I. Observational analysis of three oceanic Kelvin waves coupled to atmospheric convection Abstract of a thesis presented to the Faculty of the University at Albany, State University of New York in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science College of Arts and Sciences Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Lynn Michele Gribble Verhagen May 1st, 2010 II. Abstract This study analyzes the apparent coupling between intraseasonal oceanic Kelvin waves in the Pacific Ocean and atmospheric moist deep convection in a particularly high amplitude event during the winter of 1986/-1987 and two events during the winter of 2009-2010. These waves were triggered initially by westerly wind bursts that developed in association with the active convective phase of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO). After initiation of the Kelvin waves by the MJO, the convective anomaly generally slowed to roughly 1.5 m s-1, suggesting that the events became distinct from the MJO, which usually propagates at roughly 5-7 m s-1. This study demonstrates how surface winds, currents, SST anomalies, fluxes of sensible and latent heat across the sea surface, and atmospheric convection evolved throughout the events. Results suggest that the convective envelope and oceanic Kelvin wave are mutually beneficial and serve to prolong and enhance each other. The impact that this slowly moving, enhanced convection has on both tropical and extra-tropical weather is also discussed. III. Observational analysis of three oceanic Kelvin waves coupled to atmospheric convection A thesis presented to the Faculty of the University at Albany, State University of New York in Partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science College of Arts and Sciences Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences Lynn Michele Gribble Verhagen May 1st, 2010 IV. Acknowledgments The NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD provided the NCEP SST OI data set. The Environmental Systems Science Centre (ESSC), of the British Atmospheric Data Centre, (Robinson, G.J., 2002) provided Cloud Archive User Service (CLAUS) brightness temperature data. The Woods Hole Oceanic Institute for providing the WHOI OAFlux data set. Funding was provided by NSF Grant # 0850642 to Paul Roundy. I would like to thank Dr. Paul Roundy for his constant help and support. I would also like to thank Carl Schreck, Matthew Janiga, and Dr. Gareth Berry for their technical and theoretical assistance. V. Table of Contents I. Title Page of Abstract 1 II. Abstract 2 III. Title Page 3 IV. Acknowledgments 4 V. Table of Contents 5-6 VI. List of Figures VII. VIII. Introduction and Significance 7-10 11- Review of Research a.Oceanic Kelvin Waves b.Tropical Convection c.Coupling Between Oceanic Kelvin waves and Atmospheric Convection IX. Aims X. Methods XI. Results a.1986-1987 Event i.Kelvin Wave Initiation ii.Advection and Modification of SSTs iii.Surface Fluxes iv.Atmospheric Convection v.Additional Notes on Horizontal Wind Structure b.2009-2010 Event i.Kelvin Wave Initiation ii.Advection and Modification of SSTs iii.Surface Fluxes iv.Atmospheric Convection v.Additional Notes on Horizontal Wind Structure XII. Discussion XIII. Conclusion XIV. Bibliography XV. Figures VI. List of Figures FIG 1. Time/Longitude plot of Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), shaded, and Kelvin Dynamic Height (contoured in cm, every 2 cm), contoured. Line A (solid) indicates an approximate phase speed of 7 m s-1. Line B (dot-dashed) indicates an approximate phase speed of 1 m s-1. Line C (dashed) indicates an approximate phase speed of 1.5 m s-1. All lines are for reference. FIG 2. 10 m horizontal winds, shaded, in m s-1 averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S. Contours, dot-dashed, and dashed lines are the same as in Figure 1. (a) Total winds and (b) 121day low pass filtered winds. FIG 3. SST averaged from 5.5°N to 5.5°S in °C, shaded. Contours , dot-dashed, and dashed lines are the same as in Figure 1. (a) Total SST and (b) 10-120 day band-pass filtered SST. FIG 4. SODA zonal current (shaded) and dynamic height (contoured) (a) Data from October through December of 1991, dynamic height is unfiltered. (b) Data from October 1986 through February 1987, contours, same as Figure 1. FIG 5. Time/longitude plots of surface heat fluxes, averaged from 5°N to5°S, with a 5 day moving average applied. Contours, dot-dashed, and dashed lines are the same as in Figure 1. (a) Latent heat flux in W m-2 shaded. (b) Sensible heat flux in Wm-2 shaded. FIG 6. (a) Cloud top brightness temperature (K), averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S, shaded. Contours, dot-dashed, and dashed lines are the same as Figure 2. (b) is the same as (a), except with a shorter timescale. FIG 7. (a) Time-longitude plot of 121-day low pass filtered SST (shaded) and 21-day smoothed brightness temperature (contoured). (b) Time-longitude plot of 121-day low pass filtered 10m horizontal winds (shaded) and 21-day smoothed brightness temperature (contoured). FIG 8. 5-day running averaged wind patterns associated with Kelvin wave propagation from 11/01/1986 to 12/15/1986. Top panel of each figure: horizontal wind vectors indicating magnitude and direction of smoothed wind from 30°N to 30°S and 140°E to 100°W. Bottom panel of each figure: Amplitude of Kelvin dynamic height in cm from 140°E to 100°W. FIG 9. A time-longitude plot with CLAUS brightness temperature in K, averaged from 10°S-10°N, and Kelvin filtered dynamic heights in cm, solid-red contours are positive dynamic height anomalies and dashed-blue contours are negative dynamic height anomalies. Hurricane symbols indicate genesis date and longitude, defined as the first time a storm reaches 25 knots in the IBTrACS dataset. Blue symbols are for storms that formed 15°S-0, and red symbols are for storms that formed 0-15°N. FIG 10. A time-longitude plot with OLR in W m-2 (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (black contours). The solid red lines represent the approximate phase speed of the two active convective phases of the MJO that are visible. The phase speeds are approximately 4.3 m s-1, for the November MJO, and 6.9 m s-1, for the January MJO. The dashed lines represent the approximate phase speeds for the oceanic Kelvin waves. The phase speeds are approximately 2.6 m s-1, for the first Kelvin wave (wave A), and 2.4 m s-1, for the second Kelvin wave (wave B).The dot-dashed lines represent the approximate phase speeds of the convective envelopes associated with the Kelvin waves. The phase speeds are approximately 2.6 m s-1, for wave A, and 1.7 m s-1, for the wave B. FIG 11. Time-longitude plots with zonal winds in m s-1 (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (contoured), dashed and dot-dashed lines black lines are reproductions from Figure 10. (a) Zonal wind averaged from 2.5°N – 2.5°S, (b) Zonal wind averaged from 2.5°S - 7.5°S. FIG 12. Time-longitude plots of SST in °C (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (contoured) dashed and dot-dashed black lines are reproductions from Figure 10. (a) SST averaged from 2.5°N – 2.5°S, (b) SST averaged from 2.5°S - 7.5°S. FIG 13. (a) A time-longitude plot of surface sensible heat flux in W m-2 (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (contoured), dashed line is a reproduction from Figure 10. (b) Same as (a) except that shading is surface latent heat flux in W m-2. FIG 14. A time-longitude plot of flux proxy in °m s-1 (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (contoured), dashed and dot-dashed lines are reproductions from Figure 10. FIG 15. Time-longitude plots of flux proxy in °m s-1 (shaded) and equatorial OLR in W m2 (contoured), dashed and dot-dated lines are reproductions from Figure 10. (a) Flux proxy averaged from 2.5°N – 2.5°S, (b) Flux proxy averaged from 2.5°S - 7.5°S. FIG 16. 5-day running averaged wind patterns associated with Kelvin wave propagation from 11/29/2009 to 12/153/2009. Top panel of each figure: horizontal wind vectors indicating magnitude and direction of smoothed wind from 30°N to 30°S and 140°E to 100°W. Bottom panel of each figure: Amplitude of dynamic height in cm from 140°E to 100°W. Solid line is daily dynamic height values, dashed line is values averaged over 09/09-02/10. FIG 17. A time-longitude plot with OLR in W m-2 (shaded) and dynamic height in cm (contoured). Red dots indicate the genesis time and longitude of tropical storms that formed between 0-15°S, defined as the first time a storm reached 25kts in the UNISYS best track data set. FIG 18. A schematic time/longitude plot with a 3 month timescale, and a zonal extent of 300° of longitude. Black contours represent Kelvin dynamic height. Black, dashed contour represents the convective envelope. Blue shading represents the location of the combination of both the surface sensible and latent heat fluxes. Red shading represents the location of the strongest westerly wind anomalies. Green shading represents the location of the warm SST anomalies, with the darker shading being the strongest anomalies. VII. Introduction and Significance Recent research has suggested that intraseasonal Kelvin waves in the Pacific Ocean, which were originally forced by westerly wind bursts associated with the active convective phase of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO), occasionally become coupled to atmospheric convection (Roundy and Kiladis 2006). Although these events have not received much attention by either the academic or operational communities, they are not infrequent, with at least twenty events occurring in the Northern Hemisphere winter (October-March) between 1974 and 2009. (Include a statement here about the amplitude of their convective signals relative to other features, to help emphasize their overall relevance).These events behave differently from the MJO by itself, and stand to challenge the traditional understanding of the interaction of the MJO and El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) along with several other tropical and extra-tropical interactions. Ultimately, the goal of this research is to help to improve our ability to