Notes: Genetic Variation Lab 1. You will be working in groups of 2 or 3, according to my instructions. 2. Your population will be one of the sets of shells provided in class. 3. You will likely choose to record the variation in one or more of the length options for your shells. Calipers and rulers are provided for data collection. 4. Your graph must, of course, be on real graph paper, and should show the distribution of the measurements among your shells. It should be a bar graph similar to the students heights graph from Lab 1.2. 5. Include all members of the population in your data collection. 6. For #9 in the instructions, you are to calculate the standard deviation. Instructions are in Appendix E of your lab manual. 7. Omit #10. Your “null hypothesis” is that there is no variation in your shells. 8. Don’t forget to answer the questions on pages 397 and 398 of the data sheet.