Geography 1 Instructor Matt Ebiner Assignment #6 Name _____________________________ Class Day & Time ___________________ Due Date: __________________________ Karst Landscapes and Fluvial Landforms 1. Look at the “Shattered Rock” photo on page 110. When a rock is split like that, what is the most likely reason? In other words, what kind of physical weathering did that? ____________________________ 2. Look at the photo of the Painted Grotto (Carslbad Caverns, New Mexico) on page 254. Besides stalactites and stalagmites, what other karst feature is visible inside the cave)? ________________ 3. The photo of Skocjanske Jam (Slovenia) on page 257 shows a sinkhole. Besides the sinkhole, what other karst feature is definitely in an area of sinkholes (out of view, and even when the area is totally dry)? _____________________ 4. Look at the photos on page 111 & 253 of tower karst found in Southern China. What kind of physical or chemical weathering formed these towers? _______________________________ Southern China has a very rainy climate. If the climate was dry with very little rain or water, how would the shape of the landscape be different (don’t mention vegetation)? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. The following factors contribute to mass movements: - Water-Saturated Slope - Steep Slope (can be oversteepened by waves or rivers undercutting the base) - Lack of Vegetation - Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption to Trigger the Movement - Slope Composed of Loose Debris/Soil Examine the photo on page 118-119 of the 2001 landslide in El Salvador. What triggered the landslide? ____________________________ Examine the “Rock Fall” photo on page 116? Assuming that the entire mountainside in the photo has loose rocks, what was the main factor that caused only the slope in the middle of the photo to have rock fall, while the rest of the slope did not have any mass movement? _____________________________________ 6. Look at the photo of Solifluction on page 117. There is only one climatic environment that has solifluction. What is it? ____________________ 7. Look at the photo of the Grand Canyon on page 218. What carved the canyon? ________________________________________ 8. Some rivers have deltas (the Nile) while others (the Amazon) do not have a delta (pg. 215 might help). Compared to the Nile which has a delta, the Amazon River doesn’t have a delta because: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 9. What kind of water erosion is responsible for the Badlands seen on page 482? ___________ 10. In the photo at the bottom of page 220, what is the major kind of stream load carried by the Iguaçu River? (circle one: solution, suspended, bed) 11. Look at the photo of the Yellowstone River on page 212-213. What stage of landscape development is shown in the photo? Circle one: Youthful, Mature, Old Age Explain how the photo shows that stage of development. DO NOT MENTION BASE LEVEL SINCE YOU CANNOT KNOW WHAT THE BASE LEVEL IS BY LOOKING AT THE PHOTO: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________