Diphtheria Toxin NR and SPR Measurements Rebecca Eells, Frank Heinrich, Mykola Rodnin, Mathias Lösche, Alexey Ladokhin December 2013 1 2 Summary………………………………………………………………………..1 SPR………………………………………………………………………………2 2.1 December 2013 – Peripheral Form…………………………………………...2 2.2 January 2014 - Fully Inserted Form….……………………………………….3 2.3 Data Fitting……………………………………………………………………..5 3 NR……………………………………………………………………………….7 3.1 June 2013 - Fully Inserted Form.……………………………………………..7 3.1.1 Experimental …………………………………………………………...7 3.1.2 Results…………………………………………………………………..8 3.2 November 2013 - Peripheral Form…………………………………………..11 3.2.1 Experimental…………………………………………………………..11 3.2.2 Results………………………………………………………………….12 3.3 Comparison……………………………………………………………………15 3.4 Logbooks……………………………………………………………………….17 3.4.1 June 2013 – Fully Inserted Form……………………………………..17 3.4.2 November 2013 – Peripheral Form………………………………….19 1 Summary 1 2 SPR 2.1 December 2013 – Peripheral form Two SPR experiments (see Figure 1 and Figure 2) were conducted at conditions associated with a peripheral binding mode of DTT to the lipid bilayer: 90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.5. Both experiments are consistent. At concentrations below 250 nM there is little protein association and a net decrease in the SPR signal by about 1-3 pixels. This decrease might be due to membrane thinning, as it is observed by NR under those conditions. Concentrations of 250 nM and 500 nM show a reversal to a positive net change of the signal by less than 5 pixels. This is consistent with the NR experiment at 500 nM, in which only a small surface density of protein was observed. When incubating the lipid bilayer with 1µM, a steady increase of the SPR signal is observed without entering an equilibrium state, even after 2h. This signature is consistent with protein aggregation. NR experiments at 2.5 µM did not show any membrane-associated protein, which might be a result of aggregation, as well. The bilayer is located at the bottom of the SPR cell, such that large aggregates would be falling onto the interface, whereas in the neutron cell the membrane is in a vertical orientation. 90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.5 position SPR minimum / pixels 465 as-prepared bilayer 10 nM 20 nM 50 nM 100 nM 250 nM 500 nM 1 µM 460 455 450 445 440 0 50 100 150 time / min 2 200 250 bilayer c1 c2 c3 c4 c5#1 c6 c7#2 Figure 1: SPR response (proportional to mass at the interface) upon incubation of a 90:10 POPC:POPG tethered bilayer with DTT. (15-Dec-2013) 90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.5 position SPR minimum / pixels 465 as-prepared bilayer 10 nM 20 nM 50 nM 100 nM 250 nM 500 nM 1 µM rinse 460 455 450 445 0 20 40 60 80 time / min 100 120 140 Figure 2: SPR response incubation of a 90:10 POPC:POPG tethered bilayer with DTT. Vertical shoot-ups are most likely instrument-related. 2.2 January 2014 – Fully Inserted Form bilayer c1 c2 (16-Dec-2013). c3 c4 c5#1 c6 c7#2 c8#2 Two SPR experiments (see Figure 3 and Figure 4) were conducted at conditions associated with the fully inserted state of DDT into the lipid bilayer: 70:30 POPC:POPG, pH 5.5. The two experiments, however, yielded different results. For both experiments, there is little to no protein association for concentrations below 20nM. At 50nM there is a decrease in the SPR signal by about 1-2 pixels, which is more obvious for the experiment conducted on January 28 (Figure 3). The two experiments then begin to diverage at the 100nM concentration. For Figure 3, the 100nM concentration shows a reversal to a positive change of the signal by about 1-2 pixels, while in Figure 4 the signal shows essentially no change from the previous concentration. When the lipid bilayer was incubated with 250nM on January 28 (Figure 3), a steady increase of the SPR signal was observed without entering an equilibrium state, even after 1 hour. When the lipid bilayer was incubated with 