CMS Curriculum Guide Grade/ Course: Grade 2 General Music Date of Revision: June 2013 Core Instructional Materials Essential Questions MP1 Why do a tuba and a flute sound different? How can I identify different instruments? -- Silver Burdett Making Music Grade 3 textbook -- Instruments from the school collection MP2 How do I use my musical knowledge to perform in the 2nd Grade Play? How do people work behind the scenes to ensure that a performance is successful? -- 2nd Grade Play music as chosen each year by the music teacher -- 2nd Grade Play folders MP3 How can I sing and play using Mi, Sol, La, Do, and Re? Why is music broken into measures? How do I follow the musical “road map” of a piece of music? -- Silver Burdett Making Music Grade 2 textbook -- Silver Burdett Making Music Grade 3 textbook MP4 Why are some songs considered more important than others? What is patriotic music? How do patriotic composers use tempo, dynamics, and timbre? -- Silver Burdett Making Music Grade 2 textbook -- Silver Burdett Making Music Grade 3 textbook Ver. 2006-05 Standard/ Strand/Activity 1.1.2.B.2 Identify the timbre of different instruments 1.1.2.B.3 Categorize families of instruments based on timbre 1.4.2.A.2 Compare and contrast instruments from Western and non-Western cultures 1.2.2.A.2 Discuss how foreign cultures affect the instruments used in native music 1.3.2.B.1, 1.3.2.B.2, 1.3.2.B.4, 1.3.2.B.6, and 1.3.2.B.7 Sing and perform 2nd Grade Play music 1.3.2.B.2 Demonstrate correct breathing technique and posture through performance of 2nd Grade Play music 9.2.4.A.1 Identify non-performing jobs in the performing arts 1.3.2.B.7 Conduct a short excerpt, using a correct rhythmic conducting pattern 1.1.2.B.1, 1.1.2.B.2, and 1.1.2.B.3 Identify and use notes and rests in a written score 1.1.2.B.1 Compare and contrast the function of a repeat sign and a double bar line 1.1.2.B.1 Identify the function of a coda and use it properly in performance 1.1.2.B.1 Identify the functions of D.C. al Fine and D.S. al Coda and use them properly in performance 1.2.2.A.2 Identify how important pieces of American music represent the culture they are composed in 1.4.2.A.2 Compare and contrast important songs from differing nations 1.2.2.A.1 Identify characteristics of patriotic music 1.4.2.A.1 Explain the emotional response that people have to patriotic music 1.1.2.B.2 Identify the timbre of different instruments used in patriotic music, such as marching bands Ver. 2006-05 Modifications for SpEd/Ell/Gifted & Talented Instrument Families TIER I: Draw instruments in their 4 groups and label, then describe why they belong with those families TIER II: Draw instruments in their 4 groups and label TIER III: Draw instruments Instruments TIER I: Categorize the different instruments by instrument timbre on a chart TIER II: Compare and contrast the different timbres of instruments TIER III: Compare the timbre of individual instruments to each other with use of a guided worksheet Stage Jobs TIER I: Create a poster advertising for a behind-thescenes job at a theater company TIER II: Create a chart discussing the jobs that can be done behind-the-scenes to help create a performance TIER III: Create a chart discussing the jobs that can be done behind-the-scenes to help create a performance (the job description will already be filled in; students will fill in the occupation name) Conducting TIER I: Conduct a whole piece from the 2nd Grade Play music TIER II: Conduct an example from the 2nd Grade Play music TIER III: Conduct an example from the 2nd Grade Play music using a conducting diagram Measures TIER I: Write an original rhythmic example and divide it into measures TIER II: Divide a whole piece of music into measures TIER III: Divide a musical example into measures with guided instructions Musical Road Maps TIER I: Design a poster showing musical road signs that look like actual road signs TIER II: Follow a musical road map TIER III: Follow a musical road map with the help of a chart of musical road signs My Bonnie TIER I: Explain the Scottish influence on the instrumental version of My Bonnie TIER II: Compare and contrast vocal and instrumental versions of My Bonnie with the use of a Tchart TIER III: Compare and contrast vocal and instrumental versions of My Bonnie with the use of a Tchart with categories of comparison already labeled America TIER I: Define new song vocabulary from My Country ‘Tis of Thee (America) and place on flashcards TIER II: Sing My Country ‘Tis of Thee (America) and discuss new vocabulary TIER III: Sing My Country ‘Tis of Thee (America) with a vocabulary definition sheet Ver. 2006-05 -- Performance of learned songs -- Class Participation -- Performance of learned songs -- Class Participation -- Performance of learned songs -- Class Participation 21st Century Life & Careers (4th-8th grade) Assessment -- Performance of learned songs -- Class Participation Ver. 2006-05