Essays: You will write an essay during this semester. I expect you to

The Teaching of Speaking the English Language
Terrance R. Cornwell
Office Hours: W 12:30-1:00 and by appt.
Course Code: ENGLISH 313b
W 9:00-12:00
Course Description and Goals: This is part two of a four part integrated language skills
course. This section teaches the speaking component of language taking into account its
nature, its theoretical underpinnings, the competencies to be developed, and productive
teaching/learning strategies. This class concerns itself with the study of various methods of
speech improvement, various techniques of teaching effective oral communication, and practical
considerations of communication in face-to-face situations. The course requires participation in
activities designed to develop speaking skills. There is also an emphasis on study skills,
independent learning and the use of information sources, as well as affective teaching
development. In this course we will:
1) review developments in language theory and practice.
2) integrate the academic skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in content area
3) critique a variety of multicultural materials for elementary and secondary instruction
4) explore differences in affective and cognitive linguistic levels.
5) apply learned communication skills in unfamiliar situations, which will benefit others.
As part of our professional education, this methods course will also help prepare us to be:
1) knowledgeable about culture, content and learning
2) able and willing to select or adapt curriculum and pedagogy to meet the needs of diverse
3) a skillful practitioner, a reflective professional, and a lifelong learner, striving to become
an agent for positive change in the students, school and society
Credit Units: 3 units
Prerequisites: none
Course Objectives: Four major areas of competence will be addressed and developed in this
course in addition to speaking skills. The following list represents examples of activities and
exercises included in this course which are designed to promote these areas of competence.
1) Communicate Effectively:
a. Communicate through written papers and tests.
b. Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills.
2) Think Critically:
a. Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or
integrating a variety of materials
b. Create/exhibit innovative ideas
c. Brainstorm and interact with groups
d. Present material in imaginative ways
e. Develop teaching/learning strategies
3) Learn Independently:
a. Use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use
information/conduct research/invent concepts.
b. Discuss ethical communication.
c. Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations.
d. Think creatively to develop new ideas, or processes.
4) Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments:
a. Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship of the individual to the biological and
physical environment
b. Use value clarification activities
c. Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a global community.
Course Outcomes: By the end of this course you will:
 Have a deepened understanding of language acquisition and development;
 Bring your new-found understanding of language to bear on your discussions of writing,
whether literary or otherwise;
 Explain the importance of teaching interdisciplinary interaction;
 Understand and begin to teach the principles of the speaking component of language;
 Begin to develop teaching strategies and how to teach language skills;
 Recognize and begin to teach some effective communication tools and techniques.
Instructional Methods/Strategies
- Direct Method
- Eclectic Method
- Collaborative Learning
- Group Work
- Language Experience Approach
- Oral Discussions
- Library Research
- Peer Interaction
- Writing Tasks
Instructional Activities: The instructional activities for this weekly 3-hour session are
divided into 2 parts – activities during the class and homework. The students should follow
the design to participate fully.
Teacher-led lessons (36 hours)
Workshop tasks (18 hours)
Teacher-led study
Weekly lessons and
workshop tasks
54 hours
Independent learning
Web-based tasks and
written assignments
86 hours
Classroom Activities: Attendance is mandatory. This course is inherently cumulative since
the assigned reading and the class activities will complement each other. You must complete
the assigned readings in order to participate fully in class activities. As a result, any absences
and/or unread text will create a snowball effect; any missed material will make future material
more difficult to understand and more difficult to master. All assignments must be turned in
on time.
Expectations for Class Work:
Class Participation: This class is primarily participatory in nature. I have high expectations of
English and Education major students because I believe that effective communication skills are
vital to success in our culture. I will strive to make you a more effective communicator. You
will have to strive to apply what you learn to every assignment given to you. I'm interested in
helping you learn about effective communication and helping you become more effective
communicators/teachers. Since I can't read minds when you have a question or don't understand
something, please don't hesitate to ask.
All students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment that is conducive
to learning. In order to assure that you all have an opportunity to gain from the classroom
experience, pupils are prohibited from using cellular phone or beepers that emit sound, eating
in class, drinking from a non-secure container, making offensive remarks, reading, sleeping,
or engaging in other distracting behaviors during lectures or speeches.
In order to facilitate our in-class discussions and to ensure that you understand all the material
you cover, I will assign you to a team with whom I expect you to meet at least one hour after
the teacher-led class each week, as you would for a science class. You can do what you want
at these meetings—you can complete the homework, go over notes, or discuss the readings. If
you are having a great deal of trouble with any of the concepts we are working on, I can
arrange to come to these sessions occasionally. After each meeting, you should appoint one of
your number to describe any "muddy points" in the homework or readings that need
clarification or report any comments that you had collectively to the electronic discussion list
(which I will create for you). I expect you each to post to the discussion list at least four times
over the course of the semester as the spokesperson for your group (in order to make sure that
work is divided equitably).