250nM on January 29 (Figure 4), however, a positive change in SPR signal by about 1-2 pixels was observed and equilibrium was reached after approximately 8 minutes. A concentration of 500nM was then 3 added to the system, which resulted in a positive change in SPR signal by about 5-6 pixels and reached equilibrium after approximately 30 minutes. Incubation with 750nM, however, resulted in a steady increase of the SPR signal was observed without entering an equilibrium state. Figure 3: SPR response (proportional to mass at the interface) upon incubation of a 70:30 POPC:POPG tethered bilayer with DTT. (28-Jan-2014) 4 Figure 4: SPR response (proportional to mass at the interface) upon incubation of a 70:30 POPC:POPG tethered bilayer with DTT. (28-Jan-2014) 2.3 Data Fitting A standard SPR binding kinetics curve shows an increase in the SPR resonance angle (in pixels) as a function of time. Once the curve plateaus (reaches a constant SPR resonance angle), equilibrium has been achieved and the measurement is stopped. These standard SPR binding curves can then be fit using the equation: (konc0 koff )t R R0 1 e Equation 1 derived from a 1:1 Langmuir bimolecular model of an analyte molecule (protein) binding to a single ligand molecule (lipid) where R is the SPR response, R 0 is the response at dissociation time zero, and c0 is the concentration of protein added to the system. During the DTT SPR experiments, however, “nonstandard” binding curves were observed for both peripheral and transmembrane binding conditions. These nonstandard binding curves resulted in an increase in the SPR signal that did not reach equilibrium even after 2hrs. The concentration at which the nonstandard binding curve was observed varied. To begin to understand these nonstandard binding curves, the curves were first compiled into one graph. The offset for each curve was then adjusted in order to obtain an overlay of all the curves 5 (Figure 5). Based on the overlay it appears that the behavior of the nonstandard curves is the same for every experiment. Figure 5: Overlay of nonstandard SPR binding curves observed after incubation with DTT A simplified version of equation derived from the Langmuir model of binding was used to fit the SPR binding curve from the concentration that results in a steady increase in SPR signal and the curve from the concentration directly preceding it. In the simplified equation the concentration and on/off rates are grouped into one coefficient. For the experiments conducted under peripheral binding conditions (90:10 POPC:POPG) the concentration directly preceding the nonstandard response was 0.5uM DTT. The SPR response curve and the fit for the binding of 0.5uM DTT to 90:10 POPC:POPG on December 15, 2013 is shown in Figure 6. The SPR curve for the binding of 0.5uM DTT can be described by a single exponential equation consistent with 1:1 Langmuir binding. The SPR response curve and the fit for the binding of 1.0uM DTT to 90:10 POPC:POPG on December 15, 2013 is shown in Figure 7. The SPR curve for the binding of 1.0uM DDT can be described by two exponential equations (with differing coefficients) connected by a transition region. 6 Figure 6: Fit of the SPR response after incubation of 90:10 POPC:POPG with 0.5uM DTT based on the 1:1 Langmuir binding model 7 Figure 7: Fit of the SPR response after incubation of 90:10 POPC:POPG with 1.0uM DTT based on the 1:1 Langmuir binding model 3 NR 3.1 June 2013 – Fully Inserted Form 3.1.1 Experimental The lipid bilayer was prepared by rapid solvent exchange. All buffers used are derived from a 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 8.0. Buffers with lower pH were prepared by adding acetic acid / acetate buffer, prepared by Mykola. Wild type DTT was from a 41 µM stock at pH 8.0 and added to the measurement buffer right before the NR measurement. The protein was incubated for 30 min and rinsed thereafter. The measurement started