Minutes of the first Patient Liaison Group (PLG) on Tuesday 30th April 2013 The meeting took place at Broomhill Surgery Actions Those present:Josie Smith Chris Sandham JS CS Dr Parry Valeria Taylor CJP VT Minutes Agenda 1. The role of the group (PLG) and its scope and limitations. It was agreed that the role of the group would be that of liaising between practice staff, partners and patients where the patient concern is of a lesser nature. If however it is felt that the patient concern is more of a complaint that falls outside the remit of the group, in these circumstances, the group will refer the patient to the practice manager in the first instance, and the practice’s complaints procedure will be followed. 2. How to advertise the role of the group? There were a number of ideas that came out of the meeting and it was thought that perhaps a small patient liaison group notice board could be put on the wall in each waiting room, with a short ‘mission statement’ from each member of the group with an accompanying photograph. The group could also be advertised on the practice website and updated with results periodically. A section of the practice leaflet could be dedicated to this with a short paragraph of introduction to newly registered patients. VT and CJP will discuss these options with partners, prior to any action being taken. JS made the suggestion that a paragraph could be added to the practice complaints leaflet, introducing the type of help that the PLG could offer. Partners will discuss this idea at their next meeting. CS very kindly provided an article about the Patient Participation Group for the next practice newsletter in July. PLG VT CJP 3. How would patients communicate with the PLG? It was thought that a simple box would be placed in each waiting room for patients to use with accompanying pro-forma in which patients can write their concerns and queries. VT and CJP will look at designing an appropriate form. 4. Procedure for dealing with patient queries, concerns & complaints. There will be a PLG box in the waiting area with pro-forma for patients to complete. Reception staff will check the box daily and inform the PLG, who CJP VT will come into practice and reply to the patient by telephone. If, however, the group feel that the concern is of a more serious nature and beyond their remit, the patient will be asked to contact the practice manager or a partner. The PLG will keep a log of all responses and produce an anonymised annual report to present to the partners and to be put on the practice website by CJP. 5. How would the group communicate with patients? It was agreed that the PLG would look at concerns and queries as a group rather on an individual basis and that a room could be made available for them to use for contacting patients by telephone in practice. Because of confidentiality reasons, CJP suggested that the group do not give out personal communication information to patients. If a patient wishes to speak to a PLG member, they can ask reception staff who will pass on the message to the PLG, the PLG will then make contact with the patient. 6. Guidelines for the group to follow. It was felt that there has to be a structure within which the group functions and therefore VT will put together a short document for approval by partners. The document will outline clearly and specifically what the group’s responsibilities will be. VT 7. Confidentiality. As already discussed, it had been agreed that the PLG member’ person details will not be made public and when telephoning from outside the practice, the prefix 141 to hide your number if you are a BT customer, can be used. VT suggested that the group sign an individual practice confidentiality policy form. VT will check to see if CRB checks are appropriate for the nature of the PLG’s function. VT 8. How do we publish PLG member details? As discussed already, members will provide a short ‘mission statement’ outlining a little about themselves accompanied by a photograph. This information will be put on the PLG notice boards in the waiting rooms. VT and CJP CJP will collect all the information and put a notice board together. VT There was no other business and the date and time of the next meeting TBD.