Gr7 Michael questions

“Michael” by Bebe Moore Campbell
Read the background about the author.
1. What factors do you think have influenced Bebe’s writing the most?
Read the short story.
2. Summarize the short story “Michael”. Be sure to include at least 3 main
ideas in your summary.
3. Why was Bebe so anxious to please Micheal? What does she do
throughout the story to show it?
4. What does the word “reassuringly” mean on page 568?
a. hesitantly
b. not very convincing
c. to validate
d. in a nice way
5. On page 569, Bebe describes her mother as “Control, Presence, and
Dignity coming right at us.” What is the author’s purpose for capitalizing
those words? What does this description tell us about her mom’s character?
What evidence supports this?
6. Bebe says that “Michael was always my predecessor, dragging me down
paths he’d already crossed.” She could have used words like “leading”
instead of dragging. What does this choice of words reveal about the
relationship between Michael and Bebe?
7. (Extended Response)
The story describes Michael as “…bad, bad as he could be.”
What does this mean?
Do you really think he is “bad”, seeking attention, or both?
Based on the story, what consequences OR punishments do you think
are appropriate for Michael to help end his negative behavior?
8. (Extended Response)
Michael’ relationship is quite different with his mom vs. his aunt. Using
evidence from the text, briefly describe his relationship with each.
Include the following in your answer:
How does Michael treat Bebe’s mother (his aunt)?
Why do you think Michael will listen to her but no one else?
What can you infer about his relationship with his own mom?
Putting it together… “Michael” and “Summer School”
Michael and Gary have several similarities and differences.
Fill in the chart below using evidence from the text describing how they are
similar and different: