the participants need to conduct National Inventories of Hazardous Waste. However, they lack the capacity to do this. Inventories are a critical step in implementing the Basel Convention, this sometimes forgotten by some countries. An inventory is instrumental in determining the next activity/policy regarding hazardous waste management. Most of ASEAN countries have never conducted an inventory. The tools, technique and approaches learnt in the workshop on national inventories and national reporting in 2002, now need to be practically applied in the region so that constraints and opportunities can be identified and disseminated to parties. Results: A demonstration of how an inventory on hazardous waste generation was carried out in the region. Through the demonstration, knowledge and skills required for the inventory of hazardous waste through out the region was disseminated. 2.2 Project Activities (Describe the activities actually undertaken under the project, giving reasons why some activities were not undertaken, if any) Provided questionnaire regarding existing condition in each country on hazardous waste generation hazardous waste management, regulation, treatment facility, technology, support equipment, budgeting, etc, by assistance of SBC. Disseminated questionnaire to all member countries. Determined criteria for choosing one country to carry out the case study on inventory of hazardous waste and determined phase/steps for conducting pilot project by the assistance of SBC. Based on the results of the evaluation, a selection was made from the general questionnaires on hazardous waste inventory submitted to BCRC Indonesia. BCRC Indonesia then chose the Philippines as a country to conduct the pilot project on the Inventory of hazardous waste. Designed a new questionnaire based on the case study experience and distributed it to other countries in the region. Carried out initial evaluation of returned questionnaires to obtain a description regarding common constraints, needs assessments, and existing conditions on hazardous waste management in countries in the region. Carried out workshop for 8 member countries in ASEAN plus Papua New Guinea, the objective of the workshop was: Presentation of case study results Sharing information on hazardous waste inventory and management from member countries, international experts and local authorities who had conducted the inventory. Designed and developed a next study for hazardous waste generation inventory. Reviewed BC Manual on Inventory Hazardous Waste Generation based on existing conditions and case study. Listed needs and next activities for participant countries. Prepared a regionally specific addendum to the Basel Convention Manual and Inventories. The national inventory of hazardous waste proved to be very resourceful for planning an environmentally sound management of hazardous waste. 2.3 Project Outputs (Compare the outputs generated with the ones listed in the project document) Selection of qualified country to conduct a pilot project on the inventory of hazardous waste generated. A completed inventory for one country in the region. Recommendation and guidance for the undertaking of hazardous waste inventories in other countries in the region (regional workshop). A regionally specific addendum to the Basel Convention manual on Hazardous Waste Inventory taking. 2.4 Use of Outputs (State the use made of the outputs) Prevention, minimization and appropriate management of waste, considering social, technological, and economic aspect; Promotion and use of clean technologies; Reduction of transboundary movements of hazardous and other waste; Promotion of institutional and technical capacity building; Training and technology transfer, and Information exchange, education and awareness raising 2.5 Degree of achievement of the objectives/results (On the basis of facts obtained during the follow-up phase, describe how the project document outputs and their use were or were not instrumental in realizing the objectives / results of the project) Operations and Activities 100% achieved. 2.6 Determine the degree to which project contributes to the advancement of women in Environmental Management and describe gender sensitive activities carried out by the project. The gender issues were observed while implementing the project. No discrimination has been observed from the project management. No specific or gender sensitive activities were conducted by the project. 2.7 Describe how the project has assisted the partner in sustained activities after project completion. Reports produced by the project are intellectual tools that will be continuously used to develop future projects in the region. For instance, based on the existing Basel Convention manual on inventories, an addendum of guidance was prepared based upon the information gained through the case study and the workshop. The addendum will assist partners and sustain future activities by outlining and addressing specific problems identified in the region. 3 3. Conclusions 3.2 Recommendations (Make recommendations to (a) Improve the effect and impact of similar projects in the future and (b) Indicate what further action might be needed to meet the project objectives / results) 4. 4. Attachments 4.1 Attach an inventory of all non-expendable equipment (value over US$ 1,500) purchased under this project indicating Date of Purchase, Description, Serial Number, Quantity, Cost, Location and Present Condition, together with your proposal for the disposal of the said equipment None 4.2 Attach a final Inventory of all Outputs/Services produced through this project List of Output Documentation: Executive Summary Final Report on Demonstration Project on Inventory of Hazardous Waste Generation in Philippines. Database Software Result of the Regional Training Workshop on Inventory of Hazardous Waste; and Generation. Desktop Study Available at SBC’s web site under the section for Indonesia: http://www.basel.int/centers/projects.html