Simultaneous topographic and thermal imaging of silicon nanowires using a new SThM probe Etienne Puyoo1,2, Stéphane Grauby1, Jean-Michel Rampnoux1, Wilfrid Claeys1, Emmanuelle Rouvière1, Stefan Dilhaire1 1 CPMOH,Université Bordeaux 1, 351, cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence cedex, France, 2 CEA - DRT/LITEN/DTNM, LCH, 17 Rue des Martyrs, 38 054 Grenoble cedex, tel :33 (0)5 4000 2786, fax : 33 (0)5 4000 6970 Preference for an oral presentation Hinz[16] determined the thermal conductivity of a 3nm thick HfO2 film with a spatial resolution around 25nm. However, the probe plays a crucial role to achieve nanothermal analysis with SThM and these low spatial resolutions are not obtained with commercial probes but with home-made probes, which represents a technological difficulty. With commercial probes, such as the classical well-known Wollaston one, which is the most commonly used probe, the resolution is of the order of 1µm and hardly lower[17]. But recently, a new commercial SThM probe has become available and seems very promising in terms of spatial resolution but also of time response, enabling a fast acquisition speed. In this paper, we hence first present the geometry and electrical characteristics of this new probe. Then, in section III, we present topographic and thermal images of silicon nanowires to appreciate the spatial resolution and acquisition speed. Nevertheless, this probe is new and there is no thermal model available in order to calibrate it if we plan to extract thermal properties, such as thermal conductivities, from the thermal images. Consequently, section IV presents a thermal model of this probe when out of contact and section V resumes the probe parameters extracted from the model. Abstract- In Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM) techniques, the probe, and more particularly the tip, plays a major role in the spatial resolution limitation and in the acquisition speed. We present a new commercial resistive SThM probe constituted of a Palladium (Pd) film on a SiO2 substrate. We first describe its geometry and electrical properties. Then, we present topographic and thermal images of silicon nanowires, which show the very good spatial resolution (<100nm) and the high acquisition speed obtained with this probe. To extract thermal parameters from a thermal image, a calibration of the probe is necessary. Hence, we propose a model for the probe and we finally use it to identify its geometric, electrical and thermal parameters. I. INTRODUCTION With the increasing integration density of microelectronic circuits and the development of nanotechnology, there is a need for experimental methods able to measure local thermal properties at nanometric scales with short acquisition time. As a consequence, temperature measurement methods such as infrared imaging [1-3], liquid crystals measurements or temperature measurements using micrometric thermocouples deposited on the surface of the device[4] are not adapted to this kind of samples as they offer a bad spatial resolution (hardly lower than 5µm) regarding the device dimensions. Visible optical methods such as thermoreflectance[5-7] or interferometry[7,8], which are diffraction limited, cannot reach such a resolution neither. Since its invention in 1986, the Scanning Thermal Microscopy (SThM)[9] is presented as the most efficient technique to study thermal transport in nano-objects and nanomaterials. It is based on an Atomic Force Microscope equipped with a thermal probe to carry out thermal images while simultaneously obtaining contact mode topography images[9-11]. The SThM has two different working configurations: the active and the passive modes. In the passive mode, the sample is locally heated and the passive probe, used as a thermometer, generates a temperature map. In 2000, Shi[12,13] thus measured the temperature distribution in current-carrying carbon nanotubes with a spatial resolution around 50nm. On the contrary, in the active mode, the tip also serves as a heater. By measuring the tip temperature, we can evaluate the tip-to-sample heat flux exchange, which depends, among other things, on the sample thermal properties. Then, the SThM in active mode can measure local thermal properties[14,15]. In 2008, using this mode, II. GEOMETRIC AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF THE PROBE Let us first present this new probe and determine its electrical characteristics, which will enable to choose the appropriate experimental conditions, such as the working frequency or the acquisition speed. Fig.1. SEM pictures of the Pd/SiO2 probe. 