after the rinsing. Filename al001-02 8 Condition Neat bilayer, Contrasts 50:50 D2O, H2O al003-04 al005-06 al007-08 al009 βMe:HC18, 70:30 POPC:POPG, pH 5.3 Incubation with 100nM DTT at pH 5.3 for 30 min, rinse and measurement Incubation with 500nM DTT at pH 5.3 for 30 min, rinse and measurement Rinse with buffer at pH 4.5 and measurement Rinse with buffer at pH 8.0 H2O, D2O H2O, D2O D2O, H2O H2O 3.1.2 Results DTT fully inserts into the membrane at all measured concentrations, although the total amount of associated protein is small for the measurement after incubating with 100 nM. The protein remains at the interface with no significant reduction in total amount after a rinse of the system at pH 4.5. The protein envelope spans the entire hydrocarbon chains and the outer lipid headgroups. A fit is currently in progress exploring, whether protein is present also in the inner lipid headgroups. During the current fit the protein envelope was constraint not to penetrate this region. In all measurements a low protein density is present that extends at least 60Å into the bulk solvent. Table 1: Median fit values and 68% confidence limits. Thicknesses are given in Å, nSLD values are given in 10-6Å-2, and the amount of protein is given as a volume surface density in Å3/Å2. Parameter Substrate SiOx thickness SiOx nSLD Cr thickness Cr nSLD Au thickness Au nSLD 9 100 nM DTT 500 nM DTT Rinse, pH 4.5 incubation, incubation, pH 5.3 pH 5.3 11.5±2.0 3.63±0.11 29.0±1.5 3.04±0.02 115.2±0.3 4.54±0.02 12.0±1.8 3.60±0.10 28.7±1.2 3.04±0.02 115.1±0.3 4.54±0.02 14.7±1.8 3.48±0.07 26.7±1.5 3.04±0.02 115.2±0.3 4.53±0.02 Rinse, pH 8.0 Substrate Roughness Lipid Bilayer Molar fraction of tether in inner lipid leaflet Number of bME molecules per tether Tether thickness Inner hydrocarbon thickness Outer hydrocarbon thickness Protein Thickness change of hydrocarbons Amount of associated protein Fraction of protein retained in second contrast Global χ2 10 2.3±0.6 1.9±0.6 2.3±0.6 0.41±0.16 0.41±0.12 0.43±0.14 3.4±0.9 3.5±0.9 3.5±0.8 10.4±0.2 15.2±0.4 10.9±0.2 16.4±0.5 11.1±0.2 16.1±0.5 13.2±0.4 13.6±0.5 13.8±0.5 +0.5±0.1 +1.2±0.1 +1.2±0.2 1.3±0.5 5.6±1.2 5.3±1.3 0.25±0.60 0.47±0.22 0.83±0.26 1.47 Figure 8: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for 100 nM DTT, pH 5.3 @ 50:50 POPC:PG Figure 9: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for 500 nM DTT, pH 5.3 @ 50:50 POPC:PG 11 Figure 10: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for the rinsing step at pH 4.5 after the incubation with 500 nM DTT @ 50:50 POPC:PG. This fit is not yet fully optimized as it is the case for the 500 nM incubation @ pH 5.3, the protein penetration is not allowed to go below the 30Å mark. 3.2 November 2013 – Peripheral Form 3.2.1 Experimental The lipid bilayer was prepared by vesicle fusion. All buffers used are derived from a 50 mM phosphate buffer pH 8.0. Buffers with lower pH were prepared by adding 0.1 M acetic acid / 0.1 M acetate buffer, pH 4.0. Wild type DTT was from a 41 µM stock at pH 8.0 and added to the measurement buffer right before the NR measurement. For each concentration the system was first measured, while the protein was incubating (2 x 6h), and a second time measured after rinsing (2 x 6h). This procedure was chosen over that from June 2013, because it was expected that the protein under peripheral binding conditions might readily dissociate from the bilayer after rinse. Filename al010-11 al012-13 12 Condition Contrasts Neat bilayer, 70:30 D2O, H2O βMe:HC18, 90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.6 Incubation with 500nM H2O, D2O al014-15 al016-17 al018-19 DTT at pH 5.6, measurement during incubation Rinse, pH 5.6 D2O, H2O Incubation with 2500nM H2O, D2O DTT at pH 5.8, measurement during incubation Rinse, pH 5.8 D2O, H2O 3.2.1 Results Bilayer-associated protein was only observed during the measurement while incubation with 500 nM DTT. The protein was mostly