Winter 2011 - Queen`s Park Area Residents` Association

Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association
Winter 2011
Thursday 10th November 2011 at
St. Anne’s church
Please come from 7.30pm for refreshments and drinks.
Meeting begins at 8pm
Join us for our new style Annual General Meeting. The formal business (including
election of Officers) will be brief and will be followed by an informal quiz to test our
local knowledge (with prizes for the winning team) and a brainstorming session to
come up with ideas for our area in the next year. It’s also a great chance to meet
your neighbours and feel part of our friendly Queen’s Park community.
Books for Schools
The Residents’ Association has divided
£1,000 amongst five local schools to buy
books from Queen’s Park Books. This was
the surplus from the first Queen’s Park
Book Festival. Elaine Clarke, head
teacher at Salusbury Primary School,
wrote “The pupils thoroughly enjoy
reading and certainly will take great
pleasure in having the opportunity to
extend their reading of literature due to
your generosity.” Mrs M Kassam, school
secretary at the Al-Khoei Foundation,
wrote “Thank you so much…our students
will benefit greatly from the books we’ll
buy at Queen’s Park Books. We’d also like
to commend you on the success of the
Queen’s Park Book Festival”.
New blue bins
We’ve now had Brent Council’s new
recycling system in operation for a month.
Are you getting used to the fortnightly
collections of the grey and blue bins? It’s
great to be able to recycle a wider range
of materials — tetrapaks and other food
and drink cartons are now included, as are
hard plastics. Yoghurt pots and the plastic
trays which grapes, tomatoes, chicken,
ready meals and so on come in can all be
rinsed and put in the blue bin. Don’t
include soft plastic like carrier
bags and polythene film. Brent Friends of
the Earth raised concerns about the
quality of the end product when recycling
is collected mixed together — known as
commingling (rather than the kerbside
sorting which we had before) - but Brent’s
response is that a larger percentage of
material will be diverted from landfill. One
excellent new service is the collection of
food waste from flats (previously only
houses with green bins could include food
waste). There were 2,700 calls to the
Council in the first two days from confused
residents! Contact Brent Streetcare 0208
Olive tree rescue mission
Sharp eyed readers might have noticed
one of the olive trees outside Queen’s
Studios on Salusbury Road wrapped in a
green tarpaulin for a few days. The
pot was pushed over and smashed on the
night of Saturday 1st October in an act of
mindless vandalism, but by the following
Thursday the olive tree had been
replanted by a crack team of QPARA
gardeners in a new identical pot and
seems no worse for its adventure. Please
help us keep all our olive trees (the others
are outside the police station) looking
good by picking up any rubbish left in their
pots as you go by.
Trees – Horse
Chestnuts suffering
The conker trees in the
park and on Salusbury
Road have been badly
affected this year. Most of the damage
has been caused by a leaf miner
caterpillar Cameraria ohridella which eats
the food store in the leaves, reducing the
leaves which turn brown far earlier in the
year than usual. This damage is not
generally fatal, but can be when combined
with extensive bleeding cankers on the
trunk and boughs. The dry period in 2010
contributed to the trees’ vulnerability which
has been accumulating for a number of
years. The City is keeping a close eye on
the park trees and QPARA has been in
touch with Brent about the street trees.
Phone thief apprehended at
Farmers’ Market!
There was drama at the market on 2nd
October when a thief snatched a mobile
phone from the stallholder at Popina Pies.
A quick thinking shopper chased the thief
out of the market, caught him and brought
him back. The thief then made a second
bid for freedom and this time was wrestled
to the ground by four shoppers who
managed to keep hold of him for 20
minutes until the police arrived. It is
unclear whether any pies were damaged.
Queen’s Park Day 2011
Over 10,000 people enjoyed this great
community event organised by the
Residents’ Association. Attractions included
the Queen’s Park Community School’s Jazz
Band, Mr Alexander’s Magic Show, the
Edible Monsters Competition
“… these are so great …”
and foods from all parts of the world to
satisfy hungry visitors. There were bee
hives and their bees, a very well attended
and nicely judged Children’s Fancy Dress
competition “...the judges were excellent
– they really took the children’s work and
imagination into account …” (Thanks to
artists Robert and Kitty from LOOP)
New this year was ferret racing. Ferrets
2000 take in unwanted ferrets and let
them fulfil their sporting ambitions. What’s
more, they donated all the profits of the
day to our local animal rescue and
education centre.
Edible Monsters – watch out!
