BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 1 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 DOCUMENT CONTROL ...............................................................................................................................................4 1.3 CONSULTATION AND REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................4 1.4 ENQUIRIES.................................................................................................................................................................4 2. ENTRY POLICY .....................................................................................................................................................5 2.1 POLICY STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................5 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................5 3.1 DIRECTORY SOLUTIONS ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES.................................................................................................5 4. DISPLAY/PRIVACY OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................5 4.1 CURRENT OPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................5 4.2 DE (LISTED)..............................................................................................................................................................6 4.3 DQR .........................................................................................................................................................................6 4.4 XD/NC (EX-DIRECTORY, NO CALLS) .......................................................................................................................6 4.5 XD/CO (EX DIRECTORY, CALLS OFFERED) ..............................................................................................................6 4.6 UNLISTED ENTRIES (NQR) ........................................................................................................................................6 5. CONSUMER/BUSINESS ENTRIES ......................................................................................................................7 5.1 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................................7 5.2 NAMES ......................................................................................................................................................................7 5.3 ADDRESSES ...............................................................................................................................................................7 5.4 ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................7 5.5 CONSUMER STYLE ENTRIES ......................................................................................................................................8 5.5.1 Definition..........................................................................................................................................................8 5.5.2 Content .............................................................................................................................................................8 5.6 BUSINESS STYLE ENTRIES .........................................................................................................................................9 5.6.1 Definition..........................................................................................................................................................9 5.6.2 Content .............................................................................................................................................................9 5.6.3 Customer Pro-formas .......................................................................................................................................9 6. ENTRY ENTITLEMENT FOR CUSTOMERS ..................................................................................................10 6.1 MULTI-LINE BUSINESSES ........................................................................................................................................10 6.2 FAX ENTRIES ...........................................................................................................................................................10 6.3 TELEMARKETING ENTRIES ......................................................................................................................................10 6.4 MOBILE ...................................................................................................................................................................10 6.5 PERSONAL NUMBERS ............................................................................................................................................. 10 6.6 VOICE MAILBOX & PAGER ENTRIES ........................................................................................................................10 6.7 EMAIL & WEB ADDRESSES...................................................................................................................................... 