dissociated during the measurement that was taking after rinsing the protein. Surprisingly, reincubating the membrane with 2.5 µM DTT did not restore any protein at the membrane. The protein envelope measured during the 500 nM DTT incubation spans the outer leaflet hydrocarbon chains and headgroups, exhibiting a maximum close to the hydrocarbon-headgroup interface. The total amount of associated protein is relatively low with 2.7 ± 1.3 Å3/Å2. As during the June 2013 measurements of the fully inserted form, there is at least 60Å of extra, low-density material present at the interface. Table 2: Median fit values and 68% confidence limits. Thicknesses are given in Å, nSLD values are given in 10-6Å-2, and the amount of protein is given as a volume surface density in Å3/Å2. Parameter Substrate SiOx thickness SiOx nSLD Cr thickness Cr nSLD Au thickness Au nSLD Substrate 13 500 nM DTT Rinse, incubation, 5.6 pH 5.6 15.9±1.9 3.42±0.05 34.5±1.9 3.05±0.02 161.5±0.4 4.51±0.02 4.1±0.6 16.3±1.8 3.42±0.04 34.0±1.9 3.05±0.02 161.5±0.5 4.50±0.02 4.4±0.5 pH 2500 nM DTT Rinse, pH 5.8 incubation, pH 5.8 15.6±1.8 3.42±0.05 34.7±1.7 3.05±0.02 161.6 ±0.4 4.49±0.02 4.0±0.5 15.8±1.8 3.41±0.05 34.6±1.9 3.05±0.03 161.7 ±0.5 4.53±0.02 4.1±0.4 Roughness Lipid Bilayer Molar fraction of tether in inner lipid leaflet Number of bME molecules per tether Tether thickness Inner hydrocarbon thickness Outer hydrocarbon thickness Protein Thickness change of hydrocarbons Amount of associated protein Fraction of protein retained in second contrast 14 0.67±0.20 0.76±0.20 0.67±0.18 0.63±0.19 2.7±1.0 2.5±1.0 2.8±1.0 3.0±0.9 13.4±0.3 16.5±0.7 13.2±0.2 16.4±0.5 13.3±0.2 16.4±0.4 13.3±0.2 16.1±0.5 14.6±0.5 14.6±0.4 14.6±0.4 14.6±0.3 -0.09±0.11 -0.2±0.1 -0.2±0.1 -0.3±0.1 2.7±1.3 1.4±0.7 0.2±1.1 0.3±0.9 0.57±0.60 1.6±1.5 1.4±2.1 1.0±2.3 Figure 11: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for 500 nM DTT, pH 5.6 @ 90:10 POPC:PG Figure 12: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for the rinsing step after incubation with 500 nM DTT, pH 5.6 @ 90:10 POPC:PG Figure 13: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for 2500 nM DTT, pH 5.8 @ 90:10 POPC:PG 15 Figure 14: Molecular Distributions of bilayer and protein for rinsing step at pH 5.6 after incubation of 2500 nM DTT @ 90:10 POPC:PG 3.3 Comparison Figure compares protein envelopes obtained for the 500 nM DTT at conditions that favor peripheral protein association (90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.6) and conditions for trans-membrane insertion (70:30 POPC:POPG, pH 5.3). At peripheral conditions only little membrane-associated protein is observed, and the envelope has been scaled to match the initial slope of the protein envelope obtained under trans-membrane conditions. Uncertainties are therefore relatively large for the peripheral protein envelope. There is no significant difference in membrane penetration for the two conditions. The extension of the extramembranous density is also consistent between the two measurements. The envelope obtained under trans-membrane conditions shows and increased protein density in the outer headgroup region. While structurally, the envelopes are very similar, the association of the protein under peripheral conditions was reversible, while under trans-membrane conditions it was not. Protein under trans-membrane conditions was incubated only for a short time, then rinsed and measured. Under peripheral conditions the 16 envelope was determined while the protein was still in solution. After rinsing the system, NR did not detect a significant amount of protein, anymore. Figure 15: Comparison of protein envelopes obtained for the 500 nM DTT at conditions that favor peripheral protein association (90:10 POPC:POPG, pH 5.6) and conditions for trans-membrane insertion (70:30 POPC:POPG, pH 5.3). 17 3.4 Logbooks 3.4.1 June 2013 – Fully Inserted Form 18 19 3.4.2 November 2013 – Peripheral Form 20