1 Minutes BIGGS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES October 6, 2010 OPEN SESSION CALL TO ORDER: Kathryn Sheppard called the meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: All Board Members were present. The Superintendent was also present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: APPROVAL OF AGENDA: The Board approved the agenda with revisions. The name “Sandra Lattemore” was added to Personnel Action Item “I”, “Judy Witten” was added to Personnel Action Item “J”, “Ronnie Carr” replaced the name “Scott Smallwood” on Personnel Action Item “O”. Personnel Action Item “M” was removed from the agenda. Information Item “B” was removed from the agenda at the request of CSEA. MSCU (Felkins/Scott) 5/0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES : Minutes of September 1, 2010 were approved with the addition of Mike Pequette as Asst. “JV” Football coach on page 4 . MSCU (Wheeler/Speegle) 5/0 The Board adjourned to closed session at 6:15 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. 2. 3. 4. Public Employment Appointment of Personnel as listed under “Personnel Action” below; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Classified, Certificated, Classified Confidential, and Management Personnel; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Litigation; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Instructions to Board Negotiators, Superintendent and Board Member; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION The Board reconvened to open session at 7:19 p.m. 1. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION The Board put item 13. M., regarding Lead Teacher, back on the agenda. MSCU 5/0 2. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT Adam Swanson reported on volleyball, JV football and Varsity football; Friday is homecoming and the ASB parade; FNL (Friday Night Live) activities; FFA Greenhand Conference; tutoring of students has started; and students will tour CSU, Chico campus. 3. STUDENT AWARDS 1) Biggs High School: Karen Mendieta and Crystal Acosta were awarded. 4. DELAC (District English Language Advisory Committee) REPORT There was no DELAC report. 5. PARENT ASSOCIATIONS REPORTS Robin Swanson reported on the football team dinner for homecoming. She asked people to pledge their money for “Kiss the Farm Animal” fundraiser. Pam Sheppard, BPA President, reported the Fall Carnival was a success; cookie dough sales will start on November 2nd; and Red Ribbon week is coming up. 2 Kathryn Sheppard reported the Richvale Parents Association, RPA, spaghetti feed is underway and scheduled for November 13th from 4:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The annual pumpkin carve is coming up at the end of the month and landscaping work is being done. There is an article in the newspaper about the elementary principal. Ms. Sheppard also reported approximately 40 students worked on the freshman float. Kathryn Sheppard announced the meeting was being videotaped by a private party. 6. CLASSIFIED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (CSEA) REPORT There was no CSEA report. 7. PUBLIC COMMENT Robin Swanson, parent, asked about some promised grade bumps for students taking the STAR testing. Charlene Locey gave her public speaking time to Sue Ruttenburg. Seth Mealer and Tasha Loftin gave their public speaking time to Tammie Loftin. Tammie Loftin handed out information and spoke about the kindergarten day, dress code, read from an email from Mary Autry, California Department of Education regarding extended day kindergarten and Education Codes, and read a portion of a letter from Jack O’Connel, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, regarding extended day kindergarten. She stated a demand to cease and desist the extended/full-day kindergarten program at Biggs Unified School District. Ms. Loftin stated the District violated statutes and did not adopt a resolution for this program. She stated many concerns about the program. Ms. Loftin also addressed dress code, her private vehicle with political signs, her husband’s letter about prayer in schools and the right to film the meeting. Lyle Job stated he was present to support his wife in her request for a leave of absence. He stated when she was hired it was with the understanding that she can take a leave of absence each year for the family harvest. Onofre Farfan asked that the Board approve his interdistrict transfer request for his son since Biggs Unified School District did not have a soccer program or band program. Patti Jones, Diane Brown, Lisa Lattemore and Carolyn Iversen supported approval of the leave of absence request from Lynnel Job. Patti Jones stated, without Lynnel Job at the Richvale School, they would be in violation of Education Code with Special Education. Lisa Lattemore read a letter from Terry Lattemore supporting the leave of