1 The probe is a new commercial Pd/SiO2 probe (from Anasys Instruments). Fig. 1 shows SEM pictures of this probe. It is a specially designed SiO2 silica contact mode probe that incorporates a thin Palladium (Pd) film near the apex of the tip. Two Nickel Chromium current limiters are placed upstream from the tip. Here, the thin Pd film acts as the thermo-resistive element. Its temperature coefficient has been measured: α=1.210-3K-1. The probe total electrical resistance is R0=368. It is the constituted of 3 resistors in series: a Pd one corresponding to the tip itself RTip, the limiters one RNiCr and a second Pd one corresponding to the rest of the Pd probe RPd. As the Pd layer is very thin on the tip (about ten nanometers) and much thicker on the rest of the probe (≈250nm), and considering the other probe dimensions, RPd is negligible. We have measured RTip=187 and RNiCr+ RPd=181. The probe will be used in the active SThM working configuration performed in the ac-regime using the 3ωmethod[18], whose principle will be recalled in detail in the following section. To sum it up, the probe is supplied by a ω pulsation current and warms up due to Joule effect. Then, the 3ω probe voltage depends on the probe temperature variations. As a consequence, it is useful to determine the probe cutoff frequency in order to choose the appropriate ω electrical pulsation of the function generator. Indeed, the probe behaves as a low-pass filter[19]. So, if we do not want to attenuate the thermal signal, we must choose a working frequency within the probe bandwidth. But, in addition, the probe thermal cutoff frequency 2f or its thermal time response rules the maximum scan speed achievable to carry out thermal imaging. Indeed, the time spent on each measurement point must be several times higher than the lock-in time constant, which in turn must be several times higher than the thermal excitation period of the signal. Consequently, the cut-off frequency limits the acquisition speed. Practically, choosing the time spent on each point at least ten times higher than the thermal period is a good compromise to keep a fast acquisition speed without affecting the 3ω signal. Therefore, we measured the Bode response of the probe (Fig. 2), collecting the V3ω amplitude, hence the temperature variation T2ω, as a function of the thermal pulsation 2ω. The 2f thermal cut-off frequency of the Pd/SiO2 probe is measured equal to 2750Hz. It is 11.5 times higher than the classical Wollaston probe which is one of the most used commercial SThM probes. The acquisition time is then reduced by the same factor. In the experiments described in section III we will then choose a f=1kHz electrical excitation frequency for the Pd/SiO2 probe. Hence, the thermal excitation frequency is 2kHz. Then the measurement time spent on each point is 5ms. Typically, for a 256256 point image, it reduces the image acquisition time from about 1h with a Wollaston probe to less than 6 minutes with a Pd/SiO2 probe. III. TOPOGRAPHIC AND THERMAL IMAGES OF SILICON NANOWIRES The 3ω-method[18,20] is particularly well adapted for SThM active measurements when using a thermoresistive probe like the Pd/SiO2 one. Indeed, a ω pulsation sinusoidal current passes through the thermoresistive probe which warms up itself due to Joule effect. The dissipated heat flux PJoule in the probe is given by: PJoule R(T ) I02 (1 cos(2t )) (1) 2 where R(T) is the temperature dependant electrical resistance of the probe, and I0 the alternative current amplitude. Consequently, the probe temperature variations ΔT can be related to the static temperature amplitude T DC and the second harmonic one T2ω, respectively: T TDC T2 cos(2t ) (2) where Φ is the phase shift between the thermal and electrical signals. The 3ω probe voltage V3ω is then expressed as follows: V3 RI 0T2 cos(3t ) 2 (3) where R is the probe resistance at room temperature and α is the probe temperature coefficient expressed in K-1. Then, measuring the 3ω probe voltage during a scan in contact, we can make a T2ω probe temperature variations map. When the probe comes into contact with a material, a heat flow goes from the tip to the sample and this flow depends on the sample thermal conductance. Consequently, the T2ω probe temperature variations depend on an equivalent thermal conductance Geq which is the connection of the tip-to-sample contact thermal conductance GC and of the sample thermal conductance GS. The more conductive the sample, the lower the 2ω thermal variations. Fig. 2. Normalized modulus of the 2ω temperature variations as a function of thermal pulsation (Bode response). 2 To measure the 3ω probe voltage V3ω, the probe is included in a Wheatstone bridge connected to an amplification isolation system (Fig. 3). The variable resistor Rpot is adjusted so that its electrical resistance should be equal to the probe electrical resistance. A lock-in measurement of the 3ω probe voltage V3ω is made during each scan. The sample is an assembly of Si nanowires embedded in a silica SiO2 die. Their diameter vary from 30 to 80nm with a 50nm mean value. Many nanowires jut out above the silica die of a few tens of nanometers. The Si nanowires have been grown via Au catalyzed Vapor Liquid Solid reaction in an epitaxial chamber[21]. The nanowires are first oxide etched with an HF solution and the Au catalyser residues are suppressed with a IK:I2 solution. The nanowires array is then encapsulated by spin-coating a solution of SOG (spin-on glass) material on the substrate. The sample top surface is