predict these events and their associated changes in background climate and weather both in the tropical Pacific and beyond. VIII. Review of Research a. Oceanic Kelvin Waves Intraseasonal oceanic Kelvin waves are a dominant mode of variability within the equatorial Pacific Ocean (Knox and Halpern 1982; Johnson and McPhaden 1993; Cravatte at al. 2003). These waves are frequently initiated by westerly wind bursts embedded within the active convective phase of the MJO over the western equatorial Pacific (McPhaden and Taft 1988; Hendon et al. 1998; Zhang 2005; Roundy and Kiladis 2006). These Kelvin waves travel at approximately 2-3 m s-1 (Johnson and McPhaden 1993) with the slowest waves during adjustment towards El Nino (Roundy and Kiladis 2006). They are characterized by periods of roughly 20-120 days, with their leading spectral peak at 70-days in the equatorial east Pacific (Johnson and McPhaden 1993). Sea surface height anomalies associated with Kelvin waves are clearly discernable in the Pacific basin using dynamic height data from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) buoy array (Roundy and Kiladis 2006). McPhaden and Taft (1988) and Johnson and Mcphaden (1993) found that temperature variations, zonal velocity, and dynamic height associated with Kelvin waves are nearly in phase and coherent from the surface to at least 250 meters depth and that these waves are occasionally so large that they completely obscure the seasonal cycle. b. Tropical Convection Variations in atmospheric convection have been shown to be associated with development of oceanic Kelvin waves (Roundy and Kiladis 2006, Roundy and Verhagen In Press). Not all MJO events and subsequent atmospheric Kelvin waves evolve similarly. Roundy and Kiladis (2006) showed that anomalies of atmospheric convection associated with some active convective MJO phases slow down, reduce in zonal scale, and propagate eastward together with the developing oceanic Kelvin wave. This pattern suggests coupling between the oceanic wave and atmospheric convection. The associated convective signal appears to be distinct from the MJO because it propagates much more slowly than the MJO, less than 2 m s-1 (Roundy and Kiladis 2006) in the central Pacific, where the MJO is usually observed to accelerate eastward (Hendon and Salby 1994). These apparent coupled events have been observed to substantially impact tropical weather as their associated convective anomalies frequently become the dominant signal across the Pacific tropics when the occur, organizing zonal and vertical wind anomalies around the globe (Roundy and Kiladis 2006, Roundy and Verhagen In Press). In general, diagnosing the forcing mechanisms of convection in the tropics has been challenging. It is well known that low-level convergence, strong upward surface fluxes of sensible and latent heat, and variations in column integrated precipitable water are often correlated with deep convection, but it is difficult to tease out which factors that are incidental, consequential, or causal (Raymond et al. 2003). There is wide consensus that convection is ultimately forced by factors that control the release of conditional instability (Raymond et al. 2003). Lifting mechanisms are limited over the open ocean due to lack of orography and zonal differential heating; instead lifting occurs mainly due to small-scale turbulence and gust fronts associated with decaying convection as well as through large scale vertical motions associated with atmospheric wave dynamics. With general lack of all but weak lifting mechanisms, thermodynamic processes such as differential air and sea temperatures and moisture advection and diabatic, or turbulent processes associated with convectively coupled atmospheric equatorial waves and intraseasonal oscillations become increasingly important (Raymond et al. 2003). c. Coupling between Oceanic Kelvin Waves and Atmospheric Convection The dynamics of the apparent coupling process between oceanic Kelvin waves and atmospheric convection have not been well established although it is evident that the oceanic wave and atmospheric patterns interact to modulate each other in a mutually beneficial way. The eastward migrating westerly wind anomalies move at similar phase speeds to the Kelvin waves, allowing the winds to enhance the wave amplitude continuously (Roundy and Kiladis 2006; Shinoda et al. 2009; Roundy and Kravitz 2009). Where the MJO is traditionally associated with moderate oceanic Kelvin waves, the coupling process seems to encourage the development of higher amplitude waves (Roundy and Kiladis 2006). In an analysis of a simple model, Lau and Shen (1988) showed that upwelling and zonal advection induced by Kelvin waves can facilitate coupling between the waves and envelopes of enhanced atmospheric convection organized into synoptic and planetary scale waves. Lau and Shen (1988) concluded that there exist two modes of coupling between the atmosphere and the ocean associated with Kelvin waves. The advective mode was diagnosed by ignoring upwelling due to increased wind stress and by assuming a sea surface temperature (SST) gradient equivalent to a decrease of 4°C from west to east over 10000 km and a mean SST of 28°C. Together, the atmospheric convection and oceanic signals propagate progressively more slowly as background SST increases above 28°C. The second, or upwelling, mode arises from unstable growth of the oceanic Kelvin wave itself. Unstable growth in this mode favors long waves, but shorter wavelengths become unstable with increasing SST (above 28°C SSTs). The advective mode arises from destabilization of the atmospheric Kelvin wave by zonal advection of warm water and the upwelling mode represents a destabilization of a neutral oceanic Kelvin wave by air-sea interaction. Lau and Shen (1988) suggest that coupled events of the observed ocean-atmosphere system would likely develop as combinations of the two modes acting to destabilize both the ocean and atmosphere. They noted that for SST near or above 28°C, the atmospheric portion of the coupled mode propagates at speeds in the same range as the Kelvin wave in the ocean, allowing the coupled system to interact with the same time scale. The eastward-moving MJO has been identified as one mode of atmospheric convection that induces variation of zonal wind stress on the ocean surface that amplifies these oceanic Kelvin waves (Zhang 2005). Most anomalies of atmospheric convection that were initiated by the active convective phase of the MJO travel across the West Pacific at roughly 5-7 m s-1 then accelerate eastward across the dateline and the western hemisphere, where they reach phase speeds near 15 m s-1 (Hendon and Salby 1994). The amplitudes attained by oceanic Kelvin waves increase with the zonal extent of the 5 m s -1 portion of the MJO-associated winds over the Pacific (Hendon at al. 1998). Previous works have suggested that the MJO both triggers and interacts with equatorial Kelvin waves (Seiki and Takayabu 2007; Roundy and Kiladis 2006; Roundy and Kravitz 2009), which as discussed previously have phase speeds that vary between about 2 and 3 m s-1. Shinoda et al. (2008) showed with an ocean model that observed phase speed variations in oceanic Kelvin waves are linked to changes in wind stress patterns rather than to changes in the thermal structure of the ocean. Their results indicate that different portions of the wave are preferentially attenuated or amplified by the wind stress patterns associated with convection, which would result in bulk phase speeds of sea surface height anomalies that differ from free oceanic Kelvin waves. These waves with different phase speeds are therefore not pure Kelvin waves from a theoretical perspective, although they are similar in structure. If the passage of a downwelling Kelvin wave modulates SST, as McPhaden and Taft (1988) and Johnson and McPhaden (1993) suggest, and the modulation is significantly large, it is reasonable to assume that this change might produce the necessary instability to influence the development of atmospheric convection. Since only a subset of Kelvin waves exhibit apparent coupling as suggested by coherent propagation of intraseasonal dynamic height and brightness temperature (or outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)) anomalies, it is possible that such waves are associated with different evolutions of SST anomalies than the average Kelvin wave. A coherent SST signal combined with enhanced westerly wind anomalies, and/or a large difference between the SST and surface air temperature (SAT), especially at the leading edge of the Kelvin wave, could lead to enhanced surface heat fluxes, thereby allowing the wave to modulate atmospheric convection. IX. Aims We hope that this work can be a starting point for much more in-depth research into the topic of coupling between oceanic Kelvin waves and atmospheric convection. With this project, specifically, we aim to better understand the mechanisms that maintain coupling between atmospheric convection and oceanic Kelvin waves. We also aim to understand the evolution of the coupling process and how the coupling changes throughout the lifecycle of the wave. Similarly, we aim to understand how the coupling is the same and/or different during different stages of the seasonal cycle. From this research we hope to develop a basis for pattern recognition of these events that could be tested in future modeling studies, as well as helpful for real time forecasting. We chose an apparent atmosphere-ocean coupling event that took place between October of 1986 and February of 1987 in order to study the evolution and impact of a particularly high amplitude event, with special attention being paid to the time period between late November through early January. The 1986 event is examined with respect to several parameters to better understand the processes that maintain coupling between convection and Kelvin waves. We first examine the relationship between the Kelvin wave and zonal wind direction and amplitude. We then analyze SST anomalies and warm water advection with respect to the development of the Kelvin wave. Next, we analyze, as best is possible given the lack of observational data, patterns of surface heat fluxes associated with the wave and propose a possible connection with convection. We also briefly discuss broad, off-equatorial changes in the horizontal wind field that might also be associated with the Kelvin wave, including gyres and a preferential location for tropical cyclone genesis during this events. We then follow the same pattern of analysis for two waves that appear to have been coupled to atmospheric convection during the Northern Hemisphere winter of 2009-2010. We use the two analyses to begin to make generalizations about these events, as well as to address the issue of the impact of seasonal and background state differences. X. Methods Daily dynamic height, SST, surface air temperature (SAT), zonal winds and fixed depth and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data were obtained from the Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TAO) project office of NOAA/ PMEL buoys. The dynamic height data were augmented through multiple linear regression based on observations at neighboring buoys and sea level gauge data from island and coastal sites, following Roundy and Kiladis (2007). Where observational current data was unavailable, the University of Maryland’s Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) data was used. Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) from NOAA was used in the 2009-2010 case as a proxy for convection. As a high-resolution proxy for convection in 1986-1987, 8 times daily and half-degree resolution brightness temperature data were obtained from the Cloud Archive User Service (CLAUS) was used in the 1986-1987 case. Temperature, sensible heat flux, latent heat flux, relative humidity, and winds were obtained from the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) 40 year Reanalysis (ERA-40) for 1986-1987 and from the ERA-Interim project for 2009. All of the fields are four times daily with a 2.5-degree resolution for the ERA-40 data, and 1.5-degree resolution for the ERA-Interim data. Surface heat fluxes were compared to the Woods Hole Oceanic Institute (WHOI) Objectively Analyzed (OA) air-sea fluxes to check for consistency. While surface heat fluxes are not directly measurable over the open ocean on a broad temporal or spatial scale, even rough estimates or temporal trends in these quantities might help explain this event. Although these data undoubtedly include errors, we use their relative orders of magnitude and temporal and spatial evolution during the event with caution. SSTs were analyzed by using both the one-degree weekly means from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reynolds Optimum Interpolation (OI) data, and from the TAO array. The Reynolds OI interpolates in situ and satellite SSTs. These data are adjusted for biases using the method of Reynolds et al. (2002) and interpolated from weekly to daily to simplify the analysis. The Reynolds method that adjusts for biases might obscure the amplitude of the small changes in SSTs associated with the intraseasonal Kelvin waves. The OI approach might also smooth over rapid changes such as those associated with these Kelvin waves, leading us to compare the TAO to the OI data averaged from 5°N to 5°S before using either exclusively. Large inconsistencies occur between the two data sets, especially with respect to local extrema associated with higher frequency disturbances. We thus have used the OI SST data to resolve the spatial structures associated with background patterns, and have chosen to use the TAO data to resolve local temporal changes associated with the Kelvin waves. Anomalies were calculated for each data set in several ways. Intraseasonal anomalies were calculated by applying a 20-120 day band pass filter, and a 121-day lowpass filter was applied to analyze interannual anomalies. Some smoothing was done to wind fields, and is mentioned when applicable. The data fields are generally analyzed between 140°E and 110°W, along the equator, or averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S, unless otherwise stated. The 1986-1987 Kelvin wave was tracked by using dynamic height anomalies that were filtered for Kelvin waves by means of a Fourier transform to retain data between 20 and 120 days (Roundy and Kiladis 2006,2007; Roundy and Kravitz 2009). The 2009-2010 Kelvin waves were tracked using unfiltered TAO dynamic height data. XI. Results a. 1986-1987 Event Figure 1 is a time-longitude plot showing OLR (shaded) and dynamic height (contoured). Cool colors of OLR indicate enhanced convection. Figure 1 shows an envelope of enhanced convection associated with the active convective phase of the MJO progressing from about 60°E to 140°E between 25 October 1986 and 15 November 1986. The solid line labeled “A” has a slope of about 7 m s-1 and is included as a reference to indicate that the convective envelop propagates within the expected MJO range. As the envelope approaches 140°E, it begins to slow to just over 1 m s-1, and reduce in zonal scale (line “B”, dot-dashed). At that time, the envelope becomes coincident with positive Kelvin dynamic height anomalies (red contours) moving eastward at approximately 1.5 m s-1 (line “C”, dashed). This pattern is strongest from 140°E to just past the dateline, but it exhibits coherence until about 150°W from mid-November to early January. The remainder of this portion of the paper (section XI. a.) is devoted to analyzing observations and reanalysis data to shed light on the mechanisms and patterns involved during this period of time and comparing this result with idealized coupling processes known to occur on similar temporal and spatial scales that have been identified from previous works (Lau and Shen 1988). i. Kelvin Wave Initiation Figure 2a shows the total equatorial 10 m zonal winds during the Kelvin wave initiation and throughout the event, and figure 2b follows the same conventions except that the winds have had a 10-120 day band-pass filter applied. The dot-dashed and dashed lines represent the same phase speeds as in Figure 1. The warm colors indicate westerly wind anomalies, and cool colors indicate easterly anomalies. In early November, westerly winds picked up around 140°E in association with the passing of the active convective phase of the MJO (Figure 2a). Between 140°E and 165°E, the winds appear to be strongest right at the crest of the wave, building in intensity ahead, and waning behind. Westerly winds persisted with a magnitude of between 6 and 10 ms-1 at that location until the beginning of January (1987). The winds were not longer actually westerly east of the dateline; however they were anomalously westerly from 140°E to about 120°W (Figure 2b). Collocation of westerly wind anomalies with the Kelvin wave for such a long period suggests the possibility that there was interaction between the Kelvin wave and the winds. The simple model analysis of Shinoda at el. (2009) indicates that such wind patterns would amplify the Kelvin wave. This wind amplification could have served to enhance the surface fluxes especially at the initiation of the wave, which will be discussed further in section XI. a. iii. ii. Advection and Modification of SST Basin-wide changes were occurring in the Pacific SST distribution during the winter of 1986 and 1987 (Figure 3) in association with the Kelvin wave. Figure 3(a) shows NOAA OI SST (shaded) and Kelvin dynamic heights (contoured) in the longitude time domain, while Figure 3(b) follows the same conventions except for 121-day low pass filtered data. The dot-dashed and dashed lines are reproduced from Figure 1. The figure shows that the Pacific is initially close to the climatic average of Levitus (1984), with a shift throughout the winter from that climatology towards an El Nino-like pattern, with warm water spread across the Pacific. Previous to this shift, there are two intraseasonal periods during which the warm pool extends towards the east. The phase speeds of these bulges vary between 2 and 5 m s-1 which indicates that these eastward expansions could be the local response to propagating wind stress as well as Kelvin waves; while a portion of the signal might be due to ocean mixing and radiative exchanges as atmospheric disturbances pass overhead. The last of the three bulges is coincident with the leading edge of the Kelvin wave event of interest. An envelope of positive SST anomalies coincident with the Kelvin dynamic height anomalies for the duration of the wave, however it is strongest on the leading edge (Figure 3b). The relatively cooler SSTs associated with the crest of the Kelvin wave could be associated with cooling from reduced incoming radiation and mixing of rainwater due to enhanced convection along the crest. ADCP current data were used to estimate advection, while the temporal and spatial structure of the surface current was analyzed using the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) from the University of Maryland (Carton et al. 2000a.b). Zonal advection was calculated as follows: , (1) where u is the zonal current at 10m depth, and dSST/dx is the zonal SST gradient. ADCP current data are not available for the 1986/1987 event prior to January, thus we were limited to analyzing the flow associated with this wave after January, which is several days after the passage of the Kelvin dynamic height anomalies through the region of enhanced convection. Further, for the time that current data were available, data were not available in the vicinity of the strongest zonal SST gradients (they would ideally have been available around 165°W to maximize sampling of the strongest SST gradients). Although we cannot assess the effects of zonal temperature advection during this event directly, we analyzed similar Kelvin wave events during subsequent years because these other events might bear similarities with the 1986-1987event. We also analyzed zonal currents in SODA for the same periods. Unfortunately, analysis of the observational and SODA data provide opposite perspectives on the nature of the warming observed in the east central Pacific with this event. We begin with a discussion of the analysis of the subsequent events, followed by a discussion