Miss Karolyn Kirby has shown leadership throughout

Karolyn Kirby
4655 Capelton Road
Canton de Hatley
Quebec, Canada
J0B 2C0
Bishop’s University Admissions Office
Lennoxville, Quebec
J1M 1Z7
January 9, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Karolyn Kirby and I am interested in the School of Education
program that you are offering at your educational institution. I am particularly interested
in teaching at the secondary school level. Bishop’s University would be the ideal
University for me to do my studies. I have lived in the area for my whole life, and I really
adore the Townships. Home is where your heart is, and presently I am attending Ottawa
University, yet know that the city is great, yet the Townships is like no other.
For a couple years now I have been interested in furthering my education in order
to become a teacher. I believe that teachers are key to a successful future, teachers help
students develop and succeed, while giving them a good solid foundation on life skills.
I have had many influential teachers throughout my education, and each and every one
taught my many things and made me the person I am today.
I want to become a teacher for several reasons, but the main reason is because I
want to make a difference in people’s lives, and I think that one of the best ways to do
this is by helping them to learn essential information that will prepare them for the future.
I believe in the future and what it has to hold, yet the key to an excellent future is a great
present. I adore teenagers, and their “style”. I have been coaching basketball and softball
for 2 years now and enjoy the experience. I have watched girls evolve into better
basketball and softball players with my guidance, and I would love to guide more on their
educational path.
I am an outgoing individual who is responsible and energetic. I enjoy public
speaking and have won the Quebec 4-H public speaking competition two yars running. I
have also attended the CYSA National speaking competition. I am an ambitious person
who is always willing to give a 110% in all I do.
I believe I have shown leadership throughout my life. I had 7 wonderful years in
elementary school in which I won a general citizenship award for my immense
enthusiasm and willingness towards my fellow classmates and teachers. While in grade
six I won a math award and the best female athlete award.
In high school I was very actively involved in the Horse club, Photo club, as well
as being a member of many other committees. Every year, I worked hard enough to
receive the recognition of being on the Principal’s List, which is an award given to
students who achieve an average of eighty-five percent or above.
Karolyn Kirby
4655 Capelton Road
Canton de Hatley
Quebec, Canada
J0B 2C0
Sports were one of my passions. In grade nine, I won the hardest worker award on
the basketball team.
During those five years, in Alexander Galt Regional High School, I not only
played sports but was also actively involved in the social and governing aspects of my
school. I excelled in all of my commitments while at Galt. My experiences at this high
school have helped me become who I am today. These experiences I would love to share
with other youth, and help them become involved and active.
I have also shown exemplary leadership skills through my volunteer activities.
I have been an active member of the Hatley 4-H club since the age of nine. I have
held the position of secretary for this association and am presently a director. I have also
taken on the task of being the 4-H correspondent for the local newspaper. As an older
member of the club, I am looked up to and considered a vital part of the group. Which is
what I love doing, and would like to continue doing in the future as a teacher.
Since the age of six, I have been a member of the Girl Guides of Canada. I was
very involved in guiding and excelled in all aspects of the program. I received my
Canadian Cord award, which is the highest award one can receive in guiding. In the
future, I plan to become a leader in order to give back the experiences that I have gained
in guiding to others.
I assume many responsibilities and perform jobs fulfilling them with pride and
I hope to one day become the Member of Parliament for Compton-Stanstead. I
want to be a leader in the community, and help ensure that the Townshipper’s voices are
heard in Ottawa. I want to do what is good for my community and my country.
Many people have asked me if I have taken any time management courses, as I
am so involved in many activities and yet always seen to have the time for each activity.
The answer to that question is no; I just simply take the time to help others, and I do
everything and anything I can to help a fellow Canadian. I want to give back to the
community, what it has given to me. I believe it is just a part of life, to volunteer and live
your life to the fullest, all while having fun.
Thank you for your time and consideration of my application to the School of
Education program at your University.
Karolyn Kirby
Karolyn Kirby
4655 Capelton Road
Canton de Hatley
Quebec, Canada
J0B 2C0