FAQs Q: When was the Academic Premier Program (APP) discontinued? A: The APP program was discontinued effective May 30, 2003. Q: What tools were included in the Academic Premier Program (APP)? A: The foundation bundle of the SAS Academic Premier Program (APP) included the following: Base SAS® *SAS ACCESS® SAS/ASSIST® SAS/AF® SAS/ETS® Enterprise Guide® (pc only) SAS/SPECTRAVIEW® SAS/GIS® SAS/EIS® SAS/OR® SAS/CONNECT® SAS/GRAPH® SAS/INSIGHT® ONLINE/TUTOR® SAS/LAB® SAS/FSP® SAS/IML® SAS/SECURE® SAS/STAT® SAS/SHARE® SAS/QC® * Please NOTE: All SAS/ACCESS® products are available in this offer dependent on system requirements with the exception of SAS ACCESS to BANN, SAS ACCESS to R3, SAS ACCESS interface to SAP BW, SAS ACCESS interface to Microsoft SQL Server, and SAS ACCESS to PeopleSoft. SAS also made additional products available in 2 different tiered packages referred to as the Gold and Platinum Tiers. Q: Which products were included in the Silver Tier? A: The products listed above, plus the SAS/Toolkit and SAS/Access to MS Sequel Server could be licensed at the Silver Tier. Q: Which products were included in the Gold Tier? A: The Gold Tier included all the benefits of the Silver Tier plus the additional SAS Solutions selected by the customer. Q: Which products were included in the Platinum Tier? A: The Platinum Tier included access to all products included in the Silver & Gold Tiers, plus the SAS CFO Vision, Supplier Relationship Manager, Risk Management, HR Vision and Strategic Vision Solutions. Q: How were the Tiers priced under the Academic Premier Program? A: The number of operating systems that the software would be used on determined the fee for the tier. SAS offered two levels of pricing within the Gold and Platinum tiers (one for Up to 3 Operating Systems, the other for Up to 5 Operating Systems). Q: What tools are included in the SAS Education Analytic Suite (EAS)? A: The SAS Education Analytic Suite includes: Base SAS® *SAS ACCESS® SAS/ASSIST® SAS/AF® SAS/ETS® SAS/LAB® SAS® INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES SAS Bridge for ESRI® SAS/EIS® SAS/OR® SAS/CONNECT® SAS/GRAPH® SAS/INSIGHT® ONLINE/TUTOR® Enterprise Guide® SAS/FSP® SAS/IML® SAS/SECURE® SAS/STAT® SAS/SHARE® SAS/QC® * Please NOTE: All SAS/ACCESS® products are available in this offer dependent on system requirements with the exception of SAS ACCESS to BANN, SAS ACCESS to R3, SAS ACCESS interface to SAP BW, SAS ACCESS interface to Microsoft SQL Server, and SAS ACCESS to PeopleSoft. Q: What are the differences between the Academic Premier Program (APP) and the new Education Analytic Suite (EAS)? A: The EAS product is an enhanced suite of tools compared to the APP. There are several major differences as follows: 1. The EAS Suite is v9.1.3 (also available in v8.2) only. Previous releases of SAS are not available under the EAS program, this requires all users to migrate to a newer release of SAS. 2. The EAS Includes: SAS Bridge to ESRI instead of SAS/GIS that was included in the APP. SAS/GIS is not automatically included in the EAS.* 3. The EAS Includes: Integration Technologies - this was not part of the APP 4. The APP Included: SAS/SPECTRAVIEW - this is not automatically included in the EAS.* * SAS/GIS and SAS/SPECTRAVIEW are currently offered as add-ons to the EAS at no additional cost upon request only. 5. Licenses for Teaching & Research usage or Administrative usage are now sold separately. A single SAS license may no longer be used for both purposes. 6. We no longer offer the Silver, Gold and Platinum Tier pricing and licensing structure. 7. Server pricing is now based on the actual number of CPUs utilized to run SAS, not a workunit equivalent. The number of CPUs licensed may be less than the total capacity of the machine if the machine has been partitioned. 8. Pricing is based on aggregate total of installs for the PC environment or CPUs for the Server environment per Operating System. We do not require machine model information (except for Mainframes). Pricing will be based on the total number of installs that you would like to license and the Operating System (s) (WNDW, LINX or MAC for example) to be licensed. You will also need to specify whether usage is for Teaching/Research or Administrative use. For the Server environment, the size of the network is determined by the total number of CPUs you want to license SAS on. This addresses instances where a customer may have hardware that has the capacity for 32 CPUs, however the customer has partitioned the machine and only wants to license SAS on 8 CPUs. Therefore, we are eliminating the capacity-based model to enable us to focus our offering on a model that addresses our customer’s unique needs. The customer does not need to provide information on machine model, etc. (except for Mainframes), nor is there any workunit pricing provided going forward. Simply provide the number of CPUs for which you want to license SAS and the Operating System information. 9. For Teaching and Research: Additional products are now licensed per operating system and at the same number of installs or CPUs as the EAS license for one flat fee. For example if a customer licenses up to 100 installs of the EAS for WNDW and wants to add SAS/Genetics, they may do so for one flat fee for up to 100 installs of SAS/Genetics for WNDWs. 10. For Administration: Additional products for Administrative use are now licensed based on a rate that is determined by the customers’ FTE equivalent. Q: What version of SAS Software is the Education Analytic Suite? A: The Education Analytic Suite is the latest release of SAS Software v9.1.3 for the WNDW and LINX environments. SAS®9 is the most significant software release in the 27-year history of SAS. Q: Is the Education Analytic Suite available for the MAC operating system? A: Yes, but for existing MAC-OS customers only. The Education Analytic Suite is available for the MAC in version 6.12. The tools included in the suite for the MAC are: Base SAS® SAS/ASSIST® SAS/ETS® SAS/IML® SAS/OR® SAS/QC® SAS ACCESS to ODBC® SAS/CONNECT® SAS/FSP® SAS/INSIGHT® SAS/SHARE® SAS/AF® SAS/EIS® SAS/GRAPH® SAS/LAB® SAS/STAT® The Macintosh operating system will no longer be supported in Version 8 and beyond. You can continue to run the MAC-OS under Version 6.12. Technical support will be available for a limited time only while we continue to support Version 6. However, support will no longer be provided for bug fixes, patches, or updates. Q: How does SAS define Teaching and Research usage vs. Administrative Usage? A: SAS has chosen to separate licenses by these types of use, recognizing that these two distinct groups have very different software needs that we wish to address separately......with additional teaching aides being provided to the Teaching/Research group. This includes free trainer's kits and higher education consulting to assist with course design, etc. Teaching & Research: As defined by SAS, is software used for purposes of classroom instruction, academic research, and course work primarily related to customer's post-secondary degree requirements. Used by students, faculty, and staff supporting such use. Administrative Purposes: As defined by SAS, is software used for purposes directly related to customer's operations as a post-secondary degree granting institution. This includes institutional research and any such use related to reporting about the University to the University. Such software may be used by customer's administrative employees (including faculty performing administrative duties) for such administrative purposes.