of the SODA analysis for 1986-1987. We identified two similar Kelvin wave events during more recent years that exhibited current values of around 1.2 m s-1 as the maximum Kelvin dynamic height anomalies crested near 165°E and we examined the subsequent currents collocated with stronger SST gradients farther east. We included events only if current data were available at a given location for at least 15 days before and after the passage of the wave crest. The events occurred during November of 1991 and January of 1992. We found that for these events advection alone would have increased SST between 0.2 and 1°C over one month in the vicinity of the strongest zonal SST gradients (generally around 170°W) assuming near continuity of the current, which is supported by SODA data for both (Figure 4a). For the 1986/1987 event, if we assume continuity of the strong current observed at 165°E through to where the SST gradient was stronger (an assumption supported by both SODA and TAO data from the comparable event during December of 1991 (Figure 4a)) we estimate that advection could easily have resulted in about 1.8°C of warming in the area along the equator from 175°W and 165°W over the period of 15 days before to 15 days after the wave crest passage. However, observed net temperature increases were smaller. The average SST at 170°W for the month leading up to the passage of the Kelvin wave, November, was 29.3°C, with a minimum daily value of 28.8°C. The peak SST (according to the OI data since there is no TAO data near 170°W for 1986/87) following the passage of the Kelvin wave was 29.7°C. The maximum predicted SST estimated by integrating the advection term over time through the event, 30.6°C, was 0.9°C higher than the actual peak SST. If zonal advection resulted in warming of this magnitude, then it implies that local cooling associated with other processes counteracted some of the warming. Although some heat might have been lost due to mixing, a substantial portion of the cooling might be associated with transfer of sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere. If we assume that the mass of 1 m3 of water is 1035 kg, the specific heat of salt water is 3993 J, an average temperature difference of 0.9°C, a thermocline depth of 100 m, over a span of 30 days, we can estimate that the difference between the observed temperature and the predicted temperature based on warm water advection should yield a surface flux of about 140 W m-2 if all of the heat was lost to the atmosphere and not mixing; this compares well with combined surface sensible and latent fluxes from reanalysis which are on the order of 120 W m-2 (Figure 5b). The similarity between the fluxes and the heat loss supports the perspective that the total current associated with the wave near 170°W was eastward and characterized by large amplitude, consistent with the comparable events. The magnitude of the fluxes are also similar to those associated with the advective mode of Lau and Shen (1988) in which differential advection of warm water by Kelvin wave leads to convergence of the low level winds and evaporation of the anomalously warm water, thus increasing the energy in the atmosphere. According to the SODA data, the eastward current at 10m associated with this Kelvin wave amplified to about 1m s-1 until the wave reached 170°E where it dropped to 0 m s-1 just past the dateline (Figure 4b). Past 170°E, across the remainder of the basin, the wave was associated with a reduction of the climatological westward current to near 0 m s-1 (Figure 4b); this calming of the flow represents an anomaly of about 0.2 m s-1 (not shown). The TAO fixed depth current data from early January also show no current at 140°W, however this location is east of the maximum zonal extent of the active convection (near 150°W), suggesting that the wave was no longer coupled to atmospheric convection there. Unfortunately we cannot confirm the SODA current values from 170°W with observational data. If the SODA data are correct that the current near 170°W was near zero during this event (in contrast with observations of the similar event discussed above) then the observed surface warming beyond 170°E to near 150°W would have been caused by processes other than warm water advection, and the high values in the flux data would also need to be explained. In the event that the SODA data are correct, we speculate that the observed warming near 170°W might be accounted for by suppression of cold westward advection by the background current that occurred as the eastward flow anomaly associated with the Kelvin wave passed. The Kelvin wave might also have suppressed local upwelling. These mechanisms would cause the radiative balance observed prior to the wave to be broken, allowing for surface warming even in the absence of net eastward advection. (how could this account for the large fluxes necessary to sustain the convection???) iii. Surface Fluxes With changes in SSTs on the order of a half of a degree Celsius, it isn’t immediately clear that any changes should occur to the environment that would make it any more or less likely to support convection than its original state. However, previous research has shown that model atmospheres are sensitive to small variations in SST, especially where SST is high and surface winds are light (Fairall at al. 1996). Johnson et al. (2007) analyzed the influence of surface heat fluxes on convection by comparing a model run with an average sensible heat flux of 19 W m-2 and latent heat flux of 131 W m-2 with another model that did not include any surface fluxes. These flux values were similar to those estimated from observations during the Tropical Ocean-Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Research Experiment (TOGA COARE). The model run without surface fluxes was found to have a 17% reduction in overall precipitation with a 23% reduction on convective precipitation when compared to the model run with fluxes included. We are confident then, that, it has been shown that sensible surface heat flux on the order of as little as approximately 20 W m -2 and latent heat flux on the order of 130 W m-2 can make the difference between majority stratiform and convective precipitation (in our case implied by very cold loud tops or significantly decreased OLR values) (Johnson et al. 2007). Especially during November 1986, the reanalysis heat fluxes near the Kelvin wave crest appear to support an enhanced convective environment (Figure 5a,b) as expected, being of similar magnitude as those in Johnson et al. (2007). Figure 5 is a time-longitude plot showing both surface heat fluxes with a 5-day running average applied (shaded) along with the Kelvin dynamic heights (contoured), dot-dashed and dashed lines are reproductions from Figure 1. Both fluxes are the most enhanced at the beginning of the coupling in mid-November followed by weaker enhancements of surface fluxes that track along over the Kelvin wave (Figure 5). While both fields show ample activity outside of the envelopes, it is evident that they are enhanced within the Kelvin wave region. Surface latent heat fluxes (Figure 5a) are continually enhanced over the Kelvin wave region. They are also clearly influenced by a westward propagating disturbance, which based on the approximate phase lines drawn on Figure 5a indicating about 1.5m s-1 propagation, could have been a slowly moving Equatorial Rossby (ER) wave. The strongest enhancements occurred at about 160°E and 165°E, in mid-November and early-December respectively, with values well above 200 W m-2 at those times. Those enhancements are coincident with the strongest zonal wind anomalies and largest positive SST anomalies (Figures 2b, 3b, 5a). The surface sensible heat fluxes progressed similarly to the latent heat fluxes initially, with their largest enhancements being in approximately the same location with values in excess of 20 W m2 . The progressions of the sensible fluxes, however, appear to have been limited by the warmest water (Figures 3a, 5b). From comparison with previous work (Johnson et al. 2007), it is reasonable to assume that fluxes of these magnitudes would have an enhancing effect on atmospheric convection. iv. Atmospheric Convection Figure 6a shows a hovmoller of unfiltered brightness temperature (shaded) and Kelvin dynamic height (contoured) from October 1986 to February 1987 while Figure 6b shows the same fields, but focusing on the months of November and December. Both figures have the lines from Figure 1 reproduced on them. During the winter of 1986/1987, one large-scale feature predominated the brightness temperature field (Figure 6). This one feature appears as a broad envelope of cooler cloud tops that maintains continuity in space (from 140°E to 160°W) and time (from November to the end of February). Brightness Temperature shown in Figure 6 suggests that enhanced convection occurred preferentially over west Pacific, in close proximity to the warmest water, albeit more sparsely in October. November through February exhibit a clear enhancement in cold cloud tops over the west Pacific, extending eastward towards 160°W. This envelope has an approximate phase speed of 1.5 m s-1, which is slower than the first baroclinic mode oceanic Kelvin wave, but consistent with the slower coupled advective mode of Lau and Shen (1988) given the high background SST. This is a broad feature sometimes encompassing as many as 40 degrees of longitude, but is narrower than the planetary scale convective features normally considered consistent with the MJO (eg Zhang 2005). The envelope includes many smaller scale and more quickly moving features, and with more resolution in Figure 6b, both eastward and westward features are visible. Figures 6a,b suggest that the convective envelope moves eastward slightly more slowly than the Kelvin dynamic height anomalies, consistent with the differing phase speeds of the dashed and dot-dashed lines. The maximum intensification of convection begins at the leading edge of the wave throughout November and December, and then progresses so that by mid January, the convection is associated with the trailing edge of the Kelvin dynamic height anomaly. The most