Title: Increasing Green Infrastructure in Compact Developments: Strategies for providing ecologically beneficial greenery in modern urban built environments Author: Daniel C. Staley :: staley.dan@gmail.com :: 303.552.6623 Subject: This paper gives new, detailed strategies for providing high quality green infrastructure in modern, ordered compact developments. Keywords: designing communities, economic effects, government policies, mitigation technologies, standards, urban planning. Extended Abstract: Urban forest canopies are generally declining in areal extent across the United States (American Forests, n.d.). At the same time urban areal extent is increasing, with urban areas in the conterminous United States having doubled in size between 1969 and 1994 (Staley 2004) and projected to increase another 50% by the year 2050 (Nelson 2006). Eighty percent of North Americans are now living in urbanized areas, spending 90% of their time indoors or in controlled microclimates (Staley 2004). As a result of these and other concerns, the patterns of urban built environments are subject to increasing scrutiny across many disciplines (Alberti and Marzluff 2004, Glaeser and Kahn 2008, Jackson 2003, Ong 2003, Wells 2000, Zipperer et al. 2000). Urban planners, politicians, public health officials and some developers are recognizing that certain built environment patterns such as large-lot residential developments and single-use zoning may have unintended and detrimental externalities on environmental health (Frumkin 2003, Goldberg et al. 2007, Jackson 2003), receiving waters (Alberti et al. 2007, Greenberg et al 1994, Tong and Chen 2002), urban heat islands (Stone 2001, Stone and Rogers 2001) and municipal finance (Carruthers and Ulfarsson 2003, Soule 2006), among other effects. Compact development is one strategy to address urban sprawl and its associated environmental effects (Beatley 2004, Duany and Talen 2002, Speck 2007). Many cities, concerned about sprawl and development costs, are approving an increasing number of compact residential and commercial developments (Szold 2007). Compact developments often feature medium- to high-density building footprints, small-lot development, shorter building setbacks and greater emphasis on the public realm. Modern expressions of ordered compact development (OCD) are variously named New Urbanist (NU), Traditional Neighborhood Design (TND) or Smart Growth (SG) developments (Farr 2008, Staley and Olson 2007). Such OCDs eschew single-use zoning and massing specifications in favor of mixed-use zoning and design specifications (Talen 2005, Wickersham 2007). Code language in OCDs often requires easements that may constrict both tree roots and tree canopies (Friedman 2007), providing insufficient room for healthy canopy and root growth and creating a greater likelihood of infrastructure conflicts. Potential social, economic and environmental benefits of urban green infrastructure may be foregone. The presence of a high quality, well-managed tree canopy is essential for a high quality of life and for the delivery of environmental services in higher density areas and across larger scales. This paper will present new design details, specific zoning and code language, and best practices from multiple disciplines to frame a coherent set of strategies to ensure attainment of recommended canopy cover levels in ordered compact developments. This paper will also present strategies for integrating urban forestry within built environments that may help cities remedy urban sprawl and return to positive, supportive built environment patterns. Zoning codes and design standards are not adopted equally or at the same time across jurisdictions. This is due to multiple factors, mainly political will (Flyvberg 1998, Hoch 1994, Hoch, Dalton and So 2000,), economics (Heikkila 2000) and asymmetric learning (Figures 1-3). This paper shall detail code changes that can expected to be adopted, detailed according to the four categories of policy adoption (Figure 2) and along the continuum of societal adoption (Figure 3). Category I. Category I jurisdiction typologies (Figure 2) are Progressive and early adopters of technology and innovation. Representative Category I jurisdictions are Davis, CA and Boulder, CO. With respect to tree canopy, Davis has progressive parking lot shading standards and Boulder has innovative solar access standards. Zoning code language and design standards that can be adopted in Category I jurisdictions include: 1. Required parking lot interior islands (Figure 4). Interior islands and peninsulas shall be a minimum of 8 (eight) feet in width and 18 (eighteen) feet in length. a. Islands and peninsulas shall be excavated post-paving and prior to planting in accordance with the provisions in § x.y (z) to provide a minimum of 750 ft3 (cubic feet) per large-statured tree and 500 ft3 (cubic feet) per mediumstatured tree. b. There shall be no more than 12 parking stalls between islands and/or peninsulas (Figure 5). 2. Tree:stall ratio. There shall be a minimum of one tree for every 10 parking stalls. No more than 25 (twenty-five) percent of total trees shall be on the landscaped perimeter (viz. Wolf 2004). 3. Parking geometry. Parking geometry shall be according to the following table. Exceptions to this section require a variance. 1-Way Aisle Width 2-Way Aisle Width Maximum Stall Width Maximum Stall Length Parking Angle 0º 45º 13 feet 13 feet 19 feet 21 feet 8.5 feet 8.5 feet 20 feet 19 feet 90º 16 feet 24 feet 8.5 feet 17 feet Returning to old built environment patterns challenges good horticultural practices to ensure the health of woody plants in urban environments and delivery of ecosystem services. This paper has presented design elements, specific code language and best practices from the urban planning, transportation planning, urban forestry and landscape architecture to frame a coherent set of strategies to ensure attainment of recommended canopy cover levels in ordered compact developments. References Cited Alberti, M., Booth, D., Hill, K., Avolio, C., Coburn,B., Coe, S., and Spirandelli, D. 2007. The impact of urban patterns on aquatic ecosystems: An empirical analysis in Puget lowland sub-basins. Landscape and Urban Planning. 80(4): 345-361. 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The application of ecological principles to urban and urbanizing landscapes. Ecological Applications 10(3): 685-688. Figures Figure 1. Figure 1. Societal and group learning curves are similar to logistic growth curves (Bass 1965). Rapid learning occurs near the asymptote. Figure 2. Figure 2. This paper posits that decision-makers fall into categories similar to Bass diffusion curves (Bass 1965) and Rogers Adoption curves (see Figure 3). As such, decision-makers and their publics have asymmetric levels and times of acceptance of a particular idea or solution set. The code language and design strategies and standards in this paper are presented according to the groups arranged along this curve. Figure 3. Figure 3. Societies and groups do not accept ideas or policies symmetrically. This paper posits that a slightly modified Rogers Adoption Curve illustrates how societies accept ideas and policies for the purposes of this paper. Figure 4. Figure 4. Detail of interior islands typical in Category I developments. Note the smaller parcel size and parking lot placement to the rear of the building envelope. Figure 5. Figure 5. Detail of a standard for spacing between interior parking lot islands. Note also the placement of trees to ensure lesser likelihood of automobile damage and minimum width requirement.