I also expect each one of you to respond to these muddy points, questions, or comments via a
"critical question," which you will post to the discussion board. You will have lots of
questions about the material, believe me. I expect you to submit at least six critical questions
over the semester: three before the mid-term, three after. You should post the question to the
discussion board before class. I’ll go through the questions at the end of class to make sure
we’ve covered them. I’ll break these elements of class participation down again:
At least four posts to the electronic discussion list as “reporter for your group”;
"Critical questions” (at least six over the semester);
In total, you should post to the discussion list at least ten times during the semester. You
will probably post more frequently than that.
Activities after Class (Assignments/homework):
Homework: Your homework will consist primarily of exercises from the workbook (which
you'll turn in on separate non-perforated pieces of paper) and worksheets that I prepare for
you. These worksheets will be posted on my website. You can print them out and turn them in
the day that they are due. On occasion, your homework will require you to collect information
from others and present it to me. I’ll explain more of this later.
Essays: You will write an essay during this semester. I expect you to plan your essay
conscientiously, as you would for any writing class. That means that I expect them to have an
argument, to be well written, and to be proofread. In addition, they must adhere to the
standard format for academic papers. Please make sure that your essays have a title, a title
page, and page numbers. Please also make sure that they are stapled together.
Summaries of Assignments:
Essay: Look at a current publication about teaching methodologies. Choose a methodology
and investigate whether it is indeed an innovation and, if it is innovative, see how it can be
implemented into a classroom setting. Your essay should be two to four pages.
Project: You will also complete a project where you are asked to imagine that your school
principal is impressed with how you have been facilitating the language development of
English Language Learners in their classroom, subject area, and/or grade level, and has asked
you to write an e-article (2 pages in length) that will be published in their school’s monthly enews publication to the school community.
Presentations: The course involves increasingly advanced exercises in different types of oral
presentations, both spontaneous and prepared, in the form of, for example, discussions, roleplay and differing styles of presentation.
Assessment: The course is examined partly through continuous assessment of students’
participation in the different group activities, and partly through individual homework
assignments and projects.
Evaluation Criteria for Written Work
Written pieces will be evaluated on the basis of:
 Clarity of presentation and development of ideas.
 Accuracy of information, logic, and consistency of argument.
 Relevance of criticism, analysis, and rationale.
 Correct pronunciation, grammar, spelling, and syntax.
 Appropriate and accurate citations.
Evaluation of Participation
The students are expected to arrive in class on time. There are many classes in which
essential information is demonstrated and presented, followed by their practice on
interaction, so it is critical that they attend and arrive promptly. Therefore, their grade can
be influenced by attendance.
Frequency of participation in whole-class activities.
Quality of contributions to the class (listening, dialoging, querying, etc.) — individual
accountability, promotive interaction, use of clarifying questions, illustrations, shared
information, elaboration of ideas, etc.
Exams: There will be a mid-term and a final exam, which will both test the student’s
knowledge of language and his/her ability to synthesize and interpret material that we have
learned. All questions will be short answer or essay.
Grading: This course is organized on a scale of scores in accordance to a thousand point
system. Final grades will be determined on the basis of numerical equivalence of weighted
grades on the performances. Semester grades will be calculated as follows:
1000 - 935 points = A
794 - 765 = C+
pts total
934 - 895 points = A- 764 - 735 = C
Mid-term exam
894 - 865 = B+
734 - 695 = CFinal
864 - 835 = B
694 - 595 = D
Class Participation
834 - 795 = B594 - 0 = F
Every student is suggested to keep track of their performances weekly to correct possible
mistakes on grading.
Tentative Schedule of Readings and Assignments:
Time Allotment: 54 hours
Note: Portions of this syllabus are subject to change (changes will be displayed in red).
Week Hrs
Introduction to the course and to the methods used in the course. Student survey.
Power Point Presentation
Brief history of language teaching.