intense convection occurs to the west of the maximum Kelvin dynamic height. Figure 7a is a time-longitude plot showing the smoothed brightness temperatures contoured, and the SST anomalies (121-day low-pass filtered) shaded with the reference phase speed lines from Figure 1. From this figure, we can see that the convection really starts to become enhanced after the SST anomalies increase in the beginning of November, from about 140°E to about 165°E. As the Kelvin wave progresses, the region of enhanced convection moved eastward in association with expanding warm water anomalies. The first burst of deep convection occurred just after the maximum SST anomaly, which happens to be almost coincident with the largest enhancements in both sensible and latent heat fluxes associated with the Kelvin wave (Figures 5, 7a). Interestingly, the strongest westerly wind anomalies coincide with the first burst of deep convection as well (Figure 7b), however, the connection between the two doesn’t manifest itself later in the lifecycle of the wave. Convection is organized on many different scales within the broader envelope, from the small individual westward moving clusters, to larger scale convectively coupled waves (Figure 6b). There also exists a larger, eastward propagating cluster within the main envelope with an individual phase speed of about 3ms-1. Some of these features appear to have existed before they encountered the Kelvin wave and intensified in its presence, and some appear to have developed in situ. Convection begins firing with the advance of positive anomalies of Kelvin band dynamic height at any given location along its track, with enhanced cloudiness continuing almost a month afterwards in some locations. Clouds subsequently crossed the region, but they don’t generally appear to have developed in situ. This pattern suggests that the convective environment is different in the vicinity of the wave crest than regions just to its east and west. As the Kelvin wave and convective envelope progresses eastward, the envelope of convection advances more slowly than the dynamic height anomalies, perhaps progressing instead with the Kelvin SST anomalies (Figure 7a), such that dynamic height anomalies become offset to the east of the convective anomaly near the end of the event (mid-January). v. Additional Notes on Horizontal Wind Structure Throughout the event convective anomalies evolve concurrently with horizontal wind anomalies. As mentioned in section XI a. i., westerly winds are coincident with the Kelvin wave near the surface throughout the progression of the wave across the pacific basin (Figure 2). The winds don’t only evolve differently at the equator (Figure 8) in association with Kelvin waves coupled to convection. Figure 8 is a collection of snapshots of the evolution of 5-day smoothed horizontal winds and Kelvin dynamic height during the event. On November 1st, 1986 (Figure 8a), before the initiation of the Kelvin wave, the tropical Pacific is dominated by strong trade winds. By November 15 th, 1986 (Figure 8b), strong westerly wind anomalies have appeared in the eastern tropical Pacific concurrent with the growth of the Kelvin wave. The Kelvin wave continues to grow in amplitude and to propagate to the west. The anomalous westerly winds have weakened by December 1st, 1986 (Figure 8c), but even by December 15th, the anomalies are still tracking along with the Kelvin wave crest (Figure 8d). The westerly anomalies never quite make it across 150°W, consistent with the time-longitude plot discussed earlier (Figure 2). An additional response to the propagating convective feature is the creation of an off equatorial cyclonic gyre (Figure 8d) accompanying the enhanced equatorial westerlies. Since apparently coupled events tend to dominate the tropical pacific convective signature, it makes sense that their presence could also modulate the preferred formation locations of Pacific tropical cyclones (TC). There is preliminary evidence to support this concept; Figure 9 is a time-longitude plot of brightness temperature (shaded), Kelvin dynamic height (contoured), and genesis location for tropical cyclones (TC symbols). The blue TC symbols formed from 0-15°S and the red TC symbols formed from 0-15°N. There appears to be a preference for TC genesis within the convective envelope associated with the Kelvin wave. There is ongoing research into the possible causes of this phenomenon, as well as if the results are robust across all or most of the coupled events. b. 2009-2010 Events The winter before the preparation of this document (2009-2010) exhibited a few high amplitude oceanic Kelvin waves (Figure 10), some of which appeared to couple to atmospheric convection. Figure 10 is a time-longitude plot from October of 2009 to January of 2010 and from 60°E to 60°W, showing OLR (shaded) and dynamic height (contoured). The first Kelvin wave was initiated in mid-October, but atmospheric convection did not amplify and progress eastward with that wave. The second wave (hereafter referred to as “wave A”) was initiated by the active convective phase of the MJO, with a phase speed of about 4.3 m s-1 (indicated in Figure 10 by the solid red line), in the beginning of December, at about 150°E. The wave was coherent with convection for the entire month of December, and travelled to 150°W at a phase speed of about 2.6 m s-1 (indicated by a red dashed line in Figure 10). The Kelvin wave was associated with convection throughout its lifespan, however the convection drifted from being associated with the crest of the wave, to its wake in a short span of time. The convection appears to be truncated, which will be discussed in depth in the following sections. For the period of time that intense convection is associated with the wave, its phase speed is approximately the same as the Kelvin wave, about 2.6 m s-1. A third Kelvin wave (hereafter referred to as “wave B”) was also initiated by the passage of the active convective phase of the MJO, with a phase speed of about 6.9 m s-1 (indicated in Figure 10 by a solid red line), in mid-January and slightly further east than its processors at about 170°E. This wave maintained continuity until the end of February, and travelled to 150°W as well at a phase speed of about 2.4 m s-1 (indicated by a red, dashed line in Figure 10). Wave B appears to be “better” coupled to atmospheric convection than its predecessor, wave A. Associated with wave B, intense convection extended to about 140W, which it had not done earlier in the winter associated with any of the predecessor Kelvin waves. Similar to the 1986-1987 event, there is a general movement of intense convection away from the west Pacific warm pool and towards convection in the central pacific consistent with progression towards an El Nino background state. However, it should be noted that the 2009-2010 El Nino was slightly abnormal in that the water in the central pacific has been warmer than average, but the eastern Pacific warming didn’t begin until late February. Thus the two cases are similar in that they occurred during winter seasons classified as being ENSO positive, however, the actual SST patterns associated with each winter was quite different. The remainder of this portion of the paper (section XI. b.) is devoted to analyzing observations and reanalysis data to shed light on the mechanisms and patterns involved during this period of time and comparing this result with idealized coupling processes known to occur on similar temporal and spatial scales that have been identified from previous works (Lau and Shen 1988). i. Kelvin Wave Initiation In examining the winter of 2009-2010, it proved necessary to use two sets of figures to analyze each variable. This is because wave B occurred so late into the winter (when the warmest waters in the central pacific migrate south of the equator) that the fields associated with coupling seemed to be dominated by Southern Hemisphere (SH) rather than equatorial processes. Therefore Figure 11a is a time-longitude plot showing dynamic height (contoured) in cm and TAO zonal winds (shaded) in m s-1, both averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S. Figure 11b follows the same format except for data averaged from 2.5°S to 7.5°S. The black dashed and dot-dashed lines are reproductions from Figure New1 for reference of the approximate phase speeds of atmospheric convection and dynamic height anomalies. Wave A is associated with zonal westerly winds in excess of 10 m s-1 on the equator (Figure 11a), especially along the crest and near the wave initiation. Similar to convection, winds appear to drift, from initially being associated with the crest of the wave and subsequently with its wake. The westerly winds are present for the entire lifecycle of the wave, albeit, much more weakly that at the outset. The “drifting” of both the convection and the westerly winds can also be seen as a truncation of their extension, almost like they are hitting a wall. The “wall” that the westerly winds hit looks to be a surge in trade winds in mid-December that extends just west of the dateline. Zonal winds on the equator are relatively weak in association with wave B (Figure 11a), however, in the SH, they are quite strong (Figure 11b). In the SH, westerly winds that exceed 10 m s-1 are consistently associated with the crest of the wave. The westerly winds are strongest just east of the dateline. This feature is different from the 1986-1987 case in that the total winds are strongly westerly east of the dateline, while in 1986-1987 only the anomalies were westerly east of the dateline above the Kelvin dynamic height anomalies. ii. Advection and Modification of SST Figure 12a shows a time-longitude plot of dynamic height (contoured) in cm and TAO SST (shaded) in °C averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S. Figure 12b is the same except that SST is averaged from 2.5°S to 7.5°S. The dashed and dot-dashed black lines on Figures 12a,b are reproductions from Figure 10. During the winter of 2009-2010 there was a progression from nearly climatalogical background state (Levitus 1984), with warm water concentrated in the west Pacific, to a more El Nino-like