Chemistry An In-Situ Neutron Diffraction Study of -Bi2Mo2O9 and -Bi2MoO6 as Partial Oxidation Catalysts Hamzah Fansui1 and Dong-ke Zhang2 1 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, Indonesia, 60111. 2 Centre for Petroleum, Fuels and Energy The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, Perth, Western Australia 6009 Abstract The dynamics of lattice oxygen in β-Bi2Mo2O9 and γ-Bi2MoO6 as catalysts for partial oxidation of propylene to acrolein was investigated using the neutron diffraction technique. The catalyst characterization experiments were carried out under reaction conditions at 300, 350 and 400 oC using the Medium Resolution Powder Diffraction (MRPD). The unit cell of the β-Bi2Mo2O9 was seen to expand isotropically to the (111) face with increasing temperature, indicating that there was no important atomic coordinate changes in the temperature range studied. On the other hand, the unit cell of the γ-Bi2MoO6 expanded to the (110) face. The difference suggests that the two catalysts have different activation mechanisms in catalysing the partial oxidation reaction. Structure refinement of both catalysts under the in-situ conditions shows that certain lattice oxygen ions are more mobile than others. The Oxygen ions No. 3 and 18 in β-Bi2Mo2O9 and No. 1 and 5 in γBi2MoO6 are the mobile oxygen ions in the lattice. The mobile lattice oxygen ions are the most probable active oxygen for the selective oxidation of propylene to acrolein Keywords: Acrolein, Bismuth molybdate, In-Situ Neutron Diffraction, Partial Oxidation, Propylene. 1. Introduction Bismuth molybdates have long been known as active catalysts for selective oxidation of olefins. There are several phases of bismuth molybdates but only three of them are known to be active for partial oxidation of propylene to acrolein, namely α, β and γ bismuth molybdates. Many researchers believe that lattice oxygen in bismuth molybdate catalysts plays an important role in determining the activities of bismuth molybdates in catalysing the partial oxidation of olefin. It has been proven that the oxidation reaction uses the lattice oxygen and follows the Mars-van Krevelen mechanisms [1-2]. Several studies have also shown that the lattice oxygen ions are involved in the oxidation process [1, 3-6]. Furthermore, Haber [7] mentioned that the ease of oxygen movement in bismuth molybdates, by the formation of shear plane and rearrangement of corner-linked metal oxides into edge-linked octahedrals of molybdenum as well as tungstate oxide, favour their activities and selectivity towards acrolein formation. Corresponding author: 2. Experimental The catalysts used in the present study were prepared using the co-precipitation method from Bi(NO3)3.5H2O and (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O solutions. Molar ratio of Bismuth to Molybdenum was 1 and 2 for the preparation of β-Bi2Mo2O9 and γ-Bi2MoO6, respectively. The suspension was kept in a water bath at 70oC and stirred well to evaporate the liquid slowly until it became a paste. The paste was then dried at 120oC for 20 hrs in air. The dried cake was crushed and calcined in air at 250o for 2 hrs followed by calcination at 650oC for 24 hrs for β-Bi2Mo2O9 and at 480oC for 20 hrs for γ-Bi2MoO6. Room temperature structure of the catalysts thus prepared was characterized using both X-ray and Neutron diffraction techniques. XRD analysis employed Cu K radiation operated at 40 kV and 30 mA. Neutron diffraction analysis was carried out using the High Resolution Powder Diffraction (HRPD). A monochromatic neutron beam at a wavelength of 1.495Å was applied. In-situ neutron diffraction analyses were carried out using the Medium Resolution Powder Diffractometer (MRPD) with a monochromatic neutron beam at a wavelength of 1.665 Å. The catalyst characterisation was carried out at 300, 350 and 400oC in air and in a simulated reaction atmosphere comprised of 1% C3H6, 2% O2 and 97% He in a special quartz cell reactor [8] (Figure 1). All diffractograms were used to refine the lattice parameters, inter-atomic distances and thermal parameters, using the LHPM Rietica refinement method [9]. Figure 1. A schematic of the special sample cell for the in-situ MRPD analyses 3. Results and discussion Figure 2 shows HRPD diffractograms and refinement fit of room temperature -Bi2Mo2O9 and -Bi2MoO6. Search and Match results using Jade 6.0 and PDF (Powder Data File) database version 2 reveals that the bismuth molybdate catalysts prepared in this experiment are -Bi2Mo2O9 and -Bi2MoO6. The beta phase corresponds to ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database) collection No. 201742 based on structural model reported by Chen and Sleight [10]. The unit cell in the model is monoclinic with unit cell parameters a=11.972(3), b=10.813(4), c=11.899(2), =90.0 =90.1(0) =90.0 and unit cell volume