There were various crazy bikes to try out
at the Get Cycling Roadshow including a
penny farthing, a giant tricycle and
tandem. There was a Dog Fancy Dress
refreshments. “… I really love the
atmosphere. I came here by chance… just
followed the music …” and “ … our nan
lives on Harvist Road … we always come
to Queen’s Park Day. We like the singers
“Guided by Lights” and the Fanti Acrobats
In the Arena the day ended with Swing
Patrol and their tea dance encouraging
lots of participation and teaching people
how to swing dance. The Rhythm Studio
was back and as popular as ever,
producing some great sounds down by the
Thanks to all the volunteers from the
Residents’ Association who put on the
day, to Richard Gentry the manager of
Queen’s Park, and all his staff for their
invaluable help and to all our sponsors,
but in particular Queen’s Park Partnership.
Sponsorship and a small grant from Brent
Council enable us to provide free
entertainment and very good value
experiences on the day.
See you all next year when we’re planning
a sporty theme to tie in with the Olympics!
Ferreting about?
The Girl Guides had offers of help which
might mean a new GuideCompany
opening in the Queen’s Park/Kensal Rise
Young visitor, Lottie, liked it “when the
acrobat folded himself into a bowl.” Mum
Emma loved the seafood paella from one
of the Food Stalls “because we didn’t have
chance to go on holiday this year.”
There was apple pressing and snacks
Up go the Fantis!
area after a long break of ten years. The
day helped them and other local
community groups boost their annual
Bags and mugs on sale on the day
To see more photos of the day and a short
film made by local TV Company BNCTV
go to
insurance based bonds are available to
provide long-term cover. Inconvenience
caused by digging and multiple skips etc
is a matter for Brent Streetcare, not the
planning department.
As residents
of Queen’s Park there
are ways to influence what goes on
where you live. You can approach your
Councillors who are always invited to
QPARA monthly meetings.
If you are not already a member, do join
us, using the membership form on the
back page. We organise Queen’s Park
Day, the Book Festival and Open Gardens
& Studios. We also make representations
to Brent Council and other bodies on your
behalf. The local police report to our
monthly meetings and QPARA has an
input into what is happening in the park.
QPARA currently has around 400
members. At monthly meetings members
decide on the position QPARA should
take on matters such as parking, the
spread of basement building in the area,
planning and other issues that can really
affect the area.
If there is something about which you feel
strongly, which you would like to share
with the other Queen’s Park residents, you
can submit an item (non-party political) for
inclusion in a future Newsletter. Items
should be no more than 500 words and
emailed to
They will be presented to the editorial
board for inclusion. Please do write with
any news which is of interest to your
Queen’s Park neighbours, whether or not
you are a QPARA member.
Queen’s Park
help them please contact richard.gentry@ or alisonmeinel@ See the new design soon at and
on display in the park.
New Quiet Garden Planting
Next spring, Ian Walker, gardener, and
Adrian McGlynn, apprentice gardener, will
radically change the planting in the formal
beds. Almost 80% of the bedding plants
will be replaced by new herbaceous
perennials providing colour all year round.
This is part of the long term plan to reduce
costs and improve sustainability.
Schoolchildren with green fingers
Local schools will soon become involved
with Autumn bulb and hedge planting.
Supervisor Mick Guerin is encouraging the
children to return in the Spring to see their
hard work flourish in the park.
Thanks to all who have contributed to this
issue. Continue to make sure your voice is
Qpara Website
Log on to the QPARA website to stay in
touch with events and news in the area.
The Newsletter is a valuable means of
keeping our community in touch, but the
website and our Facebook page are
updated frequently and contain more
information and photographs to keep you
better informed.
Playground Redesign Update
The great new design for the older
children’s playground has now been put
forward in a planning application to Brent.
Richard Gentry, park manager, and
QPARA member Alison Moulding are
driving this project. Anyone keen to
There is much concern in the area about
the number of basements being
excavated and the long term effects this
could have on adjacent homes. Creighton
Road is particularly affected.
In view of all this, we invited Martin
Redston, a consulting civil and structural
engineer with many years’ experience of
desgning basements in NW London, to
our October meeting. Members have
received a full report with their October
minutes. Non-members can view this on
our website. For professional advice,
contact Martin Redston by email at or tel 0207
837 5377 and Harry True by email at or tel 0208
960 3663.
An e-petition has just been launched on the
calling for more rigorous legislation on
basement excavations.
Safer Neighbourhood
Team (SNT)
The SNT reminds all residents to take the
following precautions in the run up to
• Lock all doors and windows when the
house is empty;
• Pay particular attention to communal
front doors – internal doors are much
easier to kick in;
• Register
with Property can be
registered on line.