background, with warm water spread across the basin (Figure 12a). As discussed earlier, the warmest water in the winter of 2009-2010 concentrated in the central Pacific, around 160°W, and does not fully spread across the basin until late February. Also, during this time, the warmest water was migrating southward with the seasonal cycle (Figures 12a and 12b). For both wave A and wave B, it appears that a continuous surge of warm water lead the Kelvin wave dynamic height rises (Figures 12a and 12b). Between the dateline and 165°W, the anomalous warm water was able to be maintained even across the upwelling section of the passing Kelvin waves (Figure 12a). This is not necessarily in contrast with our findings from the 1986-1987 event, as those dynamic height values were filtered. The same pattern, of a continuous progression of warm water pushing eastward at the same approximate phase speed of the Kelvin wave preceding the crest was evident in both cases. It is also worth noting that increases in SST are not simply associated with the crests of the Kelvin wave; the extent of the 28°C isotherm east of the dateline appears to be modulated within the area encompassed by the Kelvin dynamic height contours, especially on the equator (Figure New3a). Similar to the 1986-1987 event, high SST was associated with the leading edge of the oceanic Kelvin wave. Also similar to the 1986-1987 case, the crest of the Kelvin wave is associated with relatively lower SSTs than the leading edge of this wave. This difference is likely due to decreased radiation and rainwater mixing associated with enhanced convection over the crest of the wave. Some TAO zonal current data are available in the west Pacific, however data are largely missing or not yet collected for this event across the remainder of the basin. At the onset of wave A, the eastward current reaches values exceeding 1 m s-1 along the wave crest. At 140°W at the end of December (along the trajectory of the wave crest), the current is much weaker (about 0.2 m s-1), but still eastward. This information suggests that the current maintained its eastward propagation along the wave crest. There is no current data for the majority of wave B, however the data at 140°W along wave B’s trajectory is also eastward at about 0.2 m s-1. Assuming a zonal SST gradient of about 1C between 165W and 175W, which seems reasonable based on the TAO data (Figures 11a and 11b), and zonal current between 0.2 and 1 m s-1, advection values for the 15 days before and after the passage of the wave crest would fall between 0.5 and 2.3 °C according to an integration of equation (1). Realizing that the SST at 170°W never increased more than half of a degree during the passage of waves A and B, it is likely that some of the heat advected in the form of warm water into the central Pacific escaped the ocean surface in the form of sensible and latent fluxes to the atmosphere. iii. Surfaces Fluxes Minimal surface flux data are available from the ERA Interim analysis (which is only available through the end of 2009, and thus completely missing for wave B). Further, SODA data are also not yet available for the winter of 2009-2010. We use ERA Interim data to analyze changes in surface fluxes (sensible and latent) associated with wave A. Given the equations for sensible and latent heat fluxes (respectively): (2) (3), where ρa is the density of air, Ce is the exchange coefficient, Cp is the specific heat of the air, V is the wind speed, L is the latent heat of fusion, Ts is the temperature of the sea surface, Ta is the air temperature at the surface, qs is the specific humidity saturated at sea temperature, and qa is the specific humidity of the air at the surface, we can make some inferences about the fluxes associated with wave B. Figure 13a is a time-longitude plot showing surface sensible heat flux (SSHF) in W m-2 from ERA Interim (shaded) and dynamic height (contoured) and Figure 13b is the same except for surface latent heat flux (SLHF) in W m-2, both figures have black dashed lines that are reproductions from Figure 10. There is an enhancement of sensible heat flux at the beginning of December coincident with the initiation of wave A (Figure 13a). Similarly, there is an enhancement coincident with the initiation point of wave A in latent heat flux (Figure 13b). There is also an enhancement of both fields centered on the dateline in the second half of December (Figures 13a and 13b). While the highest sensible heat fluxex appear to be almost completely constrained to the wave envelope (Figure 13a), there is a good amount of latent heat flux activity outside of the envelope of the wave (Figure 13b). Enhanced latent heat fluxes actually appear to be associated with previously mentioned surges in the trade winds in this case (Figure 11a), perhaps indicating a stronger dependence on winds than temperature difference at that time, since the difference between SST and SAT that that time is small. Due to the lack of flux data available after December, we created a simple flux proxy in order to analyze changes in sensible heat flux, which is zonal wind multiplied by the difference between SST and SAT, according to equation (2). We did not create a proxy for latent heat in this case since it is generally correlated with sensible heat flux within the wave envelope, and uncorrelated outside of the envelope. Figure 14 shows a time-longitude plot of flux proxy as defined above (shaded) in °m s-1, from 2.5°S to 7.5°S, with positive values indicating flux out of the ocean, dynamic height in cm (contoured), and black dashed and dot-dashed lines which are reproductions from Figure 10. Within the envelope of wave B there is a high concentration of positive flux proxy values (Figure 14) with a concentration at the end of January around 165°W, probably as a result of a strong westerly wind burst with winds in excess of 10 m s-1. iv. Atmospheric Convection Convection in the eastern and central Pacific during the winter of 2009-2010 was dominated by a combination of MJO and ENSO signals (Figure 10). The active convective phase of the MJO is evident beginning in early October, early November, and late December. The westerly winds associated with each active convective phase of the MJO appear to initiate oceanic Kelvin waves. The Kelvin wave initiated by the October MJO is different than those that follow it; convection does not continue along the wave. As mentioned earlier, convection appears to continue in vigor more in association with wave B than wave A, although both waves exhibit collocation of the Kelvin wave and convection. The convection associated with wave A is most vigorous at the initiation of the wave, along the crest. As the wave progresses, the convection weakened slightly in intensity, while continuing to progress eastward, although at a slower speed than the wave itself. As mentioned earlier, we find it likely that the coupling of the convective envelope and the oceanic Kelvin wave was truncated by a surge in the trade winds in mid-December as will be discussed further below. As for wave B, convection is concurrent with the Kelvin wave throughout its entire lifespan. Relatively intense convection occurred within the wave envelope until mid-February and as far east as about 170°W. As previously mentioned, the convection associated with wave A is most intense at its initiation. Figure 15a is a time-longitude plot showing 5-day smoothed OLR (contoured, in color) in W m-2, and flux proxy in °m s-1 averaged from 2.5°N to 2.5°S (shaded). Figure 15b is the same for flux proxy averaged from 2.5°S to 7.5°S. Both Figures 15a,b have reproductions of the phase speed lines from Figure 10, in black. The intense convection at the initiation of wave A (Figure 10) is also coincident with a strongly enhanced flux proxy (Figure 15a). The flux proxy is initially driven by strong winds (Figure 11b) and then as winds subside, a large difference in between SST and SAT (on the order of 2-3°C). Another illustrative point from this figure is the location of negative flux proxy values at the edge of the intense convection, which is most likely driven by a surge in the trade winds since the SST-SAT difference at that location is less than a degree. Wave B is associated with stronger convection than wave A from the outset (Figure 10) based on its initiation by an MJO with a stronger active convective signal, however it also maintains convection well east of the dateline to about 170°W. This prolonged enhanced convection seems to have benefited from both strongly enhanced westerly winds, which were on the order of 10 m s-1 (Figure 11b), and a SST-SAT difference of over 3°C. Thus we postulate that wave A began very similarly to wave B, but it had the misfortune of being intercepted by a trade wind surge that was likely induced by atmospheric waves, and its growth and coupling were thus cut short. When looking for coupling events in real time, the strength of the trade winds (and/or their probability of strengthening) should be a key feature to watch for. v. Additional Notes on Horizontal Wind Structure As has been mentioned, along with coupling to convection, westerly winds are coincident with the oceanic Kelvin waves. In this section we discuss the off-equatorial horizontal winds associated with oceanic Kelvin waves. Here, we focus on wave A, because ERA Interim horizontal wind data was only available until the end of December 2009 as of this preparation. We use a similar analysis to the 1986-1987 case, with a few differences. The major difference comes from the use of unfiltered Kelvin wave data in this case. Since the data are unfiltered, the baseline that we use to judge anomalous dynamic height is the average dynamic height at each buoy for the time period in question (October 2009 – February 2010). The winds are smoothed with a 5-day moving average, just as before. Figures 16a-d show those smoothed horizontal winds from 30°N to 30°S and 140°E to 100°W, and equatorial dynamic height (varying = solid line, average = dashed line), for the dates 11/29/09, 12/04/09, 12/08/09, and 12/13/09. On November 29th (Figure 16a) wave A had just been initiated and was beginning to gain amplitude at about 150°E. At