absence request from Lynnel Job. Pam Sheppard requested a lifetime pass to Biggs Unified School District sporting events for her mother, who had worked for the school 35 years and had recently retired. Ms. Sheppard asked when every teacher would be on line with a new computer program for parent connections to the classroom. She stated the school was going backward in testing scores. She asked for another Board meeting for accountability on staff and test scores. Lynnel Job asked if all received her letter about a request for a leave of absence to tend to the family crop harvest. She stated her employer hired her knowing the harvest would take precedence. Sue Ruttenburg spoke of her years at Biggs Unified School District and her love of teaching. She stated when the decision was made to start a full-day kindergarten she was not included. Her main three points were 1) developmentally many children are not ready for a full day; they fall asleep in class or cry; 2) The ADA does not increase with an all-day program and she cannot participate in RTI any more; and 3) The impact on her job. Wendy Hansen discussed the impact of the full-day kindergarten program. She suggested help from Kids.com. Ms. Hansen was concerned with safety and health of the children. 8. DISCUSSION Don McNelis, Superintendent of Butte County Office of Education, discussed the process for selecting a candidate for Superintendent/High School Principal. The Board agreed to work with Mr. McNelis in this selection. The Board preferred one interview committee representing the different staff and community members. Mr. McNelis asked for the 3 three Board member’s names for the interview panel. He suggested the Board and staff visit only the single highest candidate’s place of employment for the final reference checks. He asked for two Board member’s names for the site visit. 9. SPECIAL REPORT A. Student Achievement Progress Report – Biggs Elementary School The Board will hear this report on October 20, 2010. 10. REPORTS A. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: HIGH SCHOOL AND CDS PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Bill Cornelius reported on the Williams Act Inspection Report for Biggs Elementary and Middle Schools, upcoming CSBA Conference in San Francisco, progress on the Richvale Post Office Lease, modernization Project Update with HVAC systems at Biggs High School, granted approval for $300,000 from the State Dept. of Education for architectural work, progress with the Oro Bay Development within Biggs Unified School District’s boundaries, Butte County helping with English Language Arts and Math at Biggs High School, and staff working on a computer system to communicate with parents. Mr. Cornelius stated there were many rumors about the anticipated Federal stimulus money. This money will be onetime and has not been received. Administration is expecting approximately $135,000. Kathryn Sheppard stated when the money arrives they will receive the guidelines. B. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Stacy Doughman reported on the Back to School night, school-wide assessment, intervention planning, Fall Carnival on the 24th, CELT testing going on, Biggs Elementary and Richvale Elementary field trips planned, Mathathon started, Williams visit went well, Biggs Middle School teachers attended a conference in Chico, the Chess team won first place out of fourteen schools, and things are going well. C. BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: Kris Scott stated the Fall Carnival was great and homecoming was coming up. Bill Cornelius thanked BUTA for the ice cream social at the Back to School event at Biggs High School. 11. CONSENT AGENDA The Board pulled the Interdistrict Agreements from the agenda for discussion. A. Interdistrict Agreement Request(s) for the 2010/2011 school year The Board approved the Interdistrict Agreement Request List as submitted. MSCU (Felkins/Scott) 5/0 B. Memorandum of Understanding with Gridley-Biggs Police Department Mr. Cornelius stated there was no cost to the District. The Board approved the MOU with Gridley-Biggs Police. MSCU (Felkins/Scott) 5/0 12. ACTION ITEMS A. Approve Agreement with Butte County Office of Education/Migrant Education The Board approved the agreement. MSCU (Felkins/Speegle) 5/0 B. Approve Unaudited Actuals for 2009/2010 Trevor Stewart, Fiscal Consultant, reported on the Unaudited Actuals for 2009/2010. He stated there was a lot of one-time money still in the ending balance. He felt it was a good year. There is a possibility that the State will get rid of the negative COLA and the additional revenue 3.85% reduction. 