GRIME CRIME On Tuesday 21 September Ms Patterson’s PSE class (1A) began the first litter pick as part of Bellahouston Academy’s involvement in the Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer Scheme. This involves Bellahouston adopting some of the surrounding area and trying to improve “GRIME CRIME” – littering and graffiti in the area. Sarah Robinson, Development Officer for South West Glasgow and three members of her Environmental Community Action Team armed 1A with litter picks, fluorescent jackets and safety gloves. Pupils collected over six bags of rubbish, three of which for recycling. Letters were delivered by the team to residents, parents and community members informing them of the school’s commitment to reduce “GRIME CRIME” and asking for their support and involvement. Sarah said, “This first litter pick is part of tackling “GRIME CRIME”. This project will be continued to involve all first and second year pupils and the S5/6 Community Involvement class led by Ms Dyce. Please support us in stopping “GRIME CRIME”. Kyle Morrison of 1A said, “I enjoyed it because all the litter was all over the place and although we didn’t get all of it picked up we still did most of it. It was fun and we got to wear their uniform”. Yasmin Sadiq added, “I think that today was a great opportunity to see how much people litter in Glasgow. However, I don’t think that some people get the message of global warming! I think that one day we should all go out and get rid of the litter”. Fatimah Ebrahim thought, “It was fun. I think there would be less litter on the floor if there were more bins”. Thomas Boyle wants to do it again, “It was awesome. The things I picked up were cans, bottles and papers”. Ahmed Butt’s message to people was, “Don’t throw litter.” Courtney Beaton thought, “It was great because it shows you how much rubbish people throw away instead of putting it in the bin”. The final comment of the day came from Ross Reilly, “I was late for school. It’s simple. Come in at the right time and you’ll get to do stuff like this. That’s how I didn’t get to go.” 1C Will be litter picking on 28 October, 1F on 9 November, 1B on 3 December, 1H on 8 December and in the new year,1D on 11 January and 1G on 9 February. All parents and carers are invited to come along, join in, enjoy the fun and help fight GRIME CRIME! Carol Thornton School ECO Committee