10 7. OTHER INFORMATION WHICH MAYBE DISPLAYED ............................................................................11 7.1 LINES USED FOR NON VOICE SERVICES .....................................................................................................................11 8. SPECIAL CASES...................................................................................................................................................11 8.1 COMPOSITE GROUPS.............................................................................................................................................11 8.2 CHURCHES ..............................................................................................................................................................11 8.3 DOCTORS ................................................................................................................................................................11 8.4 CHARITIES ...............................................................................................................................................................12 8.5 MP & MEP'S ............................................................................................................................................................12 June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 2 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 9. NUMBER PORTABILITY ...................................................................................................................................12 9.1 BT TO LO ...............................................................................................................................................................12 9.2 ADOPTION BY AN LO ..............................................................................................................................................12 9.3 IMPORT ORDERS .....................................................................................................................................................12 9.4 INVALID IMPORT ORDERS .......................................................................................................................................12 9.5 LO TO LO (EXPORT) ...............................................................................................................................................12 9.6 EXPORT ORDERS .....................................................................................................................................................13 10. USE OF DIRECTORY DATA ............................................................................................................................13 10.1 SUPPLY OF DATA TO DOWNSTREAM PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................13 11. GLOSSARY OF TERMS ....................................................................................................................................14 June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 3 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope The Directory Solutions Entry Policy Document details the data entry policy for the whole of the UK Telecommunications Industry and applies to entries on the Directory Solutions Core Database, OSIS, and is applicable to all suppliers of core data. It replaces the BT Operator Services Information System (OSIS) Database Entry Policy for OLO Number Information Issue 2 April 1998. It covers general issues relating to entries on the database, including what is and what is not allowable, but does not cover the procedures required to input entries. (see Data Definition Document). There are other documents also referred to the supply of data these are: Data Definition Document and Standard File Format (SFF). 1.2 Document Control This document was written by the BT Directory Solutions Product Manager. History DIU Data Entry Policy Update ownership & 5.6.2 Draft 1.1 31.1.00 Draft 2.0 17.3.00 Issue 1.0 25.3.00 Draft 2.1 07.8.00 Issue 2.0 16.10.00 Issue 3.0 06.02.01 Issue 4.0 29.06.06 1.3. Consultation & Review The following people have reviewed the document: Name Sue Irving Title Head of Directory Solutions 1.4 Enquiries Policy enquiries should be addressed to the owner: Ewen Watson Directory Solutions Sales & Product Manager Pp: HW B853 PO Box 200 (HOM-NZ) LONDON N18 1ZF Email: Telephone : 01977 598584 June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 4 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 2. Entry Policy 2.1 Policy Statement In compiling and maintaining its directory database (OSIS) Directory Solutions aim to do the following: Use all reasonable endeavours to keep its directory database comprehensive, accurate, and upto-date. Treat entries from all sources equally. Treat all downstream users of information equally. Store information from suppliers of data, customers, service providers and LOs. Provide guidance and support to all suppliers of data on matters concerning inputting of entries on to OSIS. Comply with any relevant regulations and industry codes of practice. 3. Roles and Responsibilities 3.1 Directory Solutions Roles & Responsibilities It is Directory Solutions’ responsibility to process all number information data collected from suppliers and hold such data on OSIS in the form of: Single line Consumer & Business entries. Group entry Business entries. To maintain the group structure (ie: all headers) of LO wholly owned groups and mixed groups. Mobile entries. *Residential Groups will be available at a later date. 4. Display/Privacy Options 4.1 Current Options There are currently 3 entry options on OSIS - DE, DQR, and XD/NC. (XD/CO entries exist on OSIS and are available but this product is not actively marketed. Some telephone numbers do not have any entry on OSIS associated with them; these are classified as NQR. For information on what information downstream products receive see (Section 10 - Use of Directory Data). 4.2 DE (Listed) DE (Listed) entries will appear on all downstream products. All customers should be encouraged to have at least one listed entry. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 5 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy Unacceptable: Duplicate listings with the same telephone number, address and name. 4.3 DQR (Directory Enquiries Only) DQR entries are not published in paper directories such as the Phone Book. Both Consumer and Business DQR entries are only available from voice directory enquiry services. Unacceptable: Duplicate listings with the same telephone number, address and name. 4.4 XD/NC (Ex-Directory, No Calls) The telephone numbers of XD/NC entries will not be available on any directory products or divulged to anyone, including the police. The names and addresses of ex-directory customers will be available to voice directory enquiry services so that an operator may confirm that an entry is XD. Those customers asking for XD entries to avoid sales calls should be encouraged to have a listed or DQR entry and to register with the Telephone Preference Service. Unacceptable: An XD/NC listing is rejected when a DE number is present and an XD/NC listing is received for the same premises and supplied by the same service provider. Any existing XD/NC listing will be removed if a DE listing is required at the same premises and supplied by the same service provider at a later date. 4.5 XD/CO (Ex Directory, Calls Offered) This service is obsolescent, although still available it is not actively marketed. Entries with this category are still available on OSIS. Customers’ numbers are not revealed but callers may be connected to the XD/CO customer. 4.6 Unlisted Entries (NQR – No Enquiry Records) Residential: These types of entries are e.g.: potential terrorist targets, those with sensitive occupations, media personalities and lines used solely for alarms and data and do not require any directory entry and should be unlisted and not sent to Directory Solutions but recorded on the LO’s own database. Business: Every business should have at least one published entry (although this may be XD). If one listing is available, subsequent lines should be unlisted e.g.: 2nd and subsequent lines at the same address Lines which are ICB (incoming calls barred) Lines used solely for alarms and data. Unacceptable: Any listing with the entry type detailed as NQR. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 6 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 5. Consumer/Business Entries 5.1 General All data received from suppliers is classified either as Consumer or Business, as per their tariff classification. It is important that entries are correctly categorized to avoid listings appearing in the wrong extract for downstream licensees e.g.: Business and Residential split Phone Books. 5.2 Names Directory Solutions will normally list entries under the surname of the customer, the registered company name, or recognised trading name. (See Mandatory Minimum Data Document). Directory Solutions will not publish company names that it considers being obscene or which may cause offence to other users. 5.3 Addresses The primary purpose of the address field on OSIS is to uniquely identify the individual or company concerned. Postcodes should be included where possible, and must be included on records with non-geographic numbers, so that records can be correctly extracted for downstream products. Customers with ‘plot’ only details can supply this information until an official address is known. They should be encouraged to notify us of any changes to their address immediately. Business customers with industrial estate addresses should include the building or unit number and the trading estate name in the ‘premises’ field and the street name in the ‘thoroughfare’ field. The first word of the address must not be abbreviated. Where there are directional indicators contained within the address e.g.: North, South, East & West, and appear as the second word of the address they too must not be abbreviated. The Partial Address option is not available due to current system capabilities to process these types of request. 5.4 Abbreviations In order to standardise the ‘Core data’ the Directory Solutions has a list of standard abbreviations for titles, forenames, honours, business suffix, business description and thoroughfares; these should be used wherever possible. (See ICD Standard Abbreviations Document) 5.5 Consumer Style Entries 5.5.1 Definition A consumer style entry identifies an individual, rather than a business, sole trader or partnership. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 7 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 5.5.2 Content A consumer style entry consists of: Name Address Telephone number Consumer style entries may contain extra information where this helps to identify an individual and forms part of the way in which the customer is commonly addressed. Allowable additional information includes: Two sets of initials e.g.: Husband & wife. Titles (e.g. Dr, Sir, Lady) Honours (e.g. MBE) Qualifications (e.g. PhD) Club membership (Scout-Leader) Charity information (Cancer Research Agent) but entry must still be in the name of the customer and not the charity. Entries should indicate if the line is used for non-voice purposes (e.g. Fax) and where the line is used for both voice and fax it is advisable to indicate a switchable fax or add another entry for the fax line. Unacceptable information: Any listing beginning with Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms, unless we are advised separately in the ‘comments field’ that this is required and must be included in the entry. Any listing beginning with punctuation e.g.: / ,?,’, etc. Any information aimed at promoting a business, or in connection with business or raising funds is not allowable in a standard consumers style entry. An exception applies for GPs – (See Other Sec 5.7) June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 8 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 5.6 Business Style Entries 5.6.1 Definition Business style entries are those which: Are for an organisation or function rather than an individual, Are for an individual in an official or professional capacity May contain a business description Refer in any way to a business or service. 