Band Exit Outcomes Grades 5-12 Level I – 12th Grade Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 2 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet Scales & Arpeggios Rhythms Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a Application of Levels X – VII Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical Theory Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Level II – 11th Grade Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 2 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet Scales & Arpeggios Rhythms Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a Application of Levels X – VII Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical Theory Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Level III – 10th Grade Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 1 and IMEA Senior Scale Sheet Scales & Arpeggios Rhythms Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a Application of Levels X – VII Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical Theory Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Level IV – 9th Grade Rubank Advanced Method, Vol. 1 and IMEA Junior Scale Sheet Scales & Arpeggios Rhythms Major Scales at Concert Pitch: F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, E, A, D, G, and C Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: d, g, c, f, b-flat, e-flat, a-flat, c-sharp, f-sharp, b, e, and a Application of Levels X – VII Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range and three octaves when practical Theory Trills, grace notes, appoggiatura, mordent, turn History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 2-5) Level V – 8th Grade 2 Book of Practical Studies nd Scales & Arpeggios Major Scales at Concert Pitch: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb Rhythms Application of Levels X – VII Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: a, d, g, c, f, and b-flat Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range. Theory Harmonic minor scale History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3) Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3) Level VI – 7th Grade 2 Book of Practical Studies nd Scales & Arpeggios Major Scales at Concert Pitch: C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, and Gb Rhythms Application of all rhythms in Levels X – VII Harmonic Minor Scales at Concert Pitch: a, d, g, c, f, and b-flat Pitches Specific to instrument needs with a minimum knowledge of a two octave range. Theory Harmonic minor scale History Relevant to the historical aspect of studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3) Band Exit Outcomes Grades 5-12 Terms Relevant to the terms found in the studied band literature (chosen from band grade of 1-3) Level VII Essential Elements 2000, Book 2 Scales & Arpeggios Concert a, d, e, and chromatic Rhythms Sixteenth combinations, dotted eighth sixteenth, cut time, triplets Pitches Specific to instrument range Theory Key of concert Ab, 6/8 time, enharmonics, chromatics, triplets, major and minor, theme and variation, blues improvisation History Georges Bizet, Advance Australia Fare, John P. Sousa, Habanera, The Marines Hymn, waltz Terms Ab Concert Scale, rallentando, enharmonics, Eb Concert Scale, a tempo, chromatic scale, F Concert Scale, accelerando, andantino, legato style, measure repeat sign, natural minor scale, harmonic minor scale, DS al Coda, alternate fingerings (clar. only), grace notes (clar. only) Level VIII – 6th Grade Essential Elements 2000, Book 2 Scales & Arpeggios Concert Bb, Eb, F, Ab, and C Rhythms Syncopation, sixteenth notes Pitches Specific to instrument range Theory Key changes, cut time or 2/2, syncopation, key of concert C, History Thomas Tallis , canon, Loch Lomond, George M. Cohen, Terms Staccato, tenuto, ritardando, allegretto, cresc., decresc., mp, DS al Fine Level IX – 5th Grade Essential Elements 2000, Book 1 Scales & Arpeggios Concert F, Concert Ab Rhythms Dotted quarter eighth, eighth dotted quarter, sixteenth notes (percussion only) Pitches Concert Ab, Bb, E natural, A natural, Db, other pitches specific to instrument ranges Theory Accidental, key of concert Eb, theme and variations, phrase, key of concert F, intervals History Japenese Folk Music, African-American Spirituals, Ragtime, J.S. Bach, Schubert, blues, Dvorak Terms 1st & 2ns endings, DC al Fine, natural, slur, glissando (trombones only), multiple measure rest, simile (percussion only), largo, trio, common time, repeat signs Level X – 5th Grade Essential Elements 2000, Book 1 Scales & Arpeggios Concert Bb, Concert Eb Rhythms Quarter notes/rests, 4/4 time, half notes/rests, whole notes/rests, eighth notes/rests, 2/4 time, dotted half notes, ¾ time Pitches Concert G, F, Eb, D, C, Bb, low concert A, low concert G, and low concert F (for flute oboe, Bb clarinets, Eb/Bb saxes) Theory Note names, time signature, key of concert Bb, harmony History Individual instrument, Mozart, Rossini, Foster, Grieg, Latin American Music Terms Embouchure, music staff, ledger lines, measures, bar lines, beat, notes and rests, double bar, repeat sign, clef, sharp, flat, natural, breath mark, fermata, pick-up notes, dynamics (f, mf,p), tempos (allegros, moderato, andante, largo), rond, measure number, tie, accent Methods Author Publisher Essential Elements 2000, Books 1 & 2 2nd Book of Practical Studies Rubank Advanced Method, Vols. 1 & 2 IMEA Junior/Senior Scale Sheet Lautzenheiser, et al. Guenther, Hovey, Getchell Gower, et al. N/A Hal Leonard Warner Bros. Hal Leonard/Rubank N/A Supplemtal Studies IMEA Senior High Etudes found at Various solos and ensembles for contests.