then submitted to a CMP (Chemical Mechanical Polishing) process in order to reduce surface roughness and hence, to facilitate the SThM scanning. A final etch is realized with an HF solution during a few seconds to ensure a good digging out of the nanowires. We carry out simultaneously a topographic image and a thermal image of the sample top surface. The two images presented in Fig. 4 are 3µm2µm sized pictures, with a resolution of 256 pixels256 pixels. On the topographic image, we can observe many NWs extremities jutting out above the SiO2 dye. The digging out height is appreciatively 20 nm. We recall that the image acquisition time is less than 6 minutes. On the thermal image, we observe that the sample impedance increases when the heat flux is applied directly in closed proximity of each NW. In fact, a high voltage observed in the thermal image implies large thermal impedance. The measured mean diameter of the nanowires, estimated by the full width at half maximum on several nanowires, is 91nm. This shows that we can thermally probe individual Si NWs with a spatial resolution below 100 nm. Fig. 4. SThM imaging of silicon nanowires embedded in a silica matrix: (a) topographic image and (b) thermal image obtained with a Pd/SiO2 probe. Obviously, this commercial probe turns out to be performing, in terms of scan speed and spatial resolution. By comparison with the well-known Wollaston wire SThM probe, the reached spatial resolution is appreciatively 1 µm in atmospheric conditions, and the frequency cut-off is around 200Hz[18] which corresponds to an 1h acquisition time to acquire an 256pixels256pixels thermal image. Nevertheless, the main drawback of this new probe is the fact that there is no model available for it unlike the Wollaston probe which has been widely studied. Consequently, we have developed a model for the calibration of this probe based on the model developed in [18] for the Wollaston one. IV. PROBE CALIBRATION The model developed here corresponds to a thermal description of the probe behaviour out of contact. By comparing the theoretical V3ω modulus and phase signals with experimental data, it allows us to quantify the geometric, thermal and electrical properties of the probe. Indeed, this part of the model corresponds to a calibration of the probe. The theoretical V3ω curves are also compared with measurements performed in vacuum (10 -5 Torr) to identify the convective losses parameter hair in the air. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the tip is made of SiO2 with a thin layer of Palladium deposited on the back surface. The probe has a symmetry plan and hence, the system is simplified considering just one side of this plan. A schematic representation of the semi-probe is described in Fig. 5. The heat equation is applied on the primitive volume dV of the simplified studied system. Moreover, the system is supposed to be isothermal in the y and z directions. Fig. 3. 3ω-scanning thermal microscopy principle. Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the Pd/SiO2 probe. 3 First, we introduce a Joule dissipation source term ФJ: j elec1 dxI 0 ² S1 where Kampli is the amplification isolation system gain. Besides, this parameter is set as a constant in the V 3ω calculation. The Kampli modulus and phase Bodes have previously been measured and the 3ω amplification system output voltage are corrected in consequence to deduce the 3ω probe voltage V3ω. The first experimental results revealed that current limiters, placed upstream from the tip on the probe (Fig. 1), generate 3ω signal because of their high electrical resistance. The limiters are ribbons made of Nickel Chromium alloy. It is necessary to include these limiters in the model to get acceptable fitting curves. We can simply model their thermal behaviour as a first order low pass filter expression: (4) where the index 1 refers to the Pd thin film, ρelec1 is the Pd electrical resistivity, S1 the Pd layer section. A diffusive term is then added on the two sections at positions x and x+dx: T x x T x dx 2 S 2 x x 2 S 2 x dx (5) V3 Lim iters where the index 2 refers to the SiO2 layer, 2 is the SiO2 thermal conductivity and S2 the SiO2 layer section. The heat diffusion in the Pd film is voluntary neglected since it is very thin, about ten nanometers, and represents a barrier to heat diffusion compared to the 1 µm thick SiO2 layer. Finally, the convective heat losses in the air are expressed as: h hair p 2 dxT (6) I ² T2 elec1 0 22 S1 S 2 V3 Distortion V D exp( i D ) (7) (13) Fig. 6 present the theoretical modulus and phase curves of the 3ω voltage. The three curves represents: the (V3ω)Tip Pd tip 3ω voltage alone, the sum (V3ω)Tip+(V3ω)Distortion of both Pd tip and generator distortion 3ω voltages and the sum of the three contributions V3ω. These curves show that the distortion of the generator mainly influences the phase at frequencies higher than 2kHz whereas the limiters influence both phase and modulus for frequencies lower than 2kHz. T2 ( x L) 0 (8) x 1 L T2 ( x, )dx L 0 (12) V3 V3 Tip V3 Limiters V3 Distortion