5.6.2 Content Business style entries may contain a greater range of information than consumer style entries. In addition to a name, address and telephone number business style entries may contain a business description, and information about line usage. Information which does not fall into the above categories, such as ‘Visit’ or ‘phone your local Interflora florist’, ‘For all your motoring needs’ is not allowed as this is deemed as classified information. Unacceptable information: Any listing beginning with ‘The’. Any listing beginning with punctuation e.g.: / ,?,’, etc. Business names and descriptions which fall into the following categories are not allowable: Anything which refers to sexual services (except in listings for the health services. If in any doubt - don’t include). Entries which discriminate between races. Entries which discriminate between genders. Politically incorrect wording which shows bias or may be deemed sexually suggestive. Any entry liable to cause offence. Multiple single entries from the same renter which together with the use of a prefix (other than a trading title) could take on the appearance of an advertisement e.g. A1, 24hrs. Anything which disparages other companies/products. Anything, which refers to another product, or service where the customer in question is not authorised to use the brand name. Anything, which make claims of quality or implies specialism in a given field – e.g. ‘Specialist’, or ‘Quality’. Business descriptions, which imply a trading relationship with a 3rd party, should be treated with caution. Proof of authenticity should be obtained from the customer where they are making claims of an official relationship e.g. ‘Ford dealer’, ‘Ariston agent’. Where the third party company is simply named in the description, without implying a trading relationship, then we will accept the description on face value e.g.: ‘Smith’s Motors’, ‘Ford breakers’, ‘Used Ariston spares’. Generally we do not undertake to vet or check business descriptions and qualifications, the responsibility for the accuracy of this information rests with the customer supplying it. However, if we find several entries for an obviously fictitious customer e.g.: Mickey Mouse, we will check the validity of this information with the supplier. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 9 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 5.6.3 Customer Pro-forma (previously known as Schedules) This section is currently under review A Customer Pro-forma is a display of many listings under the same group Header which have various departments or offices at different addresses within the same group. Customer Pro-formas which are prepared and supplied by the customer - LO as complete groups maybe forwarded to BT Directory Solutions. Where mixed group management of various LO entries are required, Directory Solutions may have to contact the customer direct to ascertain correct grouping instructions. 6. Entry Entitlement 6.1 Multi-Lines Business Entries Multi-line businesses are allowed one entry for each line or group of lines rented –i.e. one per number. However, if it is considered that entries are repeating the same information e.g. the same address, will be limited to 2 entries. This applies equally to DDI lines and auxiliary lines. Where the lines are shared amongst many customers (e.g. in a business village) the numbers will be listed as single or group additional entries with the appropriate business name. 6.2 Fax Entries Customers requiring listings exclusively for fax use may have a FAX entry. Customers with switchable voice/fax lines must have an additional entry if they wish to show their fax entry as well as their voice entry. Fax entries should include a ‘Fax’ identifier. 6.3 Telemarketing Entries Entries for non-geographic numbers such as 0800, 0345 etc should generally be treated in the same way as any other entries. All entries must include address and postcode. (In exceptional cases where a customer requests a PO Box address, include postcode.) 6.4 Mobile Numbers Entries for Mobile numbers will have ‘Mobile’ detailed in the text of the entry. The line type must be indicated on the initial order for a mobile entry. If the line use is ‘M’, for a residential line, the text ‘(Mobile)’ is required in the Business Description field. 6.5 Personal Numbers Personal numbers provide customers with a single contact number irrespective of their location. Such customers are entitled to a standard consumer or business entry for which an address, including postcode will be required, preferably a complete address. The customer should decide whether a consumer or business entry is appropriate. 6.6 Voice Mailbox & Pager Entries We cannot currently accept for technical reasons, entries for voice mailboxes or pagers, as they require both the mailbox/pager and bureau numbers to be shown. We can accept entries for voice mailbox and pager numbers, which can be dialled directly. 6.7 Email and Web Addresses Email and web addresses are not acceptable at present, however this information may be allowable in the future. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 10 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 7. Other Information which may be displayed 7.1 Lines used for Non-voice Services If lines are used exclusively for non-voice services, an indicator should be included with the entry to this effect. Allowable indicators, for which there is no additional charge, are: Fax - This should be included as an indicator if the line is used exclusively for fax. Customers with switchable voice/fax terminals who wish to show their fax entry must have a separate fax entry. If Line Use is for residential, the text ‘FAX’ is required in the Business Description Field. Textphone - This should normally be included if the line is used for textphone service. The type of equipment may also be identified. It is the customer's responsibility to advise the equipment type and provide update information. Modem - This may be included if the line is used solely for data transmission. 