SPDG Initiative Profile Database STATE INPUT FORM We need your assistance in compiling information for our online SPDG Initiative Profile Database. Specifically, we need your state data. Please complete a table for each initiative/project your state is currently implementing. Please complete the right-side column of information (all cells without shading). Please email adesjarl@uoregon.edu should you have questions about completing this form. Thank you. Deadline to Submit: June 27 Email: adesjarl@uoregon.edu State Name Grant START Year Contact Name (person’s name displayed in database) Contact Email Number of Initiatives Initiative #1 Initiative Title Instructions: Add a brief 2-3 word title Brief Description Instructions: Please provide a brief description of the goals and objectives for this initiative. Select Topic(s) covered by this initiative Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a topic doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Before and After School Behavior and School Climate Co-Teaching Collaboration and Relationship Building Disproportionality Early Childhood Family/Parent Engagement Induction Mentoring Leadership Development Least Restricted Environment Legislation and Policy Changes Math Multi-tiered Model of Intervention Reading/Literacy/Language Arts Recruitment and Retention Response to Intervention Restructuring Preservice Teacher Education Restructuring Teacher Licensure Scaling-Up Science Secondary Transition Significant Cognitive Disabilities Universal Design for Learning Early Childhood Pre-school Elementary Middle School High School Post Secondary Administrators In-Service Teachers Minority Populations Paraprofessionals Parent/Family Pre-Service Teachers Select Child Population(s) Targeted Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Select Receivers of the Professional Development for this initiative Instructions: -Bold or highlight topics that apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Implementation Stage and Grant Year Instructions: For each implementation stage, please enter when you expect the initiative to be in that stage. We anticipate you may cover multiple stages during the same grant year and/or you may have multiple years for the same stage. Implementation Stage Exploration Installation Initial Full Grant Year (e.g. 2012-2013), no need to include month Initiative #2 Initiative Title Instructions: Add a brief 2-3 word title Brief Description Instructions: Please provide a brief description of the goals and objectives for this initiative. Select Topic(s) covered by this initiative Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a topic doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Before and After School Behavior and School Climate Co-Teaching Collaboration and Relationship Building Disproportionality Early Childhood Family/Parent Engagement Induction Mentoring Leadership Development Least Restricted Environment Legislation and Policy Changes Math Multi-tiered Model of Intervention Reading/Literacy/Language Arts Recruitment and Retention Response to Intervention Restructuring Preservice Teacher Education Restructuring Teacher Licensure Scaling-Up Science Secondary Transition Significant Cognitive Disabilities Universal Design for Learning Early Childhood Pre-school Elementary Middle School High School Post Secondary Administrators In-Service Teachers Minority Populations Paraprofessionals Parent/Family Pre-Service Teachers Select Child Population(s) Targeted Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Select Receivers of the Professional Development for this initiative Instructions: -Bold or highlight topics that apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Implementation Stage and Grant Year Instructions: For each implementation stage, please enter when you expect the initiative to be in that stage. We anticipate you may cover multiple stages during the same grant year and/or you may have multiple years for the same stage. Implementation Stage Exploration Installation Initial Full Grant Year (e.g. 2012-2013), no need to include month Initiative #3 Initiative Title Instructions: Add a brief 2-3 word title Brief Description Instructions: Please provide a brief description of the goals and objectives for this initiative. Select Topic(s) covered by this initiative Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a topic doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Before and After School Behavior and School Climate Co-Teaching Collaboration and Relationship Building Disproportionality Early Childhood Family/Parent Engagement Induction Mentoring Leadership Development Least Restricted Environment Legislation and Policy Changes Math Multi-tiered Model of Intervention Reading/Literacy/Language Arts Recruitment and Retention Response to Intervention Restructuring Preservice Teacher Education Restructuring Teacher Licensure Scaling-Up Science Secondary Transition Significant Cognitive Disabilities Universal Design for Learning Early Childhood Pre-school Elementary Middle School High School Post Secondary Administrators In-Service Teachers Minority Populations Paraprofessionals Parent/Family Pre-Service Teachers Select Child Population(s) Targeted Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Select Receivers of the Professional Development for this initiative Instructions: -Bold or highlight topics that apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Implementation Stage and Grant Year Instructions: For each implementation stage, please enter when you expect the initiative to be in that stage. We anticipate you may cover multiple stages during the same grant year and/or you may have multiple years for the same stage. Implementation Stage Exploration Installation Initial Full Grant Year (e.g. 2012-2013), no need to include month Initiative #4 Initiative Title Instructions: Add a brief 2-3 word title Brief Description Instructions: Please provide a brief description of the goals and objectives for this initiative. Select Topic(s) covered by this initiative Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a topic doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Before and After School Behavior and School Climate Co-Teaching Collaboration and Relationship Building Disproportionality Early Childhood Family/Parent Engagement Induction Mentoring Leadership Development Least Restricted Environment Legislation and Policy Changes Math Multi-tiered Model of Intervention Reading/Literacy/Language Arts Recruitment and Retention Response to Intervention Restructuring Preservice Teacher Education Restructuring Teacher Licensure Scaling-Up Science Secondary Transition Significant Cognitive Disabilities Universal Design for Learning Early Childhood Pre-school Elementary Middle School High School Post Secondary Administrators In-Service Teachers Minority Populations Paraprofessionals Parent/Family Pre-Service Teachers Select Child Population(s) Targeted Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Select Receivers of the Professional Development for this initiative Instructions: -Bold or highlight topics that apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Implementation Stage and Grant Year Instructions: For each implementation stage, please enter when you expect the initiative to be in that stage. We anticipate you may cover multiple stages during the same grant year and/or you may have multiple years for the same stage. Implementation Stage Exploration Installation Initial Full Grant Year (e.g. 2012-2013), no need to include month Initiative #5 Initiative Title Instructions: Add a brief 2-3 word title Brief Description Instructions: Please provide a brief description of the goals and objectives for this initiative. Select Topic(s) covered by this initiative Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a topic doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Before and After School Behavior and School Climate Co-Teaching Collaboration and Relationship Building Disproportionality Early Childhood Family/Parent Engagement Induction Mentoring Leadership Development Least Restricted Environment Legislation and Policy Changes Math Multi-tiered Model of Intervention Reading/Literacy/Language Arts Recruitment and Retention Response to Intervention Restructuring Preservice Teacher Education Restructuring Teacher Licensure Scaling-Up Science Secondary Transition Significant Cognitive Disabilities Select Child Population(s) Targeted Instructions: -Remove topics that don’t apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Select Receivers of the Professional Development for this initiative Instructions: -Bold or highlight topics that apply -If a population doesn’t appear on the list, please add with an Asterisk (*) proceeding it Universal Design for Learning Early Childhood Pre-school Elementary Middle School High School Post Secondary Administrators In-Service Teachers Minority Populations Paraprofessionals Parent/Family Pre-Service Teachers Implementation Stage and Grant Year Instructions: For each implementation stage, please enter when you expect the initiative to be in that stage. We anticipate you may cover multiple stages during the same grant year and/or you may have multiple years for the same stage. Implementation Stage Exploration Installation Initial Full Grant Year (e.g. 2012-2013), no need to include month