4 The Board approved the Unaudited Actuals for 2009/2010. MSCU (Speegle/Scott) 5/0 C. Adopt the Following Textbooks: 1) Biology by Charles J. LaRue; AGS Publishing – 2004 – for 9-12 Special Education 2) Earth Science by Robert H. Marshall and Allen B. Rosskopf; AGS Publishing – 2004 – for 9-12 Special Education The Board adopted the textbooks as listed above. MSCU (Wheeler/Speegle) 5/0 D. Approve List of Surplus Textbooks The Board approved the list of surplus textbooks and supplies. MSCU (Wheeler/Speegle) 5/0 E. Adopt Resolution 2010/2011 #4 – Early Primary Program Kari Wheeler felt she was misrepresented on this item. Although a good idea, she thought the teachers and everyone were on board and was not aware of the conflict on the full-day kindergarten. Mr. Cornelius stated it was part of the program improvement three years ago. The administration and Board were trying to keep students in the District. He believes the advantages are educationally sound. Mike Felkins stated the Board discussed the item several times. Mike Felkins and Stacy Doughman stated there were several other schools that have a full-day kindergarten program. The Board adopted Resolution 2010/2011 #4 – Early Primary Program. MSC (Felkins/Scott) 4/0-1 (Wheeler abstained) 13. PERSONNEL ACTION The Board approved personnel action items A-K. MSCU (Wheeler/Speegle) 5/0 A. Approve Election of Selina Pina and Stephen Henneberry as Substitute Instructional Aides B. Approve Election of Nancy Bill as Substitute Office Clerk C. Approve Election of Lori Mead as Saturday School Teacher D. Approve Election of Vera Bridges as ELD Tutor/After-School Tutorial E. Approve Election of Lorna Bishop as Substitute Cook F. Approve Election of Jake Rogers as Student Assistant - Computer Technician G. Approve Election of Adam Swanson, Frank Castro, Ruby Acevedo, and Belen Castaneda as Short-term Part-time Tutors at Biggs High School H. Approve Election of Glenn Madsen as Bus Driver/Grounds I. Approve Election of Sandra Lattemore as 3-hour Instructional Aide at Richvale Elementary. J. Approve Election of Judy Witten as 4.75 hours Instructional Aide at Biggs Elementary/Middle K. Approve Election of Cadie Honan as Library Clerk/Campus Supervisor at Biggs High School L. Approve Election of the following Elementary Stipends: The Board approved the following stipends. MSCU (Felkins/Wheeler) 5/0 Student Study Team Coordinator MS – Scott Gates Testing Coordinator MS– Sandy Moore Student Council Advisor – Suzanne Francis Speech and Essay Coordinator – Suzanne Francis Lead Teacher Richvale – Patty and Diane to share 5 Testing Coordinator BES/RES – Sherry Staser Shady Creek Teacher – Charlene Locey The Board approved Personnel Action items L-P. MSCU (Felkins/Wheeler) 5/0 M. Approve Election of Maxine Hamblin as Biggs Elementary Lead Teacher N. Accept Letter of Resignation from Bill Cornelius, Superintendent/Principal effective January 3, 2011 O. Approve Election of Ron Carr as Varsity Boys Basketball Coach P. Approve Election of Buster Callaway as JV Boys Basketball Coach Q. Consider Leave of Absence Request from Lynnel Job The Board moved to approve the leave request, but did not pass through the vote. MS (Wheeler/Felkins) 2/3 (3 opposed). 14. INFORMATION ITEMS A. Discuss Dress Code for Staff Kathryn Sheppard stated she put the item on the agenda because parents have complained that some staff looked like they rolled out of bed and some shorts were too short. The Board received samples from CSBA, student dress code, and other schools. B. First Reading Bus Driver/Dispatcher Job Description This item was removed at the request of CSEA. 15. FUTURE ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Mike Felkins asked for two meetings a month and information on class sizes. He wanted proposals and recommendations from the principals on student improvement. Kathryn Sheppard requested an update on evaluations at all sites. Kris Scott requested a closed session meeting after the open session. The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 p.m. to closed session. CLOSED SESSION 1. 2. 3. 4. Public Employment Appointment of Personnel as listed under “Personnel Action” below; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Classified, Certificated, Classified Confidential, and Management Personnel; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Litigation; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 Instructions to Board Negotiators, Superintendent and Board Member; Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) Closed session was adjourned at 10:09 p.m. to open session. OPEN SESSION There were no actions were taken in closed session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. 6 MINUTES APPROVED AND ADOPTED: _________________________________ __________________________________________ Presiding Chairman Distribution: Board of Trustees, Superintendent, Elementary School Principal, Financial Officer/Administrative Advisor, BUTA and CSEA Presidents, Student Representative, Student Government Class, Gridley Herald, District Office and Schools for Posting, and Official Record.