Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion

Psychology 1A
Ms. Peterson-Guada
Study Guide: Quiz 2 (Chapters 2 & 8)
No Make-Ups for quiz unless notified prior to quiz or in documented emergencies
Chapter 2: Neuroscience and Behavior
1. What is biopsychology?
2. What is the neuron’s basic task?
3. What are the three primary parts of a neuron? What is the function of each?
4. What is the function of myelin sheath?
5. What is stimulus threshold?
6. What is action potential
7. Approximately, how many neurons are in the human brain? And, in the human
nervous system?
8. What are neurotransmitters and how do they affect our human functioning?
9. What is a synapse? What happens at a synapse?
10. Be familiar with the five ways drugs affect neurotransmitter transmission?
11. Be able to describe the general function of the nervous system.
12. What are the two main subdivisions of the nervous system?
13. What are the two main parts of the central nervous system?
14. What does the peripheral nervous system do? And, how does it interact with the
central nervous system?
15. How does a reflex occur in the body? What are sensory neurons, interneurons and
motor neurons?
16. What are the two main subdivisions of the peripheral nervous system? How do they
17. Be able to list several bodily functions the autonomic nervous system controls?
18. How do the somatic and autonomic nervous systems work together? Give an
19. The autonomic nervous system is further subdivided into two other nervous systems.
What are they? What is the purpose of each? What causes each to become activated?
Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion
1. Be familiar with the individual levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? What would
be the main concerns for a person operating at each of the different levels? Which level
is most threatened for those living in the United States? What is the cultural critique to
this model?
2. What is self-actualization? Be able to name some key characteristics associated with
self-actualization. How does one in the process of self-actualization attempt to
experience the lower basic needs?
3. Be familiar with Maslow’s obstacles to growth and have a good understanding of each.
(Note: This segment is not found in book).