8. Special Cases 8.1 Composite Groups This section is currently under review A composite group is one where a number of separate business are listed under a single generic header – e.g. Hospitals. In general entries in BT’s “white page” directory products (The Phone Book, directory enquiries, Phone Base and Phone Disc) are ordered alphabetically by business name. They are not intended to be classified. There are however, a few specific cases where entries are easier to find if they are grouped under a generic heading or composite group. The following list contains the only acceptable composite groupings: Hospitals, Health, Police, Churches and other places of worship, Schools, Members of Parliament and Members of European Parliament. In many instances customers will wish to contact organisations within these groups in emergencies or at times of distress. LO’s requiring entries under these headers should indicate on the order sent to BT Directory Solutions. Composite Groups are not maintained on OSIS by BT Directory Solutions, they are maintained by the BTNI Phonebook Group in Dundee and are only held on OSIS as part of a former Phonebook legacy process. 8.2 Churches Customers often need to contact their Vicar or place of Worship without actually knowing the name of the vicar etc; either or both options below are acceptable. Listed under the name of the vicar. Listed under the name of the Church or the name of the place of Worship. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 11 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 8.3 Doctors People often wish to contact their doctor in emergencies, or at times of personal distress. (For the purposes of this policy a doctor is defined as a GP practising in the community, and excludes hospital doctors, junior doctors or doctors in other fields, e.g. Doctors of Philosophy). It is suggested that Doctors should be listed under either or both of the following: Listed under the Doctor’s own name. In the Res side Listed under the name of the Surgery. In the Bus side 8.4 Charities To achieve some standardisation for downstream products and ultimately the customer, all charities should be listed as Business entries, whether the renter is an agent of a charity operating from home or the charity itself. 8.5 MPs and MEPs Customers often need to contact their MP without actually knowing the MP’s name. MPs and MEPs can be listed as all or some of the following: Name of MP in Bus section - official line Name of MP in Res. section - official line Name of MP in Res. section - home line. 9. Number Portability Number Portability is a facility where customers migrating between service providers can retain their original telephone numbers. 9.1 BT to LO If a BT customer wishes to port their telephone number to another LO, the LO will need to follow the published procedures relating to number portability. BT will then make the necessary arrangements for the telephone number to be ported to be made available for adoption by the LO. 9.2 Adoption by an LO The LO adopting the number needs to send an Import order to Directory Solutions which will adopt the entry. Highlighting the Import box on the order form indicates this. 9.3 Import Orders Import orders must match the existing customers’ information held by BT. Any changes must be sent on an amendment order after the LO has taken ownership of the telephone number. LOs will be advised if an Import order does not match and that a new order needs to be sent for the details to be changed. 9.4 Invalid Import Orders Import orders sent to us that do not have numbers waiting to be exported from BT will be held for 28 days to allow pending arrangements to be made. If no arrangements are completed within that period the import order will be rejected back to the adopting LO. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 12 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 9.5 LO to LO (Export) An Export order is when the ownership of a telephone number is relinquished, e.g. the customer decides to migrate back to their original or another service provider after having been imported once already. 9.6 Export Orders Orders for numbers for Export should be sent to us with the Export Box indicated on the status. We will then arrange for the number to be transferred to the receiving Operator. 10. Use of Directory Data 10.1 Supply of Data to Downstream Products The Core data is supplied to Licensees of directory services as shown in the table below. Printed Directories Residential DE DQR XD/CO XD/NC Business DE DQR XD/CO XD/NC Example of Directory Products Voice DQ Other Products inc: On Line/Internet/CD Roms etc Classified Yes No No No Yes Yes (Note 1) Note 2 Note 3 Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes (Note 1) Note 2 Note 3 Yes No No No Yes Yes No No Note 1 – Address details are not disclosed to enquirers. For instance, an enquirer only able to supply a street name would not be given the house number if the listing were to be found. Note 2 - Numbers and address are available to DQ operators but are not disclosed to enquirers. Note 3 - Names and addresses only are available to operators to enable them to confirm that a specific listing is ex-directory. However no address or telephone number details are disclosed to the caller. June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 13 of 14 BT Directory Solutions Core Database Entry Policy 11. Glossary of Terms BT BCM BTWM CSS DIF DQ DS ICD ITF LO LORS OFTEL OLO OSIS PB SFF TPS British Telecommunications plc Business Classification Manual BT Wholesale Markets Customer Services System Directory Information Forum Directory Enquiry Area Directory Solutions Independent Core Database Industry Technical Forum Licensed Operator Licensed Operators Registration System Regulator of the Telecom Industry Other Licensed Operator Operator Services Information System Phone Book Standard File Format Telephone Preference Scheme ------------- END -------- June 2006 Author: Ewen Watson Issue: 4.0 14 of 14