AP Biology - Some Suggested Web Sites

AP Biology - Some Suggested Web Sites
AP Program
This site gives parents, students and teachers a general introduction into the AP program. Good
reference site for those new to the AP program.
AP Central
This site is the primary repository for information on the AP programs. Register as a member to get
access to many of the pages on AP Biology. Lots of good information here, if a little hard to sort
through. Nice lab tips and help under “Teachers Corner”. The essay exams for 2001-2007 are here with
student responses, keys and analysis.
AP Biology - Information on the AP Biology Mail List group
This part of AP Central gives instructions on how to join the e-mail discussion groups for each AP
subject. The list is moderated and is a great place to ask questions and discuss problems with other AP
Biology instructors and exam readers.
The Biology Project
This free site has many materials on the topics covered in AP Biology. Many lessons have selfquizzes. A great place for students who need another exposure to the material.
Lab Bench
A good way to review all of the required AP Biology labs is to use the materials located at:
Focus on the objectives of the labs rather than the specific techniques. If you are asked to “Design a lab
to…” the objectives will be more helpful than trying to memorize a technique.
Science News Online
This is an online version of the popular weekly science magazine "Science News". The articles are
written at a level that is understandable for most high school students and their teachers. This site is a
great way for teachers to keep up on new developments in many science areas.
OMIM - Home Page
The OMIM site for Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man is an extremely valuable site for researching
information in human and molecular genetics. The search feature allows students to find periodical
information on several thousand human genetic traits. The site also has many excellent links.
Biology Labs On-Line
This subscription site contains Virtual Flylab and other on-line versions of biology labs. Free oneday trail of their products.
Drosophila Lab
This is a free fruit fly simulation that allows students to choose flies and conduct experiments for up to
three traits. http://www.sciencecourseware.org/vcise/
AP Biology at the University of Georgia
A university sponsored site for teachers in AP Biology. Its best features are the "lab tips" and
"exams" which are listed separately below.
AP Biology Lab Tips (University of Georgia)
This site gives a number of tips for teachers who are conducting the AP Biology labs. General hints
are given for lab time, materials, as well as specific hints for each of the 12 AP Biology labs.
AP Biology Exams (University of Georgia)
This site gives all of the past AP Biology essay exam questions from 1968-2000 (the most recent
exams are at AP Central). The questions are also cross-listed by subject area. A great place to get the
past essay questions for use in your own exams, but be warned, you students may find this site too.
The most recent AP Biology essay exams will be found in AP Central.
National Center for Biotechnology Information Web Site
This national site connects not only with OMIM (see above) but also with Medline and several DNA
and protein data bases. A good source for molecular biology information and project ideas for advanced
Genetic Diseases
This link from the NCBI web site gives some of the most common genetic diseases in humans as
summaries and descriptions. Diseases are searched by their chromosome locations. Great for quick
information in a condensed form.
Scientific Inquiry through Plants
Need some Botany activities? Here is a place to get started.
Fast Plants
Here’s another good source for Botany activities. http://www.fastplants.org/
Other Great Web References
Access Excellence
Need a lab activity? Here's a great place to get one for just about any topic and area in Science. All
labs are developed and tested by teachers.
Access Indiana
A great listing for resources in tIndiana with cross references to MANY different web sites.
American Society for Microbiology
Great site for everything you and you students need to know about microbiology.
Cells Alive
A site for videos and animations for cells.
Evolution Gems from Nature
Here is a listing of studies published in Nature that support Evolution by Natural Selection.
Explore Biology
Veteran teacher Kim Foglia’s site for AP Biology. Lots of good stuff for the beginning AP Biology
teacher. http://www.explorebiology.com/apbiology/
Instructional Materials in Science Education
A great site for biology teachers (and other disciplines) that organizes and directs you to other quality
sites by topic.
Sordaria Crossing over pictures
This site has placed several pictures of the Sordaria crossing over activity. Students can take their
data from the pictures without needing to use the live cultures or look at slides. You might also try an
image search “Sordaria” on the web to locate additional pictures.
The Apple Genomics Project
This website features genomic information and computer animations that explain common genomic
laboratory procedures using apples as the model organism.
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship Foundation
This site has the teacher developed curriculum from the WWFF. Great sources of lesson plans and
labs. http://www.woodrow.org/
Comment – A number of AP Biology teachers have created web sites for their courses and materials.
Try searching for “AP Biology” on the web to sample what others have created.