that time, the westerly winds in excess of 10 m s-1 were present along the equator extending through to about 170°E. Those winds were associated with an off-equatorial gyre centered at about 160°E and about 5°N. By December 4th (Figure 16b) the equatorial westerly winds had extended to about 170°W, and the dynamic height anomaly crest had progressed to about 160°E. By this time, the northern gyre had disappeared, but there was a new gyre growing in the SH associated with the anomalous westerlies, centered at about the dateline and 5°S. This gyre was also associated with a surge from the extra tropics. At this time it could be traced as far away as 120°W and 30°S. There was some signature of the same surge feature from November 29th, but it was much less coherent with weaker winds. On December 8th, the westerly winds receded back into the east Pacific, to 170°E, and weakened to less than 10 m s-1 (Figure 16c). The SH gyre, however, remained. This gyre drifted westward along with the eastern-most extent of the westerlies, moved south to about 10°S and more or less maintained its strength. The gyre still appeared to be associated with an extra-tropical wind surge at this time, although much weaker and only extending to the dateline. At this time, the oceanic wave peaked at the dateline. By December 13th, the dynamic height anomalies associated with the wave peaked at about 165°W (Figure 16d). The equatorial windsmostly returned to easterlies with the exception of some light westerlies extending to about 165°E (from where?). The SH gyre strengthened and drifted, then became centered at about 175E and 15S. The gyre persisted, drifting further sound and east, until it is obscured by another strong extra-tropical wind surge, this time coming from the dateline, on December 17th. In this analysis, only the existence of two gyres was focused on, mostly due to their relative ease of tracking. However, even a cursory glance at Figures 16a-d leaves the impression that the coupling between atmospheric convection, zonal winds, and oceanic Kelvin waves has a large impact on extra-tropical circulation patterns, at least over the Pacific. As mentioned for the 1986-1987 case, there has been some evidence of a connection between TC activity and coupled oceanic Kelvin waves. Figure 17 is a timelongitude plot showing OLR (shaded) in W m-2, dynamic height (contoured) in cm and SH (0-15°S) TC genesis locations. Even more striking than the 1986-1987 case, during the life span of wave B, there was no TC genesis outside of the convective envelope associated with the oceanic Kelvin wave. Only SH TC genesis has been plotted for this event because there was only one NH TC that occurred during the lifespan of wave B, TD 1, which was first named at 8.2°N and 110.6°E on January 18th. XII. Discussion As has been suggested previously (Roundy and Kiladis 2006, Shinoda et al. 2008), it appears that during cases of apparent coupling between oceanic Kelvin waves and atmospheric convection, the extent and amplitude of westerly winds in the central Pacific is much greater than is climatologically normal or even than is expected in association with the MJO. In both winters studied, the envelope of westerly winds extended to about 150°W (Figures 2a, 12a, 12b), with rare occasions were westerly anomalies have spread to 135°W. We propose that these winds are able to be maintained over the Kelvin wave by the process proposed in Roundy and Kiladis (2006), that there is a mutually beneficial process occurring whereby the westerly winds strengthen the Kelvin wave, and the SST anomalies associated with the Kelvin wave strengthen the westerly winds. In both winters, there was an observed increase in SST associated with the leading edge of the Kelvin wave (Figures 3a, 13a, 13b). This warming could be associated with many external, as well as internal processes, however we have demonstrated that a large portion of the warming is due to advection. Further warming might have been associated with suppression of upwelling by the Kelvin wave. The continuous westerly wind stress probably served to enhance the Kelvin wave and increase advection of warm water to enable SSTs above what would normally be expected with an uncoupled wave. In the analysis of coupled events (including 1986-1987, 1991-1992, and 2009-2010), eastward current exceeding 1 m s-1 was observed, mainly to the west of the dateline (Figures 4a,b). In 1991 and 2009-2010, the current remained eastward during the entire lifespan of the coupled waves and probably served to enhance advection of warm water, especially where the zonal SST gradient was highest. In 1986-1987, the actual observations were sparse, however SODA data suggest that there may have simply been a weakening of the climatological westward current. This may have lead to a more complicated advection relationship, however enhanced SSTs were observed in all cases regardless of the strength of the associated currents. In both the 1986-1987 and 2009-2010 cases, the Kelvin waves observed to couple with convection essentially were the observed El Nino signature (Figures 3a, 13a, 13b), forcing the eastward spread of warm water across the equatorial Pacific. As mentioned earlier inSection VIII. b. iii., fluxes of sensible and latent heat across the air-sea interface are functions of wind speed and temperature or specific humidity (respectively). All of these quantities are modified by the Kelvin wave, so it is reasonable to expect a change in fluxes within the wave envelope. During the 1986-1987 event there is a clear enhancement in both the latent and sensible flux fields over the Kelvin wave (Figures 5a,b). The enhancements are by no means fully confined to the wave, but they are clearly organized within the vicinity of the wave. For the winter of 2009-2010, flux data are only available for wave A. Sensible heat fluxes (Figure 13a) seem to be very responsive to changes associated with the Kelvin wave, however latent fluxes (Figure 13b) appear to respond to something else, which we suggest is likely to be a punctuated surge in the trade winds that was induced by westward-moving atmospheric waves that were not initially associated with the oceanic Kelvin wave. Because of lack of surface heat flux data for wave B, we createdflux proxy data for sensible heat based on the product of winds and SST-SAT. This flux proxy field was clearly enhanced over the entire Kelvin wave (Figure 14). The enhanced surface fluxes associated with changes in wind speed and direction and increased SST are likely precursors to enhanced convection. In the maritime tropics, where the environment is essentially always primed for convection, we believe that these enhanced fluxes are necessary to destabilize the atmosphere to convection; this concept is supported by previous works (Fairall et al. 1996, Johnson et al. 2007). Finally, we come to convection. In each case, the envelope of atmospheric convection starts out as the active convective phase of the MJO with phase speeds between 4 and 7 m s-1 (Figures 1, 11). In the event of coupling, we observed in both cases that we studied a slowing of the convective envelope to around 2 m s-1, which is on the slow end of expected range of phase speeds for oceanic Kelvin waves (Figures 1, 11). In the winter of 2009-2010, wave A appeared to begin the coupling process, but then its eastward progression was truncated due to redirection of convection by enhanced trade winds (Figure 10, Figure 11a). The relationship between the convective signatures and the oceanic Kelvin wave is not exactly the same in all of the cases. In 1986-1987, the convection had a consistently slower phase speed than the Kelvin wave (1.3 vs 1.6 m s -1). Convection associated with wave B when assessed in bulk is slower than the Kelvin wave (1.7 vs 2.4 m s-1), however it can also be viewed as travelling at about the same phase speed as the Kelvin wave with a jump at the beginning of February from the wave crest to behind it. The differences in the relationships between convection and the Kelvin wave lend more credence to the idea that the enhanced fluxes are influencing convection, since the location of the enhanced fluxes along the wave is varied, and depends on factors other than the location of the maximum dynamic height anomaly; wind speed and SST-SAT for instance. We found with the 1986-1987 case, that the zonal extent of the intense convection appeared to be strongly correlated with the extent of SST anomalies (Figure 7a) and that the most intense convection was collocated with the strongest westerly wind anomalies (Figure 7b). With wave A in 2009-2010, we found again the intense convection appears to be bounded by the extent of the warmest water (comparing Figures 12a and 15a). The flux proxy was strongest just before and during the most intense convection (Figure 15a), which coincides with the strongest westerly winds (Figure 11a) similar to the 1986-1987 event. Wave B in 2010 followed the same pattern of intense convection being bounded by the zonal extent of the warmest water (comparing Figures 12b and 15b) and the most intense convection being collocated with strong westerly winds (Figures 11b, 16b). The flux data and flux proxy data suggest that a connection can be made between changes in SST induced by the Kelvin wave and intensification of convection over the wave. In both the winter of 1986-1987 and 2009-2010, there were changes to horizontal off-equatorial winds in association with enhanced equatorial westerly winds. Both the 1986-1987 event and wave A from 2009-2010 were associated with off equatorial gyres in the SH that dissociated from the equatorial westerlies and intensified (Figures 8 and 17). The coupling events also appear to be associated with the modulation of the location of TC genesis in the Pacific (Figures 9 and 17) however, much more work needs to be done in this area. Previous research has shown that these coupled events not only influence the location of tropical convection, or off-equatorial gyres, but they have ramifications for global weather patterns (Roundy and Verhagen 2010). Roundy and Verhagen (2010) showed that there is a strong correlation between the location of the