Read Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1999)
- A brief history of language teaching
- The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching
Grammar Translation, The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching,
& Audiolingualism
Read - Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1999)
- The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching
- The Audio lingual Method
- Supplementary handout
Power Point Presentation
Lexical Approach, CLT, TPR, & Whole Language
Read - Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1999)
- Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
- Total Physical Response (TPR)
- Supplementary handout; Complete worksheet 1
Power Point Presentation
Task-based Teaching & Text-based Teaching
- Criteria for the micro teaching & paper;
- Forming a group of 2 - 3 for micro teaching & choosing topic
Read - Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1999)
- The Silent Way
- Community Language Learning
- Supplementary handout; Complete worksheet 2
Recommended Reading, - Tkit
Power Point Presentation
Criteria for evaluating methods
Read - Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (1999)
- The Natural Approach
- Comparing and evaluating methods
- Supplementary handout; Complete worksheet 3
Recommended Reading, - Matrices
Power Point Presentation
Teaching speaking
Read - Richards, J. C. (2008)
- Supplementary handout; Complete worksheet 4
Power Point Presentation
REVIEW for Midterm
Mid-term Examination
Preparation for the micro teaching
Recommended Reading, - Instructional Strategies
Power Point Presentation
Project Due
Preparing for the micro teaching; Editing and revising the paper
Read – Micro Teaching
Copy - Micro Teaching Assessment-ENG 313b; Complete worksheet 5
Power Point Presentation
Micro teaching: Groups 1, 2 & 3
- Submitting final draft of the paper (groups 1, 2 & 3)
- Presentations
- Feedback
Learner Motivation and Interest- Younger and Older Learners
Read - Motivation in Language Learning
- Supplementary handout; Complete worksheet 6
Power Point Presentation;
Classroom interaction & Classroom discipline
- Forming a group for practicum teaching & choosing topic designing lesson plan &
Recommended Reading, - Learner-Centered Teaching
Power Point Presentation; Complete worksheet 7
Designing lesson plans & materials
- Preparation for the practicum teaching
- Writing first draft of the paper
Read - First and Second Language Acquisition: Integrated Skills;
- Supplementary handout
Power Point Presentation; Complete worksheet 8
Practicum teaching: Groups 1, 2 & 3
- Submitting final draft of the paper (groups 1, 2 & 3)
- Presentations
- Feedback
Essay Due
Last Day of Classes Evaluations; Review for Final
FINAL EXAMINATION Due in my office by 4:30 PM
Required Texts:
Richards and Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 15th Ed.
Richards, Teaching Listening and Speaking From Theory to Practice.
Supplementary Materials: Students in this course will be expected to complete several
tasks involving linguistic data collection and analysis. You’ll have two assignments that will
require you to collect real linguistic data and interpret it. You will also need to have regular
access to your email account and to the World Wide Web for some of your assignments.
Brown, Gillian, and George Yule (1983). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Burns, Anne (1998). Teaching speaking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 18:102–123.
Clark, H. M., and E. V. Clark (1977). Psychology and Language: An Introduction to
Psycholinguistics. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Feez, S., and H. Joyce 1998. Text-Based Syllabus Design. Sydney: Macquarie University.
Field, John (2003). Promoting perception: lexical segmentation in second language listening.
ELT Journal 57:325–334.
Foster, P. (1998). A classroom perspective on the negotiation of meaning. Applied Linguistics
Hatch, E. (ed.) (1978). Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Higgs, T., and R. Clifford (1982). The push towards communication. In T. Higgs (ed.),
Curriculum, Competence, and the Foreign Language Teacher. Skokie, IL: National
Textbook Company.
Jones, Pauline (1996). Planning an oral language program. In Pauline Jones (ed.), Talking to
Learn. Melbourne: PETA, pp. 12–26.
Kumaravadivelu, B. (1991). Language learning tasks: Teacher intention and learner
interpretation. ELT Journal 45(2): 98–107.
Luoma, Sari (2004). Assessing Speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
McCarthy, M., and R. Carter (1997). Language as Discourse: Perspectives for Language
Teaching. London: Longman
Musumeci, D. (1996). Teacher-learner negotiation in content-based instruction:
Communication or cross purposes? Applied Linguistics 17(3): 377–384.
Pawley, A., and F. Syder (1983). Two puzzles for linguistic theory: Native-like selection and
native-like fluency. In Jack C. Richards and Richard Schmidt (eds.), Language and
Communication. Harlow, UK: Longman.
Richards, Jack C., and Charles Lockhart (1994). Reflective Teaching in Second Language
Classrooms. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Richards, Jack C. (1990). Conversationally speaking: Approaches to the teaching of
conversation. In Jack C. Richards, The Language Teaching Matrix. New York: Cambridge
University Press, pp. 67–85.
Schmidt, R. (1990). The role of consciousness in second language learning. Applied
Linguistics 11(2):129–159.
Schmidt, R., and S. Frota (1986). Developing basic conversational ability in a second
language: A case study of an adult learner of Portuguese. In Richard R. Day (ed.), Talking
to Learn: Conversation in Second Language Acquisition. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Slobin, D. (1985). Cross-linguistic evidence for the language-making capacity. In D. Slobin
(ed.), The Cross Linguistic Study of Language Acquisition, vol. 2: Theoretical Issues.
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Stein, B. S., and U. Albridge (1978). The role of conceptual frameworks in prose
comprehension and recall. Mimeo. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN.
Tarone, E., and G. Liu (1995). Situational context, variation, and second language acquisition
theory. In G. Cook and B. Seidlhofer (eds.), Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Thornbury, Scott, and Diana Slade (2006). Conversation: From description to Pedagogy.
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Thornbury, Scott (1998). Comments on direct approaches in L2 instruction. TESOL Quarterly
Tsang, W. K., and M. Wong (2002). Conversational English: an interactive, collaborative and
reflective approach. In Jack C. Richards and Willy Renandya (eds.), Methodology in
Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 212–224.
Van Patten, W. (1993). Grammar-teaching for the acquisition rich classroom. Foreign
Language Annals 26(4):435–450.
Willis, Jane (1996). A Framework for Task-Based Learning. Harlow, UK: Longman.