V=1540.4. Meanwhile, the gamma phase corresponds to ICSD collection No. 47139 where the unit cell is orthorhombic and a=5.482(0), b=16.199(1), c=5.509(0), =90.0 =90.0 =90.0 and unit cell volume V=489.2 as reported by Teller et al. [11]. Structure refinement results of the beta and gamma phases from their room temperature HRPD and XRD using their corresponding structural model give slightly different unit cell parameters as shown in Table 1. (a) (b) Figure 2. Graphical representation of the refinement results of room temperature HRPD diffractograms. (A) -Bi2Mo2O9 and (B) -Bi2MoO6. Table 1. Refined unit cell parameters of bismuth molybdates of room temperature X-ray and Neutron (HRPD) diffractograms. Parameters -Bi2Mo2O9 -Bi2MoO6 X-ray Neutron X-ray Neutron Volume (Å ) 1534.05(9) 1538.27(5) 489.41(3) 490.84(2) 3 a (Å) 11.954(0) 11.965(0) b (Å) 10.799(0) 10.810 (0) 16.209(0) 16.225(0) c (Å) 11.883(0) 11.893 (0) (o) (o) 5.484(0) 5.489(0) 5.506(0) 5.511(0) 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.143(3) 90.139(2) 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.000 90.000 The dynamic changes on the structure of beta and gamma phases under reaction condition (increasing temperature and reaction atmosphere) were studied by HRPD. The unit cell of the βBi2Mo2O9 expanded isotropically as the temperature increased (Figure 2.a). The isotropic unit cell expansion revealed that there is no important atomic coordinate change in the temperature range studied. The thermal parameters did not increase as the temperature increased. However, some oxygen ions (No. 3 and 18) in the lattice had larger thermal parameters than the others. These oxygen atoms were laid in the cavities of the β-Bi2Mo2O9 crystal and bonded to molybdenum and bismuth ions. On the other hand, the unit cell of the γ-Bi2MoO6 expanded more in the a and c directions than in the b direction (Figure 2.b). Some oxygen ions in the lattice (No. 1 and 5) experienced greater increases in their thermal parameters than the others. Oxygen No 1 was situated between the Mo-O and Bi(2)-O layers while Oxygen No 5 was on the Mo-O layer and closer to the Bi(1) layer than the other oxygen ions in the Mo-O layer. The specific thermal parameters of Oxygen ions No 1 and 5 indicate that they are probably the key in controlling the catalyst activity for the selective partial oxidation. In addition, the less lattice expansion in the b direction suggests that oxygen atoms bridging the layers were strongly bonded to molybdenum and/or bismuth, except Oxygen No 1. The lattice oxygen atoms with high thermal parameters at high temperatures are the source of the oxidising oxygen responsible for the selective oxidation of propylene to acrolein. 0.80% 2.50% 1.00% 0.70% 2.00% 0.80% 2.00% 1.50% 0.40% 1.00% 0.30% a b c beta Cell Volume 0.20% 0.10% 0.00% 275 300 0.50% a, b and c 0.50% 0.70% 0.60% 1.50% 0.50% a b c Cell Volume 0.40% 0.30% 1.00% 0.20% Cell Volume 0.60% Cell Volume a, b, c, and beta 2.50% 0.90% 0.50% 0.10% 325 350 375 Temperature (oC) (a) 400 0.00% 425 0.00% 0.00% 275 300 325 350 375 o 400 425 Temperature ( C) (b) Figure 2. Percentage of unit cell extensions of a) β-Bi2Mo2O9 and b) γ-Bi2MoO6 4. Conclusions The in-situ neutron diffraction study revealed that the most probable active lattice oxygen ions responsible for the partial oxidation of propylene to acrolein are oxygen No 3 and 18 in Bi2Mo2O9 and No. 1 and 5 in -Bi2MoO6. The active oxygen atoms in both bismuth molybdates are slightly different in their nature. In the phase, active oxygen ions are laying in the crystal’s cavity and directly bonded to molybdenum and bismuth ions, while in the phase, the active oxygen are sandwiched between molybdenum and bismuth oxide layers. References 1. J. M. Thomas, W. J. Thomas, Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Weinheim, 1997 2. A. Bielanski, J. Haber, Oxygen in Catalysis, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1991, p. 472-479. 3. M. M. Bettahar, G. Constentin, L. Savary, J. C. Lavalley, Applied Catalysis A: General 145 (1996) 4. Y.-H. Han, W. Ueda, Y. Moro-Oka, Applied Catalysis A: General 176 (1999) 5. L. D. Krenzke, The Kinetics and Mechanism of Propylene Oxidation over Bismuth-Molybdate, Bismuth(1)Molybdenum(1)Oxygen(12), Bismuth(3)Iron(1)Molybdenum(2)Oxygen(12) and Uranium(1)Antimony(3)Oxygen(10), in Chemistry. 1977, The University of Wisconsin: Milwaukee, USA. p. 163-175. 6. E. Ruckenstein, D. B. Dadyburjor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry 84 (1980) 26 7. 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A unit cell of -Bi2Mo2O9 (upper figure) and atom map of the unit cell (lower figure). (Adapted from H.-Y. Chen and A.W. Sleight [10]) 2. Unit cell structure of -Bi2MoO6 Figure 4. From left to right, a unit cell of -Bi2MoO6 and its atom map. The figure is adapted from Teller et al [11].