coupled oceanic Kelvin wave and extra tropical 300 hPa heights and wind patterns. They were even able to use this information to effectively forecast the general circulation of North America during the winter of 2009-2010 due to the activity ofwave A and wave B discussed above, with more skill than simply using patterns based on indices of ENSO or MJO. Figure 18 is a schematic of the composite observed waves while they exhibited coupling. The schematic is most representative of the fields as they existed between 140°E and the dateline, as the relationships generally shifted further east. Our analysis shows that an oceanic Kelvin wave was initiated by the active convective phase of the MJO (as shown by the envelope of convection between 60 and 140°E). The Kelvin wave progressed to the East, as shown by the increased Kelvin dynamic height anomalies and warm water anomalies that follow along the leading edge of the wave. The surface sensible and latent heat fluxes are also enhanced most strongly at the leading edge of the Kelvin wave dynamic height anomaly early in the life of the wave. In some cases the latent heat fluxes are enhanced across the breadth of the Kelvin wave, while the sensible fluxes progress eastward slowly with the warmest water. In other cases, the reverse is true. This pattern suggests that the type of heat flux is not specific to the ability of the wave to couple, but coupling depends on the presence of bulk enhanced fluxes. The westerly wind anomalies are strongest at the initiation of the Kelvin wave, but remain enhanced across most of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during this time period. Atmospheric convection appears to track the boundary between the warm and cool anomalies. The schematic suggests that these events evolved similarly in some respects to the model proposed by Lau and Shen (1988) (See their Figure 5a). Similar to Lau and Shen (1988), we have observed mean SST increasing westward across the Kelvin dynamic height anomalies and convective envelope once they have crossed the dateline. The relative locations of the warm and cool SST anomalies and the enhanced surface fluxes (labeled “evaporation” in Lau and Shen’s figure) with respect to each other are also very similar to Lau and Shen’s analysis. Our schematic diverges from Lau in Shen’s in the location of the westerly wind anomalies and the location of the convection. Their analysis suggests that the convective envelope develops significantly after the warm water anomalies, and that the warm anomalies are associated with easterly wind anomalies. Our analysis suggests that, while warm water does precede the convective envelope by some time, in most locations they are almost coincident (Figure 7a), also, the convective envelope is almost exclusively associated with westerly anomalies in our analysis (Figure 7b). XIII. Conclusion As mentioned in section IX, one of the aims for this work was to better understand the mechanisms that maintain coupling between atmospheric convection and oceanic Kelvin waves. As we have shown in both 1986-1987 and 2009-2010 the process of coupling exhibits the following pattern: Westerly winds associated with the active convective phase of the MJO initiate an oceanic Kelvin wave Ahead of the crest of the Kelvin wave, slightly higher SSTs are forced by both advection and downwelling (Johnson and McPhaden 1993). The regions of increased SSTs destabilize the atmosphere to convectively coupled waves resulting in an envelope of enhanced convection over the oceanic wave crest. Westerly wind anomalies amplify over the wave crest in response to the organized convection. These enhanced westerly winds transfer momentum to the ocean, amplifying the oceanic wave. Further, these winds might enhance both heat and moisture fluxes from the ocean surface to the atmosphere. These enhanced fluxes might enhance convection, and a self maintaining convective system would develop. Obviously some variations in the process will exist from case to case, but the general pattern has been observed consistently across the set of events we have examined. Another aim of this work was to understand how coupling between atmospheric convection and oceanic Kelvin waves changes throughout the lifecycle of the wave. In both years studied, the phase speeds of the convective envelope and the height anomalies associated with Kelvin waves differed, and therefore eventually drifted outside of each other’s spheres of influence. From our analysis of 1986-1987, it appears that the zonal extent of the intense convection was associated with the progression of positive SST anomalies (Figure 7a), while the most intense convection was associated with strong westerly wind bursts (Figure 7b). We also found that in both coupled events in 20092010 the strongest convection was also associated with strong westerly winds, but that in the absence of these strong winds, a large SST-SAT difference could also maintain high surface heat fluxes (Figures 15a,15b). Thus, it seems that the convective envelope develops in conjunction with amplified zonal winds and SST-SAT difference, rather than exactly in phase with the dynamic height height anomalies associated with the Kelvin wave. Thus it might appear that the relationship between the Kelvin wave and convection changes with time, but it is probably more accurate to say only that the relationship with the Kelvin wave height anomalies changes with height. We have found that within our climatology of over 40 cases (including all seasons) only one case has a convective envelope that crosses the 28°C isotherm. We know from Lau and Shen (1988)’s prediction that SSTs below 28°C don’t allow phase speeds of the oceanic Kelvin wave and atmospheric convection that are sufficiently similar to maintain coupling. This finding deserves more attention in future studies to further investigate this phenomenon. Through our analysis of the 1986-1987 case and the two waves in 2009-2010, we observed coupling that initiated in early November (1986), late November (2009), and early January (2010). Each of the waves evolved differently in some ways. Some of the differences might be associated with interactions with high frequency transient signals propagating across the region of coupling, but other differences might be associated with modulation of the coupling process by different background states.. Wave B in 2010 occurred so late into the winter season that the warmest water had progressed south of the equator. This southward shift of the convection lead to many of the fields associated with the coupling (zonal winds, currents, and SST changes) being most active in the SH tropics rather than centered on the equator. Again, this observation will lend itself to further modeling studies for confirmation and validation. We focused solely on NH winter events for this study, however they only make up about half of the events in our dataset. It stands to reason that the coupled events that occur in other seasons will have different internal structures and impacts on global wind patterns, due to the very different atmospheric and oceanic conditions that they would encounter. Already, this research has been used to accurately forecast NH general circulation several weeks in advance, following the work of Roundy and Verhagen (2010). The response pattern to the moving, large heat source that is the convective envelope coupled to the Kelvin wave is significant and predicable. As mentioned in sections XI a.v. and XI b.v. there also exists the potential that the prediction and/or observation of a coupled event could assist in predicting probable TC genesis regions. Some questions that remain about this event include how the Kelvin wave in this study became coupled to atmospheric convection in the first place and how it ultimately became decoupled from the atmosphere. As stated earlier, the envelope of enhanced surface fluxes which stalls around 150°W in 1986-1987 (Figure 6), could be related to changes in SST and the decoupling process and should be studied in more depth. Also, initial conditions necessary for coupling will be examined, including strength and timing of the initial westerly wind burst and any oceanic preconditioning. The majority of the events (12 of 20) occurred either during an “El Nino” event or during the transition into or out of one, while only 2 occurred during a “La Nina” event. This leads to the question of their relationship, be it simply oceanic preconditioning or something more complicated. We are presently analyzing composites of 20 events which will clarify details of the evolutions and identify features that tend to occur consistently across similar events. We are studying how these events evolve in a composite sense in order to better understand their characteristic features. This work will hopefully be the starting point for much more research into the concept of coupling between atmospheric convection and oceanic Kelvin waves. Through our research we have gained an understanding of the typical progression of coupled events, as well as some possible deviations that can be expected in the presence of various background states. We have proposed a possible mechanism for coupling though the enhancement of surface heat fluxes by enhanced westerly winds and advection of warm water. We have begun the work of discovering the tropical and global implications for coupled events. We thus are confident that the research can be continued from this point with a solid start. XIV. Bibliography Carton, J.A., G. Chepurin, X. Cao, and B.S. Giese, 2000a: A Simple Ocean Data Assimilation analysis of the global upper ocean 1950-1995, Part 1: methodology, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 294-309. Carton, J.A., G. Chepurin, and X. Cao, 2000b: A Simple Ocean Data Assimilation analysis of the global upper ocean 1950-1995 Part 2: results, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 30, 311-326. Cravatte, S., J. Picaut, and G. Eldin, 2003: Second and first baroclinic Kelvin modes in the equatorial Pacific at intraseasonal time scales. J. Geophys. Res., 108, 3266, doi:10.1029/2002JC001511. 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