
3rd Symposium of the
International Geological Correlation Programme
Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia
(IGCP 516)
First Circular & Call for Papers
IGCP516 Project Leaders:
Dr. Ken-ichiro Hisada (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Dr. Punya Charusiri (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Dr. Byung-Joo Lee (Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral Resources, Korea)
Dr. Xiaochi Jin (Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China)
3rd Symposium Organizing Committee
Patron: Prof. Deepak Pental, Vice-Chancellor, Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India
Chairman: Prof. S. K. Tandon, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India
Vice-Chairman: Prof. A. M. Bhola, Head, Department of Geology, Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India
Organizing Secretary: Prof. Talat Ahmad, Department of Geology, Univ. Delhi, Delhi, India
Date & Venue
Department of Geology, University of Delhi, Delhi – 11 00 07, India
7th October 2007: Arrival of participants to Delhi
8 & 9th October 2007: Scientific session and business meeting
10th October 2007: Departure Delhi at 6:55 AM – arrival Dehradun 12:30 PM, visit Wadia
Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun & over-night stay
11th October, 2007: Field excursion along Dehradun – Rudraprayag showing Sub-Himayan
and Outer and Inner Lesser Himalayan sequences, crossing Main Frontal Thrust & Main
Boundary Thrust. Departure Dehradun 8:00 AM – arrival Rudraprayag about 5: 00 PM,
night halt at Rudraprayag.
12th October, 2007: Field excursion along the Rudraprayag-Joshimath section showing Inner
Lesser Himalayan and Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequences, crossing Tons Thrust
and Main Central Thrust. Departure Rudraprayag ~8:00 AM – arrival Joshimath ~5:00
13th October 2007: Return from Joshimath to Dehradun. Departure Joshimath ~8:00 AM –
arrival Dehradun ~6:00 PM
14th October 2007: Dehradun to Delhi by train or taxis, Departure Dehradun ~8:00 AM –
arrival Delhi ~2:00 PM
14 Night & 15th October, 2007: Departure of the participants for their respective countries
Scientific Program & Official Language
The official language of the symposium is English. The scientific session venue will be
provided with PC computers and laptops, LCD projector and overhead projector.
Participants who wish to make poster presentations must prepare their posters with
dimensions of 84 x 119 cm or 33 x 47 in (A0).
Abstract submission
Participants who wish to give oral and/or poster presentation must submit an extended
abstract of their presentation. Detailed information on abstract format will be announced in
the Second Circular. The deadline for abstract submission will be 31st July, 2007.
Symposium only (October 7-9, 2006), covering admission to the scientific session and
abstract volume, refreshments and food + accommodation................US$200
Post-symposium field excursion (October 10-14, 2006), covering travel, food,
accommodation + excursion guidebook.................US$400
Support Program
Based on annual funding from UNESCO for our IGCP516 activities, the Organizing
Committee of IGCP516 will extend the support of symposium expenses (registration fee
including accommodation, and post-symposium excursion) for participants from developing
countries, who satisfy the following conditions: 1) submit abstract before the deadline and 2)
participate in the symposium. Please remind that this program does not cover international
airfare. In principle, only one participant per country will be given support. Please contact Dr.
Katsumi Ueno (katsumi@fukuoka-u.ac.jp) of the IGCP516 secretariat for detail.
In October Delhi has a very comfortable climate. Average temperatures in Delhi may from a
low of 23°C to a high of 30°C. For those who will join the post-symposium excursion, the
average temperature in the Garhwal Himalaya ranges from 12 to 24°C. Participants are, thus,
advised to bring light woolen material & jackets.
The standard voltage used by most business centers and residents is 220 volts AC, 60 cycles.
Exchange rate
The Rupees-dollar exchange rate, as of February 7th, 2007 is INR 43.30 = US$ 1.00.
The registration form in the following page should be returned to the Organizing Secretary
Prof. Talat Ahmad by 31st March, 2007. Information regarding the abstract format and
payment of the registration and excursion fees will be included in the Second Circular. The
Second Circular will only be sent to those who reply to this First Circular.
Contact information
Please address all correspondence and inquiries to:
Prof. Talat Ahmad,
Organizing Secretary, 3rd Symposium of IGCP516,
Department of Geology, Chatra Marg, University of Delhi,
Delhi – 11 00 07, INDIA
Mobile No.: +91-9968219342, Tel: +91-11-27662906, Fax: +91-11-27666295
Email Address: tahmad001@yahoo.co.in; talatahmad@hotmail.com
Important Dates
31st March, 2007
15th May, 2007
31st July, 2007
15th September, 2007
7th October, 1007
Deadline for responding to the First Circular
Distribution of the Second Circular
Deadline for abstract submission, payment of registration &
post-symposium field excursion fees
Distribution of the Final Circular
Arrival of participants
-----REGISTRATION FORM----3rd Symposium of the
International Geological Correlation Programme
Geological Anatomy of East and South Asia
(IGCP 516)
Please type or write in block letters
Last name: ________________________ First and middle name(s): _________________
Title/Position: ______________________________________________________________
Name and postal address of institution, organization, or company:
City: _________________________________________ Post code: _________________
Country: __________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________Fax: _______________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Status (select one): ___ Professional
___ Student
___ I will present a paper.
Title of paper to be presented: __________________________________
Preference of presentation style (select one): ___ Oral ___ Poster
I am going to participate in:
[Check () the appropriate box]
Symposium only (October 7-9, 2006), covering admission to the
poster and oral presentation sessions and abstract volume,
refreshments and food + accommodation
Post-symposium field excursion (October 10-14, 2006),
covering travel, food, accommodation + excursion guidebook
Please fax or email this registration form to the Organizing Secretary by 31st March, 2007.
Prof. Talat Ahmad,
Organizing Secretary, 3rd Symposium of IGCP516,
Department of Geology, Chatra Marg, University of Delhi,
Delhi – 11 00 07, INDIA
Mobile No.: +91-9968219342, Tel: +91-11-27662906, Fax: +91-11-27666295
Email Address: tahmad001@yahoo.co.in; talatahmad@hotmail.com