We assume the ends of the Pd ribbon are at room temperature since the larger and thicker Pd connectors are considered to constitute a thermal sink. As a consequence, the heat flux at the middle of the Pd ribbon is set to zero. The temperature profile is then averaged on the tip length L because the voltage measurement corresponds to the spatial average of the probe resistance: T2 ( ) (11) where VD and ФD are the modulus and phase of the third harmonic distortion term. The total 3ω bridge voltage is expressed as: where a2 is the SiO2 thermal diffusivity. The boundary conditions can be written: T2 ( x 0) 0 and 1 i c where G is the DC limiters 3ω voltage and ωc the cut-off pulsation. Finally, we take into account the generator third harmonic distortion. The correspondent term added in the V 3ω expression can be written: where hair is the convective losses parameter and p2 the SiO2 layer perimeter. The alternative regime part of the heat equation is then solved in Fourier space: d ²T2 2i hair p 2 dx² 2 S 2 a2 G (9) Consequently, the 3ω tip voltage can be expressed as: V3 Tip K am pli Fig. 6. Theoretical modulus and phase curves presenting the various contributions in V3ω. RTipI 0 T2 ( ) 2 I L K am pli 0 elec1 T2 ( ) S1 (10) 4 V. PARAMETERS IDENTIFICATION All the parameters entered in the model are referenced in Table 1. The geometry of the probe has previously been evaluated with SEM pictures. However, it remains an uncertainty on Pd width l and length L. These two parameters are then adjusted in the model. The SiO2 thermal properties and Pd electrical properties have been extracted from literature[22]. The four parameters left concerning the limiters and distortion properties are also adjusted in the model. The measured parameters used are: e=1µm measured on SEM images, I0=308µA, RTip=187 and α=1.210-3K-1. For the SiO2, we have taken 2 =1,3 W.m-1.K-1 and a2 =8,6.10-7 m2.s-1. A first calibration is made under vacuum (P=10 -5 Torr), which means that hair=0. The sensitivity curves concerning the 6 remaining free parameters in the model are exposed in Fig. 7. The sensitivities on each parameter are not correlated one with another which enables us to fit easily theoretical curves on experimental data. The parameters L, VD and ФD are identified using the phase signal, L in the 10 3-105 rad.s-1 pulsation region and both distortion parameters above the 10 5 rad.s-1 pulsation. Then, the three other parameters are obtained from the modulus signal, l above 5103 rad.s-1 pulsation, G for low pulsations below 5102 rad.s-1 and ωc in the 102-104 rad.s-1 pulsation region. Then, another calibration is made under normal pressure conditions (atmospheric conditions) to identify hair. Among the other parameters, only G and ωc depend on the pressure conditions. Fitting curves on V3ω modulus and phase signals are presented in Fig. 8 under vacuum and under atmospheric conditions. Fig. 7. Modulus and phase sensitivity curves of 6 free parameters. We observe an excellent agreement between the experimental and theoretical V3ω modulus and phase profiles, whether it be for the curves under vacuum or for the curves under atmospheric conditions. All the values identified are summed up in table 2. The distortion amplitude parameter V D corresponds to the total harmonic distortion value indicated in the Agilent 33210A function generator specifications (THD<10-4). The Pd length L and width l are evaluated to be 8.8 µm and 1.72µm respectively, which are coherent with values measured in SEM images. TABLE I PARAMETERS USED FOR THE MODEL ID: IDENTIFIED, MEAS: MEASURED, LIT: FROM LITERATURE geometry Pd tip Thermal properties Electrical properties Current limiters Generator distortion L l e 2 a2 hair I0 RTip α G ωc VD ФD Tip length(m) Tip width(m) Tip thickness(m) SiO2 conductivity (W.m-1.K-1) SiO2 diffusivity (m².s-1) Convection loss coefficient (W.m-2.K-1) Current amplitude (A) Pd resistance () Temperature coefficient (K-1) Gain (V) Cut-off pulsation(rad.s-1) Distortion modulus (V) Distortion phase (rad) id id meas lit lit id meas meas meas id id id id Fig. 8. V3ω modulus and phase experimental curves and fits under vacuum (P=10-5 Torr) and under atmospheric conditions: circles are used for experimental data and continuous lines for the fits. 5 [14] TABLE 2 hair(W.m-2.K-1) G(V) ωc(rad.s-1) L(µm) L(µm) VD(V) ФD(rad) IDENTIFIED PARAMETERS 0 (vacuum) 0.0232 700 8.8 1.72 0.045 -0.4 6100 (atm) 0.0135 1000 [15] [16] [17] We have hence characterized a new SThM probe. It seems very promising as offering a very good spatial resolution (<100nm) and a relatively high thermal cut-off frequency, which means a reduced acquisition time. We have presented a model that enables to calibrate this probe and hence to identify its geometrical, electrical and thermal characteristics. Next step will consist in adapting this model to develop a model of the probe in contact with a sample under test in order to extract thermal parameters, such as the sample thermal conductance or conductivity, from thermal images. 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