You can find the latest crime statistics for
Queen’s Park by visiting
A Youth Panel has been set up by
Sergeant Graeme Day comprising of
people aged between 13 and 18. The aim
of the Panel is to enable young people to
bring forward their concerns around crime
and personal safety. Graeme can be
contacted on 0208 721 2960 or
The Met Police have launched a new
Community Messaging Service. PC
Richard Rossington of Queen’s Park SNT
explained “this is a new way of receiving
regular information by text message. You
can specify when you register whether
you only want local information, or also to
hear about issues affecting the whole of
London”. Find out more and register at
The RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered
Surveyors) is also a good place to seek
advice at
Party wall agreements offer protection
from neighbouring excavations and
The local Police Safer Neighbourhood Team
police station. Not a bad beginning!
Robin Sharp, first chairman of QPARA and
QPARA member Robert Budwig has
designed our new Queen’s Park bags and
mugs. They are available to buy at
Queen’s Park Books and Worldly, Wicked
and Wise on Salusbury Road. Bags are
priced at £5 and mugs are £8.
now active in the Environment Group.
Kilburn Library is open for business as
usual every day except Wednesday at
10.00am (12.00 Sundays).
Be inspired by a wide range of books,
attend a computer class or join the
reading group. For our Book Club meeting
on Thursday 17th November, we will be
discussing “Disgrace” by J.M. Coetzee,
which won The Man Booker Prize in 1999
and was also shortlisted for ”The Best of
the Booker” in 2008. It promises a good
read and, we hope, a lively debate. Book
Club meets 3rd Thursday.
The Residents’ Association was formed in
May 1973. The trigger for this was a plan by
Brent and the Greater London Council to
declare the area bounded by Chevening,
Harvist, Salusbury and Chamberlayne
Roads a “General Improvement Area”
(GIA). This would give the GLC powers to
acquire and improve houses and to make
environmental improvements... but local
residents had not been consulted.
There was also concern about “the refusal
of the City of London Corporation to allow
a small building in the Park for a toddlers’
club whilst nevertheless building two extra
keepers’ houses; the need for pedestrian
crossings, and the nuisance of lorry and
coach parking overnight.”
For children, we host a Tuesday
Homework Club for children aged 8-11.
On Tuesdays and Thursdays, babies,
toddlers and their parents/ carers sing
nursery rhymes together and share a story
at our Under-5’s Story & Rhyme Time.
In Queen’s Park there are many places to
participate in dance, yoga, pilates and to
visit gyms. You can Zumba at Salusbury
Road School or jive and samba at the
Corrib Rest Pub. You can do yoga at
Yoga in Daily Life on Salusbury Road. In
Lonsdale Road you can stretch and bend
at NYPilates and from January you can
practise yoga at YogaLoftLondon.
Sunday 11th December 6.30pm
Queen’s Park Singers Winter Concert
St Anne’s Church.
Sunday 18th December and
Tuesday 20th December 7.30pm
Queen’s Park Singers
Christmas Carol Singing in the streets
around the park.
Come down to Kilburn Library and pick up
our “What’s On” leaflet to find out more!
Asa Nylinder, Kilburn Library
QPARA - Queen’s Park Area Residents’
Please send your subscription or standing order mandate to the
Membership Secretary, Mark Norbury, 22 Windermere Avenue, NW6 6LN
Annual membership
Annual standing order
Life membership
(£5 senior citizens or unwaged)
(£4 senior citizens or unwaged)
(£50 senior citizens or unwaged)
Cheques are payable to Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association.
Address.......................................................................................... Postcode.........................
Some 300 people packed Salusbury
School hall for the meeting.
Email........................................................................ Phone.....................................................
Achievements during the initial period
included persuading the GLC to delay
declaring a GIA until the views of residents
were known, holding a referendum on the
issue in which over 1,300 voted, 81% in
favour, the City Corporation backing down
on plans to build extra houses in the Park, a
road accident analysis which brought
agreement improvements at black spots and
to pedestrian crossings, notably by
Salusbury School, and causing the
Metropolitan Police to drop proposals to
include a traffic unit with 90 vehicles and a
dog pound in plans for the new
Minutes of monthly meetings will be sent by email unless otherwise requested.
To the Manager at............................................................................................................ Bank
Name of my account:.................................................................................................................
Address of Bank:........................................................................................................................
Sort code:................................................................ Account number....................................
From receipt of this instruction and on 1st October each year until further notice, please
pay £........... to HSBC Bank plc, Willesden Green Branch, Willesden, London NW10 2TA,
Sort Code 40-07-27 for the credit of Queen’s Park Area Residents’ Association,
A/c no. 81242350.
Signed...................................................................... Date.......................................................