Gale - Portico FAQ Q: What is Portico and what services do they provide? A: Portico ( is a trusted, not-for-profit digital preservation service and is among the largest community-supported digital archives in the world. Working with libraries and publishers, Portico preserves e-journals, e-books, and other digital scholarly content to ensure researchers and students will have access to these resources in the future. Portico is a service of ITHAKA (, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. Q: Does participation with Portico provide preservation and future access (if needed) to just the Gale Digital Collections? A: Portico is a permanent archive of a range of content types, including ejournals, e-books, and many digitized historical collections from Gale and other organizations. More than 235 publishers representing over 2,000 scholarly associations include their content in the Portico archive. For a current list of participating publishers, please see: Library participation in Portico provides preservation and future access to e-journal and/or e-books committed to Portico, depending on which services the library chooses to support. NOTE: The Gale collections are being preserved through Portico’s d-collections service, which does not require that a library participate in Portico in order to benefit from an access scenario. In the case of a trigger event for a Gale collection committed to Portico, any Gale customer for the Digital Collection in question would be provided access. Q: What type of trigger events would result in Portico making the information available to their participants? A: The events that would result in any of the Gale Digital Collections becoming available through the Portico system include: Gale has stopped providing access to the collections for a period of more than 90 days due to technical difficulties or business interruption. Gale has stopped providing access to the collection for a period of more than 60 days and there is no successor providing access. Gale is no longer in business or is no longer in the business of providing access to previously published archives for a period of more than 60 days and there is no successor providing access. Q: If a trigger event were to occur so that the content becomes available through Portico, will the content be available to all customers for that Gale Digital Collection? A: Yes, the content would be available to all Gale customers for that Gale Digital Collection. While this will likely include Gale customers who are also Portico participants, libraries do not need to be Portico participants to access Gale content made available through Portico. Q: Which of the Gale Digital Collections does it cover? A: In early 2014, Gale expanded their agreement with Portico to include nearly all of the Gale Digital Collections created directly by Gale. The following archives are either ingested or are being scheduled for ingest into the Portico system: Book/document based archives: Archives Unbound Collections Associated Press: News Features and Internal Communications Associated Press: U.S. Cities and Bureaus Collection Associated Press: D.C. Bureau Collection British Literary Manuscripts Online: 1660-1900 British Literary Manuscripts Online: Medieval and Renaissance Chatham House Online Archive, Parts I and II Declassified Documents Reference System Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) and ECCO Part II Indigenous Peoples: North America The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, International and Comparative The Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, Part I The Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, Part II The Making of Modern Law: Historic Trials The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, Part I The Making of Modern Law: Primary Sources, Part II The Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs The Making of Modern Law: Supreme Court Records and Briefs Making of the Modern World: Goldsmiths’-Kress Library of Economic Literature (Part 1) Making of the Modern World: Part II Nineteenth Century Collections Online (archives will be loaded as they are released) Sabin Americana, including all of the standing order releases Slavery and Anti-Slavery, Parts I, II, III and IV Smithsonian: Air and Space and Smithsonian Magazine Archive Smithsonian: Trade Literature: The Merchandizing of Industry Smithsonian: World’s Fairs and Expositions State Papers Online, Parts I, II, III and IV State Papers Online 18th Century, Part I World Scholar: Latin America and the Caribbean (archive portion) Newspaper archives: 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers 19th Century British Library Newspapers, Parts I and II 19th Century British Newspapers, Parts III and IV 19th Century U.S. Newspapers 19th Century UK Periodicals, Part I: New Readerships 19th Century UK Periodicals, Part II: Empire Daily Mail Historical Archive The Economist Historical Archive The Financial Times Historical Archive Illustrated London News Historical Archive Independent Historical Archive Liberty Magazine The Listener Historical Archive National Geographic Magazine Archive Picture Post Historical Archive Punch Digital Archive The Sunday Times Digital Archive The Times Digital Archive Other archives: Dictionary of Literary Biography Literature Criticism Online Something About the Author Online Gale Virtual Reference Library Q: Will Gale Digital Collection customers still have the option of getting the archive in some physical format? A: Gale is no longer producing hard drive back-ups of the Gale Digital Collections. To do so would incur a cost, dependent on the archive, that would be assumed by the customer. Q: Is there a charge for the Portico service related to the Gale Digital Collections? A: There is no charge from Gale or Portico for this service. Q: What will Portico provide to Gale’s library customers in case of a trigger event? A: Portico provides online campus-wide access to an archival version of the textual and image content while facilitating long-term preservation (migrating to new file formats and technologies as required). Users will be able to search on basic metadata fields and will have the ability to download and print files. Portico offers a very basic interface for digital collections, but may make decisions to enhance this should actual trigger events occur. Q: For how long does the agreement between Gale and Portico exist? A: This is an ongoing agreement with automatic annual renewals. The agreement with Portico was put into place to provide Gale Digital Collections owners a secure, permanent back-up, so there is every expectation that the contract will continue to be renewed. Even if it were not to be renewed Q: Will future Gale Digital Collections be added to Portico. A: It is Gale’s intent to continue adding the new Gale Digital Collections to Portico as they are released.